Naruto Reconstruction Vortex

Chapter 267 The Storm at the Temple of Fire (3)

Zhu Weihong yelled violently and clenched his fist with his right hand, and the wooden arm felt like blood spurting from the muscles, and a surging force surged out.The one-style elbow strike hit Fei Duan's right neck bone hard.
With a bang, Fei Duan's neck was directly bent, and his whole head was pulled down accordingly. "Yeah, Lord Priestess of the Evil God, I'm really in a bit of a mess!!" After Zhu Weihong broke Fei Duan's neck, there was a continuous spine, leg bones, and arm bones that were extremely extreme for Fei Duan.Afterwards, the Wooden Dungeon·Giant Spirit Art was lifted and the real body was restored.Looking at Fei Duan who was lying on the ground in a mess, he showed a strange smile.

"You bastard, the evil god will definitely harvest your soul as his collection!!" Fei Duan's recovery speed at this time was obviously too slow, too slow.But even so, Fei Duan still clamored and showed no sign of weakness.

"Master Evil God!! Immortal. Hehehe, actually, I know a mythical story. In the story, there is a super demon named Chi You, who is also immortal. Do you want to know his final result!! " Zhu Weihong had a hippie smile on her face.

At this time, the voice of chanting suddenly came from behind. It turned out that the old abbot of the Temple of Fire appeared at some time and was chanting somewhere. "Master, this is a priest of the evil god sect, it is impossible to be saved by you!!" Zhu Weihong saw the compassionate old host, and couldn't help but leave a distance to talk to the old host.

"Almsgiver, the Buddha once said, 'All sentient beings are born from wombs, from eggs, from wetness, from transformation, with form, without form, with thoughts, without thoughts, without thoughts, without thoughts. I will make them all enter Nirvana without residue and pass through them.' All life with matter, all life without matter, all life with consciousness activities, and all lives without consciousness activities. I will make them enter the state of Nirvana and destroy their lives. All the afflictions will make them become Buddhas." The old abbot even stepped forward and helped Fei Duan to sit me up, and sat face to face with him and recited Buddhist scriptures.

"Hey, old monk. I'm not bald, don't bother me here!!" Fei Duan's ability is very strong, although he can't move yet, he still looks at the old abbot in disgust.That expression seemed to wish to throw the old abbot into the land of water to feed the sharks.

"The Buddha told Subhuti. Bodhisattvas and mahasattvas should subdue their minds in this way. All sentient beings and the like. If they are born from eggs, if they are born from wombs, if they are born from moisture, if they are born from moisture, if they are born from transformation, if they have form, if they are colorless, if they have thoughts, if they are born No thought. If there is no thought. It is not no thought. I will make them enter the nirvana without residue and save them. This is how to save countless and boundless sentient beings. There are no sentient beings who can be saved. Why? Subhuti. If a bodhisattva has a self-identity The appearance of people. The appearance of living beings. The appearance of longevity. That is, it is not a Bodhisattva..." The old abbot was unmoved and continued to recite the Diamond Sutra. For Yongsong, only when the Dharma reaches a certain level is it allowed to Yongsong.It can be seen that the old abbot's desire to save Fei Duan at this time is very selfless.

"Monk, I am the priest of the evil god. I follow the will of the god. Enjoy the killing of the world and eliminate all hypocrisy. Don't bother me here, I will kill you!!" Fei Duan had already transferred the first hatred from Zhu Weihong Transferred to the old abbot, the old abbot is really annoying.

Zhu Weihong and Whirlpool Mianma looked at each other in blank dismay, they managed to subdue this immortal guy with great difficulty, and the old abbot insisted on coming to save this demon.Originally, Yi Mianma and Zhu Weihong meant to cut him up as in the original book, and then buried him deep in the ground of the Temple of Fire, and handed over to these monks to take care of him by the way.

Although the fighting power of these monks is not as good as that of the Five Great Ninja Villages, they are also much stronger than the average Little Ninja Villages.It's safe to have them in charge.But in the current situation, Mian Ma and Zhu Weihong can't say much, after all, this is their territory, and the two of them can be considered as helping at most.

Since the landlord wanted to deal with this demon, he couldn't say much, besides, there was a group of monks from the Temple of Fire watching, "Hehe, this is not a crowd, just put the two of us together with Fei Duan Is it good to isolate it!!" Zhu Weihong rolled his eyes involuntarily, if he wanted to use the original plan to deal with Fei Duan, he would have to tear his face apart, but looking at the posture, the monks in the Temple of Fire must be killed in the end. How could the two of us do that!
"Subhuti told the Buddha's words. World Honored One, there are many sentient beings who have heard such words and phrases. Whether they believe it or not. The Buddha told Subhuti. Don't say it. After the Tathagata dies, he will be five hundred years old. There are those who uphold the precepts and cultivate blessings. In this chapter and sentence, you can generate confidence. Take this as a reality. You should know that you are a person. You don’t plant good roots in one Buddha, two Buddhas, three, four, or five Buddhas. You have planted all kinds of good roots in countless thousands of Buddhas. Hearing this is a chapter and sentence. Even one thought generates pure faith. Subhuti. The Tathagata knows and sees all. All sentient beings. Obtain such immeasurable blessings. Why. All sentient beings have no appearance of self. Human appearance. All living beings. It is all sentient beings. If you take the appearance of the heart, it is for the sake of my life and life. If you take the appearance of the Dharma, it is for the life of my people. Why? If you take the appearance of the law, it is for the life of me. Take the Dharma. Don’t take the illegal. Because of righteousness. Tathagata always said. You and other bhikkhus know my Dharma. It’s like a metaphor. The Dharma should be discarded. Let alone illegal...." The old abbot didn’t pay attention to Fei Duan’s madness , still devoutly recite the Diamond Sutra.In this ruined ancient Buddhist temple, which seems to be the scene of demolition, the old abbot's chanting of the Diamond Sutra seems to be blessed by countless voices, which makes people's hearts calm down.

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