Naruto Reconstruction Vortex

Chapter 463 Transformation into "Red Beast"

"Kakashi, who is he??" Facing the domineering Madara Lord, Kai, who opened the sixth door of the eight armors, used the ultimate taunting skill "Great Forgetfulness!".

Grandpa Madara looked at Kai who was performing the "Great Forgetfulness Technique!" in front of him, and there was no wave in his heart.On the contrary, I am full of anticipation of watching a circus performance. I have to see what kind of performance these ants will bring next, otherwise it will be too boring, isn't it!
In Madara's anticipation, on the other hand, after transferring the fourth generation of Kyuubi, he looked at Naruto who was still in a coma in front of him.He gritted his steel teeth again and again, and finally entrusted Naruto to Sakura's care, and he did it with a teleportation technique. The most important thing now is to stop Uchiha Madara, and Xiao Li and Tian Tian arrived later.

Looking at Madara, who was too calm, the fourth generation told them about Uchiha Madara's information, which can only be effective by using senjutsu or pure bodyjutsu attacks, and the rest of the attacks will be absorbed by Madara's reincarnation eyes.

"Senjutsu! Teacher, I remember your senjutsu...!" Kakashi couldn't help but look at his teacher when he heard the senjutsu.The fourth generation naturally knew what Kakashi wanted to ask, so he didn't care to hide it at this time. Too long. So it is not used much in actual combat."

After hearing this, Emperor Kai didn't act pretentiously and directly stepped in front of them, "That is to say, now it's my turn for Konoha Canglan beast to appear. Eight Dunjia·Seventh Door·Shocking Door·Open" The terrifying momentum exploded Come, a gust of wind is set off on the flat ground.

"The blue steam is not the red steam. Have you used all of the Eight Door Dunjia Formation? I have seen it all." As an old monster who survived the third war, Mr. Madara However, someone who had collected information about Maite Dai and the Eight-door Dunjia Formation, seeing that Emperor Kai used only blue steam, Master Ban said he didn't see it.

But then Master Ban lost his temper by Kai Huang's series of unhuman attacks.Kaihuang's current speed is too fast, his whole body is as fast as a shooting star, and each blow has a terrifying wind pressure. Under the wind pressure, it is difficult for Master Madara to even turn his head, which shows how powerful he is.

In the original work, Gaara even commented that "it is not something that humans can achieve!"

Ban Ye dodged left and right for a while, shifting shape and changing positions.Finally, we didn't get hit, but our Kaihuang also had the ultimate move of "Day Tiger".Terrifying power exploded in a limited space, and an explosion of a pure body technique was also an explosion!Since Kaihuang himself hadn't recovered, this hit of 'Day Tiger' fell directly to the ground.Ban Ye was also pushed back more than 30 meters under this explosion.

Master Madara, who kept his figure, instinctively flew out with a slap in the face, and wanted to make up for Kaihuang who had fallen.Seeing this, the fourth generation quickly brushed out the Tezhi Kunai in their hands, wanting to step forward to rescue Kai.

It's just that before the fourth generation of Kunai flew to the place, a smaller figure of transpiring green chakra steam saved Kai in a flash.

"Teacher Kai, are you okay!" Xiao Li, who told Fei, held Kai with both hands and asked in concern.

"Ah! I'm sorry, Li!" I don't know why Kaihuang apologized, "It's Tiantian, Li!"

"She said that she has some things to confirm, so let me come here first! After finally chasing here, I suddenly saw the day tiger..." Li, who also practiced the Eight Door Dunjia, but even the day tiger can't use it casually!The load on the body is too great.

"Are you okay! Kai?" Kakashi, who was a good friend, finally interrupted Xiao Li's rapid-fire words to ask.

"Ah, it's just a few broken right arms and ribs!" The injury was just screaming in Emperor Kai's mouth. Kakashi was also drunk, and a bean-sized bead of sweat emerged from his forehead.But then he became worried again, "Even the only physical technique that can be counted on is useless, what should I do!"

Looking at Madara who was floating in the air again, Kakashi couldn't help sighing, "Uchiha Madara, is really too strong!"

"Kakashi!" Emperor Kai expressed his dissatisfaction with his good friend's remarks that Taijutsu is useless, "It is too early to judge that Taijutsu is invalid!"

"But..." It's rare to see a good friend so solemn, Kakashi basically guessed what Emperor Kai will do next, and couldn't help but stop him.

"Our youth hasn't faded, don't give up hope!!" After Kaihuang finished speaking, he stopped Kakashi with a stern look, and what he wanted to say was like "Don't stop me, stop me and break up the relationship" .

Emperor Kai refocused his eyes on Mr. Madara, "wish may not always come true, but if you don't even have a wish, how can you do what you want to do? Just like the challenge I challenged you, things must be done. Do your best to do it.”

Speaking of this, Emperor Kai finally gave his good friend a shining smile, "The blue beast with the leaves has disappeared from now on, and it's time to transform into a red beast!"

When everyone around heard the words, they all knew what the red beast meant.He tried to dissuade him repeatedly, but Emperor Kai had already let go of everything at this time, and turned to his disciple and said, "Li, don't show such an expression. This time, just let me watch with a smile!" He opened the zipper of his vest, adjusted his whole body to the most relaxed state, and then gave his favorite disciple a thumbs up with a smile.

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