Nothing is unachievable.Keep training as your face becomes numb.Finally, the first door can be opened. Now that he has entered the other Dunjia doors, it is only a matter of time before the face-numbing healing ability.

"The Sixth Gate·Jingmen Opens" The air column formed by Chakra energy soared into the sky, clearing away a dark cloud in the sky.

The surrounding trees were blown and bent in the opposite direction, as if they would break in the next moment, and the ground was also impacted by the energy formed by Chakra into a deep pit in all directions.It's like the craters in the original world that were bombarded by heavy artillery.

"No, the noise of opening the door is too loud, run!!" Thinking of this, Mian Ma used the power of Jingmen to leave the spot in an instant. Under the blessing of huge energy, Ma felt like a jet plane preparing to take off , "嗖" broke the sound barrier and disappeared.

"Hey, I remember that the movement of Kai opening the Jingmen in the original book was not small but not so exaggerated."

(Is it not an exaggeration? Having a healing ability is equivalent to having an immortal body. And Kai only improves his physical ability through his own hard training, and every time he opens a door, the damage to the body will be greater. The principle of the Eight Doors Dunjia It is to instantly release the potential of the body and unleash the incomparable chakra. Neither Kai's physical fitness nor mental strength can compare with the current facial numbness. Therefore, the power of Jingmen released by Kai naturally cannot appear. This is like the birth of the nine tails. Chakra energy).

With the opening of Jingmen, the spiritual power of facial numbness is further released, covering a range of more than 5 kilometers in all directions.

(Mianma is not a perceptual ninja, but the powerful ninja mental power can radiate away from the topic. But it can't observe the surroundings clearly like white eyes, and can only perceive slightly) The least in the perception of facial numbness Five batches of ninjas went to investigate the place where Mianma had just practiced.

"It's still early, let's go to school and read books." Mian Ma looked up at the full moon in the sky.

When Mianma traveled around a village and a half to reach the ninja school, he found a small figure practicing shuriken on the training ground.

This figure is too familiar to Mima, and it is Uchiha Sasuke, the No. [-] character that Mima focuses on.Why is Sasuke still here so late and no one from the Uchiha family came to call Sasuke.

When Mian Ma thought of this, he immediately felt that it was not normal, and it seemed that the security in the dark of the village had increased a lot today.Immediately, he used the spiritual power released by the still-closed Jingmen to sense the Uchiha clan's resident, everything is normal.I saw that the residence of the Uchiha clan was very quiet, so quiet that even the sound of insects could not be heard.

"No, how could it be so quiet. This is...'enchantment'." Mian Ma immediately came to his senses, and then Mian Ma thought of an important event in the original book that was completely consistent with the current situation. "Uchiha's death."

Mian Ma rushed towards the residence of the Uchiha clan almost without thinking, but turned around and rushed in the other direction just a few meters away. "The current Uchiha residence is supposed to be under various surveillance. The night is simply acquiesced by Konoha's high-level. Now the only way to get enough benefits is..., that's 'it', the police force. I hope to find some ninjutsu information."

Sure enough, the entire residence of the Uchiha clan seemed to be pulled into a different space.

If you want to enter, you have to know space ninjutsu or wait for the caster to withdraw this technique. No wonder other ninjas didn't know that when the Uchiha clan was destroyed in the original book!

"But will this be difficult for the young master, hum! But you have to hide your identity first, it's not fun to be followed by three generations." Mian Ma squinted at the shadow of a house, a man in a black robe Anbu member of the cat face mask.Instant body technique, with a pop.Mian Ma appeared in front of that Anbu member,

"Yo, the root members, why are you here and there! Shouldn't you be hiding in the underground base and constantly training yourself?"

"Who are you?" The Anbu ninja who was in charge of monitoring the police force seemed to be taken aback by Mima's sudden appearance, but in fact, he had already discovered the existence of Mima just to attract Mima and did not take any action. At the same time, he took out Kunai in an instant, and tingled his face.

With a puff, Kun Wu unexpectedly stabbed into the numb shoulder.The numb left hand clasped the Anbu ninja's arm in an instant, and the index finger and middle finger of the right hand pierced the ninja's chest at an extremely fast speed.

The ninja's reaction could not be described as unpleasant. When he saw the numbness of the face move his right shoulder, his left hand quickly stretched out his two fingers to grab the numbness of the face.Just when he stretched out his fingers to the numb eyes, he found that he couldn't move.Feeling that his chest was being pressed against by something, he looked down blankly only to find that his numb fingers had pierced his heart.

"You... who are you?" the Anbu ninja finally asked in a low voice.

The corners of Mian Ma's mouth lifted up slightly, and said in a very low voice, "Master Danzo asked me to clean you up." Thinking of the "dirty soil reincarnation technique" that this world has, no matter whether you use Mian Ma or not, you still decide to throw it away. Pot first.

"Danzo-sama, why... why?" He lost his last breath as he spoke.What this Anbu ninja saw was that the stabbed shoulder of Mima was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a small wound remained in the blink of an eye.

After Mian Ma dealt with the ninja at the root of the ninja, he dragged his body into the alley next to him.Turning around, he changed into the clothes of this root dark ninja, and then went to the police force to collect spoils.The ground is blocked, but the underground sewer is connected! !I hope the sewer column is not isolated by the enchantment! !

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