Ye Linglan returned home, ate lunch and rested for a while, then took out the test paper again, continued to read from the place where she saw it last time, and used her mobile phone to look up words she didn't know.

After finally reading the first paragraph, he went back to the beginning and read it again. This time it was smoother, but even after reading it, it was no different from a heavenly book in his eyes, and he couldn't understand what it was talking about.

As far as he knows, learning these ancient texts should be based on the annotations, that is, they will explain which words mean what, and the teacher will also translate these texts in class, but they haven't learned this one yet, If you want to read the annotations, you can only go to the textbook.

Ye Linglan decided to wait for him to read the whole text before looking for a book.

After about an hour, he finally marked all the new words in the full text in pinyin, and then inadvertently glanced down to see what the next article was called, but it turned out...

He held the paper in front of his eyes, and below it was... an annotation? ?

And all the new words are followed by pinyin.

That's not all, below the notes are the translation and the author's brief introduction, Ye Linglan almost yelled, what the hell did I say earlier, Baihua Laozi spent so long on Baidu!
The face of a certain brat appeared in his mind, and he really wanted to drag him over and beat him up.

At this time Zhuo Yang sent him a WeChat message, asking if he wanted to go out to play together, and he really struggled for a long time before answering: "No."

"Huh," the kid was very puzzled, "Why?"

Ye Linglan just told him once, but the kid didn't say a word to him for 5 minutes, I don't know if he just laughed it off.

Then the boy asked him with an obvious laughing voice, so he can recite it now, no, can he read it down?

...Ye Linglan said you just stay aside for me, be careful when I see you and kick you hard.

Zhuo Yang asked if he knew all those authors, and he said that he only knew one Xunzi so far because he had seen his introduction.

This time, it took Zhuo Yang another 5 minutes to reply, and his smile was a little less. In fact, it is good to learn more ancient Chinese, which can cultivate his sentiments. The most important thing is to appear more educated when talking to others.

Ye Linglan replied to him: "Hehe."

Then I turned my phone to silent, looked at the papers on the table, and told that person that since these past few Sundays, it’s not like I haven’t studied in the afternoon, but it’s the first time I went out to play like today I dare not, for fear that it will delay the progress.

During lunch, his father asked him where he planned to go to play in the afternoon. He said he wanted to study at home. His father looked at him first as if he saw a ghost in broad daylight, and then almost burst into tears, saying that this kid is finally promising... …

And that person left him with a lot of homework today, maybe he would have to skip dinner and learn from the ancients by the way.

He made up his mind, read from the first sentence, and looked at the places with notes, and then read the translation after reading a sentence. After he felt that he understood, he tried to recite the sentence. Qing, take it from Blue, but greener than blue.

... Well, this sentence is too simple, it is completely a common saying heard before.

But the following sentences are not so easy to memorize. Sometimes you need to read two or more notes for a sentence, it is difficult to remember, and the translation is not very understandable. When you recite that sentence, just remember it the first few words.

Ye Linglan looked up at the ceiling, feeling that she was going to go crazy if she went on like this...

The next morning, as soon as I entered the classroom, the teacher put down his schoolbag and sat down. The teacher asked on the podium: "How is it? Have you memorized an article?"

Ye Linglan remained expressionless: "No."

Wen Xingying: "..."

No is absolutely normal, I still have to do homework in other subjects, I have to write exercise books, and I don’t have much time to memorize ancient prose, not to mention that stuff is so...perverted, Ye Linglan will never admit that she endured it for two hours just gave up...

He really would rather do a hundred math problems than look at this thing again.

For the rest of the day, Ye Linglan didn't look at those papers again.

There was no reason, but I just didn't want to watch it. That person gave lectures as usual, and I didn't ask him again.

In the second day's Chinese class, they learned the chapter "Hooligan". Wen Xingying said on stage: "It just so happens that this is also included in the chapters you must memorize. You should study hard."

"..." Ye Linglan looked up at him.

"Because you can't remember some things at all. If you read the original text first, then the annotations, then the translation, and then come back to the original text, you will definitely forget a lot of things in the whole process, so you may spend a lot of time but don't memorize them at all. Not many things come down."

Ye Linglan read the book again.

Wen Xingying gestured to the content on it, "I'll tell you this time, if you can remember it after listening, don't read the book now, tell me how much you remember?"

"..." Ye Linglan thought about it carefully, and found that...the only sentence at the beginning seemed to be...

Wen Xingying patted him on the shoulder, "Come to me if you have any questions."

Speaking of him getting up and preparing to leave, Ye Linglan said from behind: "Then teach me."

"..." Wen Xingying couldn't help laughing immediately, sat back and stretched out his hand to rub his hair, "I said, should I ask others in such a tone?"

"..." Ye Linglan thought for a while about what he asked himself to say, Lei Cheng couldn't even say it if he was beaten to death!
"Forget it, Master, I am magnanimous, so I won't argue with you. Oh, if it's someone else's good way, I will never say it if he doesn't ask me for three days and three nights."

It is said to be a "good" method, but in fact what the person said is very simple, that is, read first, and read when there is an annotation, memorize it if you can, and write it on the top of the book if you can't memorize it. Going to see the translation, what he needs to do at this time is to memorize the translation first, then memorize the notes on this basis, and then the original text, because the translation itself and the original text correspond to each other, it will be easier to memorize the original text after the translation is memorized. You can remind him to pay attention to those words or phrases, which are likely to be tested during the test.

The man also said that his method was much less troublesome than his original one, at least he didn't have to look back and forth, and his neck wouldn't hurt.

Ye Linglan tried to memorize "Mug" using the method he said, but found... well, at least the first paragraph was memorized within a few minutes.

Ye Linglan spent the whole time between classes and evening self-study reciting ancient poems and essays that day. He remembered what that person said to him, no matter what to learn, as long as you are interested in it and put your heart into it, it will be easy to learn.

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