The funeral was very grand. Apart from Ye Linglan's former friends, there were also countless fans from all over the world. The host of the funeral was also Ye Linglan's family member, Ye Linglan's best friend and one of the most popular movie stars nowadays. , Wen Xingying.

Ye Linglan also went, although it is not sure if the former Ye Linglan will attend Ye Linglan's funeral, but now Ye Linglan did come.But he didn't do it to pay homage to Ye Linglan, he just wanted to see that person.

He has lost a lot of weight, his eyes are bloodshot, and he looks even thinner in black clothes. Standing there, he just mechanically repeats the action of "the family members answering the gift". No matter how glorious that person was before, at this moment he is just Ordinary people who have lost loved ones.

Ye Linglan's heart was so painful that it was broken.

It was his turn to worship.Ye Linglan bowed three times to Ye Linglan's portrait.

In the photo, Ye Linglan smiled slightly, with a handsome face and lively eyes, but she looked very young at the age of 24, which moved everyone who stood in front of the portrait.

Ye Linglan will always live at the age of 24. In fact, this is good, at least he has not experienced too many dangers in the world, and his heart can always be pure.

The only one who wants to continue exploring in this world is Ye Linglan.

Ye Linglan and Wen Xingying bowed to each other. Everyone who saw Ye Linglan was very surprised, and some even showed hostility.Everyone knew that Ye Linglan didn't have a good relationship with Ye Linglan. He came to Ye Linglan's funeral, so he didn't know what to do with it.

Wen Xingying didn't respond at all, there was no Ye Linglan in his eyes, not even anyone, it seemed that everything in the world had turned into nothingness in his eyes, and nothing could arouse the waves in his eyes.

Ye Linglan used all her concentration and extraordinary quality as an actor just to keep her face in front of Wen Xingying.God knows, from the moment of death to now, what I want to know most is whether Wen Xingying is good or not. At that time, Wen Xingying was also facing the loss of the Golden Crane Award, but he ran out alone to vent his dissatisfaction. , has led to irreversible results.

Facing Wen Xingying, Ye Linglan couldn't do anything, except to look at him a few times.

No one knew that Ye Linglan's clenched fist was already bleeding.

Of course, this funeral will inevitably be reported by major media, and Ye Linglan was also surrounded by several reporters after she left the gate of the ancestral hall.

"May I ask how you felt when you heard the news of Ye Linglan's death?" a reporter asked impatiently.

"I'm sorry that a very good actor passed away like this." Ye Linglan's voice was very calm, but there was also a trace of regret.

"Many people say that it's a pity that Ye Linglan didn't get the actor, and they think there may be some inside story behind it, so what do you say?" Another reporter asked sharply.

This question is equivalent to saying that Ye Linglan used some ulterior means to snatch Ye Linglan's film star away. This kind of statement is very popular on the Internet, but unfortunately no one can provide conclusive evidence, and the reporter does not expect to be in Ye Linglan's place. Get the answer, but still have to ask such a question, its heart...

Ye Linglan smiled slightly, "I can only say that I will not disappoint the fans who support me."

Ye Linglan is a very handsome man, which is recognized by the entire entertainment industry, but at this moment, his charm seems to be no longer just an outstanding appearance, but the kind of self-confidence, the kind of temperament that can control everything in the palm of his hand, which makes people almost feel at ease. Trust him for no reason.

Journalists with ulterior motives have been unable to ask other questions.

Ye Linglan calmly left the reporters and returned to her car, didn't start.

It was only two o'clock in the afternoon, and there were countless cars coming and going around, and no one seemed to notice that this one had been staying here, without the slightest intention to move.

It wasn't until after six o'clock that the last batch of guests had left, and the staff who had been in charge of accompanying Wen Xingying also left one after another. There were only two cars left around the entire ancestral hall. On the ground, like a forgotten boat with two leaves.

The owners of the two cars are Wen Xingying and Ye Linglan.

But also Wen Xingying and Ye Linglan at the same time.

Ye Linglan got out of the car and quietly approached the ancestral hall. He didn't go in, but was just at the door, but he heard a low cry from inside, which turned into a wail in the end. It seems to make people see the eternal dark night, with no light and no hope.

Also, no more joy.

Ye Linglan stood outside the door, accompanying that person in his own way. When that person seemed to be abandoned by the whole world, he could stand here and abandon the whole world for that person.Although, that person didn't know.

My Xuan, you must believe that no matter at any time, I will never leave you.

Three days later, Ye Linglan learned about Wen Xingying's going abroad.

Although she still feels so distressed, Ye Linglan feels that it is better for that person to go abroad for a period of time, and to relax in other places is better than seeing things and thinking about others here.

As for Ye Linglan himself, he is Ye Linglan, and of course he will live as Ye Linglan from now on.Regardless of the insults from the fans or the eternal blackness of the fans, what Ye Linglan has to do is to continue her acting career, just to fulfill that dream.

Ye Linglan has no chance to win the Golden Crane Award for the second time, but becoming a Best Actor is not all about winning the Golden Crane Award.Also, Ye Linglan's dream was never aimed at Ye Linglan alone.

Ye Linglan walked to the mirror to look at her own face.

The light was soft, and the figure in the mirror was a bit dim, but this did not affect Ye Linglan's astonishment.The narrow and long phoenix eyes, the corners of the eyes are slightly turned up, and the shimmering light makes people feel evil. Ye Linglan doesn't know how many girls' hearts she has won by looking back and smiling.Ye Linglan never envied Ye Linglan's face, after all, one's face is not the only way to reach the peak in the entertainment industry.

In the past, Ye Linglan's expression was not rich, there was a touch of melancholy with slightly lowered eyes, and a trace of leisurely smile.Ye Linglan always knew that Ye Linglan was not happy, or in other words, he never got the kind of happiness he wanted.
Now, the person in the mirror is Ye Linglan, but not just Ye Linglan, Ye Linglan can still see her own shadow on that face, that person's eyes.A person, even if they look exactly the same, as long as they have a different soul, they will give people a different feeling. This difference comes from the eyes.

Ye Linglan liked this feeling very much. No matter who she turned into, Ye Linglan was still Ye Linglan, with Ye Linglan's thoughts and Ye Linglan's soul.

that's enough.

The person in the mirror smiled slightly, Ye Linglan went to the bed and lay down, looking out the window.

It was already night, and it was pitch black outside, only a little bit of light could be seen in the distance. That kind of deep and confused scene seemed to be a long life, and no one knew what would happen in the next second.

Ye Linglan closed her eyes.Tomorrow, he will go to work in Ye Linglan's company. Ye Linglan, as the film star, got a week's vacation, so he didn't receive any text messages or calls this week.

Of course, even that person didn't send a single word.

Tomorrow, Ye Linglan will meet all kinds of people who have dealt with Ye Linglan. In their eyes, Ye Linglan should still be Ye Linglan.

Dongsheng Company is located in the most prosperous area of ​​Shidong District. The building with dozens of floors is close to Tianyu. It covers an area of ​​thousands of square meters like a pagoda. It symbolizes the vicissitudes of life and enduring.

Dongsheng Company has a history of nearly a hundred years since its establishment. It is one of the oldest film and television companies in China. After decades of vicissitudes, several major companies that were once merged have all died of heroes, but it seems to be in its prime. It seems to have become the leading film and television company in China.

Everyone knows that the recent winners of the Golden Crane Award, including Ye Linglan, are all from Dongsheng Company. It has a lineup of domestic top agents, outstanding talents in makeup, styling, design, etc., as well as super strong Media channels, there are too many newcomers who submit their resumes to the company every year, but the ones who are selected are one out of ten thousand.

Ye Linglan stood downstairs, raised her head, the majestic building covered the sun, the demeanor of the world was admirable and admirable, and I don't know how many people have felt endless admiration and pride for it.

Does it also include the former Ye Linglan?
Ye Linglan lowered her head and smiled, then walked in.

The floor of the lobby on the first floor is covered with marble floor, which is clean and spotless.In the center of the hall is a statue of a handsome prince pointing to the sky with a sword in his hand.At this time, there are still some people walking quickly in the hall. The high-speed work rhythm has always been the characteristic of this company. If you observe carefully, you will find that the faces of those employees are full of serious and confident expressions, which is also a must for them. quality.

Ye Linglan got on the elevator, came to the twentieth floor, walked through a long corridor, and at the end was his exclusive office.

It is said to be an office, but it is more like a living room at home. There are sofas, air conditioners, and computers. There are several pots of decorative orchids on the ground.

Ye Linglan sat down at the desk, facing him was a photo, this is a handsome man, although he looks nearly 40 years old, he is more attractive than the average young man.Ye Linglan knew this person. If Ye Linglan was someone to cherish, then the most suitable person to cherish him was the man in the photo.

But now... Ye Linglan smiled slightly, and put the photo in the drawer.

Not long after sitting there, Ye Linglan saw a man knock on the door and walked in.

He is Derbidge, almost the second agent of Dongsheng Company. At this time, he is wearing a tin ancient black shirt and slacks, and looks free and easy.The man walked in and sat down on the sofa directly, as if he had arrived at his own home. Derbidge is only 25 years old now, but he has a very good work performance, and people have to praise his ability.

Also, his biggest feature is the ruby ​​earring with only one side.In fact, the earring is small, but it is bright and eye-catching, like a drop of blood dripping on the right ear, very eye-catching.

"Ah Tian," Derbidge's voice is also very magnetic, and people will be slightly touched when they hear it. His Chinese pronunciation seems to be a little non-standard. This is because he has lived in the UK for less than five years after returning to China. 20 years. "You are now a film star. Mr. Jiang and Qiao Dong are very concerned about your future development. They want you to go to Hollywood. What do you mean?"

Ye Linglan didn't speak, she seemed to unconsciously flick her bangs with two fingers.This action fell in Derbidge's eyes. Although he has seen it many times, and joked before that such an action is to be handsome, but now seeing Ye Linglan doing it is so attractive.

Ye Linglan thought in her heart, Hollywood is naturally the lifelong wish of every artist, that person of course also hopes that Ye Linglan will go, if the former Ye Linglan...would he go?Not sure, but Ye Linglan knew the choice she should make.

Chairman Qiao Yu's office is located on the 24th floor. If you stand in front of the window and look down at the earth, you can almost have a panoramic view of the entire city.Perhaps this is also Qiao Yu's wish, for Dongsheng to keep all the glory of the showbiz in his palm.

When Ye Linglan and Derbidge came to this office, apart from Chairman Qiao Yu, there was another person here, that is Dongsheng's director, Jiang He.

Speaking of Jiang He and Qiao Yu, they are not so much the prime minister and the emperor, but more like the prime minister and the chairman. As long as Jiang He agrees to anything, Qiao Yu will probably not object.Dongsheng Company had already appointed Jiang He as the director's successor when Qiao Yu's father was the chairman.Over the years, under the management of Jiang He and Qiao Yu, Dongsheng has developed from a corner of Pian'an to the top of the Central Plains.

Now, the two of them are standing in front of Ye Linglan. They are also nearly 40 years old, and they also have outstanding looks. Compared with Qiao Yu's suave and suave appearance, Jiang He gives people the feeling of being as gentle as jade. Sheng's all-powerful number one manager.

Out of politeness, Ye Linglan first said to Qiao Yu: "Qiao Dong", then looked at Jiang He, "Mr. Jiang", however, his eyes slowly returned to Qiao Yu.

How should I describe the way Ye Linglan looked at Qiao Yu?Her eyes are like water, and the light in her eyes is mellow, there is a faint ripple in the flow, tender and tender, and then, a trace of loneliness and sadness slowly floats up, and there is also an insatiable resentment that seems to be endless.That look actually made Qiao Yu's heart ache involuntarily.Opening his eyes slightly, Qiao Yu couldn't bear to look any further.

That's right, this should be Ye Linglan looking at Qiao Yu. Isn't the person in the photo that Ye Linglan put away is Qiao Yu?As for Qiao Yu, only you know why you avoided Ye Linglan's gaze.

Jiang He cleared his throat, "Ah Tian, ​​what's the matter?"

Ye Linglan sighed almost inaudibly, and looked at Jiang He, "I want to share my thoughts on whether to go to Hollywood or not."

"Oh?" Jiang He raised his eyebrows, smiling slightly; Qiao Yu also shifted his gaze to Ye Linglan.

"It does seem to be a huge advantage to march into Hollywood with the title of Chinese film star. Several of my predecessors did the same. However, everyone knows that Hollywood has no shortage of excellent actors. Most of them want Chinese people to make movies. It all depends on the traditional Chinese kung fu, since we already have a lot of people for this kind of scene, there is no need to add another one."

"The development of Dongsheng's previous film stars in Hollywood is neither good nor bad, and they can continue to maintain there. However, their status in China is constantly being replaced by up-and-coming stars. Everyone knows that the production process of Hollywood blockbusters is very difficult. It's been a long time, and the audience's patience is limited, so of course we still have to choose the latest released movie to watch."

"So I think, instead of going to Hollywood, which may not be able to develop at this time, it is better to go after one or two years of development in China. In this way, the impression in the hearts of the audience is established, and there is no need to be afraid of lacking in the future when going to the world. China is a huge market."
Ye Linglan had thought about these words a long time ago, and he was going to do them as well. He made an appointment with another person to stay in China and continue to develop.Now, these high-sounding excuses have been uttered, but Ye Linglan has not uttered the biggest reason for him to stay in the country.

"But..." Qiao Yu wanted to speak, but was stopped by Jiang He raising his hand.

Jiang He looked at Ye Linglan, he didn't expect him to say this, but he was also very happy, this child has really grown up now.However, the factors that promote a child's growth are often distressing.

"Okay. Then you stay in the country first, and we'll talk about going abroad later." After speaking, he looked at Derbidge, "Ade, you go and get some plans for the latest movie shooting, the two of you go back and discuss it."

"Okay," Derbidge replied, and left the office.

Ye Linglan nodded to Jiang He, glanced at Qiao Yu again, and left.

After they left, Jiang He sighed and looked at Qiao Yu, "Unexpectedly, the little guy has pretty good knowledge."

Qiao Yu didn't speak.

Jiang He looked at him playfully, "Have you noticed that the little guy looks at you with something different?"

Qiao Yu still didn't speak, but he understood what he meant.

When Ye Linglan returned to the office, Derbidge quickly brought him a stack of materials, including the introduction and character analysis of the latest film.

Derbidge said that he hopes that Ye Linglan will definitely take over two of them, and other films can be discussed.Among those two films, one of them is starring Mo Ziheng, the prince of Mi Cai Entertainment Company, and I hope that Ye Linglan will play a supporting role in it; Add some popularity inside.

Speaking of Mo Ziheng, he made his debut nearly two years later than Ye Linglan and Ye Linglan, and it hasn't been long since he returned. His relationship with Ye Linglan and Ye Linglan before was normal, at most they were nodding acquaintances.

Ye Linglan smiled slightly, and read the introduction of Mi Cai's movie.

The title of the film "Being Late", directed by Lu Siyuan, generally expresses the meaning of cherishing only when it is lost.

Ye Linglan knew Lu Siyuan, he was a very good director, his grade was a bit older, the films he made didn't have a lot of effects synthesized by computer technology, it had the feeling of a film made more than ten years ago.

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