Jing Fan is righteous: Don't watch!
Chu Fan: Look at it!
Jing Fan: Don’t look!
Chu Fan: See if you will die!

Jingfen: Look... just take a look.

Jing Fan finished watching, and secretly went to Chu Fan: Wow, Ye Linglan is so handsome... Ahem, I don't care about his handsomeness, I mean, so his acting skills can be so good...

Ye Linglan's fans originally liked Ye Linglan because of his acting skills, and hated Ye Linglan because his acting skills were not as good as Ye Linglan's.But, why in this movie, Ye Linglan's acting skills are not inferior to Ye Linglan's, and even... even surpassed Ye Linglan's?

Of course, the vast majority of Ye Linglan's fans still don't buy Ye Linglan's account, but there are still a very small number of people who are both Chu fans and Jing fans.Of course, this act of "betrayal" is absolutely secretive.

After "Being Late" was broadcast, the crew held a press conference. Of course Mo Ziheng and Lilian were full of praise for Ye Linglan.

Lilian said that at the last scene where Ye Linglan died, she really cried.How should I put it, Ye Linglan acted as if such a good person was really about to leave, and the sadness couldn't even be stopped.

Some other staff also praised Ye Linglan very much.They joked that it was rare that they didn't have to use small props to make the actors cry this time.Some people say, will we admit it?We couldn't help but cry too.

Even Director Lu said that Ye Linglan's acting skills are good.

Ye Linglan didn't attend this press conference because he was not the main character, so Mo Ziheng didn't bother him on purpose. However, he was very happy with Director Lu's praise of him. Some people said that Director Lu hadn't praised anyone for several years. up.

This time Ye Linglan just watched her own work online at home, and did not go to the cinema, this was the first time in many years.

In the past, he was always with Wen Xingying. He likes the atmosphere when everyone watches the film collectively, and it is easier to bring himself into the plot to experience the joy and sorrow of the protagonist. He always expresses it with an attitude of appreciation. Looking at my own works, I also like the various emotions that the audience can't help showing when watching his films.

Wen Xingying often said that he is a very narcissistic person, because he often indulges in his own works and praises his acting skills. Ye Linglan has no objection to this. Of course, one's works should be liked by oneself first. Others will appreciate it, not to mention that he is not blindly worshiping himself. If he finds a problem in the film, he will be sad and blame himself for a long time, and then he will learn from experience and try not to make similar problems next time.

It's a pity that Ye Linglan doesn't have the habit of going to the cinema, so Ye Linglan can only watch it on the computer, not to mention that Wen Xingying is not here now, he is afraid that if he really goes to the cinema, he may spend a lot of time feeling sad and nostalgic.

Before watching the feature film, Ye Linglan subconsciously turned to the comment section to read the comments of netizens. Naturally, there were mixed reviews, but there was one thing that touched him particularly. He used to go online to watch his own movies occasionally, and remembered a lot of them. The names of fans, they will often appear and comment objectively. Unfortunately, in the comment area of ​​this film, he did not see a familiar figure.

Ye Linglan once wanted to use another identity to dedicate better works to fans, but God did not give him this opportunity. How can this not make people sad?

Three days after the movie aired, Ye Linglan received a text message from Jiang He.

In fact, this surprised him. At this time, Ye Linglan's other films were basically finished shooting. During the process, he and Jiang He had a bit of trouble. The two have not had a good communication so far. He did not expect Jiang He to be here. Time to contact him.

Feeling guilty in her heart, Ye Linglan thought, the reason why Jiang He chose text messages instead of phone calls was because he hadn't let go of himself yet.

With a sigh, Ye Linglan opened the text message.

Jiang He said that Ye Linglan's performance in the film was very good, and even he was surprised that he would suddenly make such a significant improvement. He also said that the audience's response was very enthusiastic, which was the most praise he had received in the past few years. The future is very favorable.

After each of Ye Linglan's films is broadcast, Jiang He will give him a few comments. Jiang He is a very pragmatic person, never exaggerating, he will seriously criticize when there are problems, and sincerely praise when he performs well, so Ye Linglan is very happy. I am happy with his evaluation of himself.

But regarding her relationship with him, for some reason, Ye Linglan didn't think about taking the initiative to reconcile.

The box office of this movie is unprecedented. It surpassed the second place in a week and nearly doubled, and it even remained high for several weeks.

That afternoon, in the office, Qiao Yu put down the documents in his hand and looked at Jiang He thoughtfully.

"I really didn't expect him to behave like this, it's incredible." Qiao Yu was a little lost, and the boy in the movie appeared in his mind, and it really could completely attract people's minds from the first second of appearance. .

He has such acting skills.

"I didn't expect that either," Jiang He, who was sitting on the sofa, raised his head with a much more natural expression, "However, it's not beyond our expectations, isn't it?" He meant something.

Qiao Yu turned his eyes away, and the frown between his brows deepened a bit. He thought of the look in the boy's eyes when he went to work on the first day after winning the Golden Crane Award, and what he said not to go abroad. Couldn't bear it, but this emotion was quickly replaced by another thought.

"But he just wants to behave like this in Mi Cai's film, and it has surpassed our box office so far. Did he do it on purpose? Should I scold him?"

In Qiao Yu's mind, the interests of the company are of course much more important. Since the reason for the failure this time was also caused by the people of his own company, this is simply unbearable for him. At this time, he has long stopped thinking about other things, such as Say, there's a real reason why that kid behaved like that.

Jiang He glanced at him and sighed softly. He thought of the look that boy gave him a few months ago, and his heart still felt slightly sour.

Jiang He stood up and walked to his desk, and said worriedly: "Don't scold him, we also have our own movie, the big deal is that the box office of the next one will exceed that of the previous one, if he becomes another movie in this movie It’s not too late to talk about him at the original level.”

In fact, Jiang He was still thinking that maybe a large part of the reason for that child's progress was to show it to the person in front of him, but of course he would not understand that feeling.

After hearing what he said, Qiao Yu didn't say anything more. 
Ye Linglan didn't appear in too many scenes in "Being Late", and almost all of them were filmed in one day.That night, Derbidge came to pick Ye Linglan up and invited all the crew members to have dinner together.

During the banquet, Ye Linglan and Director Lu sat together, and toasted Director Lu, thanking him for taking care of him this day.

Ye Linglan respects Director Lu very much.It can be seen that Director Lu definitely put a lot of effort into this movie. From the lighting to the background, he put a lot of effort into expressing the beauty of the actors, and the camera is positioned very well, which can lift the audience's attention. Appetite will not make them too anxious.This movie is performed entirely by the actors' own abilities, without any special effects.

Director Lu is indeed an excellent director.

Ye Linglan invited Director Lu and the actors to dinner, which marked a perfect end to their day's exchange.

After the meal, everyone left in twos and threes.Ye Linglan was also about to go back with Derbidge, but unexpectedly received a text message from Mo Ziheng, inviting him to go to the "Tianlai KTV" in the city center in three days.

Ye Linglan was a little surprised. Did Mo Ziheng invite him alone, or did he also invite others?
Anyway, it would be nice to get acquainted with him.

Three days later, at nine o'clock in the evening, Ye Linglan met Mo Ziheng at Tianlai KTV as agreed.

At this time, both of them were dressed casually. Mo Ziheng was slightly younger than Ye Linglan, wearing a white coat and a black vest.As for Ye Linglan, it was a wine red shirt.

Mo Ziheng came a little earlier and waited outside the door for a while before seeing Ye Linglan.However, it feels really good to watch that person walking towards him step by step.

If it is said that the white clothes will make Ye Linglan look ordinary, then the red clothes will highlight his charm even more.Ye Linglan still had his trademark smile, and even though he had seen it many times, Mo Ziheng still had to say that that smile was still so charming.

The two of them are not very familiar with each other now, the reason why Mo Ziheng invited Ye Linglan to KTV may not even be clear to him.If I have to say it, I really want to have more contact with this person.

When the two met and greeted each other, Mo Ziheng took Ye Linglan into the KTV and came to a private room.

In fact, Ye Linglan had been to this KTV before, or rather, Ye Linglan had been here before, and she came here to sing with Wen Xingying a few times when she had nothing to do, and it was more than a year ago.

Thinking of Wen Xingying, Ye Linglan felt a little lost, there had been no news of that person for a long time, and she wondered if he was doing well abroad.

The decoration of Tianlai is good, the stereo of IC-3.0, and the microphone of Sennheiser are among the best in this area. Mo Ziheng specially ordered a bottle of Kailan red wine before entering the private room.

There was no one else in the private room, so Ye Linglan acquiesced that Mo Ziheng only invited him alone.

The two sat down.Mo Ziheng glanced at Ye Linglan and smiled slightly, "Are you wondering why I only invite you?"

Ye Linglan nodded, "Yes."

"What if I say it's because I like you and want to take this opportunity to seduce you?"

"It's up to you. However, I already have someone I like. I won't accept you."

At this time, the waiter had already brought over the wine for the two of them, as well as two glasses.

Mo Ziheng poured wine into both glasses.

Against the background of the glass, the color of the red wine is like a flowing gemstone. Against the background of the dim light, the colors are complicated and intertwined, and it seems impossible to describe them all.

The coquettish red color matches Ye Linglan's clothes very well.

Mo Ziheng handed a cup to Ye Linglan, the two cups touched and drank together.

Very familiar taste.Ye Linglan remembered that it was the same wine that she ordered with Xuan that time.Its taste is very pure, mixed with the common fragrance of fruit and wine, which makes people feel fragrant and endless aftertaste.Xuan also joked at the time: Red wine is like a beauty, and a beauty is like Ye Linglan.

Ye Linglan's smile couldn't help being tinged with a layer of loneliness.

This change fell into Mo Ziheng's eyes.

If it is said that Ye Linglan's expression in acting can be said to be changeable, then his expression in life is at least ten times richer than that in acting.There may be some little tricks he does often that he doesn't even notice.For example, he will often pucker his lips slightly, pay attention, just slightly, and then quickly return to the original state.But why does that look make people want to cover their lips so much?

Also, he often hangs his eyes, which may prove that he is a little reserved and lonely for unknown reasons.When he looks down, you will find that you can't take your eyes off, because that expression makes people feel affectionate, and it also makes people want to reach out and lift his head up.At that time, his eyes must have been filled with silky tenderness.

At this time, he lowered his eyes again.But Mo Ziheng didn't reach out his hand, just looked at him, but gradually felt a little soft in his heart.

When he finally raised his head, Mo Ziheng chuckled and looked away, continuing the conversation as if it had never stopped: "I think, I'm so young and handsome, maybe you can think about it too."

Ye Linglan also smiled, "I don't want to think about it. In my heart, he is unique, and no one can replace him."

When he said this, Mo Ziheng felt that it might be true, and he really wanted to know what kind of person he would like.

Cough lightly, "Okay. Actually, this time I mainly want to thank you for your strong support for my film, and also, to express my respect for you. Your acting skills are really eye-opening."

Mo Ziheng would not admit that he was really crying at that time, and he was still crying on Ye Linglan's body. At that time, his body was warm, and he could still hear his slightly irregular moaning when his face was pressed against his chest. heartbeat.He must have been a little embarrassed then.

Ye Linglan looked at him playfully, "Didn't you say that colleagues should be enemies? Why do you still praise me? Are you not afraid that I will steal the limelight from you, the male lead?"

Mo Ziheng sighed slightly, "To be honest, I'm not afraid. I was looking for you because I thought you were on the same level as me. Who knew you could perform so well? I can't drive you away at this time. As for you Stealing my limelight, it must be because there are too many people who like you. They like you also increase the popularity and box office of my film. It may also increase my popularity. This is absolutely beneficial and harmless oh."

Ye Linglan rolled his eyes at him, "I really know how to comfort myself."

Mo Ziheng thought that this look was really alluring.

Clearing his throat, Mo Ziheng asked him if he wanted to sing, and he gave him some.

Ye Linglan said no, his singing skills were much worse than his acting skills.

This is true, no matter Ye Linglan or Ye Linglan, singing is very bad, even Wen Xingying is much better than them.

Ye Linglan said that Mo Ziheng could sing, and he wanted to hear it too.

Mo Ziheng made a show of shame, and then he really ordered a song and started singing.

But Ye Linglan was shocked the moment she heard his singing.

Mo Ziheng's singing voice is so bewitching, clear and beautiful, it soars to the sky like a monster on the bottom of the sea. Listening to his singing voice, there is a kind of heart tremor, like a cry from the depths of the soul.

This is really singing with heart and soul.Ye Linglan shifted her gaze to Mo Ziheng, only to see that his eyes were slightly closed, as if completely immersed in his own music.

Ye Linglan smiled and closed her eyes.

This is a love song, lingering and sad, like weeping and complaining, but the melodious voice can fully express the emotion.His feelings are so pure, tolerant and pampered like the sea, why does he feel at this moment that his lover must be the happiest person in the world?
"Now your other half, will it be more profound; now I am alone, alone..."



The last syllable fell slowly, but Ye Linglan still hadn't recovered from the emotion just now. Knowing that there was a soft touch on his face, he opened his eyes in panic, only to see that Mo Ziheng's index finger, which was close at hand, was stained. Drips, crystal clear.So, is it tears?

"I didn't expect that," Mo Ziheng wiped the water from his hands, and looked at Ye Linglan, "My singing actually made you cry. Have you thought of your lover?"

Ye Linglan didn't answer.
yes my love.In fact, I miss him all the time, think about the beautiful scenery we have together, and the sweet words we talked to each other. They should be as intoxicating as wine, but they are also as painful as poison.

Is this what love feels like?
Ye Linglan sighed, and looked at Mo Ziheng, those washed eyes were so bright and bright, the dim light in the room melted into his eyes, turning incredible colors, Mo Ziheng was almost intoxicated in those eyes.

"Your singing voice is so beautiful. If you become a singer, you will definitely achieve more than you are now."

Mo Ziheng looked away, "Maybe, but I want to fight for the Golden Crane Award first, and then consider what you said."

Ye Linglan lowered her head, but a ray of sadness spread from the bottom of her heart.
The Golden Crane Award, something that Ye Linglan pursued all his life but missed...

Mo Ziheng has a pair of dark blue eyes. In the alternation of black and blue, the beautiful scenery is like a dream. No one will bear to let those eyes be stained with sadness.

But the Golden Crane Award is such a sad thing.

Forget it, let him try it out, maybe Mo Ziheng can be more lucky than Ye Linglan.

Many years later, Mo Ziheng said in an interview with reporters that he should be grateful for what Ye Linglan said at that time for his current achievements.

In a word, life is changed.

Ye Linglan finished filming Mo Ziheng's cameo, and the next one was Dongsheng's film for the next newcomer to hit the Golden Crane Award.The newcomer is named Yan Lan.

Speaking of which, Dongsheng will focus on cultivating a newcomer for the Golden Crane Award every two years, who is the best one selected from the newcomers in the previous two years.

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