HP calls me Queen

Chapter 21 The Spirit of Words

It's not about the wand, then...
Daphne suddenly had a flash of inspiration. Transfiguration is the most profound magic that can be learned in the academy.In addition to the relatively high requirements for magic power.There is also a certain need for mental strength.Delphine herself is proficient in spiritual power, so she doesn't feel it, but it is impossible for Qiu to have such profound spiritual power. There is no meditation in the HP world, and spiritual power depends entirely on talent and natural growth.That's why a simple beetle turning into a button is the content of the fourth grade graduation exam.

Delphine scanned Qiu's mental strength, and sure enough, it can only be regarded as an ordinary and excellent level.It is not bad among the peers, but it should not reach the level of the fourth grade students.

Well, if the mental power is insufficient, it will indeed have a considerable impact on the magical effects of this world.Delphine thought so.
How to improve mental power is a big topic even in the high magic world Aegean.

Generally speaking, mental strength will naturally increase with age.Meditation can be improved to a certain extent, but the room for improvement is very small.Proper Meditation improves slightly, but it's still limited.Some special magic rituals can increase some spiritual power, but most of them have some side effects.

In Aegean, spiritual power is one of the prerequisites for a person to become a real magician.One of the entrance tests for many colleges is to examine mental strength.Although magician is a popular profession, almost one out of three or five people can use magic.But real magicians, that is, magicians above the intermediate level, are generally those who are born with relatively strong spiritual power.

The HP world is actually pretty much the same.It's just that the elemental value in this world is lower, and it's harder for people to produce innate magic power.

The problem of mental power is a difficult problem to solve. Even Delphine has no way to quickly improve her mental power.Delphine's outstanding spiritual power is also the result of years of meditation accumulation.

"Is it difficult?" Seeing Delphine frowning, Qiu asked nervously.

"It's a bit troublesome, but...it's not impossible!" Delphine rolled her eyes, thinking of a solution that was not a solution. "Qiu, have you heard of Yanling?" Delphine asked.

"Speaking spirit?" Qiu thought for a while, then nodded slowly: "I've heard of it a little bit, it's a kind of magic in the East, it seems to be linked to faith."

"That's right!" Daphne nodded.Lingling is a kind of elemental power that is very common in the East. Japanese onmyojis, ghost exorcists in Thailand, witches and gods in India, Chinese Tibetan Tantric monks and Maoshan warlocks are all good at speaking spirits.The types of speech spirits are also various. Generally speaking, it is a specific incantation, which can achieve a certain effect under the pious chanting of the caster.

The effects of most of the speech spirits are only to dispel evil spirits, ward off evil spirits, pray for blessings, and eliminate disasters.Speech spirits that really have practical effects are rare.However, there are also extremely skilled masters of words and spirits who can exorcise gods through words and spirits. The more representative ones are the Japanese onmyoji's spell of driving shikigami and the Maoshan warlock's Sanmao technique.

Of course Delphine doesn't know how to do high-level spiritual speech.Low-level ones, in fact, will not.However, Daphne probably knew the basic principle of the speech spirit.Delphine first came into contact with Ling Ling in the collection of the Black family.The Black family has far more books on magic than the Lestrange family.Delphine would occasionally ask Kreacher to bring back a book or two to read.

According to the book, there is such a true story about Yan Ling: In the far east, there is an Eastern mage.When the mage was traveling, he passed a village. There was an old lady in the village who was a devout believer.

The old lady was illiterate, she only knew to recite a mantra she heard devoutly for 60 years.The 60-year-old mantra has gained spirituality. When the Eastern Master passed through the village, he could hear the old lady's mantra from miles away.

But Master Dongfang discovered that the mantras that the old lady recited were not accurate because of her illiteracy, and she had been chanting them incorrectly for 60 years.

The Eastern Master then taught the most correct mantra to the pious old lady.

The pious old lady started chanting the most correct mantras, but was no longer spiritual, and uttered mantras that could no longer be heard from miles away.

When Delphine saw this story, she had basically determined the nature of Ling Ling.Word spirit is actually a kind of fanaticism. Extreme fanaticism can condense spiritual power, which is reflected in the use of elements, which means that it is easier to gather elements and more powerful to cast magic.

In the previous life in Aegean, some top traditional wealthy families had belief in elemental gods, which was also a kind of fanaticism in essence.

Fanatics rely on their fanaticism to concentrate their mental power for a short period of time, thereby achieving the effect of increasing the control of elemental power.Although it does not increase strength in essence, it can indeed produce the result of actually improving the magic effect.

Thinking of this, Delphine and Qiu said: "That's right, the word spirit is a sentence with magical power. It can use the power of ghosts and gods to increase the magician's spellcasting strength for a short time!" There is no such thing as spiritual power in the HP world, so Delphine Did not mention it.Yes, she was going to fool Qiu Zhang!
"Is it so magical?" Qiu looked suspicious, she had heard of Lingling before, after all, she came from a serious magic family.But there is no specific understanding.After all, she is only 12 years old, far from the age that needs to understand those advanced magic.

"Yes!" Delphine nodded: "Now I will teach you a word of speech, which can greatly increase your success rate of casting spells!"

Qiu nodded excitedly, his eyes lit up.

Delphine quietly used some spiritual magic to make Qiu believe in herself more easily, otherwise Qiu would not have such a big reaction.

"Okay, now you read after me!" Of course Delphine can't speak, but it doesn't mean she can't use it.Turning my mind, I thought of a very suitable spell: "Demacia!"

"Demacia?" Qiu recited this completely unfamiliar "word spirit" that didn't fit the structure of the magic spell she knew, but of course she didn't feel anything.

"Qiu, you can't do this!" Delphine shook her head. Of course Demacia is not a language spirit, but this does not affect its ability to have a language ability. "You have to believe it, believe me! I have been able to master all kinds of magic so early, and it has an inseparable relationship with the word spirit!" Daphne continued to use spiritual magic to influence Qiu: "You have to believe it, be firm!"

Qiu nodded, and her tone became firmer: "Demacia!" This time her tone was much firmer.What Delphine implemented quietly injected a bit of magical power into Qiu's body.In terms of Qiu's feeling, when she recited Yan Ling, a warm current flowed through her body.

"There seems to be a reaction?" Qiu said pleasantly.

"Well, it seems that your physique is very suitable for Yan Ling!" Daphne said nonsense seriously: "Try again!"

Qiu nodded excitedly, and said Demacia again.But this time Delphine didn't make a small move, and Qiu certainly didn't feel it.Qiu looked at Delphine suspiciously: "I don't feel it this time..."

"Your speech skills are not yet proficient, and it is impossible to respond every time." Delphine explained again solemnly: "Besides, you have to be firmer and more convinced, the chance of success will be higher!"

Qiu nodded, pondered for a while, and called out Demacia again.This time, Delphine aroused Qiu's magical power more subtly, which made Qiu more convinced of the effect of words.

Delphine has been spying on Qiu's mental state. When Qiu is concentrated, she will activate Delphine's magic power, and if she is distracted, she will not activate it.After a few times, when Qiu was thinking of Demacia, his mind would be highly concentrated.And when the mental power is concentrated, the magic power itself will also react.

As Qiu became more and more concentrated, her magic fluctuations became more and more intense, and she no longer needed the assistance of Delphine.

Delphine was very happy, she succeeded in fooling around!

"Okay, let's cast the Transfiguration now!" Delphine put the beetle down in front of Qiu again.

Qiu nodded, calming down her excited mood.First concentrate and exhale Demacia in a low voice.Immediately, the familiar warmth from before spread all over his body.Qiu suddenly became more confident, and he waved his wand and said a spell at the beetle.The dark beetle trembled, and instantly turned into a delicate button with some delicate patterns on it.

Qiu was overjoyed, and poked it twice with his wand, but the button didn't budge.The magic worked flawlessly.

"Perfect Transfiguration! I don't think most seventh graders are at this level!" Daphne said with a smile.

"Delphine, thank you!" Qiu excitedly saved Delphine, jumping up and down.

If this is still a man, he must react, right?Feeling the friction on her chest, Delphine thought so.

Under Delphine's guidance, Qiu tried the transfiguration several times again.With the confidence brought by her previous success, Qiu's Transfiguration was completed very smoothly.Delphine simply pointed out a few magic spells that she was not very proficient at ordinary times. With the help of Yan Ling (fudge), Qiu completed it smoothly, and she believed in Yan Ling deeply.The trust in Delphine has also been raised to the highest level.

When Delphine said that it was getting late and it was time to go back, Qiu Na was reluctant to part with her.It seems that Daphne has been regarded as the number one best friend.

Delphine felt that this morning had been very fruitful.The little hands are also pulled, and the waist is also hugged.Almost kissed.Well, it's still too young, and it's still a little too early, in case it scares the little beauty.Delphine decided to take things step by step.

After bidding farewell to Qiu, Daphne went to the restaurant to eat something casually to satisfy her hunger, and then returned to her dormitory with the books borrowed from the library.Continue to study those dangerous magical creatures that the younger students may not have heard of.At the same time, think about when and if there is a chance, it is best to get one back as a pet.She must be envious of Wizard White's phoenix.

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