HP calls me Queen

Chapter 29 Corporal Punishment

Put Noble into the cage, and watched the opponent use the magic carpet to carry the cage and then slowly lift into the air.Except for Hagrid who was reluctant to let go and was even wiping tears, the others all breathed a sigh of relief and finally sent them off.

The brief, half-month-long public dragon-playing made everyone, including Draco, at least at this moment hate dragons as creatures.Especially Pansy, whose robe had just been burned by the dragon's breath from snoring Norbert's nostrils, and this was the fourth piece of clothing it had burned!

"My God, I'm finally sending you off!" After bidding farewell to Hagrid, the Gryffindor trio and the Slytherin trio walked towards the castle together.Ron complained as he walked: "Merlin, I thought dragons were interesting creatures before, I was so stupid."

It was rare for Draco not to taunt Ron, because compared to Ron who just found dragons interesting, Draco really liked this extremely dangerous creature.He even sincerely wanted to keep it.I was so naive at that time, Draco seemed to have matured several years overnight.

"Hmm..." Daphne suddenly snorted softly, and then quickly said: "Everyone, let's unify the caliber. No matter who you are, no matter how you ask, don't mention the dragon. Just say that you are in the forbidden area. Lin wants to find... unicorns, yes, unicorns! Remember, you are here to find unicorns!"

"Unicorns, why do we need unicorns? Well, although unicorns are also great..." Hermione asked with a puzzled look on her face.

"I don't have time to explain. Remember, you are here to find unicorns! But you thought the forest was too dark, so you didn't dare to go in! Remember!" After finishing the last word, Delphine swung her wand quickly and spit out a series of words. The spell, followed by the blurring of the body, disappeared in place.

The others were still in a daze when they saw the small door of the castle not far away suddenly open.Filch walked out with a vicious smile on his face, followed by Professor McGonagall with a frosty face.

The five people who stayed at the same place instantly understood the meaning of Daphne's previous warning, and at the same time they were slandering at the same time that Daphne was really not enough friends, so she slipped away by herself!

"If I remember correctly, it should be curfew time!" Professor McGonagall glanced angrily at the five naughty ghosts in front of him.One less and one more than she expected.One is missing because of Delphine. Professor McGonagall knows that this little girl likes to join in the fun.The extra one was Hermione.In Professor McGonagall's impression, Hermione was a well-behaved child.Although something happened on Halloween, Professor McGonagall later found out that Ron was to blame.

"Professor McGonagall..." Hermione was a little ashamed. Professor McGonagall glanced at her just now, full of disappointment.

"I want you to give me an explanation, curfew time, why five first-year students are outside the castle!" Professor McGonagall said in a stern tone with a frosty face.

"Professor!" At the critical moment, Pansy made an effort!
"Professor, I'm sorry, we were wrong. We heard that there are unicorns in the Forbidden Forest, so we came together to see them. But the Forbidden Forest is too dark, we didn't dare to go in. Professor, we were wrong!" Pansy Finished the rhetoric Daphne had made up in one breath.

"Ah... yes professor, we want to see unicorns!" Harry also responded.Just going out of the castle at night is a violation of school rules, but it is much less of a problem than raising dragons, which violates the regulations of the Ministry of Magic.

This time, even Ron realized that the five of them kept the same money.

Professor McGonagall scanned the five people and knew in his heart that there must be something wrong with these five people.However, thinking about some of the seemingly non-existent entrustments that Dumbledore had mentioned to himself before, and there was indeed no problem in front of him, he nodded: "You violated the school rules, and it was because of such a stupid reason, because of your behavior, Fifty points will be deducted from your college!"

"Fifty points!" Everyone, including Ron and Draco, exclaimed.

"Fifty cents each!" Professor McGonagall glanced at the five people and continued.

"What!" The voice was louder this time, but the meaning inside was somewhat rich.On the one hand, it is frightening that such a huge point deduction will make the academy lose in the competition of the Academy Cup.On the other hand, the whole group is complaining about Delphine's cunning.Especially Ron, because Delphine ran away, Gryffindor would be deducted 150 points, while Slytherin would only have [-] points.

Ron almost wanted to tell Professor McGonagall immediately that Delphine was here too, and Delphine just ran away!However, after all, Ron still had a little sense and didn't speak.

Professor McGonagall ignored them, but turned to Filch and said, "Argus, take them back to the castle, and I will ask Headmaster Dumbledore for instructions. Deducting points alone is not enough to make them remember. Need some punishment!"

"Professor McGonagall, you are so right!" Upon hearing the punishment, Filch's eyes lit up and he nodded repeatedly.

Early the next morning, the students who were paying attention to the Academy Cup were surprised to find that Slytherin and Gryffindor, who had been in the leading position, suddenly fell behind.One hundred points were deducted from Slytherin, and 150 points were deducted from Gryffindor.

There were no secrets among the crowd, and what happened last night was soon exposed.Slytherin is okay, after all, although the children of pure blood families care about scores, they pay more attention to family background and so on.Therefore, although there were many people who spoke sarcastic and harsh words, Draco and Pansy were not targeted too much after all.

Gryffindor is different, a group of brainless little lions with all their emotions and anger on their faces.Everyone looked at the trio with strange eyes all of a sudden.During recess, Percy found Ron and gave him a severe reprimand.Although Harry and Hermione were not involved in the words, but training Ron like this in front of the two of them naturally made their faces look ugly.

All morning, no one in Gryffindor spoke a single word to the trio except Neville.Of course, if Percy's reprimand counted as talking, he would be counted as one.

After finally surviving until the end of the morning class, the trio seemed to rush out of the classroom, but were stopped by Professor McGonagall who was waiting there.Their penalty decision has come down.

Hermione and Pansy were sent to help Professor Sprout, to fertilize the devil's net...the devil's net black likes to pester people, which is really not an attractive job.Harry and the other three boys are going to clean the basement storage room.

"Delphine, it's really embarrassing for you to do this!" When Hermione found Delphine, Delphine was hugging the waist of one of the Patil sisters, pointing out the essentials of the other party's magic.

Although the Patil sisters are Indians, they are the real rich.In fact, all Indian magician families are super wealthy families of the upper caste.Not only does it not have the thick and sour curry smell common to Indians, but it has a faint floral fragrance.Delphine is holding her sister Padma in her arms. At this time, she is holding her slender waist, smelling the fragrance of the dialogue, even if her fingers don't move, it is enough for her to be satisfied.

Padma was completely unaware of the dirty thoughts in her little sister's head, and after Delphine's guidance, she quickly understood some things she didn't understand.The Flame Curse, which could not be cast originally, was cast smoothly.

The Fire Charm is the last part of the first grade Charms class, and it is also the hardest part.In a sense, this is already the category of tangible magic.In fact, although it is taught in the first grade, the content is usually only tested when the fifth grade is completed.Padma is also very strong, so she will ask Daphne about this magic.

"Hermione, what are you talking about?" Hearing Hermione say that Delphine is not interesting, Padma felt very strange, how nice is Delphine?Speaking of being uninteresting, Hermione, who deducted fifty points from the academy, is the one in her eyes that is uninteresting.However, Hermione is usually very active in answering questions in class and grabbing points, which makes it hard for most Gryffindors to say anything.In fact Hermione gained far more points than she lost.

"Well, it's nothing, let's just make a joke." Hermione smiled awkwardly, of course they can't reveal the matter of masturbating dragons.

Padma also knew that Delphine and Hermione had a good relationship, so she greeted Delphine and went back.

Delphine tilted her head, looked at the angry Hermione, and couldn't help being a little funny: "What's the matter, dear? Are you so unhappy?"

"Yesterday..." Hermione spoke aloud halfway, and suddenly realized something was wrong, looked around and no one was paying attention, then lowered her voice and said: "Yesterday you ran away without explaining why. It's so embarrassing!"

"It's clear that I can't run away!" Daphne said with a smile: "Well, I'll teach you the Disillusionment Curse later, so that you can run with me if you encounter the same situation in the future."

Hermione was taken aback, how did things get to this point?There seems to be something wrong?By the time Hermione came to her senses, Daphne had already disappeared.

Just kidding, doing bad things, Delphine is definitely involved.Being punished, Delphine is definitely running fast.Fertilizing the devil's net, what kind of punishment is this?Is it something a beautiful girl should do?Delphine, who had escaped, was delighted.

After class was over in the afternoon, Delphine walked out of the classroom leisurely under the resentful gazes of Hermione and Pansy.But after only turning a corner, after making sure that there were no ghosts or portraits around, Delphine quickly cast the Disillusionment Charm to enter an invisible state.Did she know that the one-night tour of the underground warehouse of the three of Harry would be replaced by a one-night tour of the Forbidden Forest.

Sure enough, Delphine followed Filch and Harry quietly, and saw the three walking towards the outside of the castle.

"Didn't you say go to the basement?" Ron asked a little puzzled.

"Hmph, your punishment has been temporarily changed. Hagrid needs your help." Filch said lightly, and when he saw the joyful expressions on the faces of the three, Filch also smiled: " What, do you think it's a good thing?"

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