HP calls me Queen

Chapter 3 Diagon Alley

Delphine's manor is very close to the city of London, but you still need to use Floo powder to get to Diagon Alley.Daphne didn't care about it even though she was used to it since she was a child, and she took Jingjing, the house elf, to Diagon Alley to buy textbooks and other things needed for school.Although Kreacher is more experienced in terms of experience, after all, he has served the Black family for three generations, but Daphne still trusts Jingjing more.After all, Klee cut off serving himself, and occasionally ran to Malfoy Manor.

Delphine has been coming to Diagon Alley in recent years, but this time the mood is different from before.In the past, she was more wandering around, and even wanted to go to Night Walking Alley.But she finally held back, after all, although Daphne thought she could crush anyone among her peers, it was hard to say something to a seasoned black wizard.This time is different, from now on we will officially step into the HP plot, and we will soon meet the legendary boy who survived!Although she is a time traveler, Delphine still has a little excitement.

With Jingjing's help, Delphine naturally didn't have to go to Gringotts to withdraw money, and she didn't have to carry big and small bags. After buying textbooks and some necessary supplies in a relaxed and happy manner, Delphine came to Ollivander's Little Wand Shop.Delphine passed by several times, but in the end she never went in.Of course, there are more than one unused wands in the Lestrange Manor, and Delphine has also played with them, but Delphine decided to wait until this special day to get her own wand.

Sitting in the coffee shop opposite for a while, the corners of Delphine's mouth suddenly twitched, and a strange combination came into view. It was a "giant" who was twice as tall as a normal person and weighed five or six times, and an exceptionally thin one. Boys - Hagrid and Harry Potter!

Throwing down a Silver Thicke, Delphine got up and walked out of the coffee shop into Ollivander's wand shop.

From the outside, the shop looks dirty, shabby and small.After walking in, although the space is much larger than expected, it is still quite crowded due to clutter, with long boxes everywhere.The little savior was nervously trying on his wand.

"Oh, Miss Lestrange, good afternoon, it's time for you to come. But I'm afraid you have to wait a little bit, I'm entertaining a picky guest!" Thin and dry, staring at a pair of big Mr. Ollivander of the eyes said softly!

"Well, I can wait for a while, or can you entertain this young lady first?" Apparently Daphne's exquisite aristocratic dress made Harry, who was wearing ill-fitting clothes, a little embarrassed.Said cautiously.As for Hagrid, he seemed to think of something when he heard the name Lestrange, and frowned.

"Thank you, you are a gentleman, but I don't mind waiting a little longer!" Delphine pretended to be a lady, and smiled at Harry.The little savior blushed instantly.

I have to say that although Bellatrix is ​​a big villain, she is definitely responsible for her appearance in the HP world!As her daughter, although Delphine is only 11 years old, she is already extremely beautiful.In addition, girls develop early, and Delphine has been eating well since childhood. She looks much more mature than Harry, and she is even a lot taller!The little savior is still very excited to be praised as a gentleman by a beautiful lady!

In the end, the little savior got the holly wood wand, the sister of the Dark Lord's wand, just like the original plot.Just for a while, Delphine had chatted with the little savior several times.When Harry revealed his identity, Delphine pretended to be surprised.Through the weak Legilimency, Delphine could feel that the little savior was agitated, but she tried her best to restrain herself.

"It's a great honor to meet you!" Daphne said with a smile, "Why don't you wait for me a little bit, why don't I treat you two for a drink?"

"Okay!" Harry nodded in agreement without waiting for Hagrid to speak.

Delphine smiled slightly, then turned to Ollivander: "Sorry to keep you waiting!"

"Long Hou? Oh, yes, it's been a long time! I was looking forward to your arrival a long time ago!" Ollivander said with a smile: "I still remember your mother's wooden staff, walnut and dragon nerves, Twelve and three-quarter inches, unyielding. A wand of great character, with enormous power!"

"Wait, you're Bellatrix's daughter?" Hagrid suddenly asked loudly.

"Yes?" Delphine pretended to be confused: "Big uncle, do you know my mother?"

"Ah... I don't know..." Looking at the cute little loli in front of him, Hagrid really couldn't say the word Death Eater, so he had to say that he didn't know him very aggrieved.

Daphne despised the big idiot in her heart, but she still had a cute expression on her face.

On the other side, Ollivander had already taken out the first wand: "Try this one, eleven and two-thirds inches, wicker wood and unicorn hair, very suitable for ladies."

Delphine took the wand with a smile, waved it lightly, and countless flower petals rained down from the sky.

"Wow!" Harry exclaimed, and even Hagrid was slightly surprised.

"It seems to be good, but there seems to be something wrong..." Ollivander frowned: "It seems that there is something missing..."

"Spirituality?" Delphine tilted her head and answered.

"That's right, that's right, it's spirituality. It's less of a spirituality with a heart, um...although it's good, but it's not the best choice..." Ollivander put the wand aside and took out another one: "Ten Two and one-fifth, birch wood and griffin bone marrow, is my whimsical but effective combination!"

Delphine took out her wand, waved it casually, and a gorgeous band of light gushed out from the tip of the wand, drawing a mysterious pattern in the air.

"It's not bad, but it still feels a little bit..." Ollivander shook his head, and changed another one: "Yew wood, the hair of thestrals, a very powerful magic wand..."

Delphine took the wand, thought for a while, turned to Harry, and waved at Harry: "It's back to normal!"

With a thud, Harry's glasses, which were originally broken and pasted with tape, suddenly became brand new.

"Oh!" Harry was startled at first, then noticed the change in the glasses, and exclaimed, "Amazing magic!"

"For a child who hasn't entered school, it's really amazing, but it's still not right!" Ollivander shook his head in distress: "Why are there all picky guests today?"

Ollivander tried more than a dozen wands in a row, and Delphine could control them very well, but it always seemed that something was missing.

"Could it be this one?" Ollivander thought thoughtfully, turned around the cabinet, and took out a dusty box after a while: "This is a magic wand I made when I was traveling in the East. Interesting, the magicians over there don’t use magic wands, but magic lines written on paper and wooden swords, um, mahogany swords! I got the inspiration from it and made this wand!” Ollivander said and opened Inside the box is a particularly beautiful brown-red wooden stick with cloud-like textures on it: "Twelve and three-quarter inches, mahogany, and it is a mahogany heart that is more than a hundred years old. It is called... I don't remember much. Oh, the nerves of a snake-like monster similar to Medusa! An extremely spiritual one!"

Hearing that it was a magic wand from the East, Delphine's eyes lit up, and she took it and held it in her hand. She immediately felt a blood connection that the previous few magic wands failed to give her.With a light wave, a cloud of shining light enveloped her whole body.

"Interesting and interesting! I thought this wand could only be buried in a small shop, but I didn't expect to meet the owner today!" Ollivander looked very happy!Apparently, he was a real lover of wandology.

Delphine was in a good mood to get a fun wand.Take Harry to the previous coffee shop for a cup of coffee.Although Harry lived in a Muggle family, the Dursleys obviously wouldn't make coffee for him.Harry gave 32 likes to Snow Top Mocha!As for Hagrid, apparently his taste buds were as rugged as his appearance, and he couldn't taste the flavor of coffee.

Soon, Harry regarded Delphine as a good friend, and told Delphine many things, such as his worries.

Harry was very worried that the school made a mistake and was kicked out of the school.I am also worried that I will not be able to keep up with the curriculum when I arrive at school.After seeing Daphne's level, she became even more worried.

"Delphine, will I be the worst one when I get to school, you know, my family is..." Harry said very frustrated.

"You don't have to worry about that!" Daphne waved her hand casually: "Most children from magical families have no chance to touch magic before they go to school. So you are on the same starting line. In fact, Hogwarts Judging from the performance of the past few decades, magicians from ordinary families tend to perform better!"

"Really?" Harry was a little excited, but also a little confused: "What about you, Delphine?" Apparently Harry was curious about why Delphine had mastered magic, and she was obviously quite proficient.

"Me?" Delphine showed a smug expression: "Don't you think that even among the magicians, I am the best?"

Harry obviously didn't expect Delphine to say that, and nodded with a silly face.In fact, he did think it was more reasonable.If the children of the magician's family are as powerful as Daphne, then he really doesn't have the courage to go to school.

"By the way..." Harry suddenly noticed something: "Delphine, you, um... don't call ordinary people..."

"Muggles, right?" Delphine asked amusedly, and Harry nodded shyly.Delphine shook her head, and said sternly: "Although Muggle is what magicians have called ordinary people for thousands of years, and many magicians even take it for granted, it is still a disrespectful name. Many magicians in the wizarding world now They come from ordinary families. Magicians from these ordinary families are likely to become our classmates, friends or even buddies. We call their family members by such titles, and they will inevitably be unhappy!"

This is pure nonsense. Delphine has always paid attention to this title because her adoptive mother Talia is an ordinary person who cannot use magic.

"It's hard to imagine," Hagrid said with some surprise, "You would be a child from that kind of family."

"What kind of family?" Delphine was acting cute again, looking at Hagrid with a face of pretended innocence.

"Uh... that, uh, pure blood, yes, pure blood!" Hagrid blushed, in front of such a cute little girl, Hagrid really couldn't do anything bad about her parents.Although he hates the Bellatrix couple who are Death Eaters.

"I can't believe that a child from a pure-blood family would have such a low-minded thought!" A somewhat thin, haughty voice interrupted.I don't know when a little boy stood at the door of the small coffee shop. His platinum hair was really beautiful. If it wasn't for his overly proud expression, which was a bit annoying, he would definitely be a handsome guy who could fool Lolita.

"Draco, long time no see, you are still so annoying!" Delphine said with a smile as she looked at the little boy in front of the door.Of course, the one who entered was Draco Malfoy, who had been in love with Harry for several years.

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