HP calls me Queen

Chapter 33 The real final test of the 3-person team

Delphine was a little surprised that Ron jumped so happily.But think about it, although this guy doesn't appeal to me, he is also considered by the Sorting Hat to be a little lion with the spirit of Gryffindor.Although there may be no brains, courage is not lacking!
"The bottom is safe!" Soon, Ron's voice came from below: "Someone put a cushion here."

Harry and Hermione breathed a sigh of relief when they heard Ron's voice, looked at each other, and jumped down too.

"Ah, what is this!" Harry's voice came from below.It was very weak, obviously not as loud as Ron was before, and it was difficult to convey the sound.

Daphne walked to the entrance, curled her lips, and jumped down.Transform quickly in the air, turning into a bird snake only as long as a little finger.Flying down the wall quickly.

Delphine went down just in time for Hermione to push back the devil's net with a bright light.

"It's a good thing you listened carefully in class!" Harry sighed, while Ron was still coughing.The devil's net can strangle him severely.

"Well, I actually didn't remember everything about the devil's net in class." Hermione was a little embarrassed: "Didn't I be punished with Pansy to fertilize the devil's net a few days ago? We reviewed it again, so I can remember it so clearly!"

The surroundings are very dark and there is no light. Even if there are colorful scales and wings, it is not easy to find the bird snake shrunk down to the thickness of the tail finger.Delphine slid quickly into the hood of Harry's cloak.Then it doesn't move anymore.In the next part of the journey, the Harry trio should be able to solve it by themselves. Delphine is only going to ensure that there is no accident in the collision between Harry and Quirrell at the end.

Of course, if there were any major changes before this, Daphne would also act as appropriate.

The three of Harry walked along a stone corridor, and it was hard to imagine how such a space could be squeezed out of the castle.But considering that this is the wizarding world, neither Harry nor Delphine thought it was so weird.Since there was only one path, the three of Harry had no chance of getting lost, so they walked straight along the stone path.

"You said, what kind of monsters will be guarding inside?" The surrounding was very quiet, only the footsteps of the three people. Ron obviously couldn't bear such a depressing environment, so he couldn't help asking.

"I don't know, but since it was arranged by several professors, it shouldn't be... easy?" Hermione said with some embarrassment, and after thinking about it, she said, "The devil's net just now should be Professor Sprout's." The technique, if it’s just this difficulty…”

Speaking of this, Hermione was a little tangled, not knowing whether she should be happy or worried.If it was just this difficulty, the chances of them passing would be much greater.But it also means that such difficulty cannot stop Snape.

"Hope Professor Kettleburn didn't hide a dragon here, a grown-up one!" Harry crossed himself across his chest.He wasn't really a Christian, but he'd seen people do it when they prayed and learned to do it.It has to be said that this is very inconsistent with his image as a little wizard at this time.

Harry's concerns were shared by both Ron and Hermione.Professor Sylvanos Kettleburn is the professor of the College's Protection of Magical Beasts class, and he is also the professor with the best relationship with Hagrid in the whole college.Even Professor Dumbledore, whom Hagrid talked about all the year round, could not compare to this point.Because this professor, like Hagrid, was obsessed with all kinds of magical creatures, and they were dangerous magical creatures.I love dragons so much!

When raising the dragon, Hagrid sighed more than once, if only Sylvanos could come and help out.But obviously, although Hagrid's brain capacity is worrying, it is not at all empty.After all, he didn't dare to bring the college professor in.

But in fact, Daphne secretly suspected that Professor Sylvanos Kettleburn, who was sentenced to 62 detentions for probation (this is the highest record since the establishment of Hogwarts), said that Maybe after knowing it, they will really get involved.Although this guy is very popular in the academy, he is indeed a troublemaker.Delphine knew that the idol of the Weasley twins was the professor.It's really hard to imagine that this guy was born in the low-key branch of Hufflepuff.

"Hush!" Hermione suddenly made a silent gesture, pretending to listen carefully, and then whispered: "Did you hear anything?"

Silly and tinkling sounds could be heard faintly in the distance.

"Could it be a ghost, or a war puppet?" This was Ron's opinion. In the last Charms class after the final exam, Professor Flitwick chatted happily with everyone.Under Delphine's deliberate guidance, it was revealed that he had been the champion of the All-European Young Wizards Duel Competition when he was young, although Professor Flitwick claimed that it was an accident plus good luck.This was beyond the expectations of the little wizards. You must know that Professor Flitwick is usually an extremely good-tempered and gentle professor.And he is also the dean of the bookish Ravenclaw branch.

Professor Flitwick mentioned an interesting thing at the time. He and Professor McGonagall entered the school in the same year.The Sorting Hat hesitated for a long time when it arranged for the two of them.Both are oscillating between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw.The end result is obvious.

Flitwick also mentioned that when she was young, Professor McGonagall was actually a frequent visitor to duels, and she was good at the derivative magic of Transfiguration—war puppet magic.In the words of Professor Flitwick.A metal puppet more than ten meters high stands in front of you. Even if you don't do anything, anyone who can keep from peeing his pants is a brave man.Professor Flitwick said that Professor McGonagall was the last opponent he wanted to meet in the Samurai Duel Tournament.

Because of these words, young wizards such as Ron, Harry, and even Delphine were extremely interested in the war puppet.However, after a little research on the literature, Delphine found that this kind of magic can be said to be the pinnacle of transfiguration, and it is extremely difficult. Judging from the current progress of her magic practice, whether she will have any ideas in three to five years of.

Delphine had given up, let alone Ron.But the name War Puppet was firmly imprinted in Ron's mind.

"If it's really a war puppet, Snape won't pass!" Harry said.

When they came to the end of the corridor, they found a brightly lit room with a high vaulted ceiling.Countless little birds, as dazzling as jewels, flapped their wings and flew around the room.

There was a heavy wooden door across the room.

"Do you think they'll attack us if we walk across the room?" Ron asked, looking at the little bird-like things.

"It's very possible!" Harry squinted his eyes and looked up. "But it doesn't look very dangerous. Let's be careful and go there first." He cast an armor spell on himself first, but it failed.Again, another failure.Once again, it finally worked.With a dark face, Harry applied one to Ron, and it took two more attempts to succeed.Harry felt a little ashamed that he had asked Delphine for this magic after the exam.When I secretly practiced, my success rate was already very high, but now I fail continuously when I perform.

Hermione's talent was fully revealed at this moment.After watching Harry do it five times, she tried it for herself.It worked the second time around.

Lord of the planes, you are so eccentric!Delphine, who was hiding in Harry's hood, slandered secretly.Although the armor curse is also a low-level magic, it is a very difficult low-level magic.Even when Daphne was studying, she tried seven or eight times before she succeeded.Although Hermione's innate magic power is not particularly brilliant, her keenness and ability to learn spells is simply too enchanting.

The three quickly walked to the other end of the room. They expected something to come out to attack them, but there was nothing.They arrived at the door without incident.

Harry tugged on the doorknob, it was locked.He tried pushing again, to no avail.The three tried to use the unlocking spell alternately, but to no avail.Obviously this door has been specially treated.

"What should I do?" Ron kicked the door angrily. Apart from the pain in his own feet, the door had no effect.

"Those aren't birds, and they're not decorations!" As Harry and Ron wrestled with the door, Hermione, who looked around, noticed something flying in the air: "Those are keys, keys with wings!"

Harry and Ron looked up after hearing this.Harry had bad eyesight, and neither did his glasses.But Ron saw it clearly, and shouted: "I know, I know, we have to grab those keys and use them to open the door. But..."

"But there are probably hundreds or thousands of keys there?" Harry asked uncertainly.Delphine, who was hiding in Harry's hat, still had an empty stomach at this time. Sure enough, the Chinese people are not good at math, right?

Ron studied the door and lock carefully: "What we're looking for should be an ancient key, similar to this door lock, it should be very big, and it's most likely silver..." He also walked around. Looking down, I soon found that there were a few broomsticks leaning against the wall in the corner, all of which were the most dilapidated and ordinary ones.

Hermione hesitated, not following Harry and Ron on the broomstick.In terms of flying, Harry's talent is unparalleled, and Ron is also remarkable.But Hermione wasn't like that at all.As good as she was in class, she was as bad in flying.Even if Harry and Delphine helped her with tutoring successively, it didn't help.

"I'll wait below to open the door for you!" Hermione said.

Harry and Ron nodded and stepped onto the broom.

It is difficult to find a specific key among the thousands, even if Harry is known as the youngest and most talented Seeker at Hogwarts for nearly a century.

The keys are gathered together, like a school of fish in the ocean current, densely packed, which seriously affects the sight.

Harry and Ron turned in the air for a long time before they found the target.It was a large silver key with sky blue wings. One of its wings was damaged, and it looked as if it had been caught.

"That's the one, the blue wing, the one with some damage!" Ron quarreled, but riding a broom that was usually too broken for sweeping the floor, he really couldn't catch up with his flying skills.

Ron couldn't catch up, but Harry could.The young Seeker of Hogwarts played his due skill at this moment.He quickly inserted among countless keys.Although the keys will not take the initiative to attack, the interference they get together is quite annoying.Fortunately, the armor charm on Harry's body has not yet expired, and the small key can't touch his body.

A series of difficult flights by Harry, Ron and Hermione below were applauding.Delphine felt sick.Not for any other reason, pure dizziness.This is completely different from riding on a broom.

When Harry finally got hold of the key and Hermione took it from him and opened the wooden door smoothly, Delphine was about to faint.Fortunately, Animagus is not a transfiguration technique, otherwise it will definitely show its original shape at this time.

Dizzy, Delphine followed the trio through the thick wooden door and into the second room.

The second room was pitch black and nothing could be seen.But the trio only took two steps forward when suddenly the room was brightly lit, illuminating everything around them.The three little wizards were stunned for a moment.

"This is...the cemetery?" Hermione looked around and asked suspiciously.

They stood in a square room surrounded by dozens of huge four-to-five-meter-high stone statues, which looked very intimidating.

"No, it's not a cemetery!" Harry wasn't sure yet, but Ron had already made an instant judgment through the shape of the stone statue: "It's a chessboard!"

Yes, the three of them were standing on a huge chessboard at this time, with black stone chess pieces beside them and white ones on the opposite side.As you can see, there is a door on the other side of the board.

"The door is there!" Hermione pointed at the door, and was about to go there, but just as she walked in front of the pawns of the white pawns, the row of soldiers (pawns) who were half squatting and defending with horizontal knives and vertical shields brushed away. Brandishing a long knife blocked her way.

"This is..." Hermione jumped back in shock.

"Isn't this obvious?" Ron said with suppressed excitement in his tone, "We're going to play chess!"

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