HP calls me Queen

Chapter 46 The True Face of Professor Lockhart

The group looked towards the dark front, and Delphine cast a fluorescent spell.The surroundings suddenly lit up.

"Let's go!" Harry said, and at the same time he tapped Lockhart with his wand: "You go to the front!"

The footsteps of several people stepped on the wet ground, making a pattering sound, which was very noisy.This annoyed Delphine a little.At the same time, he began to think about how to deal with the situation at hand.It seemed that Harry was the only one going in, right?What happened?Oh, it seems that Lockhart snatched Ron's wand, and Ron was a rotten wand at the time, and the magic rebound hit the wall and a landslide occurred.

Well, it seems that Lockhart has no chance to grab the wand this time.It's a good wand even if you get it.What should we do about this matter?
Delphine walked at the end, thinking secretly, but heard Harry who came to the front say: "Everyone get your glasses ready, and put them on as soon as there is any movement. Or you can close your eyes. It's too annoying. Here It's so dark, you can't see anything with sunglasses on!"

Everyone else responded, only Lockhart complained that he didn't have sunglasses.But Delphine was gone, too.All she had with her was an extra pair, which she had given to Ron in the library.

Everyone was cautious, but it was quiet in the tunnel, there was no sound except their own footsteps.

I don't know how long I walked, and suddenly there was a click.It seemed that Harry, who was walking in front, stepped on something.Delphine expanded the scope of the fluorescent technique.Immediately, I saw the ground clearly. It turned out that the ground was full of bones.Most of them are the bones of some small animals.Hmm... There are also some that are no longer small animals.Delphine, who added an eagle eye to herself, also found the bones of two centaurs in the corner, but no human corpses were found.

Ron's face was very pale, and he obviously thought of something terrible, such as whether Ginny would become like this.

"We've got to hurry up!" said Ron.Except for Lockhart, everyone else nodded.A little further on, and around a dark bend.A group of people eat together.

In an open space not far away, there is a huge monster crouching!Although only an outline can be seen, it can be roughly seen that it is a giant python.He was lying there right now, motionless.

The five of them were stunned for a moment.But Delphine soon realized that it was not a basilisk.That guy doesn't have any magic power or mental fluctuations.Delphine has met the basilisk before, and the magic power and elemental fluctuations on the basilisk are amazing!Not only does the one in front of him have no magic power and mental fluctuations, it even has no vitality at all.

"So... is that the basilisk?" Ron asked in a low voice, his voice trembling.

"Did you fall asleep?" Draco said in a low voice.All three hung their sunglasses on the bridge of their noses, while Lockhart tightly covered his eyes.

"Don't scare yourself." Delphine walked up directly, raised her wand, and made the fluorescence brighter.

This time everyone saw it clearly.It was a huge snake slough.Green and shiny, the color is very bright.According to the law of nature, brightly colored things are often highly poisonous.Snakes usually follow this pattern.So this is definitely the slough of a very poisonous snake.It was lying on the ground, empty inside.Visually, the guy who just shed this thing is at least fifty feet away.

"God..." Ron sighed physically.Draco on the side also stared straight.

Delphine also wanted to say that when the basilisk was actually bigger, it suddenly looked back thoughtfully.Sure enough, Lockhart quietly walked behind Ron while the four of them were focusing on the super snake slough.

Just now, he released a wave of magic power.Is it to draw your attention on purpose?Delphine said nothing.

The next moment, Lockhart pounced, throwing Ron to the ground.Quickly snatched the wand from his hand and rolled over on the spot.

"Ron!" Harry noticed the movement here, turned around and exclaimed.Draco raised his wand to cast a spell on Lockhart.

Suddenly, however, Draco felt a bit confused.It's only a moment, but it's too late.

Lockhart rolled on the spot and stood up quickly.His movements at this time were many times faster than before.Holding Ron's wand in his hand, his characteristic smile was on his face again, showing his bright teeth.
 "Your adventures are over, boys!" he said triumphantly. "I'm going to take this belt to school and tell them I was too late to save that girl, and you all To see her mangled body is painfully insane. That's it! Farewell to your memories!"
 Raising his wand aloft, he yelled, "Forget nothing!"

"Curse back!" Daphne quickly made a move.An invisible shield appeared in front of several people.The Oblivion Curse hit the shield, but there was no magic rebound.Lockhart's spell hit the rebounding spell shield, and it exploded!
Its power was no less than that of a small bomb, and there was a violent roar in the dark corridor.

Harry covered his head with his arms and ran away, and beside him was Draco, who was also covering his head.The two ran past the giant snake slough in one breath, and managed to avoid the large pieces of rubble that fell from the tunnel ceiling to the ground.

However, when the two of them stopped to look back, there was a thick wall of rubble facing them.
"Ron, Delphine, are you all right?" Harry called, running to the wall.

"Cousin, are you alright?" Draco also yelled loudly.
 "I'm fine, but the other two are not!" Delphine's muffled voice came from behind the rubble wall: "Ron fell and passed out. Professor Lockhart seems to have been hit by a stone... Also dizzy."

"What should we do now?" Draco looked at the stone wall and said depressedly, "We can't make it through, and neither can you. Cousin, can you break through this stone wall?"

"It's not easy! Let me try!" came Daphne's voice, and then there was a roar from the opposite side. After a while, Daphne's helpless tone came: "No, the wall is very thick!"

"We can't waste time here!" Harry said eagerly, "Ginny can't wait too long, we have to hurry!" After saying that, he glanced at Draco, who was also looking at him.Seeing Harry looking over, Draco nodded.

"Delphine, you are here, try to clear this wall. Me and Draco keep going. If we don't come back within an hour..." Harry paused for a long time Only then said: "See you later!"

After that, the two quickly walked towards the tunnel.

the other side of the wall.

Holding the wand, Delphine turned her head to look at Lockhart, who was standing with his hands down, and Ron, who was lying on the side, unconscious: "Not the best situation, but it's not bad. Right? Professor?"

"Ah, ah? What are you talking about?" Lockhart pretended to be puzzled: "Why, you knocked that little guy out, and why did you say I fainted too, hehe, Hehehe... Then, can I go now?"

"Okay, okay, stop pretending! Thank you professor for helping me stop the basilisk!" Daphne waved her hand and said with a smile.It can be said that the explosion just now was caused by her and Lockhart working together.Lockhart's Memory Charm was a failure spell, causing an explosion on whatever it hit.Obviously Lockhart had planned to isolate Harry and let Harry continue on his own.

Delphine and Lockhart have the same idea, and her spell return also has an explosive effect.As a result, there was a big explosion.The explosion caused a small landslide, and Delphine quietly gave Ron a high-strength stun spell as the rubble fell.Ron passed out without any reaction.Then was pulled aside by Delphine.

To say that it was a surprise to Delphine, even Draco followed.But that was a small problem, Delphine felt, and it was the bumbling Lockhart that had to be solved first.

"Ah, ah? What are you talking about?" Regarding Delphine's words, Lockhart pretended to be puzzled, showing a panicked but forced calm smile.

"Do you want me to get your wand back and cast a flashback spell?" Delphine asked with a smile, her lips curled up slightly.

Lockhart froze for a moment, and the exaggerated smile on his face, which was suppressed with all his strength to suppress the panic, subsided.Showing an interested smile: "Principal Dumbledore said you are a very interesting little guy. But I didn't expect it to be so interesting!"

"Oh? Are you finally going to show your true colors?" Daphne said with a smile, and then pointed to the wand in his hand: "Get your own guy here first, or it won't be easy?"

"That's right!" Lockhart nodded, and lightly waved the wand in his hand: "The wand is flying!" Then he looked at Daphne, waiting for her to speak.

"Let's make a long story short!" Daphne said with a smile: "I have to go after Harry and the two of them as soon as possible, and I can't delay here for too long." Seeing Lockhart nodding, Daphne continued to ask: "Your true identity is not just a novelist, is it?"

"Actually, he's a novelist," Lockhart said with a chuckle, "but it might be a little special. Well, let me tell you the most special thing. I'm a student of Grindelwald!"

"Oh?" Delphine was a little surprised, this remark was beyond her expectations: "But, aren't you a student of Ravenclaw?"

"That's right," Lockhart nodded. "After I graduated, I went to work in Nurmengard, and then I met my teacher. I studied with him for a long time! Later, I went to Nurmengard with a few friends. Traveling around the world, writing our adventure stories into books. Hmm..." Lockhart seemed a little embarrassed at this point: "Because, I have the best face, so those guys must let me be the image Representative, said that only in this way can the book sell well. Well, well, I am actually very proud of this..."

Daphne was dumbfounded.

At this time, there was a sharp sound of breaking wind, and the next moment, a magic wand flew from far to near.Lockhart raised his hand to catch it.He held it in his hand and waved lightly: "Oh, it's still easy for an old friend to come!"

"So, why did you come to teach at Hogwarts?" Delphine continued to ask.

"I'm dying!" Lockhart said with a smile.

"What?" Delphine looked in disbelief, because Lockhart didn't seem to be dying at all.

"Cancer, late stage." Lockhart's smile is still hearty: "This disease is well-known in the Muggle world, and it is an incurable disease. But it's not just Muggles, magicians also have nothing to do with this disease."

Delphine was startled, she didn't expect it to be like this, and felt a little sad in her heart.

"This is retribution, the retribution of being young and frivolous!" Lockhart was still smiling, but a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes: "My magic power is stronger, and I can last a little longer. My friends all went before me step."

"It's all cancer?" Delphine frowned slightly, and found that something seemed wrong.

"Very sharp!" Lockhart smiled and shook his head, and said helplessly, "Yes, they are all cancers. But unlike ordinary cancers, we are all cursed!"

"Curse?" Delphine was a little surprised, the curse is an extremely ancient form of magic.Ancient curse magic, handed down one hundred and one out of a hundred.

"Yeah, the curse..." Lockhart shook his head: "My friends and I went on an adventure in Egypt the year before last and entered the pyramid of an ancient pharaoh. I don't know if the pharaoh is a brilliant magician himself, or the one around him There are powerful conjurers and priests. In short, a terrible curse was cast on the pyramid. We didn't find it at the time, but when we came out, the local archmages told us that we were cursed. After two years, my companion We all died of cancer one after another. My magic power is the strongest, so I have survived until now."

Speaking of this, Lockhart rubbed his face and smiled again: "In the last days, I originally wanted to go back to my teacher to spend the rest of my life. But at that time, Professor Dumbledore found me and asked me to do him a favor. A little Harry. I was going to die anyway, and if I could help the teacher... well, old friend, the last days are not wasted."

"Teach Harry? Didn't you notice what you taught?" Delphine looked strange.

"Well, Professor Dumbledore's request is a bit weird." Lockhart showed a strange and somewhat embarrassed smile: "He hoped that I would let Harry understand. What a bad thing it is to indulge in useless fame. After all , the boy who survived the catastrophe, is really quite famous..."

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