HP calls me Queen

Chapter 49 Fighting the Basilisk Again

Riddle dropped his wand and fell to the ground, his expression was not flustered, but his tone was full of anger.He looked up at the face of the Slytherin stone statue high up in the darkness.Riddle opened his mouth and hissed -- but both Harry and Delphine understood what he was saying. —"Speak to me, Slytherin... the greatest of the Hogwarts Four."

Both Harry and Delphine looked up at the Slytherin's head.Even Draco, who didn't understand, looked up.

The great stone face of Slytherin moved.The three of them saw that its mouth opened and grew bigger and bigger, finally forming a huge black hole.Something was moving in the statue's mouth.Something rustled and slid upwards from the depths of the statue.

"It's a basilisk, everyone put on your glasses! Close your eyes and back away!" Daphne shouted.The three of them quickly put on their glasses and backed away.After all, they all knew clearly that wearing glasses just wouldn't kill each other.But it will still be petrified, Hermione is an example.

Harry and Draco backed away with their eyes closed.The two quickly retreated to the edge of a pillar.Phoenix Fox fluttered its wings and took off earlier.

According to the danger rating of the Ministry of Magic, the phoenix is ​​a four-star danger, and the basilisk is a five-star danger.But a large part of the reason for this is because the Phoenix's aggressiveness is not strong.It doesn't mean it's weaker than the Basilisk!For example, at this time, Delphine perceives at close range, and the magic power fluctuations on Fox are not inferior to that of the basilisk.And it seems that it is not afraid of basilisks!
Unlike Harry and Draco, Delphine didn't close her eyes or back away.Soon, she knew, Fox would peck out the basilisk's eyes.For a basilisk that lost its eyes, its combat effectiveness would be greatly reduced in an instant.Secondly, Daphne still has the idea of ​​dying.She had looked at each other with the basilisk once before, and it was fine.Before she had time to figure out what the reason was, she really wanted to try again to see if it was still all right.Even if it is petrified, um... Isn't Lockhart still there, wouldn't it be worse?

The basilisk crawled out of the mouth of the Slytherin stone statue, and the huge monster over 20 meters fell heavily on the ground.Then, Delphine saw those big, murderous yellow eyes again.

It's okay, it's still okay!Daphne could clearly feel that her body could still move!Not petrified.

"How is it possible? Why didn't you die? You weren't petrified either!" Riddle, who hid aside, made a suspicious voice.

"Because you're a rookie!" Delphine grinned. Although she didn't know the reason, it was obvious that she was not afraid of the basilisk's gaze when she was wearing glasses.

The basilisk is obviously also very curious. It has an impression of the little one in front of it. After all, it is only a few hours since the last fight.This little guy won't be killed by his gaze, nor will he be petrified!This is so strange.

But soon, the basilisk didn't have the energy to take care of Delphine.

The wonderful singing sounded again in the secret room.Fawkes flew up and down around the basilisk's head.From time to time, it attacks the basilisk with its sharp golden beak and claws.Obviously, the phoenix is ​​not afraid of the basilisk in the slightest.And the death gaze of the basilisk has no effect on it.

Awesome!Delphine admired secretly. Although the phoenix is ​​only four-star dangerous, it is known as the most amazing magical creature, and it is not just because of its good looks.Even ghosts can be affected by the death stare, but it has no effect on it.

Meanwhile, Delphine has a strange feeling.It means that the whole body is full of energy and courage.It felt like it had happened just once, but Delphine didn't pay much attention.At this time, it was discovered that it should be the singing of Phoenix!The singing of Phoenix has an inspiring effect!

Awesome!Not afraid of basilisks, his body is light but powerful.Singing can inspire people's hearts, and tears can heal poison and wounds.The Creator really favors the phoenix too much!

As soon as Delphine was distracted, black-brown blood gushed out of the basilisk's head after Fox dived and attacked again.The scales of the basilisk are still very tough.Even with the sharp beak and claws of the phoenix, it is difficult to cause too many injuries. There is only one reason for such a large-scale blood splash.

"That phoenix pecked out the eyes of the basilisk!" Delphine shouted loudly.At the same time, dodge to avoid a tail whip of the enraged basilisk.

Hearing this, Harry immediately opened his eyes and rushed over.Draco, on the other hand, took a careful look and confirmed it.Sure enough, when I saw the basilisk turned its head, there were only two big black holes with blood lying in the original eyes.

"Little basilisk, let's see how powerful I am!" Daphne laughed when she saw that the basilisk's eyes were already startled, and black flames quietly appeared around her body - Fiendfire!
Ordinary magic, even the powerful black magic can cause very limited damage to the basilisk, but if it is Fiendfire!
"Fiendfire!" Riddle screamed in anger and despair.This is a magic in his memory that even if he has his own body and magic power, he cannot control it, let alone absorb the magic power and soul power of an 11-year-old girl.What's worse, Fiendfire is one of the few that can not only harm the basilisk, but also have a more terrifying effect-destroy the Horcrux!
The pitch-black flames reached the basilisk in an instant, and the green basilisk instantly turned into a black fire snake.The basilisk let out an angry roar and rolled on the ground, but it didn't intend to extinguish it except to let the place where it rolled also ignite the flames.Fierce Flame is not so easy to extinguish!

"Harry, go and see that hat!" Delphine shouted out, "Phoenix probably won't bring useless things."

Harry was taken aback when he heard this, he and Draco were actually in a daze.When they ran over to fight, Delphine's Fiendfire had already begun to show its power.It turned out that Delphine was burning the basilisk, and the two were staring at each other.

After listening to Delphine's words, Harry nodded.With a touch of the wand, the Sorting Hat on the ground immediately flew over.

The hat fell on Harry's hand, and Harry Nahan looked at the hat, suddenly realizing something.He put his hand into the hat, and the next moment, he pulled out a shiny silver long sword from the hat.The hilt is inlaid with dazzling, egg-sized rubies.

I see!Delphine watched with stealthy eyes and knew it by heart.It turned out to be a special soul wave built by two soul waves!What bullshit Gryffindor spirit, crap.That is purely Harry Potter's unique mental fluctuations!Because there is still a fragment of Voldemort's soul in his soul!
Harry held the longsword in his hand, looking confused.Shouted to Delphine: "Delphine, it's a sword!"

Daphne was about to answer when her face suddenly changed.Because the basilisk rolled over and fell into the pool on one side.Fiendfire cannot be extinguished by water, and can even burn in water.The whole pool suddenly burst into flames.

not good!Delphine was shocked.Originally, a large area of ​​Fiendfire spread out on the ground, but at this time a large pool of water was ignited, and Delphine felt that the magic power was being consumed at an extremely fast speed.

The basilisk, which has lived for a thousand years, has much thicker and stronger scales than Daphne expected, and its defense power far exceeds Daphne's expectations.Even Fiendfire failed to burn it to death after such a long time.It is still rolling in the pool.The fluctuation of the soul or the fluctuation of life shows no sign of weakening.

No, we can't go on like this!Delphine made a judgment in an instant, if this continues, before the basilisk was burned to death, she died because Fiendfire escaped the demon first!
Immediately casting the spell-breaking spell, Delphine waved her wand, and all Fiendfire gathered like a whale sucking in a river, and finally all of them were collected into Delphine's wand.After doing all this, Daphne's face turned slightly pale.If it wasn't because of yesterday's incident, today's magical power suddenly increased by a piece, and Daphne's magical power would bottom out!

"Haha, her magic power can't hold it anymore!" Riddle laughed triumphantly, and shouted loudly in Parseltongue: "Kill her, kill them, you lost your eyes, you still have a body and fangs!"

The sound of water splashes reminded me that the basilisk leaned out from the pool.After all, its scales had been lost by Fiendfire for a while, and by now it was already scorched black, and some places were bloody.But this made it look even more terrifying.

"Harry," Delphine said in a low voice, "that basilisk's defense is astonishing, and it's difficult for us to harm it with ordinary magic. But I can feel that the sword in your hand is a very powerful magic sword. One Will see the opportunity, give it a go. Draco and I will create it for you!"

"Okay!" Harry nodded, put his wand back in his pocket, and held the sword in both hands.Standing on either side of Delphine with Draco on the left and right.

"Cousin, what are we going to do?" Draco quickly said in a low voice, watching the basilisk slowly crawling out of the pool and coming towards them.

"The basilisk will come over in a while. You can use the stun spell on its head, no matter whether you hit it or not!" Daphne whispered, speaking at the same speed: "And I will give it a' Confusion Curse'! As long as it froze for a moment, Harry, you immediately use your sword to pierce its head!" When Daphne said the Confusion Curse, she deliberately emphasized her tone, not only for the two of them, but also for the Said by Lockhart who never showed up in the dark.

"Okay!" Harry and Draco nodded at the same time.The magic fluctuations on Lockhart's body in the dark flickered, and he signaled to Delphine that he understood.

The basilisk was not too far away from them, but it seemed that Fiendfire still hurt it after all, or maybe it couldn't see and needed Riddle behind to command it, so the speed was not fast.But at this time, they were still less than five meters away.I saw it standing upright, but not very high, only less than two meters, opened its mouth, and sprayed two streams of venom from its fangs.

As soon as Delphine raised her hand, a shield blocked the venom: "Draco!"

Draco understood, and immediately it was a stun spell.The basilisk is big enough, and not flexible enough at this point.The magic hit smoothly and entered the basilisk's mouth.It seems that in the mouth without the protection of the scales, the magic resistance is much lower.The basilisk obviously softened, and its raised body drooped down.Draco kept Delphine's instructions in mind, and regardless of the effect, a series of stun spells stun spells stun spells.

After five or six stun spells in a row, the basilisk unexpectedly clicked, and its head hit the ground directly.It looked like he was really in a coma!

Slip and fly, dog!Delphine glanced at Draco, as expected, he was Xiaolong's classmate who could fall in love with the Savior, and the one-time owner of the Elder Wand.This character!

At the moment, he was no longer obsessed with the confusion spell, and with a wave of his magic wand, countless thorns and vines emerged from the ground, endlessly, and quickly bound the basilisk tightly.Seeing this, Harry didn't need Delphine to remind him any more, he stepped forward quickly, and pierced the basilisk's black eye, once and again.The basilisk struggled for the first time, but the hundreds of thorny vines on its body made it difficult to move for a while, and after that, it couldn't move.The life had been pierced with Harry's longsword, completely gone from its body.

"There's nothing wrong with me, so I'll go back first!" Lockhart's subtle voice sounded in Delphine's ear, and then Delphine felt that Lockhart's soul wave left quickly.

Daphne didn't answer. She looked up at Riddle, who was sitting there slumped, and the corners of Riddle's mouth curled up again, showing a trademark smirk: "How about it, rookie? Are you going to kill yourself, or should we do it?"

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