HP calls me Queen

Attack on Palm 58

Delphine seemed to have just remembered something, and turned to look at Lupin: "Professor, I don't know, have you... have you taken your medicine tonight?"

Lupine's face suddenly changed, tonight is the night of the full moon.

Seeing Lupin's face change drastically, the others also realized that on the night of the full moon, Lupine, who is a werewolf or a wolf slave, would transform instantly when he saw the full moon or the moon in the sky, and lost his mind!And they have been delayed for too long, now, it is already late at night!
"Don't worry." Seeing everyone's terrified faces, Daphne smiled and said, "I have it with me." She said and took out a bottle of potion that shone with crystal silver light.Naturally, it is the potion of wolf spirit.

"Delphine, we adults are really embarrassed in front of you." Lupine smiled awkwardly, took the wolf potion, uncorked the bottle and drank it down.

"I think you should say thank you more." Delphine smiled softly: "Professor can stay here tonight. It's late and the moon has risen. You will transform as soon as you go out, and you will be killed by others." It's not good to see. As for the few of us..." Delphine glanced at Peter who was curled up in a ball and Snape who was still in a petrified state: "It seems that Gryffindor and Slytherin are hopeless for this year's House Cup Yes, but we still have to go back to the castle. At least Peter should teach Dumbledore."

"Actually, Hogsmeade has many Aurors and people from the Ministry of Magic." Hermione suggested.They were in the Shrieking Shed right now, in Hogsmeade, so it was much closer to the Aurors stationed in Hogsmeade than to the castle.

"Yes, but there are also dementors." Delphine glanced at Black: "This guy's status as a wanted man has not been lifted. I don't think the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic will listen to our explanation. Who knows if they will Just let the dementors attack."

The others thought it made sense. Only Blake was a little uncomfortable with Delphine's address, and muttered in a low voice: "Do you know that I'm your uncle..."

"This doesn't affect the fact that the dementors will give you a loving hug and kiss when they see you." Delphine smirked.Blake 囧, Blake is speechless.Everyone else couldn't help laughing, and the originally depressing atmosphere was diluted a lot.

"Okay, let's go back to the castle and find Dumbledore." Harry agreed, and then turned around to drill the hole.

"Please," Delphine covered her face, "We're in Hogsmeade now. Isn't it easier to walk directly than to drill into the ground? I don't want to drill that damn tunnel again." Delphine The tone was full of complaints.In fact, when she came in, she turned into a bird and snake, and it didn't take much effort, but he didn't want to fully expose the fact that she would turn into a bird and snake, so he had to go through the tunnel when he went back, and Delphine didn't like to go through holes!
"But..." Hermione looked at Black nervously: "If you go to Hogsmeade, you will encounter dementors. Mr. Black..."

"Let's turn into a dog, anyway, he is very proficient." Daphne said with a smile: "It is really amazing that someone can transform into an Animagus without using a magic wand. This requires a very high level of proficiency." And the recognition of the transformation form. It seems that someone likes dogs very much!"

"So-and-so is your uncle..." Blake muttered again in a low voice, but in front of Delphine, he felt that he could not stand up at all.That's pathetic, as if Delphine was his uncle.

No one noticed that Peter's eyes flashed brightly when he heard Daphne's words.

Snape was left in the screaming booth to be with Lupin, and Delphine thought maliciously that after Lupine's transformation, he hoped that he would not tear off his hands and feet to eat because he was hungry.Daphne didn't mean to lift the petrification spell for him.With the old bat involved, everything will become a lot more troublesome, so it's better to solve all the troubles tonight.She wants to release Black as a fugitive, which will be useful for her next plan!
Delphine, the trio, and Blake, who turned into a big dog, escorted Peter out of the screaming booth, but Lupine did not send it out.It was already late at night.When the full moon is in the sky, he will transform as soon as he comes out.Obviously he didn't want the students to see him as a werewolf.

In the middle of the night, Hogsmeade was silent, and five people and one dog walked towards the castle.

Peter tried to struggle, but it was Delphine's special spell that bound him, and any struggle and fluctuation of magic power would only make the rope tighter.This is a rare magic, but Daphne currently has a lot of rare magic.

Passing through the entrance of Hogsmeade's village, there were indeed a few dementors guarding them, but there were no Aurors.They must have all fallen asleep.

Facts have proved that the Ministry of Magic at this time still has some control over the dementors.At least these dementors didn't intend to attack.The others were not too nervous either. They had all mastered the Patronus Charm and were not afraid of Dementors at all, especially with Delphine around. They all remembered that in the Quidditch match, Delphine How the Patronus beat up the Dementors.In fact, Ron even kind of wanted to see the Dementors die.Because he wanted to see that beautiful patron saint.

The dementor did not act as a demon, and the group arrived at the junction of Hogsmeade and Hogwarts smoothly.This passage is adjacent to the Forbidden Forest. Even in summer, the edge of the Black Forest is still bleak and windy at night.

No one noticed, the moon quietly rose to the sky.Full moon at midnight, right in the sky!

Aww~ In the depths of the Forbidden Forest, a shrill howl of wolves resounded.Daphne's face suddenly changed, and she suddenly felt bad.

Sure enough, the next moment, a wolf howled from the direction of Hogsmeade.It was Lupine, and the first wolf howl of the full moon was unstoppable.In the past, when he was in the castle, Lupine would add a soundproofing magic to his office, but not if it was in the Scream Shed, because it was rumored to be haunted.

This was not a problem, but immediately after that, there were two howls of wolves in the Forbidden Forest, and judging from the sound, it was very close to Daphne and the others!

"Not good!" Delphine's face changed: "Speed ​​up."

Although Harry and the others didn't think there was anything, wolves often howled in the Forbidden Forest, so it had long been rumored that there was more than one werewolf living in it.But they still subconsciously chose to believe Daphne's words, and drove Peter away, speeding up.

However, Delphine's premonition may be accurate when it is good, and it is always very accurate when it is bad!
After a while, three figures emerged from the bushes nearby, blocking the way of several people.

"It's you?" Delphine frowned and looked at one of the very sloppy tall men, who turned out to be Fenrir Greyback, whom she met before and who should have been locked up.

"Bad guy?" Seeing that Delphine and Hermione's expressions had changed, Harry asked cautiously from the side.

"That guy," Hermione pointed at the grinning Fenrir Greyback, "is a werewolf, and a very bad werewolf."

"It's so late, why are the little wizards not in the castle? It doesn't look like a good boy." A cold voice came from the mouth of the man beside Fenrir Greyback.It was a tall man, too, though not as tall as Fenrir Greyback.He had blond hair, was thin, and had a very pale complexion.Wearing a spotless black robe.What was particularly noticeable was his eyes, faintly glowing with dark red blood.

The other of the three, also a scruffy man with the same green eyes as Fenrir Greyback, was obviously a werewolf too.

Hearing Hermione's words, Harry and Ron all took out their wands, but the three people on the opposite side didn't take it seriously.

The three of them have the capital to be proud of!Delphine felt that among the three, the magic fluctuations of the other werewolf were similar to Fenrir Greyback's, and he was considered a very powerful dark wizard.And the other one, the skinny red-eyed man, was actually much stronger in mana fluctuations than Fenrir Greyback.Maybe even slightly stronger than Snape.

"You stubble." Daphne got her wand and stared at the three of them closely, but she said to the three of Harry: "Take Peter and run towards the castle quickly. Then find the principal or the professors. Black and I Resist for a while."

Blake, who turned into a big black dog, bared his fangs and roared at the three of them.Obviously threatening the three of them.Although not as clear as Delphine felt, he also felt the danger of the three of them immediately.But for some unknown reason, he didn't change back to human form, but continued to confront in the form of a big dog.

"But..." Harry wanted to say something, but Hermione stopped him.She had seen the strength of Fenrir Greyback, and knew that the current ones would not be able to help them fight at this level!

Hermione pulled Harry and chased Peter away.Peter didn't act like a demon at this time, and ran along obediently.He also saw that the three in front of him were not good people, and if they fell into their hands, they might as well fall into the hands of the Ministry of Magic.

"Want to leave?" Another werewolf sneered, and with a wave of his wand, a green flame shot out, shooting directly at the running Harry and the others.

Ron, who couldn't help looking back while running, saw the flames coming, screamed and wanted to use magic to resist.However, before his magic was summoned, the flames turned around in mid-air.The originally exploding green flame seemed to be like water in a pool that had been unplugged. It quickly gathered towards a point, and after a while, it turned into a delicate green flame rose, quietly floating in Delphine's body. in the palm of your hand.Daphne clenched her small fist, and the flame rose withered instantly.

"What a brilliant fire control technique, depriving Bischia's magic in an instant!" The red-eyed man expressed surprise in his tone.Yet almost the next moment, a green light shot at Delphine, along with the incantation "Avada Kedavra!"

However, the killing curse hit Daphne, but it didn't stop, but went straight through.The figure of Delphine also became blurred, it turned out to be a phantom that didn't know when to change.

A gray light shot out from the shadow cast by a treetop, and hit the red-eyed man directly.However, the man unexpectedly jumped up for more than ten meters, but his feet landed firmly on a thick branch—hanging upside down!

The man opened his mouth, and a vague wave spewed out from his mouth, rushing past the place where the magic was emitted before.There was a ping sound like glass shattering, and something seemed to break open in the space.Delphine appeared on the spot, looking at the man hanging upside down from the tree trunk with a look of surprise: "Blood?"

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