HP calls me Queen

Chapter 69 Horcruxes, First Contact with the Order of the Phoenix

The barrier at Lestrange Manor was intentionally strengthened today, and all Floo powder networks were temporarily cut off.As a result, many students who originally wanted to come to play with Daphne couldn't get in.For example, Draco sent a dozen owls for this purpose, but even the owls could not enter Lestrange Manor today.

There were seven or eight people sitting in the living room of the manor mansion.Headed by Dumbledore with white beard and hair.

Sitting next to him was a grim-looking man with a prosthetic leg and a magic eye.At this time, the magic eye was spinning crazily, making people look very uncomfortable——Alastor Moody.Former Auror, and best Auror ever, nicknamed Mad-Eye.Although the appearance is terrible, the magic fluctuations on Moody's body are surprisingly strong!
Next to Moody stood a middle-aged man with red hair.His expression was unnatural, and he looked around from time to time.It seems to be a little uncomfortable with this environment.But among all the people present, his magic power was only inferior to Dumbledore and Moody's, and was almost the same as that of Professor McGonagall.This is Mr. Weasley, father of the twins and Ron.The apparently gorgeous Lestrange mansion made him a little uncomfortable.

Professor McGonagall did not put his hair up, which was rare today, but tied it into a high ponytail.It made her look less serious than usual, and she looked a lot younger.However, her expression at this time was more serious than before.

Next to it were Black and Lupine.With Blake's sponsorship, Lupine changed clothes a lot more frequently.Changed to a fitted brown dress today.It looks very spiritual.Next to Black was a fair-skinned young girl with large dark eyes who seemed attracted to Lupine.Occasionally sneak a glance at him.

That was Nymphadora Tonks.Ordinarily, it should be Delphine's cousin.Her mother was from the Black family, old Delphine and Sirius' cousin.Tonks had already graduated the year Delphine and Harry entered school.So there is no intersection between each other.However, I heard it mentioned by senior students that she is a very talented witch.At the same time, he is also a very rare, innate disguise magus.

Tonks can change his appearance at will.Therefore, when she was in the academy, she often used other people's faces to do bad things. Many students who were tricked by her would stamp their feet and beat their chests in disgust every time they talked about it.Well, what is more incredible is that this girl is not a Gryffindor but a Hufflepuff.

Delphine paid attention to her because of her blood relationship. At this time, Tonks had already completed the special training and became an intern Auror.

Alas, there is a Phoenix Society meeting at my mother's house.Delphine secretly complained helplessly.But this is not a bad thing, at least it can show your position.After all, well, she still wants to be on the side of justice.

"Is there more than one Horcrux..." Looking at the golden cup and a locket box in front of him, Dumbledore looked solemn.

Most of the other people around had solemn expressions, only Daphne looked indifferent.Well, and Tonks, she's a little distracted.

"Thank you very much, Miss Lestrange. If it weren't for your reminder, I might not have noticed this matter for a long time!" Dumbledore sighed: "I originally only had one diary, it seems more than that ah!"

Delphine raised her eyebrows slightly, feeling that Dumbledore had known about the Horcruxes for a long time, but he didn't know how many Voldemort made in total.

"Albus, how many Horcruxes do you think Voldemort will make?" Moody beside him couldn't help asking.

"I don't know either." Dumbledore shook his head flatly: "Although Tom was brought to school by me, I didn't have a close relationship with him in school. The close relationship with him was the professor of potions at that time, Stein Laghorn! But..." At this point, he shook his head: "But Professor Horace's mouth is very tight, and it may be difficult to get something out of his mouth."

"Yeah, Horace, that old guy, is very slippery!" Moody curled his lips.He was already ugly, and this made him even uglier.

Others can't take Moody's words.Moody and Professor Slughorn were about the same age and had known each other in the past.It's okay to make complaints.Except for Professor McGonagall, everyone else is a junior, so they don't speak so casually.

Delphine also didn't care, she knew what Dumbledore said was true.In fact, when Dumbledore knew that Voldemort was working on Horcruxes, he deliberately got the news from Slughorn.But Slughorn's reaction was very strong, and it wasn't until the sixth year that Harry got the word out.

"I think it should be seven?" Black said suddenly.

"Seven?" Dumbledore was a little surprised: "Why do you say that?" Not only Dumbledore, but also other members of the Order of the Phoenix looked at Black with some doubts.

"When I was in Azkaban, Mulcibor was next door to me. When I was imprisoned and I was not crazy, I heard him say that Voldemort is sometimes a very serious person." A strange light flashed in Black's eyes: " He likes to pay attention to some strange ancient magic, and he likes some special numbers. And seven happens to be the most magical number. Isn't it?"

"Seven..." Dumbledore's face was a little ugly.If there were really seven Horcruxes, just finding them would be a hassle.

"Haha, seven, seven." Black laughed.Seeing other people looking at him with neurotic eyes, Black suppressed a smile and said: "If Voldemort really divided his soul into seven parts, then he would not be far from the nerve. The more the soul is divided, the more the soul will be. The more vulnerable you will be, the worse your self-control ability will be. Negative emotions will more easily invade your reason, a lunatic is better to deal with than a rational Dark Lord."

"However, a lunatic sometimes does things regardless of the consequences, and it's even more difficult to deal with." Mr. Weasley frowned.Lupine and Professor McGonagall nodded in agreement.

"The lunatic does things insanely and recklessly!" Tonks said suddenly, and then laughed.But seeing that no one else was smiling, he held back again.Delphine looked at this big sister, a little embarrassed.This older sister is also a legendary figure in the academy.But this joke is really on the wrong side of the road, and most people can't get it at all.

Black looked at Tonks with gentle eyes, after all Tonks' mother was the cousin with whom he had the best relationship.He believed there was a point to what Mr. Weasley said.Then nodded.

"In this case, let's press the number seven first." Dumbledore nodded and began to study the two Horcruxes in his hand.Of course, under the reminder of Black and Moody, he checked very carefully.

"It's really hard to destroy!" Dumbledore said with emotion: "And I'm a little bit reluctant. I can also see these two things, they are the relics of Slytherin and Hufflepuff. Tom can pick things. .”

"Hufflepuff and Slytherin?" Moody's magic eyes rolled around, thoughtfully: "According to this way of thinking, there must be Ravenclaw and Gryffindor?"

"The only thing passed down from Godric Gryffindor is the sword, which has always been in the hands of the principal." Before Dumbledore could speak, Professor McGonagall shook his head and said, "Voldemort should have no chance to touch it. As for Ravenclaw — there seems to be a diadem handed down, but no one knows where."

"Well, then, I'm sure, counting the diaries destroyed by Harry and I, there are already four." Daphne nodded seriously.Facing a group of people who can be said to be important in the British wizarding world, even if they are landlords, it is rare for her to intervene.

"Maybe, I know one thing too." Dumbledore was thoughtful.

"Oh?" The other people were all interested when they heard the words, and they wanted to go find it with Dumbledore.But then Lupine hesitated.He had already agreed with Delphine to join his potion factory as an external speaker.The two even signed an unbreakable spell, Lupine can't do anything to harm Delphine in matters related to the potion factory, and oppose any request of Delphine.Therefore, if Delphine asked Lupine not to go because of the potion factory, Lupine could not violate it because of the contract.

"Look at what I'm doing, this is a serious business." Delphine rolled her eyes, and then said to Dumbledore: "Professor, can you avoid it for a while. I want to have a private chat with my CEO."

"CEO?" Dumbledore was a little stunned. This term has actually been around for a long time, but there is no such term in the magic world.Not only Dumbledore, but most of the others were also in a daze,
"I seem to have heard this word before, what does it mean..." Mr. Weasley patted this head, wanting to answer.But apparently without success.

"It's the CEO, similar to the meaning of a corporate agent or manager." Lupine smiled awkwardly. As a werewolf, he has been on the fringes of the magic world for a long time, and from time to time he will come into contact with the world of ordinary people.Compared with Dumbledore or a few other people who have been in the ivory tower, he does know a lot more about these things.After all, even Mr. Weasley, as an employee of the Ministry of Magic, can only be interested in understanding ordinary people from the perspective of a magician. Lupine does have the opportunity to truly understand ordinary people.

"Oh!" Dumbledore was stunned, and nodded with a smile: "Okay, this is your business secret! I understand, I understand. Sirius, how about we go to your house to rest first?"

"Of course, professor!" Black naturally did not refuse.

"By the way, Sirius." Delphine called to stop Black: "Kreacher has always been very kind to me, for the sake of me and the locket, please treat him better in the future."

Black frowned, but still nodded and said, "I see. This time I promised to help him get rid of the locket, and he's not as annoying as before. I'll be more polite to him." Seeing Daphne smiling Nodding, Blake led everyone away.

After everyone else left, Delphine briefly explained to Lupine about the potion factory, and then asked Jingjing to keep in touch with Lupine.

"Are you going on a long trip?" Lupine asked curiously, seeing that Delphine looked like she was about to leave after explaining a lot of things in detail.

"That's right!" Delphine nodded affirmatively, "I might spend this vacation in the United States. I'm going to watch the World Cup!"

"The World Cup?" Lupine was a little puzzled. "This year's Quidditch World Cup is hosted by England."

"Oh. It's not Quidditch, it's football!" Delphine said with a smile: "Of course, if the time does not conflict, I will come back to watch the Quidditch game. I have already checked with the league. The United States There will also be a portkey directly to the venue." Speaking of this, Daphne couldn't help but smash her mouth: "It's really a luxury, a portkey that spans the entire ocean!"

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