HP calls me Queen

Chapter 73 Preparation

Delphine didn't know at all that the abnormality on her side had aroused Harry's attention and worry.

At this time, she is concentrating on her magic research.

The handkerchief I took out of the box was bought from a very old magic shop in Japan during the summer vacation. That shop is famous for selling all kinds of contraband throughout Asia.If it wasn't for the really big backstage, I don't know how many times it would have been banned.

Japan's traditional magic - Onmyoji is very good at sealing and enchantment magic, and the handkerchief depicts a barrier that can completely isolate the senses.When the enchantment is opened, any external perception and exploration cannot discover the things inside the enchantment.

However, this isolation is detectable. When various investigations or observations sweep across this area, you will find that the investigations are isolated.Or if you stand on the edge of the barrier and look inside, you will only see a mass of darkness.It is not as good as other enchantments, which can make it difficult for people to find that the probe is isolated.

Furthermore this magic is unaware of any physical isolation abilities and magic resistance.Any physical magic can enter and exit without hindrance, and any person or creature can enter and exit without any barriers.

There are so many shortcomings, but this magic is still preserved, the reason is that its isolation effect is really good.In the known magical world, there is no way to peek into the enchantment.And once the detection is blocked, the barrier will react immediately, so that the person who arranged the barrier will know.

Delphine uses it to insulate against possible prying eyes.Although it seems that only the white wizard in the academy has the ability to spy on himself without being aware of himself, and it is basically impossible for the white wizard to do so.But Daphne still handled it with care.Because what she was about to do was slightly illegal.

Confirming that the barrier has taken effect, Daphne nodded with satisfaction, and then took out a few things from the interspatial bag inside the robe.

The first thing that was taken out was a brocade box, the surface of the brocade box was wrapped with talisman paper with magic pattern engraved on it, a piece of black leather, a silver spiral point and a foot-long fang.

"It's still different..." Daphne looked at the thing in front of her and pinched the center of her eyebrows.

These four things in front of me are incredible.The brocade box with the sealed magic pattern contained the essence of the dementor that was obtained from Heishui Street in Greece before - the frozen air of death; Creatures that can only be expelled by divine spells are extremely difficult to capture and hunt.For this skin, Daphne spent five thousand gold Jialong!
The silver spiral point is the horn of a unicorn. Delphine got it in the first grade and hasn't used it yet.As for the fang, it was obtained from Hagrid, the tooth of his three-headed dog Lu Wei.

Delphine hesitated for a while holding the death freeze, and finally put away the death freeze again.Delphine used the death freeze for another very difficult experiment.Delphine estimated that it would be at least a year before that experiment could be piloted by herself.

"That's three different things... um..." Delphine seemed to remember something, her eyes lit up, and she stood up suddenly.Put everything away.Then he added a disillusionment spell to himself and quietly left the dormitory.

On the other side of the castle, Harry, who was outside the common room at this time, glanced at the Marauder's Map again, and found that Delphine had appeared again.

"It seems that something is really wrong with the map!" Harry patted his head, looking at the name representing Daphne walking towards the first floor.Turned back to the bedroom.

More than half an hour later, Delphine returned to the dormitory with a satisfied smile on her face.Re-arrange the sensory enchantment, and then take out the previous things, but this time there is an extremely tightly sealed small bottle containing a purple-black liquid-the venom of the basilisk.

Delphine just went to the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets. The Chamber of Secrets has never been opened since the second year, and the huge corpse of the basilisk has not been disposed of.At first, it would be troublesome if you don't have enough strength to continue, but then you forgot about it.Only then did I think of it when I wanted to use it.

The secret room is under the Black Lake, not too close to the castle. If it wasn't for being able to transform into a bird and snake, it would be really inconvenient for Delphine to go back and forth.

When Delphine passed, all that was left of the basilisk was its skin and skeleton.The meat has been eaten by small creatures like rats.Fortunately, although the basilisk is highly poisonous, the meat is not poisonous.Otherwise, it should be the corpses of rats or other animals all over the place, it must be smelly!
Although the snake meat was ruined, fortunately the skull was not damaged much.The skin and bones of the basilisk are still very tough.Especially Slytherin, who has lived for thousands of years.

"It's a pity, there are many treasures on the basilisk!" Delphine secretly regretted, but she still only took a little venom.The corpse of the basilisk might be of no use. Delphine didn't want others to know that she had been to the secret room, which would expose her ability to speak the language of snakes.

Put back four things, this time Basilisk Venom, Voldebat Skin, Unicorn Horn, and Three-Headed Dog's Teeth.

Someone who is very proficient in the theory of magical creatures, such as Sir Newt Scamander or Professor Sylvanos Kettleburn, can see the problem with the four things in front of him.

The four things in front of him belonged to four of the six camps of magical creatures.

Magical creatures are divided into three camps: good, neutral and evil according to their aggressiveness towards wizards or humans.According to their own attributes, they are divided into two categories: lawful and chaotic.Together, there are six camps.

The unicorn is good and lawful, the three-headed dog is neutral chaos, and the Voldebat is evil and lawful.And the basilisk and the dementors that Delphine was going to save for her were evil chaos.

At this moment, Daphne still lacks goodness, chaos, and neutral law.

This classification of Fantastic Beasts was relatively well known before the Middle Ages, when humans and wizards were relatively few in number and Fantastic Beasts were relatively numerous.With the development of human beings, the habitat of magical animals has decreased, and the number has also decreased.No one cares about this classification.It has not appeared in textbooks for decades.A purely practical person like Hagrid, who doesn't care about theory, doesn't even know this classification.Apart from Delphine, probably only Hermione, who is interested in reading the tome, may know this among the students in the academy.

Delphine didn't collect these for fun, of course.

Among the tomes she got out of the Room of Requirement was a very old alchemy notebook.It is a very advanced method of refining magic items developed by a very powerful dark wizard in the pre-Merlin era.The black wizard is a very high-level alchemist. The magic item he researched named 'False Holiness' needs the components of magic creatures with four stars or higher in the six camps as the main components. More than a dozen accessories are required, and there is a rather complicated magical ritual involved.

This magic item has very strong magic resistance and can resist almost all non-substantial magic attacks.According to the description, Delphine estimated that she might even be able to resist the Avada Kedavra curse.

However, this top-notch magical armor named 'False Sanctity' is not known because the production method is too complicated or for other reasons. It was rarely known in Merlin's era or even earlier, and it has been completely lost now.Now there is no news about it and its production method in the magic world, and the Avada Kedavra is a product of the Merlin era, so the two have not coexisted, and no one has tried whether it can really resist Avada Kedavra Fate curse.

Thanks to Delphine, who was bored during the holidays and picked up old notebooks and flipped through them, otherwise she probably wouldn't have noticed.

Delphine is intrigued by this 'hypocritical holiness'.So start preparing from the summer vacation.I specially purchased the skin of Voldebat and asked Hagrid for the tooth that Lu Wei replaced. Daphne gave Hagrid a griffin. Hagrid's affection for Daphne is max. Getting a tooth is a trivial matter .

At this time, I have four main ingredients in my hand.In fact, there are five kinds, and the fire dragon is neutral and lawful.However, all the dragon skins in Daphne's hand were made into robes and armguards.And other parts have other uses.The last two accessories have been mailed and arrived last weekend. Except for the remaining two main ingredients, it can be said that they are fully prepared.

"Dragon scales or dragon horns shouldn't be hard to buy...the twins should have a way, or Ollivander should be able to get the dragon's nerves...but this kindness is chaotic...it seems that only four stars and above Thunderbird is easier to get, right? And Sphinx... If there is no accident, the last project of Sphinx may appear, but it will be too late... I still have to think about Thunderbird... Well, Meng Yuchen should have a way Right. There are relatively more Thunderbirds in America, that's their home territory..." Delphine murmured.

At this time, the edge of Hogwarts Castle, a corner of the Forbidden Forest.

Moody, or Barty Crouch Jr., was pacing anxiously.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a rustling sound in the Forbidden Forest, and three men, two tall and one short, came out of the Forbidden Forest.

If Harry or Delphine were here, they would recognize that the taller and the shorter of the three were Barty Crouch and Wormtail.Wormtail always looked wretched, as if he had been a mouse for a long time, and he couldn't help but look around, like a mouse afraid of cats.

Barty Crouch's complexion was very bad. After the World Cup, every time he appeared, his complexion was very bad, and it became more and more serious.

The other man, both Harry and Delphine probably looked familiar.Especially Delphine.Because this is the very dangerous Czech wizard that Audelina Hillieux said appeared next to Britney Longbottom at the Christmas ball.

"You are late!" Fake Moody complained: "This is Dumbledore's territory, I may cause problems if I stay out for too long!"

Barty Crouch didn't speak, and Wormtail opened his mouth and didn't speak.It was the Czech wizard who shook his head with a smile: "I'm sorry, Mr. Crouch, but this forest is a little more troublesome than I imagined."

If Harry looked at the Marauder's Map at this time, he might be surprised to find it.At the end of the map, two Barty Crouches appear.

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