HP calls me Queen

Chapter 86 Labyrinth

"Oh, our Horton warrior can be called a lady killer!" Bagman sighed, because just now, Meng Yuchen was eliminated by Markov Horton.The two had a fierce battle, and Horton finally knocked Meng Yuchen down with his strange water and ice magic.On the other side of the maze, Krum and Jacob are fighting fiercely.

Almost as soon as the two met, a fierce exchange of fire began.And it's not ordinary magic when it comes up!
Durmstrang taught black magic, and Krum was naturally proficient in it.From the very beginning, it was a mid-level black magic like the Horror Snake.However, Jacob's magical attainments were not low either.

Seeing the dark green snake with silver light rushing towards him, Jacob immediately recognized the fully upgraded and enhanced version of the fear technique!Ordinary magic has no resistance to this kind of magic, but Jacob is a high-level wizard who is good at protecting the god.

A giant silver wolf appeared in the silver light, blocking the terrified snake.And just shred it.

"Oh! The Patronus Charm turned out to be a tangible Patronus Charm! I have to say that our warriors this year are of a very high standard! After Ms. Hilliex, the Corvinus Warriors also used the tangible Patronus Charm. Patronus!" Outside the maze, the Bagman guide said excitedly!Most of the little wizards also looked excited.Although many students at Hogwarts have mastered the tangible Patronus, there are still more who have not mastered it. Most of them are well aware of the difficulty of this magic.

In the auditorium, Black nudged Lupine beside him with his elbow, and smiled at him winkingly.The latter also gave him a big white eye.Lupine's Patronus is also a wolf, though he rarely materializes it.

Krum was taken aback by the physical patron saint, but as the world's leading seeker, his reaction speed is still very fast!Before Jacob's next magic attack came, he rolled on the spot in a hurry to avoid it.

However, one move is one move and one move is lost!Krum, who had lost his initiative, faced Jacob's continuous attacks.Although he is agile and quick to react, he cannot compare to the battle-tested Jacob!In the end, one couldn't dodge and was hit by a petrification spell.At the last moment Krum cast a sleeping spell.But even at the last moment, Jacob still didn't relax at all, a light shield spell blocked it.Krum, on the other hand, froze completely in place.

Seeing the petrified Krum's unwilling face, Jacob smiled very happily.

Let you snatch my girlfriend!Let you have higher points than me!Let you be more popular than me!Give me a penalty stand!
For Krum, Jacob has changed from a little fan to a lifelong enemy!Well, it's all Hermione's fault!
At this time, there are only four warriors left in the maze, Harry, Delphine, Jacob and Holden!And their positions are getting closer and closer!
Almost at the same time when Horton brought down Meng Yuchen and Jacob petrified Krum, Daphne and Harry met.

Harry was stopped by a sphinx.

Sphinx is a four-star magical creature, but the rating of magical creatures is actually arranged according to the degree of danger.Sphinx is relatively friendly to wizards, which can be seen from its alignment - good chaos.

When it comes to actual combat power, the Sphinx is not so strong!It can summon storms and dust, it can summon boulders falling from the sky, and it can send out a roar that shocks the soul.With the body of a lion, it is not inferior in hand-to-hand combat, and its overall combat effectiveness is not much inferior to that of a fire dragon.

If fighting head-on, this should be the strongest magical creature in the maze.But the risk is relatively small.Compared with the bird-shaped man-eating monster trapped by chains and the three giant snails on the other side, which no one has encountered, it is less dangerous because it will not actively attack!For example, at this time, it was asking Harry to guess riddles.

Harry's Invisibility and Confusion Charms failed to fool the Sphinx, but that was because of his low level.Daphne, who also used the invisibility spell and the confusion spell, stood beside the man and the beast, but no one noticed.

The son of the plane is the son of the plane!

Seeing Harry solve the riddle that she didn't understand in a blink of an eye, Delphine felt overwhelmed.She didn't remember whether this happened in the first place, but since she had passed it smoothly, it didn't matter.By the way, that sphinx face is a beauty!It doesn't feel so weird to be on a lion!
Delphine followed Harry quietly, thinking wildly.

Suddenly, Daphne faintly felt something.Quietly, the fingers rubbed lightly.A vague mist appeared at her feet and then quickly hid in the lawn under her feet.Even the outside audience didn't see it.

Delphine deduced from the situation of the third project that the fifth project must also have a live broadcast, so she acted very cautiously.The mist just now was a Yin spirit!
Delphine was surprised but not particularly surprised that the family magic of the Lestrange family was of the necromantic category.If there are so many infernal corpses in the place where Voldemort hides the locket, it might be due to Rodolphus.

A ghost is something similar to a ghost but much weaker.It has no combat power at all, and it cannot affect the material world at all.Both black and white magic can harm or even destroy it.But this little thing also has advantages, first, it can attach to the caster's line of sight!In other words, people who use it can observe things around it; second, it is extremely concealed!Small in size and like mist.It's hard to see if you don't observe deliberately.However, if it is a wizard who is proficient in necromantic magic, or a wizard with a very strong and sharp mental power like Daphne, it can also be detected.

Delphine only refined three Yin spirits, and to refine these things, she would go to the cemetery to collect dead energy.Although Delphine is not afraid of ghosts, a place like a cemetery is not suitable for a girl to play at all!
Through Yin Ling, Delphine found Horton and Jacob not far away.

Holden found Jacob, but Jacob didn't find Holden.Because Horton turned into a puddle of water and lurked in the grass on the ground!Even as alert as Jacob did not notice.If it wasn't for being sensitive enough to mental fluctuations even if the vision was attached to Yin Ling, it would be difficult for Daphne to detect Horton's existence.

But it wasn't Horton who caught Delphine's attention.Horton's magic power and spiritual strength were not enough to arouse Daphne's vigilance.What really caught his attention was another person hidden in the tree wall!

He looked like Mad-Eye Moody now, but Delphine knew it was Barty Crouch Jr.!

This guy has some skills, he entered the maze without anyone noticing, and no one found out!After confirming that it was Little Crouch, Daphne was not particularly worried.She remembered that it seemed that this guy helped Harry secretly, so that he could find the trophy of the Tournament first!
After hesitating for a while, Delphine didn't do anything that might alarm the three of them, she just followed Harry and distractedly observed the three of them.

Delphine's small movements were naturally invisible to the outside audience.All they could see was that Daphne's perspective was always behind Harry, but they couldn't see the figure.

"Oh! Miss Lestrange found Potter! But she didn't reveal herself! That's right, seven warriors have been eliminated at this time. Even if she made a misjudgment because she missed one firework, she also eliminated six. There are only five people left. At this time, it is almost the time when even this academy has to compete with each other!" Bagman expressed his opinion happily.

His view won the approval of the audience.Especially the little snakes of Slytherin, each of them was beaming with joy.

Although the relationship between the four colleges of Hogwarts is quite harmonious, the competition between them still exists.During the selection of the Academy Cup in the past three years, the scene was full of gunpowder every time.

At this time, the Slytherin warrior Daphne is hiding in the dark, ready to knock down the Gryffindor warrior Harry at any time, which makes the little snakes very happy!The little snakes are very happy, but the little lions are not.Everyone knows Delphine is stronger than Harry!At this moment, she was still hiding in the dark, so of course Harry couldn't deal with Daphne!Angelina has already been eliminated, and it seems that Harry will not be able to make it to the end!

On the other hand, Horton did not attack Jacob rashly.Because Jacob had other troubles.

Two bull-sized spiders were attacking Jacob one after the other.They can spray tough and sticky spider webs from their mouths, and they are very resistant to magic.Jacob's several powerful spells failed to damage them.

"Oh, Corvinus is in trouble!" Bagman saw that the main camera turned around, and immediately began to comment: "The Corvinus warrior is really very good. I doubt that he may be the The strongest wizard in the Tournament. Probably only Miss Lestrange can compete with him. But...where did the organizing committee get such a big spider?"

The two spiders were brought by Hagrid from the Forbidden Forest, and they are naturally descendants of Acromantula Aragorn.Although they are of mixed blood, they are of the blood of five-star dangerous creatures after all. The magic resistance of these big spiders is still passable.

"However, compared to the two spiders in the open, I think the bigger threat to Convinus is the Horton hiding in the dark!" Bagman said regretfully.

Bagman's judgment was correct. When Jacob tried his best and finally defeated the two giant arachnids, and his mind relaxed a little, Horton, who had been lurking by the side, suddenly made a move.

Ice Tide + Freeze!

Horton shot very quickly, two consecutive magic.Even if it was an intentional and unintentional sneak attack, the first spell was blocked by Jacob, but the second spell still hit.Even so, Jacob fought back, but although the hasty paralysis hit Holden, it failed to completely incapacitate Holden.Jacob, on the other hand, was frozen into ice.

Trying his best to overcome the paralysis of his body, Horton gritted his teeth and blessed himself with a recovery technique, which removed the effect of the paralysis.Looking at Jacob who was frozen in the ice, his face was full of fear.

Under such circumstances, he was able to counterattack quickly, and almost successfully counterattacked!This American wizard is unexpectedly powerful!Holden was secretly startled.He stepped forward to give Jacob another freezing technique, and then released a red firework into the sky.

Looking around, Horton found a direction and ran away quickly.No coincidence!If you look down on the entire maze from a high altitude, Horton and Harry are going in roughly the same direction, and will meet at two turns, and at that turn, they will be able to see the final goal, the trophy for the competition!

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