HP calls me Queen

Chapter 89 True and False Moody

Harry lost his balance and fell to the ground with Holden's body.

However, Delphine let go of Harry's hand long before landing, and landed on both feet steadily.

A large group of people to come up.There are members of the organizing committee, students, and members of the Ministry of Magic.Obviously, they disappeared from the maze suddenly, and it lasted for nearly half an hour.This incident alarmed the Ministry of Magic, and Delphine saw Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic with an extremely ugly face.

"Delphine, are you alright!" Dumbledore immediately appeared next to the two of them: "And Harry, you... Horton Warrior, this is..."

"He's back!" Harry threw away the trophy, put his head in his hands, and screamed Sisthically, "He killed Holden! He..."

"Horton, what's wrong with Horton!" A tall woman squeezed over. It was Liv Walsta, the female teacher from Nagud Innafer who came to participate in the competition this time.Seeing Horton lying motionless on the ground, she let out a cry of surprise and jumped on him.However, a quick inspection of her revealed that Holden was dead, and died of the Avada Kedavra!
"What's going on!" Walsta raised his head again, his eyes were already a little red: "Where is Ralph? Where is our principal! He should have rushed over, why didn't he come back with you."

"Your Excellency Verhaeren was also killed!" Delphine's voice trembled slightly, it was not an act.I almost faced Voldemort just now, and it is absolutely false to say that I am not afraid at all!

"Who is it!" Wallstar asked excitedly.

"He's back, Voldemort, he's back!" Harry screamed suddenly!
Several people around fell silent, except for Dumbledore, everyone else's faces became very ugly in an instant.Fudge even backed away uncontrollably, until a member of the Ministry of Magic with the same extremely ugly face assisted him to stand still.

Only Volsta looked puzzled.She didn't realize who Voldemort was for a while, but looking at the expressions of the people around her, it was obvious that the current situation was very, very bad.

"Are you hurt? Harry!" Moody pushed his way through the crowd.

Harry was injured, of course, with a deep gash in his arm bleeding out.He also suffered from the Cruciatus Curse several times, and the Portkey fell to the ground twice.

"Albus, I'll take Potter for treatment, I think it's enough for Miss Lestrange to explain!" Moody said to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore nodded slightly.Daphne's eyes flickered slightly, because she knew that this Moody was fake.

Seeing Harry being dragged out by Moody, and then looking at the crowd staring at her, Delphine didn't know where to start.After thinking about it, he said: "Professor, this matter is a bit complicated, and I may not be able to explain it clearly. Let's find a Pensieve!" It means to extract the previous memory.

"Of course it's the best!" Albus nodded.Said looking at Snape.The latter immediately produced a test tube.

Delphine tapped her forehead lightly with her wand, then pulled out a silver thread and put it into the test tube.

"Dumbledore, let's find a place to see!" Fudge said anxiously.

"Yes, it should be done!" Dumbledore nodded, and then said to Snape: "Severus, you take Connery, and others who need to know, to my office. Use Pensieve and see what's going on."

"Aren't you going?" Fudge was a little surprised.

"Yes, I may have a more important matter, Professor McGonagall. And, Arthur, would you like to come with me!" Dumbledore said to Professor McGonagall and Mr. Weasley.

"Of course!" Professor McGonagall and Mr. Weasley were a little confused, but they still nodded.

"Professor, I'll be with you too!" Daphne interjected while putting on the cloak that Daphne handed over: "It seems redundant for me to follow them."

Dumbledore took a deep look at Delphine, those deep eyes seemed to see through something.Finally nodded: "Okay, Miss Lestrange is also here, maybe you really need your help, and maybe you need to know some things!"

Thus, the crowd divided into three waves.A large group followed Snape and Fudge to see the memory extracted by Delphine, and Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, and Mr. Weasley took Delphine quickly to another direction.More people, including most of the audience and Draco, Ron and other students, stayed where they were, and they still didn't know what happened.Harry didn't use the Amplifying Charm, just a roar that couldn't travel very far in a noisy venue.

Dumbledore took the three of them directly to the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office, and then broke in, just knocking down Moody, or Barty Crouch Jr., who wanted to cast a spell on Harry.

At this moment, Dumbledore's face was no longer the usual smile that didn't care about anything, warm and even a little dirty.At this moment, his face was full of cold anger.

This is the White Wizard!Delphine was secretly dumbfounded.This was not the first time she had seen the White Wizard do something.At the end of the third grade, the white wizard easily beat up a blood wizard who was no match for him.But at that time, the white wizard was calm and calm. Although he showed great strength, he was far inferior to the pressure generated by the moment of anger at this moment.Even just behind him, without facing him directly, Delphine felt a little difficult to breathe.

Even if it was placed in Aegean, someone like the White Wizard would not be an unknown person!Delphine was secretly startled.

Harry was also obviously taken aback by the White Wizard's appearance, and for a moment didn't know what to say.

Professor McGonagall and Mr. Weasley were unaffected.Professor McGonagall stepped forward quickly, ignoring Moody who was lying on the ground and came to Harry's side.

"Fortunately, I didn't suffer from worse black magic!" Professor McGonagall breathed a sigh of relief after only one glance.But still very excited: "Potter, you have to go to the hospital, follow me."

"Wait a minute, Minerva!" Dumbledore's tone was unprecedentedly firm: "He needs to stay, there are some things he needs to figure out! The first step in acceptance is understanding! Only after acceptance can he recover! Potter needs to know Who put him through these ordeals today! And why did it happen!"

"Professor Moody..." Dumbledore's expression softened compared to before, and Harry also eased from the previous panic: "How could it be Professor Moody, he just said..."

"That's not Moody, it's not Alastor!" Dumbledore interrupted Harry calmly: "You are not familiar with Alastor, if it was really him, it is absolutely impossible to put him in that situation tonight." You took it away from me. So as soon as he took you away, I knew there must be something wrong with him, so I followed right away. "

As Dumbledore said, he bent down and took the flagon and a bunch of keys from the unconscious 'Moody'.

Opening the flagon and smelling it, Dumbledore taught it to Delphine: "Severus is not here, Miss Lestrange should be the person who is best at potions here. I hope to hear your opinion..."

Of course Delphine knew that the fake Moody was carrying a flagon with Polyjuice Potion in it.However, I still pretended to smell it.Then he continued to pretend: "This taste, if there are no accidents, should be compound soup!"

"It's the same as my judgment!" The white wizard nodded.Delphine secretly rolled her eyes, what a joke, in terms of potion and alchemy attainments, the White Wizard is second to none in Europe.Even Snape might not be able to compare, so what's the point of pretending here?

With a wave of Dumbledore's wand, the fake Moody lying on the ground floated up and landed on a chair beside him.Then the chair deformed silently, turning into a chair with a series of locks.

The white wizard must have been peeking at ordinary people's movies!Delphine growled mentally.This chair is definitely a classic style for torture prisoners in various dark movies!
At the same time, what Daphne admired was Dumbledore's transfiguration attainments.It is worthy of being the professor of Transfiguration at Hogwarts in the early years. He did not use any spells or gestures, and his silent transfiguration attainments, I am afraid that even Professor McGonagall, who is completely focused on this field, is no more than that!

After locking the fake Moody, Dumbledore waved his wand again: "Very quickly!"

The fake Moody's broken leg begins to regenerate and his face begins to change.It soon turned into another look.

"This is..." Harry looked at the changed face, quite surprised.Apparently he had seen the face.

"Barty Crouch Jr.? Shouldn't he be dead?" Mr. Weasley first recognized him, frowning.

"It seems that there is a big secret in it!" Dumbledore said seriously, his eyes patrolled the room, and soon noticed a large box in the corner of the room.

"Minerva, please run away! Call Black!" Dumbledore opened the box with the key he took from the fake Moody, and found that there was still a box inside: "Miss Lestrange, I don't know if you have any powerful veritaserum on you?"

Delphine raised her eyebrows: "Of course, Professor!"

Although Daphne didn't bring any potion with her during the maze challenge, she only brought a wand and another magic item.But after coming back, he put on the robe that Daphne gave him, but there was a small space bag inside, which contained a lot of potions.Among them is the powerful veritaserum.

"Great, then don't bother Severus!" Dumbledore nodded: "If possible, I would like to meet the elf you took in during the summer vacation, is it called... Winky? Can you let me It comes."

"It's here!" Delphine nodded, "It should be by Lupine's side!"

"Oh, Minerva, then you can call one more Lupine!" Dumbledore said to Professor McGonagall who hadn't left the house yet.

"Okay!" Professor McGonagall turned and went out.

Dumbledore had opened the sixth floor of the box at this time, and inside the sixth floor was a big pit, like a basement.There was a person lying on the floor about three meters deep, skinny but still alive!

"Are you all right, Alastor!" Albus asked loudly.

"Obviously not good, Albus!" The man at the bottom looked up, and it was Moody, of course, but he was missing several important parts, such as prosthetic legs and magic eyes.

Dumbledore brought up the real Moody and checked it a bit: "You have been using the Imperius Curse for a long time, but you haven't collapsed. Old man, you are still as strong as ever!"

"It's a pity it's not enough!" Moody shook his head: "I'm causing you trouble, Albus!"

"Don't say that!" Dumbledore conjured a robe out of nowhere and put it on Moody: "You need a long vacation!"

"I think so!" Moody nodded.

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