Inside the Royal Hotel.

A tall man in a black shirt stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking down at the busy traffic of the luxurious imperial capital.

"Big brother."

A man with a scar on his face opened the door and entered.

"What's the matter?" The man was still looking at the passing vehicles outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

"That woman is his woman, and he also secretly sent someone to protect her. We can only know her whereabouts, and we didn't do anything."

The man was silent for a long time, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I know it's his woman! Just want to know how much he has feelings for her. And..."

"And, I also know that they have a daughter."

"Then what are you going to do next?"

"How to do it? Of course let him taste the pain I suffered back then!"

When he said this, the fierceness on his face was fully exposed, but if you look carefully, you will find that there is an indelible pain deep in his eyes.

Nie Nanfeng, judging from your carefulness, she seems to hold a very important position in your heart!
The good show... is coming soon!


Since Ze Ye's report last time, Nie Nan has put more emphasis on protecting Yi Xingluo's mother and daughter.

He even took this opportunity to send Yi Yanyan to the old house to avoid accidents.

Even at the old house, he sent enchanted people to guard it.

Yi Xingluo didn't know his plan, today was the day she and Qin Lele made an appointment to show Yanyan and Tiantian school.

Now that he has decided to return to the imperial capital, these are the problems that need to be resolved now.

"Afeng, I'm going out first!" She delicately kissed his handsome cheek.

Nie Nanfeng's eyes darkened, "Come back soon."


After Yi Xingluo went out, Nie Nanfeng cast a look at Ze Ye outside the villa.

Needless to say, Ze Ye also understood, he made an OK gesture and immediately disappeared outside the villa.

"Lele, we'll be here so soon!" As soon as Yi Xingluo walked into the coffee shop, he saw Qin Lele sitting on the table drinking coffee.

"It's still early? Auntie! We made an appointment at 9 o'clock, and it's almost ten o'clock now!" Qin Lele shook her watch with a helpless expression.

" fault..." She quickly put on a smile.

"Let's go!"

Qin Lele rolled her eyes and stood up holding her bag.

"Wait for me, I'll close the door!"

Xiao Li has not been in the shop these few days, and Lin Yan said that she has asked for a few days off because of something at home.

The two drove to the noble school in the imperial capital.

"This environment is indeed better than Jingcheng's."

Qin Lele looked at the facilities in the school.

Yi Xingluo nodded, "It's okay."

"I just don't know how the teacher is."

"It should be pretty good! Let's go in and have a look." Qin Lele suggested.

"it is good."

The two walked into the classroom while talking.

What they didn't realize was that there were always two staring eyes behind them.

Ze Ye, who had been secretly following Yi Xingluo, was now confused.

What the hell was he getting bumped when he was driving at a red light?
Ze Ye looked at his aunt who fell to the ground and howled.

"Can my car hit you if it stops here?"

"You young man! What did you say! I crossed the road well, but I still don't admit that your car hit me!"

"Ouch! My leg! I'm afraid it's going to break!" Auntie lay on the ground and howled wildly.

"Come on, come on! Take a look! The driver won't admit it when he hit someone! Who am I, my old lady, to justify! Come on, come on!"

The aunt yelled and kept patting her thigh.

Ze Ye: "..."

I'm afraid that your leg was snapped off like this, right?
At this time, passers-by heard the movement and came over one after another, pointing at Ze Ye.

"Young man, if you hit someone, you should be sent to the hospital immediately!"

"Auntie is so old, she can't delay."

"You are not kind."


"Shut me all up!"

Ze Ye's head was about to explode from these chirping sounds!
After grinding here for so long, Yi Xingluo's car has long since disappeared.

Everyone else is lost!What about protection?
Go special!

Thinking that he never backed down from the most ruthless enemy, but now he is being beaten by this aunt and aunt!

"Then let's do this! Since you said that I hit you, I'll take you to the hospital now, where you should be checked, who should have surgery, and who should be boned!"

When the aunt heard this, her eyes flustered, she quickly refused,

"No need! I know my legs myself."

"Since you're not going, can you always get out of the way?" He really had something else to do.


Aunt still didn't get up from the ground.

Ze Ye tried hard to suppress the prehistoric power that was about to erupt in his heart, and told himself that she was a woman!female!Still old!Don't get acquainted with her!
He swears!If this was a man, he would give him a kick without hesitation!
"You want money, don't you?"

Ze Ye took out his wallet from the car, took out a wad of banknotes from the wallet, and threw it into his aunt's arms.

"Can you start the prescription now? The money is probably enough for you to stay in the hospital for a few months!"

The aunt looked at the time on the phone and felt that it was almost time.

Looking at the bright red banknotes in his arms, after thinking about it, he still grabbed them and stuffed them into his bag.

Anyway, the man directly said to stop him to delay the time, but he didn't say that he couldn't get the money!That counts as extra money!
Thinking about it, the aunt got up from the ground and patted the ashes on her body.

Still holding his leg and limping to the side.

"Heh... the drama is quite good!"

Seeing her leaving posture, Ze Ye made a faint sound.

Immediately, he got into the car, honked the horn, and the passer-by subconsciously moved aside.To make room for him, Ze Ye hurried over in his car.

At the same time, he used Bluetooth to call Nie Nanfeng.

"Boss, I lost my sister-in-law." He said truthfully.

Nie Nanfeng's face darkened, "When?"

"About half an hour ago."

Nie Nanfeng hung up the phone.

Ze Ye felt a little flustered when he heard the beeping sound coming from the Bluetooth.

As soon as Nie Nanfeng hung up the phone, he received a message on his mobile phone saying: Do you want to save her?Come to the abandoned building in the western suburbs!

Nie Nanfeng's pupils shrank sharply when he saw the message, and he quickly called Yi Xingluo, but he couldn't get through.

So he grabbed the car keys and drove all the way to the western suburbs.

At the same time, Mu Beihan also received the same message, and Lu Xiao, who was with him, was obliged to go with him.

At the same time, he called Lin Yan, "Yanyan, take care of Tiantian, and take good care of her!"

Fortunately, Tiantian was with Lin Yan today, otherwise such a young child would be in danger and the consequences would be disastrous.

Lin Yan on the other end of the phone was confused, but she could hear the seriousness in Lu Xiao's tone, and she replied: "Okay, don't worry."

Although I feel very uneasy, but now is not the time to ask more questions.

Lu Xiao swallowed his saliva as he looked at Mu Beihan who was driving his car on the road with a gloomy expression.

"Han, don't worry, if something happens to you on the way, how can you save Lele?"

"Shut up!" he snapped coldly.

Lu Xiao: "..."

All right.Anyway, he always risked his life to accompany a gentleman, and this time was no exception!

Soon, Nie Nanfeng arrived at the abandoned building in the western suburbs. He opened the door and got out of the car.

Mu Beihan's car also arrived.He and Lu Xiao were shocked when they saw Nie Nanfeng in front of them, and got out of the car quickly.

"Feng, why are you here?"

Seeing their frowns, Nie Nanfeng thought about it and understood.

When they entered the building, they found that there was no one there.

"What the hell! Are you kidding us?" Lu Xiao was a little irritable.

Nie Nanfeng looked around every window of the building, but he still couldn't find it.

ding dong~

His cell phone rang, and he took it out to check. It was still the same message, but this time it was a video.

He clicked to look at it, and suddenly felt suffocated.

In the video, Yi Xingluo closed his eyes and was soaked in a bucket.

There is a rope tied to the body, one pull up and one down.

She was choked and coughed.

Nie Nanfeng's hand holding the phone suddenly tightened, "Xing'er!"

He called back the phone without hesitation, and the connection was quickly connected there.

"How is it? Is the picture okay?"

"Who are you? Let her go!" His voice was extremely cold.

"Don't worry, there's more to come!" The man on the phone was extremely comfortable.

"Where are you!" Nie Nanfeng bulged with veins on his forehead.

"I'll send you the location, bring your good brother with you!"

He deliberately bit down on the words "good brother".

After speaking, he hung up the phone, and then sent the location.

Nie Nanfeng immediately turned around and returned to the car.

Mu Beihan and Lu Xiao immediately got into the car when they saw Zhuang, and followed his car.

Following the positioning, the car came to a more remote factory area.

As soon as they entered, they saw several people standing inside, but they did not see Yi Xingluo and Qin Lele.

"Let him come out!" Nie Nanfeng said directly to those people.

"Don't worry, our elder brother will be here soon!"

As soon as the words fell, a slender figure came out.

"Nie Nanfeng, long time no see!"

Mu Beihan and Lu Xiao were shocked when they saw the person coming.

Really... it's him!
Only Nie Nanfeng's expression remained calm, as if he already knew it.

"It's really you!"

"What? Are you disappointed? I'm back!"

"What do you mean?" Nie Nanfeng frowned, not understanding the meaning of his words.

Jiang Beijie smiled, "It's okay, you must really want to see her now, right?"

"Where is she?"

"What should I do? I just don't want to let her out."

Jiang Beijie touched the pendant around his neck, which was given to him by Yin Beibei.

Nie Nanfeng pursed his lips and said, "Jie, since you are still alive, why did you appear in this way?"

When he saw Jiang Beijie for real, he said in his heart that it would be a lie if he wasn't shocked, not only shocked, but also delighted, fortunately, he is really still alive!

When Jiang Beijie heard this, the corners of his mouth that were still smiling just now were replaced by coldness.

The sadness in the eyes is so obvious!
"Why? You ask me why? Because you made me lose her, let me watch her die in front of me! Now I want you to taste the pain!"

"Are you blind! What situation did you not see at that time? What do you mean we made you lose her! Did we kill her?" Nie Nanfeng yelled, thinking of the scene at that time, he still couldn't control his excitement.

From Yin Beibei's death, Jiang Beijie's retreat and disappearance to the news of his death, he was also very painful for a series of things.

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