Yinuo went out for the exam, and grandma let it go happily.

After the exam, Yinuo made an appointment with Tianyuan by the way, thanks to his help with the delivery last time.

You can't go to restaurants like Hunan restaurants. I heard that the children can drink whatever the mother eats.

If you are sick, if you take medicine, then breast milk cannot be given to your child.

For the sake of prudence, Yinuo specifically consulted Xu Ling and asked Xu Ling out by the way.

Xu Ling found a private kitchen restaurant.

Tianyuan came very quickly, as soon as Yinuo sat down in the private room, Tianyuan came.Tianyuan has always had a question to ask Yinuo.During confinement, it was not easy for him to disturb Yinuo, so he held back until today, and today, Yinuo asked him out.

"Tianyuan, you came so fast!" Yinuo smiled, "Sit down quickly! What do you want to drink?"

"Drink a glass of water first. When you called, I was nearby, so I came so quickly!" Tian Yuan sat down, took a glass of boiled water poured by Yinuo, and brought the kettle over by the way.

Tian Yuan, who sat down, was still panting slightly, his heart beating half as fast as usual.Why did it come so fast because it was near here? That is, he trotted into the car from the upstairs of the company, drove to the restaurant, and probably ran a yellow light along the way, so he should not have received a ticket. The car was parked in the underground garage, and he didn't even have time to wait for the elevator. He ran up in one breath, and only paused for three seconds at the door of the private room, taking a breath to make himself less flustered. He was afraid that he would be a second late. Yi Nuo alone would wait a second longer,...he couldn't bear it.


Tianyuan brewed for a long time before she made up her mind and asked nervously, "I've always wanted to ask you, why didn't I see your husband that day? And your mother-in-law's family?"

Yinuo paused while drinking tea, and looked at Tianyuan suspiciously. Tianyuan stared at Yinuo, his heart beating, and his heart was raised in his throat.

It's not that Tianyuan likes to inquire about other people's privacy, but, that day, the days when Yinuo gave birth, was too strange.

Yinuo's husband didn't come, and none of her husband's family members came. Not only didn't they come, they didn't even make a phone call.Yinuo didn't mention her husband, and Yinuo's grandma, aunt, and even Xu Ling didn't mention her husband.Everyone seemed to have no change in emotion towards the fact that there was no one from the husband's house.

Which pregnant woman gives birth like this!
It can't be an appointment!

Subconsciously, Tian Yuan felt that he should ask this matter clearly.The answer to this question seems to be very important to myself.

Tianyuan looked at Yinuo persistently.

Yinuo looked at Tian Yuan with some surprise, looking at the doubt in Tian Yuan's eyes.No, the last time I quarreled with Zihe's mother, it was he who helped me!Did he forget?Forget about my divorce with Zihe.

Yinuo explained: "I divorced Su Zihe. Therefore, it is impossible to ask him to come."

The child is not his, why call him here!
Tianyuan still doesn't understand, I know you are divorced!

"You're divorced, I know! The unreasonable old woman I met last time is your ex-husband's mother."

Yinuo smiled: "So, you remember that! I thought you forgot!"

"How long does it take to forget this?"

How can I forget, I can see you again after a few years.

However, Tianyuan still doesn't understand that your divorce is divorced.But, Yueyue's father is always there!What about your remarried husband?
"No, I mean, where is your remarried husband?" Tian Yuan continued to search for answers to her doubts.


Yinuo was stunned again, looked at Tianyuan stupidly, and asked stupidly.

I remarried?

Why don't I know?
Who did he listen to?I'm not married, but I can still have a husband.No wonder it is said that ten people spread eight falsehoods, and that magpies turn into crows.

"No, who did you hear that I was remarried?" Yinuo asked Tian Yuan inexplicably.

Tian Yuan was stunned.Looking straight at Yinuo, the room was so quiet that the "creaking" sound of the air conditioner was heard.

Did not remarry?
Did not remarry?That child, Yueyue belonged to Su Zihe, conceived before the divorce.This Su Zihe is not human!He didn't want to be pregnant with his child.Su Zihe!

Tian Yuan became angry, that day, Su Zihe's mother should not have been let go so easily.

Tian Yuan suppressed the anger in his heart, now, he is not thinking about Su Zihe.Yinuo has divorced Su Zihe.

Well, a promise is that they did not remarry after the divorce.

The anger in Tian Yuan's heart was instantly covered by joy.

Yinuo didn't remarry, she was still alone, she was so stupid, she gave birth to Yueyue by herself.Doesn't she know what a child means?Does it mean anything for a woman to be single with a child?

Xia Yinuo, why are you so stupid, why are you always so stupid and persistent.

do you know?It's not good for you.

Tian Yuan looked at Yinuo with pity.Yinuo looked at the field inexplicably.For a while, the room was silent.

"You haven't remarried?" Tian Yuan coughed lightly, and asked again in surprise, "Then Yueyue belongs to Zihe?"

"Ahem!" Yinuo coughed twice in embarrassment.He turned his face sideways, avoiding Tian Yuan's probing eyes.

Although I have a good friendship with Tian Yuan, Tian Yuan is my male confidant after all, besides, I haven't seen him for many years, so now I feel a little awkward talking about Yue Yue's father with him.

Whether Yue Yue's father is Su Zihe or not is actually not that important.The important thing is that Yinuo did not remarry.

Seeing Yinuo turning his head to the side, with half of his face blushing, Tian Yuan blushed and retracted his naked curiosity and searching gaze.He breathed a sigh of relief, and there was a little joy in his heart.

Happy Yinuo did not remarry.

She's not remarried, she's alone!

"I made a mistake. So, you didn't remarry." Tian Yuan apologized awkwardly.In the voice of apology, there was another trace of wanting to get Xia Yinuo's confirmation of this answer.


Although the voice of Yinuo's answer was so soft that only Tianyuan could hear it, it fell in the heart of Tianyuan like a thunder in summer.It seems that there has been a timely rain in the pastoral heart, and the dry heart is full of vitality in an instant.

The ecstasy in his heart could hardly be suppressed, and the smile on Tian Yuan's face became more cheerful.

Yinuo changed the subject and asked curiously, "Is there anything happy? Why are you smiling so happily?"

"Well! Today, the company took over a big project." Tian Yuan's excuse came out of nowhere.

"Then congratulations. If you make money, you have to treat me to dinner." Yinuo joked.

"You haven't eaten this meal yet, you are thinking about the next meal. Why did you become a greedy cat after giving birth?" Tianyuan looked at Yinuo and made fun of her.

Yinuo bickered with him: "You are still so stingy, it's really difficult for you to buy a meal. It's been a few years, why haven't you made any progress at all, you can't be stingy. This meal is mine Please, why are you counting on you? I don't care, you have to treat me to dinner next time. Men have to be more generous."

Tian Yuan couldn't help it, and hurriedly responded: "Okay, okay, next time I invite you to dinner, have a big meal, I invite you, you have to come,..."

"Tianyuan, you came earlier than me." Xu Ling hurriedly opened the door and exclaimed.

"Because it's near this restaurant, so it's a little earlier." Tian Yuan explained again with a smile.

"Oh! You are so lucky! I waited for the traffic lights, and I was so anxious. There are so many traffic lights on this road, can I still drive well? I have to be courteous when I meet pedestrians. Sometimes I can't pass the intersection even if I give courteously for two minutes. On Sunday, there are more cars on the road, too many to drive. I guess, driving is not much faster than walking." Xu Ling complained, pulled the chair beside Yinuo and sat down, putting her bag on the side of the chair superior.

"Well! Today, there are a lot of cars on the road." Tian Yuan echoed.

"Stop chatting all the time, order food quickly, Tianyuan, you order." Yinuo handed over the menu and interrupted their continued chatting. If they let them chat, they would not even think about eating today.

"You order! I can eat whatever I want." Tian Yuan handed the menu to Xu Ling.

"You order! I want to eat their fish head, and the other two vegetarian dishes are fine. Yinuo, what do you eat." Xu Ling flipped through the menu and ordered. After speaking, she handed the menu back to rural.


Tianyuan opened the menu and looked towards Yinuo.

"Give me an order of tomato and egg soup, and I'll order another bowl of rice, just eat with tomato and egg soup, and you can do whatever you want with other dishes."

"That's okay, you just gave birth, you can figure it out. I'll just watch and order a few dishes." Tian Yuan looked at the menu.

Xu Ling opened his mouth wide, looked at Yinuo's round face, and closed his mouth again.

Well, I don't have the pastoral knowledge of women.

"I'll bring wine with tea, thank you for your help!" Yinuo raised a glass of boiled water and said to Tian Yuan and Xu Ling.

"You don't treat us as friends! If you treat us as friends, don't say thank you." Tian Yuan said with a smile, and his tone could not be questioned.

"Then I won't thank you. Cheers to our friendship!"

"Yes, toast to our friendship." Xu Ling hastily opened a bottle of plum juice, poured a glass, and raised the glass.

"Then let's toast our friendship!" Tian Yuan smiled and poured a glass of sour plum juice.

"Hey! As a man, how can you pour plum juice?"

Xu Ling protested looking at the cups filled with sour plum juice in the field.

"Driving! Next time, drink next time." Tianyuan looked at Yinuo and said.

Yinuo might not be able to smell the alcohol!Pastoral speculation.

Xu Ling also looked at Yinuo: "Okay! Yinuo is still breastfeeding, please forgive me, next time I have to drink white."

"That's for sure." Tian Yuan agreed quite readily.

All the dishes were served while talking, including the signature fish head of this restaurant that Xu Ling likes to eat, the tomato and egg soup ordered by Yi Nuo, and several dishes ordered by Tianyuan.

Xu Ling ate the fish head and suddenly remembered what Yinuo was doing today. She asked curiously, "Yinuo, how did you do in the exam?"

"It's okay, I should be able to pass it!" Yinuo said after taking a sip of soup.I drank soup every day, and I got used to it.Habits are a terrible thing.Yinuo thought.

"No way! You are pregnant and gave birth halfway, so you can live like this? How did you get your head? I really want a head like yours."

Xu Ling looked at Yinuo's head exaggeratedly.

Tian Yuan was amused by her and laughed.However, Yi Nuo is smart. When he was in school, he won the first prize every year.

"Don't be shy, you can pass if you study hard." Yinuo said with a smile.

"Impossible." Xu Ling replied firmly.

"Hahaha!" Tian Yuan laughed happily.


After the meal, Xu Ling sent Yinuo home, and Tianyuan sat in the car in the underground garage, not driving for a long time.

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