Qin Shao is fascinated by me

Chapter 43 Do you want to talk to me?

"Why is it like this?" Hearing that Qin Tiannan still had this story, she put down the chopsticks in her hand and listened attentively, regardless of eating.

"Hey, isn't it? You're such a gossip." Seeing her actions, Lu Qing thought that it was indeed a bit wrong for him to be talking about him behind his back. If Qin Tiannan found out, he would definitely be miserable.

"Oh, isn't this aroused by your curiosity? I swear I won't say it." Zhang Shiya desperately wanted to get something about Qin Tiannan from Lu Qing's mouth, she raised her right hand and swore.

"Car accident." Lu Qing said with a sigh. Thinking of what happened to Qin Tiannan three years ago, Lu Qing felt sorry for him. A proud son of heaven couldn't stand up in an instant. Not only that, he also lost his lover.

"Oh, really." She looked regretful, "The person he likes must be very good!"

"Then he is in a wheelchair..." Following her train of thought, she thought of Qin Tiannan in a wheelchair.

Lu Qing nodded.

"I didn't expect him to go through this. No wonder he is always so indifferent."

"Let me correct one thing, his indifference has been there since he was a child." Zhang Shiya connected Qin Tiannan's unreasonable indifference with his car accident, and as he knew Qin Tiannan well since childhood, of course he couldn't understand it.

"Haha, interesting." Zhang Shiya smiled after gossip, and then she brought the topic to Lu Qing, "What about you? Have you ever had a white moonlight?"

"Maybe there was!" He thought of Lin Xing, that was a very short period of time, but now he was Qin Tiannan's person.

"Oh, there's a story." Zhang Shiya suddenly looked at him, she thought of the company party that day, the female companion he brought was Lin Xing, "Could it be Tiannan's secretary?"

When Lu Qing heard her say Lin Xing's name without even thinking about it, he choked up in fright. She could have guessed it casually, but he denied it, "It's not her, don't think too much about it."

Seeing his reaction, she didn't believe him, "Why did you bring her with you that day?"

It was only then that Lu Qing remembered that he took Lin Xing to her company's party that day, and said casually, "I just met her, so we came together."

"Really?" Zhang Shiya looked at him in disbelief.

"Really!" Lu Qing answered her with a firm tone, and Zhang Shiya finally believed that he didn't like Lin Xing.

While eating, Lin Xing's cell phone rang.She picked up the phone and looked at Qin Tiannan, "I'm sorry, my mother."

 Qin Tiannan raised his head and smiled, then nodded to her, she stood up and went to the side to answer the phone, in order to avoid what happened last time, Lin Xing lowered the volume, Qin Tiannan, who was about to listen, frowned when he saw her action , He couldn't hear the conversation, so he had to eat boringly by himself.

 "Hey, Mom, what's the matter?"

 "Married?" Lin Xing exclaimed, never expecting Zhao Qingli to call her for such a big news.

 "I,..." She hesitated, she wasn't sure if she had the time, and she was just at the beginning of her career recently, so she couldn't lose the big because of small things.

 Qin Tiannan thought it was Mama Lin who wanted to urge her to get married, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, marrying her would be a good thing, he thought happily.

After hanging up the phone, she sat on the seat again, Qin Tiannan deliberately didn't ask her, he waited for the person opposite to speak, in that case he would consider whether to agree to her to get a marriage certificate with her.

"My mother told me to go back, my cousin is getting married next weekend." Unexpectedly, what she said was not what he thought, Qin Tiannan was a little disappointed.

 "So that's the case." He replied out of tune.

"Ah, what kind?" Lin Xing asked in confusion when he heard his inappropriate answer.

"I said I would go if I wanted to." In this way, Lin Xing hadn't gone back for a long time.

"Will it affect the next thing?" She was referring to her debut.

"will not."


 "Hmm." His words were the holy paper, and she hadn't gone back for a long time, she also wanted to take this opportunity to go back and have a look.

 After thinking for a while, she boldly asked him, "Do you want to go?"

 "I... forget it." Qin Tiannan was a little sad. He looked at his legs covered with a thin blanket. When it was time to meet her parents, Qin Tiannan was also a little scared. After all, because of his body, even if he could guarantee her He has no worries about food and clothing, but he can't take good care of her. Instead, he needs her to take care of himself sometimes.

 Lin Xing captured his movements and felt the loss in his heart.

 "It doesn't matter, what I like is your person, it has nothing to do with whether you are in a wheelchair or not, and I believe you can stand up."

"What if he can't stand up?" If he can't stand up for the rest of his life, will she be disappointed?Will you leave him?There is nothing he can't do in his life, but sitting in a wheelchair has always been an unspeakable pain for him.

"If you can't stand up, I love you too."

After getting her reply, he smiled happily and said, "I'll think about it again."

 "Okay, you don't have to be embarrassed. It's tiring to fly. I love you."

"Thank you." He thanked her rarely sincerely.

After returning to the villa from the western restaurant, Qin Tiannan was put to bed by her. She changed into silk pajamas made of the same material as his, and dragged a stool to sit by his feet. I also don’t forget to check online information and buy some massage books to read by myself.Tonight just happened to have time, she dragged his legs to do passive exercises for him, she tried every movement she learned for him, it was Lin Xing, Qin Tiannan was able to let him drag his legs to do looks very A sport that didn't fit his identity, he helplessly let her swing his unconscious legs, and he also hoped that he could stand up.

After doing it for a while, she got up and washed her hands, and returned to his warm embrace. She told him to do rehabilitation on time and not to be lazy. Qin Tiannan, who originally wanted to make love to her, looked a little a little bit at her dancing for so long today. Tired, he had no choice but to give up.

Wan Yinxiu in France saw Zhang Shiya and Lu Qing on the screen from the informant, and felt a little bad. It had been several days, and Zhang Shiya hadn't contacted her, let alone reported her and Qin Tiannan's progress. She was afraid of herself. After thinking about it for a while, he decided to buy a plane ticket and fly to Shanghai. It was time to meet Qin Tiannan.

Three days later, the plane from France landed in Shanghai. Wan Yinxiu left the airport and sat in the car picked up by the company. The car slowly passed the road that had changed many times. She looked at this familiar yet unfamiliar city , I couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in my heart. These 20 years have passed by in a flash. She was 30 years old when she left Qin Guangyu. Now the time has passed and the old friend is no longer there.

As for how to meet Qin Tiannan, she still has to think long-term. Let alone whether he recognizes her or not, she is at a loss for saying that she has never fulfilled the responsibility of a mother for so many years. The one who is terrible is Qin Tiannan. But because of her ruthlessness, it is even more difficult for her to approach him with a better reason.

Back at her residence in Shanghai, she was finally able to sleep peacefully after a bumpy day.

At six o'clock in the evening, when Zhang Shiya came back from get off work in the company, she found that the house was different from usual. When she walked into the house, she saw someone busy in the kitchen. Mrs. Li, who was usually by Wan Yinxiu's side, was cooking soup. She walked over in surprise, "Sister Li? Why are you here?"

"Madam is here."

"What? You mean my mother is here?"

"Just arrived this morning."

When Zhang Shiya was asking Mrs. Li with her back facing her, Wan Yinxiu got up and got dressed and went downstairs when she heard someone coming back from below, she went to the kitchen door and shouted to Zhang Shiya who had her back: "Shiya. "

Zhang Shiya hurriedly turned her head and saw Wan Yinxiu who she hadn't seen for a while, she walked over and hugged her, "Mom, why are you here?"

Wan Yinxiu patted her on the back, "I came when I missed you."

Mrs. Li just finished the soup and removed the soup pot from the fire, then scooped up a bowl and put it on the table where several dishes were already set, "Madam, miss, it's time to eat."

Wan Yinxiu and Zhang Shiya let go of their hugging posture, and pulled her to sit on a chair, "Hurry up, there are ribs you like."

Zhang Shiya looked at the delicacy she hadn't tasted for a long time, got up from the chair, turned on the faucet and washed her hands, then went back to the seat and picked up the bowl to eat. Wan Yinxiu, who was sitting directly above her, also ate with her, Zhang Shiya Looking at Wan Yinxiu, he suddenly thought of Qin Tiannan, the two really look alike.

Seeing that she was not eating and looking at her, Wan Yinxiu couldn't help asking, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just feel that you and Qin Tiannan are somewhat similar." She told her directly what was in her heart.

Qin Tiannan is her son, of course he resembles her, but she can't tell her now that she is Qin Tiannan's mother, otherwise the complicated relationship like now will definitely mess up.

"Ah, is it?" She pretended to be surprised.

"Well, it's true. When I first saw him, I thought he was very familiar, but I didn't know why. Now I probably know why."

"Is...is he alright?" Qin Tiannan did a great job of keeping the secrets secret. Three years ago, he could still see sporadic reports, but there was no news about him since then.

"He's very nice, but he's not human." Zhang Shiya recalled the first time she met Qin Tiannan, it was a shame she had never encountered in her entire life.After thinking about it, she said, "His legs are not good."

"Bad legs?" Wan Yinxiu was surprised. When she left him, his legs were fine and there was no problem.

Seeing Wan Yinxiu's surprised look, "I also heard from his friend Lu Qing that he had a car accident three years ago and was unable to walk, and has been sitting in a wheelchair."

Hearing that Qin Tiannan had a car accident, her heart tightened. It turned out that there was no news of him for three years because of the car accident. How serious was it?It made him sit in a wheelchair for three years.

She began to feel sad, her own son was in this accident, as a mother, she didn't know?

Seeing Wan Yinxiu holding a spoon and not taking a sip of the soup, as if thinking about something, Zhang Shiya called out "Mom?"

"Ah, what's the matter? Wan Yinxiu came back to her senses.

"Why don't you eat?"

"I can't eat." She put down the spoon, "Maybe it's because of the flight." She replied again.

"Go and rest, you've been tired all day." Zhang Shiya said to her.

"Okay." Wan Yinxiu got up from the chair and went up to the second floor like a lost soul.

how so?Can't walk with his legs?
She just felt that she owed him even more, and this series of questions gave her a headache. She was thinking about how to see him, but now she heard that he had a car accident, she really had to think about it.

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