"Oh? Dare to ask President Qi, whose family have I abducted?"

Human trafficking?How dare he, Qi Haoyuan, think that he has no brains?Or is he really a child?

How dare you lie to him that An Youhe is married!

Compared with his human trafficking, this Qi Haoyuan's ability to talk nonsense is probably not much better!

"Isn't that obvious?"

Qi Haoyuan walked slowly from the door to An Youhe's side, and stood in the opposite direction to Ji Feng.

Although there was still a harmless smile on his face, but behind this smile, Qi Haoyuan's intention to kill could not be more obvious.

An Youhe didn't know, so she looked left and right.

She knew the meaning of every word the two men said.But together, An Youhe felt that her IQ was very lacking.

Ji Feng looked at Qi Haoyuan without any concealment, different from Qi Haoyuan's calm and elegant expression, he seemed very cold and harsh.

"The man is unmarried, the woman is unmarried. Since when did Mr. Qi take care of these things?"

Ji Feng directly exposes Qi Haoyuan's lies.I don't plan to talk to him even half of face.

"I thought that Young Master Ji would thank me for stopping your ulterior motives in time, so as not to regret it in the future, it's too late."

Ji Feng gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, wishing he could greet Qi Haoyuan's hypocritical face directly.

Seeing Ji Feng's deflated look, Qi Haoyuan happily pulled up An Youhe, who was standing between the two of them, who was at a loss.

"Since Shao Ji has nothing else to do, we won't bother you any more, so let's say goodbye!"

After speaking, Qi Haoyuan held An Youhe tightly, turned around and was about to leave.

But An Youhe was not happy, so she just left?What about her stone?She hasn't finished talking to Ji Feng yet!

Qi Haoyuan had thousands of calculations, but he forgot about this woman, his brain lacked a string!

"Monsoon, we haven't finished talking about that stone yet, what should we do?"

An Youhe stood there stubbornly, desperately resisting Qi Haoyuan.

This damned woman wants that stone so much?She didn't even know she was about to be kidnapped!
On the contrary, Ji Feng was overjoyed, so he said that Xiaoyouyou must have a destiny with him!Look at this, I can't bear to leave myself.

"Xiaoyouyou, didn't I mention the conditions?"

Ji Feng smiled and said to An Youhe.By the way, he glanced at Qi Haoyuan provocatively.

An Youhe recalled what Ji Feng said, just when she was about to speak, she felt a pain in her hand.

It turned out that it was Qi Haoyuan who was holding her hand tightly, and An Youhe felt pain because of the force.

But Qi Haoyuan didn't intend to let go, and he didn't care what An Youhe had to say, he just forcibly dragged her away.


Before leaving, An Youhe continued to yell, but Qi Haoyuan didn't give her a chance to say more.

Seeing the two people drifting away, Ji Feng stood in place with his hands in his trouser pockets and a confident smile on his face.

From the looks of it, some people seemed to be interested in the same gem just like him.

However, he did not intend to give up easily.

Qi Haoyuan dragged An Youhe, even a little rough, and took her away from the Ji's villa all the way, regardless of the woman behind her who was screaming in pain.

Arriving at the position of the car, he directly stuffed An Youhe into the car, followed him into the car, stepped on the accelerator hard, and the car left quickly.

An Youhe rubbed her sore hand aggrievedly, not understanding what she did wrong?This made the tyrant angry again.

Although she felt that she was very wronged, An Youhe didn't dare to speak out, thinking of how Qi Haoyuan taught her a lesson, she shrank her neck even more.

Nuannuan, when can you come back?

An Youhe was afraid that before Leng Nuan came back, she would have been killed by Qi Haoyuan.

"Is there something wrong with your mind?"

Qi Haoyuan, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly growled angrily.

An Youhe was so frightened that she quickly wrapped her clothes tightly around herself, like a poor creature about to be swallowed alive by wild beasts.

"Do you really want to marry Ji Feng?"

Seeing An Youhe's appearance of being afraid of him, Qi Haoyuan's heart became inexplicably angry.

An Youhe didn't speak, Qi Haoyuan mistakenly thought that she was really willing to marry that brat Ji Feng.He couldn't help raising his voice and shouted loudly.

"Just for a broken rock, you are willing to marry someone!"


An Youhe originally wanted to say that she didn't want to marry Ji Feng, but just wanted to ask if there were any other conditions for Ji Feng to give her the stone.

But she was not courageous by nature, and after being so fiercely attacked by Qi Haoyuan, she hesitated for a long time and didn't say anything.

The car braked suddenly, and An Youhe was caught off guard. Due to inertia, his body fell forward and his head hit the front windshield.

Rubbing his brow that hurt from the impact, his eyes were covered with mist.

"get off."

Said the cold voice.


An Youhe suspected that she had heard wrong.

"Get out of the car for me."

Qi Hao stared at An Youhe from a distance, and yelled at her loudly in a rage.

Although this is the suburbs, it is difficult to get a taxi back, but An Youhe was even more afraid of Qi Haoyuan at this time, so she immediately opened the car door in a panic and got out of the car.

The moment the car door was closed, he saw Qi Haoyuan's car drive away immediately without even the slightest hesitation.

An Youhe stood alone on the road. Although the scenery on both sides of the road was not bad, she was not in the mood to appreciate it.

I looked back and forth, and there was not even a shadow of a ghost. This is the time, and it is hot, the ground is like a red-hot iron plate, and she is the meat being roasted on the iron plate.

Not to mention, thinking about it this way, I feel a little hungry in my stomach!
Hey... Do you want to find someone to pick you up?

Being content with whatever happens is barely one of An Youhe's strengths!Although she was ruthlessly thrown out of the car, she decided to treat this situation as a rare hiking trip for herself.

So, I saw a small figure walking slowly on the road in the suburbs during the day, at noon in the bright sun, humming a ditty of unknown key from time to time.

An Youhe plans to walk like this first!It's all about making up for the amount of exercise before. If you are lucky, if you meet a car, you will go back by car.If you're unlucky...then you can only ask for help, after all, she doesn't want to sleep here either.

He can go back anyway, and he doesn't worry about anything if he pays attention to An Youhe.

One hour……

two hours...

I have to say that An Youhe's perseverance is not bad for people who live in the nest for a long time.

Walking alone under the sun for nearly three hours, it was only to the limit of her body.

It doesn't matter if she doesn't eat, she often forgets to eat during work anyway.However, the absence of water made her sad.

An Youhe felt a little dehydrated now, looked up at the still enthusiastic Father-in-law Sun, he was really in high spirits, his enthusiasm has not diminished for hundreds of millions of years!
The sun was a bit dazzling, An Youhe tried to cover her eyes with her hands, but she felt a little weakness under her feet, and she felt a little dizzy.

An Youhe doesn't have a hobby of abusing herself, so she can just exercise and exercise, and she doesn't want to faint in this wilderness alone.

So he took out his cell phone and called Leng Nuan.

She was called by Leng Nuan to take over the shift. Now that this situation happened, she is not responsible, who is responsible?
"You He."

The call was quickly connected.

"Come pick me up!"

An Youhe, I'm so thirsty, I don't want to say a word

"What happened? Where are you?"

Leng Nuan asked anxiously.

"Suburb, I'll send you the location, oh, yes! Remember to bring it!"

Due to the lack of water, An Youhe's voice was a little hoarse.

"Okay, wait for me, I'll go there as soon as possible!"

Putting down the phone, Leng Nuan picked up his coat and quickly rushed out of the house.

On An Youhe's side, she can't walk anyway!I found a shady place nearby to rest, and took a stone as a cushion under my buttocks. Apart from being thirsty, I was also a little hungry.feel good.

After about an hour or so!An Youhe estimated the time, because she didn't have the strength to pick up her phone to check the time.

A white car stopped not far from her, and a person quickly got out of the car and ran towards her.

Although An Youhe squinted her eyes and tried her best to look over, but there were two shadows, so she simply stopped looking. Anyway, when she walked up to her, she would know who it was.

"You He, what's wrong with you?"

Leng Nuan looked at An Youhe with disheveled hair. Because of the lack of water, her moist pink lips had cracked a few tiny holes, and she looked very embarrassed.


Hearing the sound, An Youhe knew that it was cold and warm coming, but her already thirsty throat was smoking, so she could only say a simple word.

"Oh yes, I brought it!"

Leng Nuan quickly took out the water from the bag, unscrewed the bottle cap, and handed it to An Youhe.

An Youhe finally realized that water is the source of life, this sentence is simply too profound and meaningful.

An entire bottle of water was wiped out by An Youhe in a few minutes, not a single drop was left.

"Ah! Long live!"

After drinking the water, An Youhe felt that she had come alive.

This kind of feeling is like being born after death, but in fact it feels quite happy, haha!

"What's the matter with you?"

Leng Nuan looked at An Youhe who yelled long live, and seemed to be enjoying herself, but she really didn't understand their artist's brain circuit.

"I was thrown out of the car by Mr. Qi."

An Youhe said to Leng Nuan with a smile, as if what she was talking about was not her own business.

"You were still here by Qi Huanyuan?"

Leng Nuan repeated this sentence in surprise, did she hear correctly?

Qi Haoyuan's personality has always been gentle, gentle and polite.Never seen him do that to anyone.

"Well, he left it here."

An Youhe said with certainty.

"Are you No.1 who was thrown out of the car by Qi Haoyuan?"

He said with emotion.I don't know if there is any misunderstanding between the two middle-aged people.

Leng Nuan always feels that things are not that simple!

"Should I be honored?"

An Youhe curled her lips and said indifferently.

Could it be possible to thank Qi Haoyuan for giving her the opportunity to exercise this time?
"That's okay, You He, don't you have anything you want to tell me?"

Leng Nuan asked tentatively, although she knew that An Youhe would never say anything to herself.

"Yes, I think I need to go to the hospital."

An Youhe stood up, and said calmly to Leng Nuan.

"What are you going to the hospital for?"

"Because I'm going to faint!"

After saying this, An Youhe really fainted immediately, if it wasn't for Leng Nuan who helped her in time, she might just fall to the ground like that.

Leng Nuan looked at her friend who suddenly fainted. It is estimated that only she could do this kind of fainting to say hello in advance.

Jingcheng Hospital
Fortunately, An Youhe just passed out due to heat stroke caused by the hot weather, and she is a little dehydrated. The doctor is currently staying in the hospital for observation.

Fortunately, An Youhe belonged to the petite and exquisite type, and it was only through the warmth and comfort that she could be moved to the hospital smoothly, otherwise it would be quite tricky.

Cold and warm tempt the ward to look out of the window, the sun is already close to the ground, turned to look at the friends who are still sleeping soundly on the bed, it seems that they will spend the night in the hospital tonight!

Thinking about calling You Muye to report, Leng Nuan picked up the phone and walked out of the ward quietly, lest the sound of the phone disturb her to rest.

As soon as Leng Nuan left, the door of the ward was opened like a gust of wind.

Ji Feng was originally working at Jingcheng Hospital, when he received the news that An Youhe was hospitalized, even Ji Lao didn't have time to say hello, so he rushed over in a hurry.

As soon as I entered the ward, I saw a small figure lying on the bed. It was still alive and kicking when I left in the morning. Why did it only take half a day?

Ji Feng sorted out his emotions, and then moved gently to An Youhe's bedside.

His face was pale, his lips were chapped and showed signs of dehydration.Ji Feng looked at An Youhe's arm outside the quilt again, there were signs of sunburn.

As a professional doctor, it is not difficult for Ji Feng to judge that An Youhe is in a coma caused by heatstroke and dehydration.

Ji Feng didn't understand, shouldn't Xiaoyouyou go back together in Qi Haoyuan's car?How could he run to bask in the sun again, until he fainted?
The door of the ward was opened again, Ji Feng heard the voice and looked over, saw the person coming, and suddenly became furious.

It was actually Qi Haoyuan, he was really thick-skinned, and he still had the guts to walk into this ward.

"Why are you here?"

Qi Haoyuan was also surprised, he didn't expect Ji Feng to be here.

After receiving the phone call from Leng Nuan, Qi Haoyuan rushed over immediately, but he didn't expect someone to be one step ahead of him.

"Why can't I be here? But you, how can you explain why Xiaoyouyou is like this?"

The reason why the two of them were at the scene before was because of An Youhe's presence, so they were secretly arguing with each other.

But now that An Youhe is in a coma, there's no need for the two of them to talk with their tongues around, and naturally they don't have to be polite to each other, anyway, they didn't like each other when they first met.

Facing Ji Feng's problem, Qi Haoyuan felt a little guilty, because after all, it was because of his impulsiveness that An Youhe was in the current situation.

But Qi Haoyuan really didn't want to make a move. Was this a brainless woman who didn't even ask anyone to pick her up, so she just planned to walk all the way back?
Qi Haoyuan walked slowly to An Youhe's bed, seeing the little person lying there so quietly, his heart was filled with self-blame.

I don't even know what happened to me at the time!He clearly knew that she was very stubborn, but he still threw herself down.

No matter how much Qi Haoyuan blames himself now, it won't help. Fortunately, An Youhe is just suffering from heatstroke and dehydration. If there is something else...

Qi Haoyuan didn't even dare to think about it, wishing he could slap himself a few times, not knowing what he was doing!

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