i really have no magic

Chapter 40 Time Flies

In the following period of time, apart from attending classes and being assigned by the company, Dong Jiashui did not have any major incidents.

During the period, he also cooperated with Kuroba Kaito to perform a magic trick.Of course, during the whole process, Kuroba Kaito made corresponding moves in accordance with Dong Jiashui's changes, otherwise, Dong Jiashui's casual and restless gameplay would have to be tricked.

That performance brought the whole party to an unprecedented climax because it was so cool...Have you ever seen a ball of fire standing out of thin air without relying on anything?Can it be transformed into various pictures?Finally, it ended with a fire dragon composed of flames.

Many spectators uploaded the video recording of the performance to the Internet,
Many people lamented, "It's another aboveboard magic performer/dog head"

Many science and technology parties have come out to refute the rumors, saying that this is a projection and the like, and it is all high-tech.

Afterwards, Kaito Kuroba's reputation suddenly became famous on the Internet. In addition, Kaito Kuroba's own magic skills are quite strong. More and more people know that there is such a foreigner who can play "magic". people.

Of course, Dong Jiashui, the instigator who controls everything behind the scenes, is naturally happy. Many people know Dong Jiashui now, but he does carry the title of "magician" assistant.

Since the last night of the 'battle' with the two men in black and the magician Jerry, the system in Dong Jiashui's body also began to slowly quiet down.

There is no time reporting on time every day, and you can sign in to receive benefits independently. It may be that the protection period for newbies has passed.

Today's system is no longer so illusory, or in other words, Dong Jiashui can indicate this so-called system in his mind for the first time.

It was a mass of unidentified objects that kept changing colors, seemed to be breathing, and sometimes grew bigger and sometimes smaller. With Dong Jiashui's limited cognition, he didn't know what it was, but it was definitely not a simple thing.

Furthermore, Dong Jiashui has his own personal attribute interface. Whether it is Dong Jiashui's own skills or the things in the system warehouse, you can see them here.

With a thought, summon your own attribute interface

"Name: Dong Jiashui

Age: 22
Comprehensive physical fitness: 20 (ordinary people: 10)

Energy attribute: Fire attribute (Level [-]), Wood attribute (Level [-])

Exclusive skill: pulling sheep with ease
Special props: System Warehouse (Level [-])

Miracle Points: 0
Current task: None

System repository:..."

That's right... Black Heart's system has secretly deducted Dong Jiashui's miracle points... The miracle points can be accumulated to a certain value to obtain exclusive skills and special props.

But now, Dong Jiashui has returned to before liberation...

Think of it as an exchange for this interface, Dong Jiashui can only think so, to alleviate his sadness.At least some data on this system interface looks a little more intuitive.

When he had wood attributes, his strength was probably a third-class alien. Later, with the addition of fire attributes, his strength could crush the second-tier alien Bai Sanye, but facing that strength, he could be said to be a first-class alien. The magician Jerry, is just not enough.

Maybe, when there is another attribute, or if the current attributes are upgraded to a level, maybe they can also wrestle with first-class aliens.

After meeting the magician Jerry that day, Dong Jiashui took the time to go to Xu Daqing to study all kinds of magicians seriously... After all, I can't just use the energy attribute and accidentally trigger the magic circle, and I will be killed. Treat it like a magician!Let Dong Jiashui have an inexplicable feeling of helping others take the blame...

According to Xu Daqing, the currently known organization composed of magicians is called the "Holy See of Western Magic". Among them, there are eight known families. It is not clear whether there are more secretive families. After all, it has been passed down for a long time. It's time.

Among the eight magician families, six extreme families have a lot of hatred with Huaxia Yirenshe, and there are two neutral magic families, that is, the dark magic and red magic. Huaxia aliens are evil, but they have to keep their distance.

The so-called magician mainly relies on the magician's own special physique to continuously extract something from the atmosphere, and transform it into the so-called magic power in the body. Depends on the amount of magic used.Of course, what exactly do you get from the atmosphere?It has not been researched yet with current technical means.

And you can use some small props, such as the small wooden stick used by Jerry, which is actually a magic wand. The material is relatively rare, and it can be waterproof and fireproof under normal circumstances. Unfortunately, Dong Jiashui set it on fire and burned it.

There is also the magic book that was suddenly taken out of the space, which records the magic developed by the previous owners, and the number of leaves on the cover of the book can judge how capable it is.

For example, Jerry's is a clover. It is not clear how many leaves are the highest. After all, between magicians and aliens, there are often only small-scale battles, and no real high-level people are involved.

If a war breaks out between the high-level officials of the two sides, it will be difficult to hide the news. Is the destructive posture intended to be covered up with experimental weapons?No one wants to break the current peace and stability. The number of magicians and aliens only accounts for a very small part of the world's total population, and this does not include some other existences that are not ordinary people.

For example, the samurai in R, the mutants in country A, the witches in country N, etc. The world is so big, and every place has something special.Some may be rumors. For example, there is no definite evidence to prove the existence of mutants in country A until today, but Dong Jiashui, a samurai from R book, has seen it. Those two weird samurai swords are still in Dong. The water system warehouse is lying inside.

There are no waves without wind, and it is better to believe that there is something than nothing.

Therefore, the high-level officials of both sides will generally stay at home and let the juniors go out to make trouble.

Magicians start from the initial entry as a trainee magician and end up as a currently known magician.

The general combat effectiveness is similar to that of an alien, but usually in the same realm, a magician will not be an opponent of an alien.

The so-called aliens, like magicians, can obtain some unknown things from the air, and then store them in the alien body, and some rely on the accumulated abilities to obtain some changes that are different from ordinary people, thus resulting in the so-called aliens. The aliens of the animal department, such as Xu Daqing's hand that suddenly grows bigger and has long hair.

The specific direction of change is unknown, but usually the abilities awakened by aliens who lived in the same area since childhood are often similar, which is why Huaxia has an alien family.

Moreover, not everyone can awaken their abilities, and only those who have awakened their abilities can be called aliens.Inherited from thousands of years of aliens, the appearance of aliens is not accidental. Most of them are born in the family, and after consciously awakening, a small number of aliens will have special abilities. For example, Ye Funeng will The skill of immobilizing people, but if the strength is stronger than her, it will be useless.

There are also a small number of people who have awakened supernatural powers during the process of growing up. This kind of awakened people usually belong to the energy-type aliens.In Xu Daqing's eyes, Dong Jiashui is like this, and Dong Jiashui's abilities are more perverted than those of the known energy system aliens.

Once this type of person is discovered, they will be quickly absorbed into the Inhuman Society, because the energy system is very rare, and their abilities are more powerful than those of the animal system.Even if they don't agree, they will be lured in by every means, and there are no exceptions so far.

And there are too many alien families in the folk, and the strength of some families should not be underestimated.Therefore, there is the official establishment of the Yiren Society, the purpose of which is to help stabilize the law and order in various places and manage the Yiren.Alien crimes are more difficult to deal with than ordinary people's crimes, and the usual police have nothing to do with them.


Back to reality,

In the morning, Dong Jiashui opened his eyes and began to prepare for a new day.The original system is still good for self-signing in... It helped Dong Jiashui raise the habit of getting up early, and the roommate at this time was still sleeping soundly.

It has been two or three months since school started, I looked at my phone, um... that's right, National Day is coming up, ten days long holiday!

During this holiday this year, Dong Jiashui saved a little money and planned to become a local tyrant instead of going on a trip or something. Isn’t he good at home?Last year, I cared about money, so I had no such plan.Now?We are not short of money~

I was planning to pack my bags and go home at night!This time he went back suddenly by himself. He didn't have a high number of family members, and he didn't know how they would react. Thinking about it, he still had a little expectation~
There is no class during the day today, so you can spend it slowly.

Soon, I packed my luggage and brought a few changes of clothes.Dragging the suitcase, accompanied by the snoring of my roommate, I left the dormitory.

It's still early now, take your things to the store first, the traffic over there is more convenient, and ask Ye Fu for a leave by the way, who made Ye Fu keep claiming to be his leader, it's time to take on the responsibility of the leader .

Such a trivial matter is not enough to go to Xu Daqing... Probably, according to Xu Daqing's temperament, even if you have a National Day holiday, he may have to hold you back for a few days to make it easier for you.

Dong Jiashui felt an inexplicable sense of strangeness after not coming to his small shop for a long time. The time he stayed here was not very long.

Dragging the suitcase, I opened the door inside the store, but there was no one inside.

strangeness?Isn't Yefu here at this time?Are you still sleeping in the room? Dong Jiashui didn't have the habit of spying on other people's privacy, so he put down his suitcase, turned around and left.

Don't underestimate the flow of people in Qinzhou during the holidays... The train station is always full. If you don't queue up to pick up the tickets a few points in advance, the train may have gone far before your tickets are taken out. This small The place doesn’t know why, you won’t be allowed to get on the bus without a ticket... In other places, you can swipe your ID card, which saves you this trouble.

Dong Jiashui, who was sitting on the bus, saw the huge crowd from a distance... From a distance, he felt like the city was besieged by zombies. He secretly thanked himself for his wit. In this situation, it would be a burden to bring luggage over here. Take a ticket Finally, just come back two hours in advance, anyway, the bus is quite fast.

After getting off the bus, Dong Jiashui also blended into the large queue.
After a period of time, it was finally Dong Jiashui's turn. After swiping his student ID card...Dong Jiashui was stunned!
What the hell are these two tickets?I just bought a ticket back to Qingzhou, but what happened to the ticket to Iwai?Who bought it for themselves?And it's today too!The time is still about the same as the train ride home?

Dong Jiashui looked puzzled, but under the urging of the people behind him, he simply took it all out without doing anything or repairing it.Anyway, you didn’t buy the ticket yourself. If you really want to lose money, it won’t be you.

Squeezing out of the crowd with difficulty, I saw that the two names in my hand were my own train tickets, stuffed them into my wallet, and put them away first...

I still have to go to Ye Fu to ask for leave. It's all over, so I should get up...Anyway, I can't ask Xu Daqing for leave.

 Then I took the bus back to my small shop again...

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