i really have no magic

Chapter 63 It's up to you!

"If Mr. Li wants, I can't give it..." Dong Jiashui muttered.

Do you really think this space ring is like a leek?Can it grow again after being cut, infinitely?What about trouble?If that were the case, there wouldn't be much scarcity...

"Yes, I have to say that as long as I remember." Xu Daqing heard what Dong Jiashui said, and quickly agreed. I didn't expect you to be quite good~

"Then go quickly." Xu Daqing waved goodbye to Dong Jiashui.

"Boss Xu, you didn't say where Mr. Li is... let me go to someone..." Dong Jiashui looked at Xu Daqing helplessly, since you appeared until now, you have been in Baba all these things... nothing serious...

"Oh... I forgot, I made a mistake." Xu Daqing slapped his forehead when he heard Dong Jiashui's prompt, and called out the mistake...

"You follow this road until you reach the end. There is a small house there, where Mr. Li is usually." Xu Daqing pointed Dong Jiashui in the direction.

I completely forgot that Dong Jiashui was here for the first time, how could I know so many secrets...

"I'm leaving?"

"Let's go, come back early, remember! Don't be fooled!" Dong Jiashui did not forget to remind Dong Jiashui before leaving...

Do you think I'm stupid?Dong Jiashui complained in his heart.

Walking slowly along the direction Xu Daqing pointed, this road seems to be very long, with no end in sight, and there are no plants around...

It's really strange to say that it looks like a small town, but why is there no green at all except the river?This is not right...

Because Dong Jiashui was not in an environment that was favorable to Dong Jiashui, Dong Jiashui's physical strength recovered very slowly... It would be great if it was in the woods... Dong Jiashui couldn't help sighing in his heart.


"Why hasn't this arrived yet..." Dong Jiashui walked a long distance, but how could there be the little house that Xu Daqing told him about?Could it be that Xu Daqing made a special trip to amuse himself?This shouldn't be the case...

The very bored Dong Jiashui kicked up the small stones on the side of the road...

"Why hasn't it arrived yet..." Dong Jiashui believed that Xu Daqing was just entertaining himself!
Just when Dong Jiashui was thinking about whether to go back home, a smoke from cooking in the distance came into Dong Jiashui's sight.

"Is someone cooking in this place? It seems that Xu Daqing didn't fool himself? Go and have a look." Dong Jiashui also quickened his pace, no matter whether it is Mr. Li that Xu Daqing said, he has to go and confirm it...

Soon, the cooking smoke became more and more obvious, and the outline of a small courtyard appeared in front of Dong Jiashui.

"Yo, your kid is finally here?" It was Mr. Li whom Dong Jiashui had met.At this moment, he just walked out of the house. I don't know if it was because he felt Dong Jiashui coming, or was it a coincidence?
"Hello, Mr. Li. I heard from Mr. Xu that you are looking for me?" Dong Jiashui walked quickly to Mr. Li and asked respectfully.

But I was thinking in my heart, how could Mr. Li live in this place?This cabin has a small yard, and there are dried corn peppers hanging on the door.Is this the residence that fits Mr. Li's identity?no...

"I'm the one who came for you." Mr. Li looked at Dong Jiashui closely and returned.

"I saw your performance in the ring just now. As a rookie, it's not bad." Speaking of this, Mr. Li paused. "But as an alien in the Inhuman Society, this ability can't be the only one!"

Speaking of this, Mr. Li shook his head after recited Dong Jiashui.

"Is this to dislike me for being too good? I'm just a student... I'm not like you, who have been in the mountains of swords and fires for so many years..." Dong Jiashui responded in his heart, but of course Dong Jiashui didn't dare to say this.

"It seems that you are a little unconvinced~" Mr. Li looked at Dong Jiashui and smiled.

"Don't dare." Mr. Li, you can read minds, right?Can you see what I'm thinking in my heart? ?

"If you have something to say, just say it. You want to hide it from my eyes with your little doll's carelessness? Do you really think my old eyes are dim?" Mr. Li suddenly said seriously.

"Then I'll make it clear, Mr. Li...I'm still in school, how can I compare with those old people from the Yiren Club..." Dong Jiashui complained.

"That's right...you come in with me first, it's not a problem to stand outside." Li Lao said while introducing Dong Jiashui into the small yard.

"Sit here." He pointed to the small chair beside him.

"Thank you Mr. Li."

"You don't have to be so polite." Mr. Li waved his hand and said.

"Add water, what do you think of your talent?" Elder Li then asked.

"My talent? Just so-so..." Dong Jiashui scratched his head and said. This was Dong Jiashui's sincerity.He really has no talent... His academic performance is in the middle range. He seems to be quite diligent, but it is always a fake effort... I am moved by myself, but not by the results.

Originally, Dong Jiashui answered honestly, but it didn't mean that to Mr. Li's ears...

"Three attribute abilities, your talent is still average? You can die if you don't brag!" Mr. Li also couldn't hold back his swearing...

"Um... So Mr. Li was talking about this..." Dong Jiashui thought he was talking about it... But these three attributes really have nothing to do with him... If you really want to study it carefully, it can only be said that it is a gift from God...

"It was a pure fluke, a fluke." Dong Jiashui showed a look of being good-looking when he got a bargain, and he really owed it!
Not to mention... It is really a kind of luck that the system itself can be cast on Dong Jiashui.

However, these three attributes are now shocking?When the other two stones in my system warehouse are awakened into supernatural powers, then I will have five attributes. Why don't you be scared to death?All the fuss all day, really...

"You boy... Forget it, this is really luck..." Li Lao just raised his hand and then put it down again.

"By the way, you gave that interspatial ring?"

"Yes, that's right..." Dong Jiashui faltered a little when he heard Mr. Li asked about the interspatial ring.Could it be true what Xu Daqing said?Came for my space ring?I will give it or not... If Mr. Li is really tough, I am afraid that a slap can make me go to heaven...

"Don't be nervous, I'm not the same as Xu Daqing. I don't intend to ask you for this thing." As if seeing Dong Jiashui's inner thoughts, Mr. Li added.

Hearing this, Dong Jiashui secretly breathed a sigh of relief... It seems that he still thinks others are too dark. This is not good, not good, and needs to be corrected.

"I would like to ask, did you have any problems refining that space ring?" Mr. Li asked curiously, because it is said that aliens with space attributes have to pay a lot of money to refine this space ring. , but it’s a bit strange to see Dong Jiashui jumping around in the past few days, and it doesn’t look like something happened.

Mr. Li still knows a little about Xu Daqing's temperament, and he likes to show off some good things about this guy.If he had had this interspatial ring early in the morning, he wouldn't have just taken it out in the last few days.Therefore, based on this, it can be judged that this interspatial ring is the latest refining system.

"Problem? Is it worth the heavy loss..." Dong Jiashui can't say that he has nothing to do, isn't that why he seized the opportunity and let himself crazily refine the space ring?

However, the system warehouse has shrunk due to the refining of this space ring... It is not a problem at all to say that the loss is heavy...

"Oh? How about a heavy loss? No injuries at all?" Mr. Li couldn't believe it. If there was a loss, it wouldn't be unacceptable. After all, you have to give up to gain, but you have no injuries at all?This is a bit fake...

"Hmm...that is, the source of my space attribute has been reduced by more than half..." Dong Jiashui thought for a while before replying, wondering if Mr. Li could accept this reason... If the source is injured, can the loss not be heavy?
"Huh? How could it hurt the source? No wonder it's difficult for those aliens who have refined space rings from ancient times to the present to go further... I see..." Mr. Li muttered when he heard Dong Jiashui's words.If this is true... wouldn't that mean destroying someone else's foundation?Instantly felt that those space rings in his hands weighed a thousand catties...

Dong Jiashui naturally heard what Mr. Li said, but what he didn't expect was that he was fooled?That's okay too?

"Fortunately, you are different from others. You have three types of abilities... You won't ruin your future just because of this..." Mr. Li looked at Dong Jiashui and said.

In fact, Dong Jiashui wanted to say... The levels of warehouses in this system can be upgraded, but the usable capacity of each level is very different.As long as the system warehouse is upgraded, the small capacity of Dongjia Shui may still be looked down upon...

However, Dong Jiashui did not say this... He is not stupid...

"Remember, if Xu Daqing asks you for the interspatial ring in the future, don't talk to him!" Old Li's face changed, and he reminded seriously.

"Ah?? Okay, okay." Dong Jiashui could only respond...

"The main reason for calling you this time is not to say these things, you take out the two R knives you snatched."

"Yes, Mr. Li." Dong Jiashui didn't know what Mr. Li was going to do, but he probably wouldn't hurt him... Then he took out the two very similar but slightly different R knives from his pocket.

Mr. Li didn't care about Dong Jiashui's action of taking things out of his pocket, this kid was still hiding in front of him, did he really think he would snatch his things?
After taking the two knives handed over by Dong Jiashui,

Elder Li flicked it casually, and the scabbard came off the blade, and embedded in the open space beside it, halfway into the soil.

"Do you know this thing?" Mr. Li swung the long knife a few times, and the silver light of the knife flashed across the yard.

"This? Aren't they just two R-ben knives, they are a bit harder than ordinary knives. But there seems to be something special inside." Dong Jiashui looked at the R-ben knives in Mr. Li's hand and said.

"It seems that you are still a little knowledgeable. The strength of these two R knives is at the elementary level. There is also a ghost power sealed inside the blade, which can achieve the effect of temporarily improving strength. However, after using it, there will be a period of weakness. Period." Mr. Li introduced Dong Jiashui.

"Elementary level? The power of ghosts?" Dong Jiashui felt that a brand new door was about to open towards him...

"Didn't Xu Daqing tell you about this? Generally, weapons are divided into primary, intermediate, high, heaven and holy levels. They are mainly divided based on their power and effects." Mr. Li explained to Dong Jiashui .

"You haven't used the power in this knife before." When Mr. Li observed the interior through the blade, he found that the seal that sealed the ghost had been opened recently, so he asked.

"No... how dare I use something of unknown origin." Dong Jiashui sneered. To be honest, it doesn't look like a good thing at first glance...how dare Dong Jiashui use it...it's almost as good as chopping it a few times to pretend to be aggressive.

"That's fine...this thing can't be used lightly." The next moment, in front of Dong Jiashui, Mr. Li crushed the two knives that Dong Jiashui thought were of good quality with his bare hands... starting to shatter from the handle...

"Mr. Li...this..." Dong Jiashui was a little confused, how could he destroy it directly?It can also be used to chop down trees and split wood...

"This thing is really evil. If we don't have their blood, we should use it less, so as not to be infected." Li Lao said indifferently.

"Then... let's go..." You've cut it first, what else can I say...

"Then Mr. Li, can I go..." Dong Jiashui guessed that Mr. Li asked him to come here to entertain himself...

"What's the hurry, I haven't talked about the business yet!" Mr. Li glared at Dong Jiashui, what is this young man doing in such a hurry, my old man's days are numbered, why don't you take your time like this?
"Wait here, I'll go in and get something..." After finishing speaking, without waiting for Dong Jiashui to respond, he went straight into his hut...


After a while, Mr. Li will come out.

Holding several thick books in his hands,

"Huh..." Mr. Li blew, and the dust on the book was blown away, and a thin layer of gray mist flashed away. It seems that this thing has not been used for some years...

When the dust dispersed, the books in Mr. Li's hands came into Dong Jiashui's field of vision, and he always felt that these things looked familiar?
"Have you seen this thing?" Mr. Li took the book to Dong Jiashui and asked.

"Book?" Dong Jiashui picked up the top one,
There are some messy symbols and words on the cover alone. Dong Jiashui didn’t recognize any of them, so he flipped through a few pages... Same, except for a few pages that were blank, the rest of the pages were like ants crawling around...

"Correction, this is a magic book!" Mr. Li took the magic book back from Dong Jiashui's hand and showed the cover in front of Dong Jiashui.
"See clearly, this is a four-leaf clover. It is said that magic books generally have three grades, which are mainly distinguished by the number of leaves on the cover. Among them, there are three-leaf clover, four-leaf clover, and five-leaf clover. Of course, this magic book The thickness does not represent its importance...I seized these few books in the original war." Mr. Li introduced to Dong Jiashui... When he mentioned that he had seized it, he inevitably felt more complicated The same breath, murderous, regretful, and reminiscing...

Dong Jiashui heard what Mr. Li said, and then remembered where he had seen this thing.

That magician Jerry who calls himself the bountyman and gets scared when he sees Xu Daqing...that guy has a copy of Clover in his hand!
No, I seem to have seen it somewhere before?
I immediately started searching in the system warehouse.
When I saw those dark books...although I couldn't see the few leaves of grass on the surface, the words inside were all the same...they were all like symbols...and I didn't take them out in a hurry.

"Mr. Li, what are you??" Dong Jiashui was a little unsure of what Mr. Li meant, why did he suddenly show himself this kind of thing?Don't know that many people die from knowing too much?

"It's nothing, just to let you have an influence first. We will meet sooner or later, this is our deadly enemy!" When talking about the deadly enemy, the murderous intent in Li Lao's eyes is even more serious!
"Actually... Mr. Li, I have already dealt with them..." Dong Jiashui truthfully told Mr. Li about the fight between himself and that Jerry.This matter is not a secret, as long as you have the heart, you can naturally find out.

"What? You've already fought a magician?" Mr. Li was a little surprised. The kid in front of him is just a newcomer. How come he has so much experience?

However, this kid is really lucky...

"Let me give you a vaccination first. Don't think that all magicians are like that Jerry, and they must have a ruthless master. Don't be paralyzed." Li Lao reminded, because he was afraid that Dong Jiashui would float up first …

"I see, thank you, Mr. Li, for reminding me." Dong Jiashui thanked him, but in his heart...do you really think I'm stupid?When I meet this kind of person, I’m afraid I won’t even have time to run away...Dong Jiashui who was talking about other people’s cowards a moment ago...At this moment, I have also become...

Both sides were silent for a while...

"Dong Jiashui, do you know that there is a saying that with great power comes great responsibility?" Elder Li asked suddenly.

"I know." Dong Jiashui naturally heard this sentence, but why did Mr. Li suddenly mention it?Any thoughts on myself? ?
"Then if you have enough strength, are you willing to take the corresponding responsibility?" Mr. Li looked at Dong Jiashui and smiled.

Dong Jiashui didn't answer right away, feeling like he was digging a hole for himself...

"I am willing..." Dong Jiashui replied after thinking carefully.I don't have much strength right now, so just hook it if you can...

Hearing Dong Jiashui say yes, Mr. Li smiled even more, seeing that Dong Jiashui was confused...

"As long as you are willing, I hope you don't forget this sentence..." Mr. Li regained his seriousness, "After a while, there is a task that needs to be carried out, and I plan to send you to it, how about it?"

I knew it was okay! !Dong Jiashui shouted in his heart.

"Old Li, what can I do with my strength, don't delay your mission..." Dong Jiashui wanted to shirk it... It sounds like it's not a good job...

"No, no, no, I believe in your potential. And this was originally the task of your North China division, but I arranged it for you in advance, it's all the same." Mr. Li said with a smile, with a kind face...

How is this the same! !I'm the only one in the North China division?When the sky falls, isn’t there a taller one to hold it up?It won't be my turn anyway...

"Do you want to know why I sent you to execute it? On the one hand, you have been in the Inhuman Society for a short time, not very long. On the other hand, I believe in your potential, but it's just a lack of training. Just right, there is now Such an opportunity, how appropriate do you say it is."

How appropriate?This is very inappropriate!Dong Jiashui stubbornly refused in his heart, but he didn't dare to explode in person...

"It's decided to be you, the organization is optimistic about you. Okay, you can go back, remember to keep what you said just now confidential 1" After finishing everything you want to say, send Dong Jiashui away...

I didn't intend to let Dong Jiashui stay for a meal before leaving...

"Young man, your life has just begun~" Looking at Dong Jiashui's disappearing figure, Mr. Li muttered and returned to the house...

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