Xiao Zhe and Huang Shanshan didn't return to the company today because someone asked their company to make a plan for new product marketing, and today happened to be the new product launch conference.

  When Xiao Zhe and Huang Shanshan arrived, many people had already gathered in the hall on the first floor of Jinli Mansion, and there was no shortage of media reporters and journalists from major TV stations in the crowd.

  Not only Wei Zhen, the president of Red Star Group, but also Shen Wanting, the top traffic star who is now popular, attended the event.

Shen Wanting is not only the most important performer today, but also the spokesperson of the new brand of Red Star Group.

  Xiao Zhe and Huang Shanshan, as the representatives of Ai Shangni's advertising media planning, and even the planners of this event, took it for granted that they sat in the guest seats.

  After a fiery opening dance, the press conference officially kicked off!
  "Dear guests and media friends, first of all, thank you for your support to our Red Star Group. Today is also a very important day for our Red Star Group. Let's not talk much, and then we will officially enter our theme session."

  Red Star Group is also a very famous cosmetics research and development company in Longtan City.

It was Wei Zhen, the president of Red Star Group, who was standing in front of the stage and speaking.

  When Xiao Zhe's gaze shifted to Shen Wanting who was always smiling on the stage, he couldn't help frowning, and for some reason, a bad premonition emerged in his heart.

  He didn't know why he had such a feeling. Now that he has cultivated into a spiritual body, he has even awakened the eye of reincarnation.

He didn't believe that this was just his illusion, something must happen today, and it was related to Shen Wanting.

  It's just that his cultivation base is not enough now, and he can't predict what hasn't happened.

Since it is impossible to predict, I simply don't think about it at all. As the saying goes, when soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, things will still happen when they should happen.   
The press conference was still going on normally, but Xiao Zhe's focus was always on Shen Wanting.

During the period, Shen Wanting even sang a few songs with love, which added a bit of fun to the already hot press conference.

  Until the press conference was about to end, something beyond everyone's expectations happened.

  Shen Wanting, who was about to go back to the hotel room to rest, was hit by the LED lighting installed above, causing her to faint instantly, and blood continued to flow out of her head.

  The scene of the press conference was instantly quiet. Faced with this sudden scene, everyone obviously did not recover their senses. Only Xiao Zhe rushed onto the stage quickly.

"Look, what is that guy doing up there?"

Offstage, Shen Wanting's fans frowned.

  Looking at Xiao Zhe who had a badge on his body, another person said, "I guess he wants to save someone."

  "Save people! Just rely on him? Think he is a doctor."

The previous fan sneered, and then said dissatisfied: "It's a shame that the Red Star Group is still a prestigious cosmetics company, and there is no medical staff for an event."

  "What does this have to do with the Red Star Group? If you ask me, it's a company planned by Ai Shangni. It's unreliable."

After saying that, the person beside him made a gesture of silence, and then said: "This manager Huang Shanshan is not an ordinary person. Don't you know that many famous people in Longtan City are pursuing this woman."

  "Cut! It's nothing special, but it's just a bit of appearance. Something happened to Wanting, and I won't let them go!"

The man next to him smacked his lips and said in his heart: "It's up to you, what are you doing with onions, what are you fighting with others!"
Xiao Zhe ignored these voices, he saved Shen Wanting not only because of the activities they planned, but more because of Huang Shanshan.

Shen Wanting was seriously injured, and her brain also lost too much blood. If this continues, her brain will suffer from hypoxia due to blood loss, resulting in brain death.

  When that time comes, her life will be in danger, and he knows where the bad premonition came from.

"Take me to Shen Wanting's suite quickly, and I need a first aid kit."

Xiao Zhe used his unique technique to quickly seal your and her meridians, preventing the loss of blood.

  At this time, Wei Zhen, who had been paying close attention to Xiao Zhe's rescue, also came to his senses. After hearing his words, he immediately arranged for someone to go to the relevant person in charge of the hotel to prepare a first aid kit.

  "Xiao Zhe, are you okay? I think we should send her to the hospital."

Huang Shanshan was a little worried, but she didn't dare to get too close.

Originally, Wei Zhen wanted to send Shen Wanting to the hospital immediately after seeing Shen Wanting's accident.

Only when he saw that Xiao Zhe really helped her stop the bleeding, did he feel relieved a little bit, and the technique was quite miraculous.

Instead of taking the risk of being sent to the hospital, it is better to implement rescue measures immediately to avoid missing the best time for rescue. In fact, his decision is also correct.

  "It's too late. I just temporarily stopped the bleeding for her. It must be treated immediately. Believe me! She will be fine."

  Xiao Zhe gave Huang Shanshan a reassuring look, then picked up Shen Wanting and took her back to her suite. Not long after, the first aid kit from the hotel was also delivered.

  Xiao Zhe opened the first aid kit, took out a piece of medical gauze from it, and wrapped the gauze around Shen Wanting's head.The blood has been completely stopped by him, and the next step is to treat the wound.

  In addition to the wound, her head also suffered a slight concussion due to the impact. It is necessary to activate blood circulation to remove blood stasis accumulated in the brain.

Xiao Zhe took out a few more silver needles from the first-aid kit, attached the spiritual power circulating in his body to the silver needles, and pierced several major acupuncture points on Shen Wanting's head with a very fast technique.

All the people who participated in the press conference have been persuaded by Wei Zhen to leave, but he has no way to dismiss some of them. These people are all reporters from major media.

At this moment, they were watching Xiao Zhe's rescue in Shen Wanting's apartment.

The Red Star Group can't afford to offend these media reporters. Right now, Wei Zhen only hopes that Xiao Zhe can really rescue Shen Wanting.

Otherwise, he could hardly absolve himself of the blame, and the other party is still a top traffic star, and the entire Red Star Group might be implicated by then.

The room was so quiet that you could almost hear a needle drop.

Everyone was very conscious not to disturb Xiao Zhe's rescue. Wei Zhen stood in front of the bed with a worried face, until five minutes later, he seemed to see Shen Wanting's hand.

  "Okay, she'll wake up in a while."

Xiao Zhe stood up, turned around and looked at the people behind him and said.

Xiao Zhe took off all the silver needles stuck in Shen Wanting's head, dispelled all the blood stasis accumulated in his brain, and tore off the gauze wrapped around his head.

After his treatment, not only would Shen Wanting not have any sequelae, but she would become healthier, because of the benefits Xiao Zhe's spiritual power brought her.

Among them, of course, some people would question Xiao Zhe, how could it be possible for Xiao Zhe to be healed after such a serious injury.

It wasn't until he stepped forward to see it with his own eyes that he exclaimed: "Look, everyone, Shen Wanting was really cured, not even a wound was left."

  After hearing this, many media reporters stepped forward to take pictures to witness this miraculous scene. Of course, there were countless flashes on Xiao Zhe's body.

"Friends from the media, the patient still needs to rest now, so let's not bother her, everyone should leave."

Xiao Zhe waved his hand, it is most appropriate for him to speak at this time.

It was under his treatment that Shen Wanting returned to normal. He is the most qualified person to say this.

Everyone also knew that what Xiao Zhe said was true, and he had successfully rescued him.

They have also taken all the photos they should take. There is really no need to stay any longer, and it is time to go back to work.

  After everyone left, only Xiao Zhe was left in the entire Nuoda suite, Huang Shanshan and Wei Zhen stayed here.

One of them is the event planner and the other is the organizer. They should only leave after Shen Wanting wakes up safely.

  Shen Wanting didn't make them wait for a long time. It can be said that she opened her eyes a few minutes after the media reporters left, and the first thing she saw was Xiao Zhe.

  "What's wrong with me, I seem to remember that we were at the press conference!" 
Shen Wanting asked with a slightly puzzled look.She can't remember exactly what happened.

"You were injured and almost lost your life. Thanks to brother Xiao Zhe who rescued you in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

Afterwards, Wei Zhen explained to her what happened at the press conference in detail, which made her still feel terrified.

"Thank you for saving me!"

Shen Wanting turned her head to look at Xiao Zhe and smiled, at the same time, she couldn't help admiring his medical skills.

Huang Shanshan was the most surprised. She never knew that Xiao Zhe knew medical skills, but now is not the time to ask.

For Shen Wanting's admiration, Xiao Zhe seemed to enjoy it very much, grinning and said: "Saving someone's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, let alone a beauty like you, how can I bear to see death?" Well, haha."

  Seeing Xiao Zhe's intentional look like a pig brother, Huang Shanshan snorted dissatisfiedly, and turned her head away.

Huang Shanshan's reaction did not escape Wei Zhen's eyes, and she joked immediately: "Brother Xiao Zhe, it's your fault, you already have such a beautiful girlfriend as Shanshan, you should leave a way for others yes."

  Huang Shanshan obviously didn't expect that the center of the topic would suddenly shift to her. The moment just now was just her subconscious reaction, and now she suddenly regretted it.

Just when she was thinking about what to explain, Xiao Zhe put his hand directly on her slender waist, pulled her into his arms in a simple and rude way, and said quite proudly: "Jealous, You are jealous!" 
  Without any psychological preparation, Huang Shanshan was so suddenly hugged by Xiao Zhe, which really shocked her, and then she blushed like a big ripe apple.

Now Huang Shanshan's heart is really messed up, and she is still thinking: "Does he agree with our relationship, but he hasn't confessed to others yet, we can't just let him get it so easily, or else he I don’t even know how to cherish it, hum!”

  But now that there are outsiders around, she can't be too nervous, lest people see the flaws.

At the next moment, Huang Shanshan, who had a balance in mind, decided to turn passive into active.

She looked at Xiao Zhe and smiled sweetly, and took his arm actively.

A small hand secretly stretched out to his waist, and made a 360-degree rotation at an angle that was invisible to everyone, which made Xiao Zhe's body suddenly stiff.

"In broad daylight, is it really appropriate for the two of you to show your affection so unscrupulously in front of us?" 
Wei Zhen glanced at Shen Wanting who was covering her mouth and giggling, and then turned her gaze back to the two of them, speaking in a rather helpless tone.

Where did he think that Xiao Zhe was so shameless? Not only did his words not have the effect of restraining himself, but the corners of this bastard's mouth rose slightly, showing a touch of pride and saying: "Love is for showing off. If you don't show off, how would you know?" How much we love each other."

"...!" Wei Zhen was at a loss for words after hearing this.

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