I went viral after dressing as a fucking villain

Chapter 535 Rejecting All Itineraries

He took a deep breath, and then stood up, supporting the table with both hands, with a serious look in his eyes, "I will definitely handle this matter properly, and we will discuss the rest in the future. This is the end of today's meeting."

As soon as the words fell, those shareholders became a little anxious, and some of them stood up, frowned tightly, and shouted at Jiang Yihong, "Mr. Jiang, you can't continue to let it go like this, if you continue to let it go , then the Jiang Group will face a bunch of big and small things, do you have the heart to watch the company you have been running for so long become like this?!"

As soon as this remark came out, other shareholders also echoed one after another. They had just discussed the worst strategy. According to the current situation, if Jiang Yihong didn't come up with a specific plan to convince them, then they would directly sell themselves Sell ​​all the shares in hand.

In this way, they will not wait until the company has no value before selling shares. By that time, it will already be useless.

Jiang Yihong paused slightly as he was about to leave. He turned his head and glanced at the many shareholders. He also knew in his heart that he could not do this well now. On the surface, these people have always been worried about the Jiang Group. I expect to find the next one soon.

"Don't worry, everyone. I, Jiang Yihong, will do what I say. I will handle this matter properly. I will definitely do it. I will give everyone a satisfactory answer." After saying this, Jiang Yihong left without looking back. , leaving those shareholders looking at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to do.

After returning to the office, Jiang Yihong frowned with a table full of documents. Su Hanying came to the office just at this moment. In front of his office, he immediately put down the coffee on hand.

"Now we can only try our best to remedy it?"

Jiang Yihong didn't look up, but nodded slightly. Seeing this, Su Hanying sighed softly, then picked up some documents, walked to the sofa, put the coffee on the table, and just worked with Jiang Yihong like this .

Before she knew it, it was late at night. Su Hanying raised her head, moved her sore neck, exhaled foul breath, stood up, touched her hungry belly, turned her head to Jiang Yihong, and said softly Asked: "Do you want to eat something?"

Jiang Yihong looked up at Su Hanying, and just wanted to tell her that he was not hungry, but seeing Su Hanying touching her stomach, he thought that she might be hungry, so he nodded, and the latter quickly ordered some supper when he saw this.

The little brother who delivered the food quickly brought the supper, Su Hanying put all the things on the table, and put some things in a bowl, while she sat beside Jiang Yihong with the bowl, and then Let Jiang Yihong open his mouth and stuff a chicken nugget in.

The latter looked at Su Hanying helplessly, and finally complied with her, swallowing the chicken nugget she handed over.

"Speaking of which, do you have any ideas to face these things now? After all, these things have a great influence on Jiang's group. If something goes wrong, it will be magnified."

Jiang Yihong, who was signing, put down the pen immediately after hearing this, and turned his head to look at Su Hanying. He was silent for a moment, and finally said: "I feel that this matter must have been done by one person, and what happened to Jiang Yiran before should be just a prelude. Not his real purpose."

"Plus, don't we know that Jiang Yiran's incident was caused by Xue Wenjing? I guess, to discredit Jiang's group and then destroy Jiang's group is Xue Wenjing's goal."

But Su Hanying thinks that this is probably not the case. Seeing this, Jiang Yihong smiled and pinned Su Hanying's somewhat messy hair behind her small ears, and said with a soft smile: "You don't understand men. Put it on one by one."

In the past few days, Jiang Yihong suddenly thought that Su Hanying had done some things before, and these things could be used as positive energy by him to deal with these things.

In this way, not only can Jiang's group's reputation be restored, but also Su Hanying's reputation can be enhanced. Wouldn't it be just right to have the best of both worlds?
Thinking of this, Jiang Yihong immediately asked someone from the public relations department to post all of Su Hanying's videos about positive energy on the Internet, which surprised many netizens.

All the things about Su Hanying who were very good before are all gone, and the one shown to the big guys is a gentle and elegant woman, but there are still many netizens who can't believe it. They think that this kind of video must be because her team deliberately wanted to save Su Hanying's face. issued.

Soon, groups of videos and photos were exposed, and those trolling netizens stopped talking, and could only ambush something bad about Su Hanying, and then they amplified it.

It's a pity that they lay in ambush for several days, but nothing was found.

After the reviews passed, Jiang's Group's reputation improved slightly, so Jiang Yihong asked many artists to perform in variety shows, and let them do a good job of setting up their own characters on variety shows. the benefits of.

Gradually, netizens noticed something was wrong and shouted one after another.

"Looking at the artists under the Jiang Group, you will know that such a good artist, how could the Jiang Group be so poor that you spray it every day? Isn't this slandering people?!"

"That's right, isn't there a lot of trolls who have been clamoring before? Come out and have a look, you keep saying that Jiang's group is not in your mouth, come out and say that there is not?"

This time and again, Jiang's group's reputation has been saved by more than half. They all began to lean towards Jiang's group and stopped talking about Jiang's group.

Su Hanying looks at Weibo every day, and naturally knows these things clearly, but she knows in her heart that these things are far from enough, after all, this kind of thing can't be solved in a few clicks.

In addition, now that the reputation is better, things in the company must be busier. At this juncture, Jiang Yihong must be too busy.

Thinking of this, Su Hanying called her agent directly, "Shove off my next less important schedule, I have some things to deal with recently."

"Okay." Knowing about Su Hanying's situation, the manager nodded and agreed without too much doubt or questioning.

"Thank you." After hanging up the phone, Su Hanying turned around and went back to Jiang Yihong's office, and accompanied Jiang Yihong to complete the work in hand one by one.

Unless it is necessary for Jiang Yihong to sign the target document, she will give the document to Jiang Yihong. The rest can be done by Su Hanying, so she will help Jiang Yihong to reduce his pressure as much as possible.

While Jiang Yihong was busy, he suddenly realized that Xue Wenjing could not be led by the nose of the masses on the Internet, and he had to make use of the existing Internet environment.

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