Song Wei was standing up with a smile on his face at the moment, shaking hands with a middle-aged man with a big belly, both of them had smiles on their faces, and they seemed to be having a good conversation.

Being interrupted by Xia Mujin hastily looked somewhat uncomfortable, and the middle-aged man who looked like a lawyer had a bad tone.

"Miss Xia, you are late. I have already negotiated with Mr. Song Wei. If you want to know anything, you can discuss it with him."

The middle-aged man with a big belly straightened his things when he said this, and he was about to leave.

Seeing this, Xia Mujin stretched out her arms and directly blocked his way, "What did you mean by that just now? My mother has already divorced him, so what does the read out of the will have to do with him?"

The lawyer was obviously not going to answer Xia Mujin, and by the way, he pretended to look at the watch on his wrist, "Miss Xia, please stop making trouble for no reason, I'm in a hurry."

The lawyer waved his hand while talking like this, and the two young men behind him took a step forward, obviously intending to do something.

Seeing this, Xia Mujin's face became even more ugly, and Song Wei, who was standing aside, looked at him with a proud face.

Xia Mujin thought over and over again, looking at this middle-aged lawyer who seemed to be impatient, with disgust in his tone.

"So you guys have colluded long ago," Xia Mujin was very angry.

"Xiao Jin, what do you mean by that? Although your mother and I have divorced, we still have some obligations. Your sister is a vegetable now, and you are a girl. If I don't help you, how can I be worthy of you?" dead mother?"

Song Wei pretended to be on the side and said that he really looked like a loving father, but Xia Mujin just felt sick. He had seen the true face of this person a long time ago, and he didn't expect to be so brazen now.

"What is in my mother's will? How could you be so shameless to come here and plunder us? As for the obligations, hmph, my mother has been divorced from you for so many years, did you give us a penny? Come and talk now. Don't you feel ashamed of these obligations?"

Xia Mujin had already clenched her fist when she said this, but she was obviously a little petite surrounded by several men, and the unwillingness flashed in her eyes.

Seeing this, Song Wei didn't want to pretend to be a loving father any more. After snorting coldly, he said, "No matter what happens to Xia Mujin today, you won't be able to get this will. This card contains 10 yuan, which is also regarded as We cleared up our father-daughter relationship."

Looking at the card that fell on the ground, Xia Mujin felt more and more ridiculed, "I don't bother to take your stinky money, I just want my mother's will, and you give it back to me." Xia Mujin stretched out her hand .

"Did I not make it clear, Xia Mujin? The will has nothing to do with you now, and you only have the 10 yuan. If you don't want it, you will have nothing." After Song Wei finished speaking, the sternness in his eyes flashed. Pass.

"Lawyer Zhang is in trouble today. You can go first. You just need to tell me about the follow-up communication." Before Xia Mujin could answer, Song Wei turned his head and said to the middle-aged man next to him with a big belly.

The middle-aged man who heard his words nodded, then glanced at Xia Mujin with some disdain, and left with the two young people behind him.

Seeing this, Song Yuqing could only put down her hand helplessly. She hated herself so much that she couldn't even protect her mother's will.

"Xia Mujin, don't blame me for not thinking about the relationship between father and daughter. You don't want this 10 yuan. Don't beg me on your knees in the future." Song Wei was obviously in a good mood and looked proud.

Suddenly, Xia Mujin was the only one left in the huge room.

"Jinjin, are you alright?" Tang Yanran ran over stepping on her high heels, looking worriedly at the distraught Xia Mujin.

"Song Wei..., my mother's death must be related to Song Wei, just now he took my mother's will and left..." Xia Mujin fell to the ground as if she had collapsed after saying this.

He closed his eyes tiredly, too many things happened these days, whether his mother died or his sister was knocked into a vegetative state.

Up to now, she can't even keep her own mother's will, and let others show off her power on her head.

"Jinjin!" Tang Yanran squatted down worriedly.

After Xia Mujin came back to her senses, she smiled at her with a pale face, and then stood up while leaning on the wall.

"I, Xia Mujin, won't be defeated so easily. I must find out how my mother died." Xia Mujin clenched her fists fiercely when she said this, with determination in her eyes.

"Jinjin, I will help you." Tang Yanran said without hesitation.

Xia Mujin nodded movedly and then began to analyze the current situation, "When I came just now, the lawyer had already negotiated with Song Wei."

"You mean they have been in touch before?" Tang Yanran was not a fool, she immediately asked in surprise.

When Xia Mujin heard this, although she felt embarrassed, she still nodded. I'm afraid his mother's death has something to do with Song Wei.

"Then what should we do now? Should we find someone to follow Zhang Wei?" Tang Yanran didn't know much about this kind of thing, and asked in distress.

"No, this matter has not subsided yet. Song Wei must be very vigilant. Once the person we are looking for is discovered by him, he will probably be bitten back in the end."

When Xia Mujin said this, she closed her eyes in distress. He didn't want to go to Lin Muhan for this kind of thing. She wanted to avenge her mother's revenge herself.

But these names were wandering around in my mind, and I really couldn't think of any way for a while.

Song Wei and Lawyer Zhang are all good people, and they will never let go. Moreover, this kind of person cannot be trusted, and there is no truth in their mouths.

Song Wei... Li Juan? !

"Yes! I thought of it. Li Juan has a daughter, Li Nana." Xia Mujin's eyes lit up when she thought of this.

Tang Yanran also came back to her senses at this time, "Then how should we get close to her? If we rashly approach her, if Song Wei and the others are alarmed, won't it be a surprise?"

Xia Mujin became more confident at this time, and said with a slight smile, "She is also a young actress, she must be taking the role, as long as I get to that crew, there will always be a chance."

Tang Yanran nodded when she heard this, "Let's go back first, I'll ask someone to check what crew she's been in recently, and then I'll put you in."

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