Shi Neng Wu Wang

154 - Can't be careless

The next day, Yu Xingxing and Guo Lan started the mode of group catching flower foxes again.

With Yu Xingxing's powerful Lian Yu technique and Guo Lan's powerful thorn vine, the two of them were perfect. In one day, they obtained thousands of Shi Neng Beads, nearly twenty Yu Shou Beads, and ten Yu Kui Beads. beads.

After Le Zhiwen and the others came back, Yu Xingxing and Guo Lan also handed in these Time Energy Beads together, and when the time comes to share them together, everyone's impression of them will be better.

All four of them came back the next day.

They met in the guard room, and both Xin Bang and Luo Yongchang looked unhappy.

Yu Xingxing asked a little worriedly: "Should we just look around and see the scenery, it will be better for their recovery."

"No, little brother, go in and catch the scorpion, and get the time energy beads, which will be more effective for our recovery." Luo Yongchang said with a smile.

"Yes, there is nothing better than the efficacy of Shi Neng Pearl now." Xin Bang also agreed.

Le Zhiwen looked at them: "Well, let's go for another two days today and tomorrow, and go back home after a little repair the day after tomorrow."

Yu Xingxing knew that they were reluctant to waste time. After all, if they could bring more back home, they would definitely choose to bring more instead of wasting time on eating, drinking and having fun.

Although Yu Xingxing really wants to taste the flower cake, rice noodles, and ham; but there will always be a chance, right?
"Well, since you are all so persistent, I have no reason to object. But, Captain, I just want to eat a bowl of rice noodles and try the flower cakes here."

Guo Lan rubbed her forehead again, this Yu Xingxing can't do anything without filling his belly.

"Haha, there's no problem. We'll eat early the day after tomorrow." Le Zhiwen laughed, and the others were relieved a lot.

A group of six people were moving quickly in the storage room.

Yu Xingxing and Guo Lan knew that there was still a team of arresting drug lords on the move, so they let it go.

In two days, they harvested nearly 50 time energy beads, more than [-] flower fox head beads and more than [-] jikui beads.

In this way, there are nearly 120 Huahuxi Shineng beads, [-] Huahuxi head beads and [-] Yukui beads.

After seeing such a large number of time beads, Xin Bang and Luo Yongchang's faces indeed improved a lot.

Another system prompt appeared in Yu Xingxing's brain:
[Skill points: increase by 28, group killing of flower foxes]

After searching like a gust of wind, on the sixth night, at the supply point, Le Zhiwen called everyone together:
"I've been here for a week, and I've gained quite a lot. Let's share it here. If we can absorb it, we can absorb it ourselves, so as not to make other mistakes on the way. If we want to take it back, pack it up by ourselves."

Everyone nodded.

Each person was given [-] flower fox pearls, fifty flower fox head beads, and twenty guikui hour energy beads.

They didn't want Yu Xingxing's ten poisonous time energy beads, so Yu Xingxing had to keep it for himself and see how to use it later.

After the division, everyone hid in one place and absorbed it by themselves.

Yu Xingxing thought about leaving some for Sister Fang and the others, leaving two 猓kui beads for each of them. They were about to face the situation and needed strong medicine.

Fat Tiger and the others, let's keep two shouzhu beads each, they may not have the opportunity to come over, if they have the opportunity, it would be even better, they can get time energy beads to improve.

For the rest, Yu Xingxing absorbed them all by himself!

First try to see if he can absorb the "Gold Technique", which is his favorite time skill.

He held a flower fox bead in both hands, put the bead in his palm, put his palms together in front of his chest, closed his eyes tightly, and muttered silently: "Bless me to absorb it!"

Everyone was busy absorbing it by themselves, and no one noticed his actions.

Then, he put the Time Energy Bead on the ground, pointed his palm at it, and soon a wisp of green smoke rose slowly and entered his palm.

Suddenly, a system prompt appeared in his brain:
[Ninja Stone: Increase anti-virus skills, the original brass level, merged into Ninja Stone, increase 5, gold;
Gold gilt: increase by 2, brass. 】

Ninja stone skills have increased, the most important thing is: golden gilt skills!

He has absorbed the golden gilt technique!

Resisting the excitement in his heart, he put the other Huahu Yi, Jie Shou, and Kui Shi Nengzhu on the ground.

As the time energy beads turned into wisps of blue smoke and entered his palm, Yu Xingxing could only feel the warmth all over his body, feeling the nourishment of time energy.

After absorbing it, a complete time-energy diagram appeared in his brain:

Character: Yu Xingxing
[-]. Time-energy diagram:
Same line at zero hour, time period LV.56
Two, time skills:

1. Lianyu, LV.7 (68/100), platinum.

2. Jiayu, LV.7 (35/100), gold.

3. Qiantian, LV.8(26/100), gold.

4. Du Gong, LV.8 (16/100), gold.

5. Shinobi, LV.1 (25/100), platinum.

6. Huaibi, LV.8 (29/100), gold.

7. Ze paste, LV.7 (32/100), gold.

8. Pet tree, LV.2 (6/10), brass.

9. Absolute seal, LV.9 (76/100), gold.

10. Jinluo, LV.1 (12/100), gold.

[-]. Basic skills:

1. Swordsmanship, LV.4 (6/10), silver.

2. Fist, LV.1 (17/100), gold.

249. Skill points: [-]
[-]. Time energy: NULL

The ninja skill has been upgraded to platinum, and it seems that the anti-virus skill is no longer a problem.

Don't be afraid of those venomous bastards anymore!
Come on, poison palm, come on, I open my mouth to breathe, and walk towards you without hesitation, without any scruples!

Still want to stun me with that poisonous palm?
That was a dream!

Platinum-level "Ninja Stone Skill", unless it is attacked by a diamond-level poisonous palm, otherwise, everything else is a piece of cake.

Moreover, the golden gilt technique also directly skips silver and upgrades to gold!

Finally, "Lianyu Technology" has brothers and sisters, and it is no longer selling dog meat in sheep's clothing.

It's really selling mutton in sheep's clothing!

Moreover, the entire Time Energy Chart level has also been upgraded from Time Face Period 41 to Time Face Period 56, and the Time Face Period is finally over halfway.

Seeing that everyone around was silent, they were still adjusting the time energy beads they had absorbed.

Yu Xingxing didn't move either. In fact, he really wanted to try out the effect of this newly absorbed "Gold Technique".

After holding back for 10 minutes, he still couldn't help it.

With a wave of his hand, he transformed himself into Guo Lan's appearance, exactly the same.

He coughed twice more, well, his voice was not bad at all, it was the kind of hoarse contralto.

What about him?
He touched his face, it was indeed Guo Lan's goose egg shape; and it also had a ponytail.

I touched my chest again, and it was really different!

There are two more groups!

In the pants?

All the original ones are gone!

Yu Xingxing himself was startled first!
Too thorough, right?
This transformation also requires getting used to, which is a bit scary.

He didn't frighten others, he frightened himself silly first.

If in the follow-up, he really turned into a scorpion, wouldn't he jump up and down in fright?
It’s better to go back and practice hard first, adapt to it while practicing, and adjust at the same time.

This sudden change is indeed unacceptable to anyone.

Well, don't scare everyone, change back quickly!
Yu Xingxing waved his hand again and felt his whole body move.

He deliberately coughed twice again, this time it was his original voice.

What about him?
He touched it up and down again by himself, and fortunately, the original devices were all back.

It's still comfortable with my original match. Although this skill is a bit tempting, it still needs to be used with caution.

After all, birds look three times before flying, and I, Yu Xingxing, have to think about it for four or five steps, so I must not be sloppy!

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