"Well, let's forget about him. By the way, when will you return to country Z to find me, I will return to the capital next month." Ge Yu said lightly
"Come on, wait until the project here is completed"

"Well, I'm hung up." Ge Zhu pressed the watch on his hand, retracted the screen, looked around with his corner of the eye, jumped up, stepped on a tall oil drum, and jumped onto the screen. On a low roof.Immediately afterwards, after she passed the roof, she jumped over another roof.Came to a corner and sat down.

I just watched her sit down from a corner, took out a notebook from her bag, and pressed the power button.Even though the handbag looked a bit worn out, just looking at her slender fingers tapping constantly, I saw a bunch of messes constantly flashing on the screen, flashing on the screen quickly.Suddenly, she put on a pair of white scanning glasses from her pocket, and looked at the computer. At this time, she slightly hooked her lips, and then tapped some random characters with her slender fingers.

The air was very quiet, and the only thing that could be seen was Ge Zhu's constantly moving fingers and her breathing one after another. Then, after a few minutes passed, she smiled evilly at the corner of her mouth, and said something faintly.

"Don't think you can break this data, you know, the most fundamental algorithm of chip technology is in binary, this fpda, is a failure"

Suddenly, she turned off her computer, switched back to her regular screen, stepped on her sneakers, jumped off the eaves, and disappeared into the street. . . .

The cold air plummeted, and the leaves withered and turned yellow.

The weather no longer has the slightest heat of summer, but there is still a hint of cold air that is close to winter.I just watched the students walking towards the school in school uniforms.There are also those cars that are constantly driving on the street.At this time, Ge Zhu was walking with a document in his hand, because the start of school and military training at Capital University were linked together, so it was estimated that there was still half a month left for their graduates, which was relatively easy.These days, she was almost ready to put her skin care products on the shelves, so she planned to go back to the skin care product store, and wanted to resign her position as the store manager.

So, she wore a street corner and walked towards the opposite pedestrian street. Suddenly, a dozen or so people surrounded her eyes, only looking at them holding knives in their hands, and staring at Ge Zhe wantonly with cold eyes. Suddenly, standing The leader in front glanced at Ge Zhu, the scar at the corner of his mouth was clearly hanging there, and said lightly,
"You are Fu Gexu?"

"Huh?" He only looked at Ge Zhu and turned his head sideways, squinted at him, and asked a little.

"It seems that you are not very bad at ordinary times, how can you offend people who shouldn't be offended?"

"Huh? If you have anything to say, just go straight"

"Although I really don't want to answer these words, after all, you also know that more than a dozen of us use it on you, which is a bit overkill, but after all, we also received money, so we have to say that"

"Who sent you here?"

"I'm sorry, we can't tell you the name and information of the guest, you know, this is our principle"

"Well, I see." At this time, Ge Zhu blinked calmly, then walked to a corner and put the documents in her hand aside. Although she was very calm on the surface, the cold air on her body was instantly It came out, looking very irritable, and then walked to the person in front of the leader, and said lightly

"Why don't you go together, I'm in a hurry"

"Oh, you're not afraid of death? If you're afraid, say something, and I'll tell them, be gentle."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let the fart go, if you don't act, I won't bother to talk to you"

I just heard that the leader stopped talking nonsense, just watched him raise his hand, waved to the people behind, and then those people rushed in front of her, at this time Ge Cui gave a cold look. Slanted, with a cold snort, he gently held a hand that was about to be chopped off her body, then turned his head around, and broke his arm in an instant.

Seeing this, the people next to him and the person who just took the lead couldn't help being a little surprised, but those people still followed the eyes of their leader and rushed up, only to see Ge Cu grabbed the shoulders of that one, and then threw him He fell to the ground, without further ado, stepped on his chest again, and kicked each of the two people behind him, and instantly heard the sound of two knives falling to the ground.

Suddenly, Ge Zhu rolled up his white sweater, exposing his strong arms, then took out the mahogany short knife, and stabbed at the few people who were still standing in front of him.When those people saw this, they quickly lowered their heads, and then, very angry, took their own knives and stabbed at Ge Xun, only to be noticed that Ge Xun raised his foot and kicked him in the face. On, it was instantly transformed.

Ge Zhu used his short knife, once in an instant, and then bayoneted that man's abdomen, and a lot of blood flowed out in an instant.The few people left, seeing this situation, some were very afraid and withdrew behind their heads, not daring to move forward.

At this time, the head who was still standing behind, watching the battle, looked at his subordinates, and said lightly

"Trash, even a minor can't deal with it, give it to me"

"Head, no, this girl must know martial arts. Let's go, definitely not. Look at those people in front, Ah Hui has been beaten to the ground, we'd better go."

"It's useless, I've already collected the money, what should I do?" I just looked at the other end, walked up, and came in front of Ge Xun,
He withdrew his original contemptuous gaze, and now he carefully looked at Ge Zhu from head to toe, and continued to speak.

"It turns out that you little girl is very capable, but I can't see it."

"Really? There are so many things you can't see." Hearing this, the other end smiled coldly, took out a short gun from his pocket, and pressed it on Ge Zhu's forehead , at this moment, Ge Tiao squinted at him with cold eyes, only to hear the other end continue.

"I haven't used this gun for a long time. If you are obedient, admit defeat, and don't want to die, I can let you go." Suddenly there was a very indifferent voice
"Put the gun down for me." Then, turning his eyes, he saw Akiki wearing a black rest suit, walking over step by step in the air-conditioning. Standing there, he could clearly see Seeing his sharp eyes staring at the two of them, his eyebrows were already knit into a ball.Even so, Ge Tun could still see his pair of peach-blossom eyes looking amazing under the sunlight.Akiki walked up to the other end, and said word by word
"I'll say it again, you put the gun down." At this moment, the man on the other end looked at such a powerful man in front of him, his eyes changed from surprise at first to shock, and then to fear at the end, he said tremblingly

"You, who are you? Why do you want me to let go"

"It doesn't matter who I am, but I don't allow me to say it for the third time." But the hooligan recovered his composure at this time, and then pushed the gun even more against Ge Zhu's forehead, and then said lightly

"If I say no" before he finished speaking, Akiki grabbed the man's shoulder, and then hit his fist hard on the man's stomach, and the gun fell to the ground in an instant , Then, I saw Akiki punching his fist hard on his face and stomach again, which made the man dare not fight back at all.

After a while, Akiki hit the man on the ground angrily, then kicked him in the stomach very hard with his own black shoes, no less than twenty times, just looking at the man lying there, covering his mouth scratching his stomach, begging for mercy
"Don't hit, don't hit, big brother, I don't dare anymore." However, Aogi Toujiu kept kicking his body with his fists and feet, so in the end the man was beaten, and he couldn't even speak , just when Akiki was about to step on the man's chest, Ge Yu grabbed his arm and said softly, "Forget it, don't hit it, there is surveillance here"

At this time, Akigi looked back at Ge Tun, then let go of his feet, and stood in front of that person and said coldly, "Who sent you here?"

The man lying on the ground coughed a few times, and then stammered with great difficulty, "No, no, someone sent me"

"I don't like nonsense," just when Akiki raised his foot again, wanting to step on his chest, the man said tactfully, "I say, I say." Then, Aoki let go of himself and looked down at him, and heard the human say

"Jiege from Beijing asked me to do it"

"Kang Mingjie, isn't he Qian Hui's subordinate? When did he start worrying about Lancheng?"

"I don't know, but we're just following orders"

"Okay, you can go back, remember, I don't want this kind of thing to happen again, otherwise, not only the part of your Blue City, but the whole Ji Mingtang will be destroyed by him, do you understand?"

"Understood, understood, don't worry." I just watched the man get up vigorously, then staggered to the front of his subordinates, and was quickly helped back by his uninjured subordinates.

Just as they disappeared at the corner of the street, Akiki stood in front of Ge Tun without saying a word, held Ge Tun's arm, and walked towards the front corner of the street.The cold air on his body kept blowing, which made Ge Cu not dare to say a word, and obediently followed behind him.Afterwards, he walked up to a black Land Rover and stopped, only to see Akiki press his key, open the door, and said a word

"Get in the car" At this time, Ge Yu obediently got into his rear driver's seat, and then kept looking at Akiki from the corner of his eyes, Akiki followed her without saying a word, sat next to her, and walked up from the seat. Take out a medicine box under the bottom and open it.

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