President Han's sweet pet moment

Chapter 153: Fell into his arms

Now imagine that he is in front of you, make a fist with your hand, palm up, and try to open your hand to him.

Yuxi closed her eyes and followed what he said, and in her mind, Zareth was standing in front of her.Yuxi's hands trembled slightly, and then he frowned, but he couldn't open his hand to him. Yuxi saw Zelei's injured expression, and he was deadlocked for a long time with his own helplessness!Yuxi withdrew his hand in pain, opened his eyes

I can not do it!

OK, tell me now, what have you been thinking about for a few minutes?What is stopping you?In the video, the psychiatrist's expression is serious and serious!
My mind is full of accusations against him!Yuxi covered her face in pain, closed her eyes, and didn't want to imagine
Do you see clearly?If it is not clear enough, then close your eyes and think about it carefully, and then tell me when you understand it.

Yuxi bent his knees, buried his head on his knees, and flinched

Possibly, why didn't that stop that from happening.
what's up?

My dad's suicide!The more Yuxi speaks, the more painful it becomes
How to stop it?Can he stop it?The doctor interrupted her quickly and threw her a clear question.Yuxi lowered her head in pain

Please answer my question.The doctor gave her enough time to think, "1 Minute"

No, he didn't!But I don't blame him, I don't know who else to blame.Yuxi cried out, crying very broken down

Don't blame anyone, forget the past and start living again.The doctor quickly answered her question, and Yuxi broke down crying even more, which can also be said to be a release.
Now relax, give yourself another possibility, close your eyes and go to him again, and think about how to face him.The doctor waited for her to calm down, and then continued to guide her. Yuxi still had tears on her face and closed her eyes.

Following the doctor's instructions, she hugged him the moment she saw him, and said "I'm sorry" that surprised her.

You can open your eyes when you feel better.Doctor Zhao looked at her patiently taking notes
After crying for a while, Yuxi opened his eyes

How does it feel?

miss him
Still feel wronged?The doctor's face finally returned to tenderness and a smile
Um!Yuxi was about to cry again
Let me give you one last word. In the final analysis, people can’t feel happiness, you know?


If you miss him, go to him, as long as you love him more than your stubbornness and your fear, then everything will be solved, and the rest will enjoy happiness!I saw an interview with your husband, or is he someone else?Doctor Zhao cautiously confirmed the question.

Yuxi laughed through tears.You also met him through the Internet?
是 的
Then it's still him, what interview?
I will send you the link to the interview of a great confession of the century.He is really cute and sincere. I believe he will touch you too. If you have nothing to do, don’t contact me. The treatment fee is very high, so don’t waste money.Doctor Zhao is cool
What if I have other questions?
Don't be so stubborn, be happy if you can, how many people envy you, girl

Don't block me, just be a friend. Although I also hope that I don't need to trouble you anymore, I can feel at ease that you are in the address book.Yuxi asked sincerely

Yes, it is also my honor to meet you.Doctor Zhao agreed with a smile
This kind of talk is not suitable for you, it is my honor!Yuxi replied modestly
Yuxi looked at the link he sent, and clicked on it.
Hello everyone!Welcome to this issue of " ", and welcome our guest, Mr. Han Zelei.Mr. Han Zelei has recently attracted the attention of the public because he is looking for a wife, so let's learn about the love story between Mr. Xia Han and the wife "Li Yuxi" he is looking for in this issue.
Mr. Han, hello
Hello there!

The above is the whole content of this issue. I hope that Mr. Han will find his beloved wife as soon as possible..
Yuxi covered the laptop, quickly ran to pick up the bag, scarf, and laptop, hurriedly changed his shoes and went out.Running out of the apartment, I bumped into Aunt Zhang and Xiao Bei Ke who just came back

Where are you going?Aunt Zhang shouted at Yuxi who was in a hurry
I'll go back to the company and lie down

What about eating?
Go back to the company to eat!

Aunt Zhang clearly saw that her eye sockets were red, so what happened to this child?worried about her
After taking a taxi, she still ran to reach the company, crashing into his office. Although her heart was beating fast, she still had tears in her eyes when she looked at Zareth who was stunned.
What's wrong?Zalei walked out, but Yuxi ran over first and threw himself into his arms

Aren't we married by contract? Why do you insist on finding me?

Seeing Amy go in, the colleagues outside stretched their necks gossipingly, wanting to eavesdrop, Zeleth looked at them outside, and shouted outside
Assistant Xu!
exist!Assistant Xu appeared in front of him in a second

Close the door.He asked in a low voice, because Yuxi's ear was right next to his mouth
OKAssistant Xu closed the door secretly, there was a low cheer outside, Assistant Xu was also happy for him

Did you see that?Fell directly into his arms, it was like a scene from an idol drama, I actually witnessed it with my own eyes!
Sister Amy is too A, so just go up and hug her!So straightforward, I really like it~ This co-worker's nympho puts his face in both hands
Why!Unfortunately, I only recorded a little
Let me see.Several sounds appeared at the same time, and someone actually recorded it at the first time. This is a famous scene!A group of people leave their positions and surround a female colleague holding a camera

You squeezed me.
Your reaction ability is too strong, you actually recorded for more than 1 seconds in a matter of more than 50 minute, you are ashamed of yourself!After watching the video, Xiao Wei sighed and made a gesture of admiration.

Did you just cry?what happened?In the office, two people were still kissing each other, but unfortunately the door was closed.Yuxi hugged him even tighter, shaking his head in his arms, Zareth was naturally happy, and hugged her back

You still have not answered my question
Because I love you, very much!Zareth smiled, hugging her a little harder
Then what do you love me for?

Loving you can control my mood, torment me for a day or even years, make me happy instantly, make me overwhelmed, and make me worry.My mood swings are almost all because of you, isn't that enough love?In his heart is super love

Is it just this time, before that?I watched an interview today, and what you said in it is true?Yuxi showed her face in his arms, looking at him suspiciously

Zaleth finally saw her eyes red and swollen from crying, and touched her face distressedly.
Of course it's true, so you cried after seeing the interview?
Not only that, today is the second psychotherapy, the doctor brought me into a scene, and then I found that I have been pushing you out, you are very sad!

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