I can't be rushing

Chapter 217 For You

"Why does this best man look familiar?"

"I remembered, you are the star who exploded before!"

Wu Sheng was invited to the stage, and the emcee played tricks and revealed Wu Sheng's identity. In fact, what the emcee said was not wrong, he was indeed the first star who went viral before.

Because "Coffee Detective" was filmed relatively early, there was no trace of Wu Sheng making headlines after the Spring Festival Gala, which means that Wu Sheng, who had been popular for several months, finally died out.

After seeing Wu Sheng's flameout, many entertainment companies also started to build momentum frantically, because they have been suppressed by Wu Sheng for half a year, and they have never had a chance to grab the headlines.

Of course, the final result was not particularly good, because more than one entertainment company was waiting for Wu Sheng to drop the detective, so the hot search list in March and April was a complete mess.

So-and-so had a scandal, and so-and-so decided to participate in a movie. Anyway, it was just a bunch of messy news, and the news of the death of some important people was not noticed.

Of course, Wu Sheng was different from them. When he was having lunch with the film crew, he received the news of Grandpa Yuan's death. He looked at the rice left in the bowl, and ate all the rice in a bowl of water.

Wu Sheng also understood who fed the Chinese people, so he was also very grateful to this Grandpa Yuan, so he posted a Weibo to commemorate Grandpa Yuan, and suggested that the day of Yuan Yeye's death be changed to a national CD-ROM day.

Of course, this is just Wu Sheng's personal thoughts, but because he has a lot of fans, and he hasn't heard from him for several days, Wu Sheng's Weibo instantly became the top search list.

Then those melon-eating people realized that the person who made them full and had nothing to do had quietly passed away, and they didn't know anything.

Soon the news of Grandpa Yuan's death was also on the top of the hot search, and many people spontaneously ate the rice in the bowl, and then mourned silently under the Weibo account of the National People's Congress.

Wu Sheng's proposal naturally won a lot of approval from everyone. Of course, some black fans stood up at this time, saying that Wu Sheng was cheating on the traffic of the deceased or something.

But they were quickly reprimanded, because there are a lot of stars in the entertainment circle, few of them spoke out, and there was still a competition for the first place on the hot search list at that time.

Since Wu Sheng is a member of the party, he naturally knew the news first, so he posted such a Weibo, and he felt that he had been silent for so long, and no one should care about him.

As a result, after Grandpa Yuan left, hundreds of millions of people agreed to change this day to CD-ROM Day. In the end, the Prime Minister of Huaxia also stood up and changed 521 to National CD-ROM Day to commemorate Grandpa Yuan.

Then Wu Sheng did not take advantage of this time to continue his activities. Instead, he devoted all his heart to filming. It was a long month and Wu Sheng did not do much, so people soon forgot about him.

So it's okay for the emcee to tease him like this, but when his summer TV series airs, he should be able to gain a lot of popularity, but he is only the second male lead, and "Coffee Detective" is still an online drama.

"Since Wu Sheng was so lucky to get this bouquet of flowers today, let's ask Wu Sheng some questions!"

Sure enough, the thing that Wu Sheng hates the most is still coming. It is okay for so many people to dig out something to make everyone happy today, so the host of ceremonies also started to ask questions.

"Do you have a girlfriend now?"

"nothing now!"

Wu Sheng was naturally ambiguous when faced with this kind of question. He was not asked this kind of question every day or two. Whenever he appeared in a public place with reporters, he would be asked this question.

The main reason is that he is not too young, he is already 27. It is normal for those young freshmen not to have scandals, but for Wu Sheng, he must have goals.

"Not currently, does that mean you already have someone you like?"

"Well, I'm not sure either!"

"Of course you are a big star after all, so naturally I won't ask any questions, so the last question is, is this person here now?"

The master of ceremonies knew that since Wu Sheng came to the wedding, the person he liked would probably bring him along, so he also guessed that this one was there.

"This... how should I say, she should come today?"

Wu Sheng also pretended not to know, which could also blur the options for the audience, and there were many of his fans present. After hearing the word "presence", they all said it was him.

"That's the end of the question, and we can't ask too much. Since you are all up, let's put on a show for everyone!"

The emcee glanced at Wu Sheng. After all, he was a star. It was not difficult to perform a show. In fact, he wanted to perform at the beginning, but Wu Sheng was here.

"Then sing "Here You Are!""

He will be your bridegroom, and from now on he will be your lifelong partner. Everything about him will be closely related to you. Both good and bad will be the same. She will be your bride. She is entrusted to you by others. Above all, you have to take extra care and treatment throughout your life, and share both joys and sorrows. It must be a special fate, so that you can become a family along the way. How much he loves you, how much you give him back, Find the possibility of happiness, and never be alone again!

After Wu Sheng sang this song, the audience naturally applauded continuously. In fact, he also wanted to sing a song that suited the atmosphere at first, but after thinking about it in his mind, it seemed that this was the only song that was suitable.

Others are either love songs sung in duet, or the man sings to the woman, or the woman sings to the man.

So Zhang Yu's "For You" is more appropriate. After singing, Wu Sheng thought that there should be nothing wrong with him, but he was dragged back by the master of ceremonies.

"Next is the game session, let's invite the best man and bridesmaid!"

Wu Sheng was already ready to serve the food, but he was called back again. He had no choice but to let him recognize this brother. When he returned to the stage again, the host took a piece of bread.

Then line up the groomsmen and bridesmaids. This is nothing more than a mouth-to-mouth pie-eating game until all the dough is eaten.

Wu Sheng actually had 1 reluctances in his heart, but in front of so many people, he had to give Jiang Xuan face, but he had no choice but to accept his fate, after all, Lin Xue was standing in front of him.

At the beginning, everyone was cautious, and no one wanted to be taken advantage of. After all, they were all children from rich families who were not too familiar with it, so they ate small pieces.


Wu Sheng was relieved when he saw that Lin Xue still had a big piece of the noodle cake there. After all, if Lin Xue ate only a little bit of the noodle cake at this time, there would be nothing to do.

But looking at this, Lin Xue didn't seem to have that idea, so the pie-eating game came to the second round, and the area of ​​the pie was getting smaller and smaller. Of course, they had met in the previous round.

The boys became bolder, and one of the boys quickly ate the bread to a dangerous area, and the girl smiled awkwardly, but fortunately, it was acceptable.

Of course, it was over when her last noodle cake failed to reach Wu Sheng's place. After the game ended, Wu Sheng thought it was over, but who knew there was another game.

That is a game of mouth-to-mouth passing and receiving cards. Of course, this game is an elimination system, and the final winner has a chance to get a single dog gift package.

With the blessing of the gift, these people have gained a lot of motivation. Wu Sheng also continued to finish helplessly. After all, he is also a master. Facing this kind of game is naturally easy.

But the problem was that he stood behind Lin Xue, which was a little scary. After Lin Xue received the playing cards with her mouth, she turned around and looked at Wu Sheng like this.

He signaled Wu Sheng to squat down with his hands, Wu Sheng thought it was more reasonable, if they were face to face, they would probably kiss, but when he squatted down, Lin Xue only needed to let the playing cards fall on his mouth.

Lin Xue grabbed Wu Sheng's arm at this time, and Wu Sheng also knew that Lin Xue needed a fulcrum or something, and when Lin Xue dropped the poker cards to Wu Sheng's mouth, she also pretended to be careless.

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