I can't be rushing

Chapter 222 Real Feelings

"Now! I ask you to swim to the other side!"

Wujing also issued an order, special forces, look at each other, and finally Jiang Ying was the first to rush out and began to swim.

At this time, Wu Sheng was still on the ground, covering his wound, enduring the severe pain. After everyone glanced at Wu Sheng, they all jumped into the sea immediately.

"All right, all right, stop acting, it's up to you to tidy up."


Wu Sheng tidied up briefly, then pretended to have an injured shoulder, and then dragged his shoulders to prepare to jump into the sea. Seeing Wu Sheng like this, Wu Jing also showed an unbelievable look, but Immediately changed back to the original look.

He didn't do much to stop Wu Sheng from jumping into the sea. Although Wu Sheng was very dangerous, this was also the best opportunity to temper his rebellious temper.

"I can't survive, can you swim over?"

"It should be possible, and there is still a water scene to be filmed!"

Wu Sheng exercised his muscles and bones, and the water scene must still be filmed. The scenes of Jiang Ying and his gang have already been filmed, and now they only need to film a scene of Wu Sheng entering the water.

For the rest, go directly to the shore and shoot the scene where a few people go ashore. What I want to shoot now is the scene where Wu Sheng swims to the shore with his injured arm in the sea.

After Wu Sheng prepared the props, he also quickly entered the water, and then opened the blood bag on his arm to let the blood flow slowly in the water. Wu Sheng still looked at his wound in disbelief.

He showed a very painful look, but he couldn't give up. At this time, it would be enough to add some of Wu Sheng's inner thoughts, like "I can't give up or something like that!"

However, an unimaginable special situation also appeared at this time, that is, due to the effect of the blood bag, a shark was actually attracted, which the crew did not expect.

He also immediately made preparations to transfer Wu Sheng to the boat. After all, sharks are the overlords in the sea. No matter how good Wu Sheng is, it is impossible to fight sharks in the sea!
Wu Sheng also immediately accelerated his swimming speed, but this is also a good shot, so he asked the photographer to continue shooting for a few tens of seconds to reflect the predicament.

It was also at this time that Wu Sheng showed an instinct to escape, and began to swim quickly. After seeing that the time was almost up, Wu Sheng also boarded the warship immediately.

He doesn't want to die in the sea, he knows his strength, if it is on land, he can still fight tigers and leopards, if he is given a weapon, he can fight a brown bear.

But in the sea, it can't work. His skills are restricted by water pressure, and even firearms are restricted, so he is not stupid.

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's really exciting!"

"You may find it exciting, but it frightens us!"

Wu Jing is also the kind who is frightened above, it is a shark, the overlord in the ocean, if he swims a little slower, his life will probably be gone.

But Wu Sheng looked very happy, which made Wu Jing also have to admire Wu Sheng, the person who licked blood with the tip of a knife was different from ordinary people, if it was someone else, he would have jumped onto the warship at this time, how could he be I can think about filming.

Wu Jing also understands why most directors like Wu Sheng. How can such a professional actor make people not love him? Wu Jing thinks that he will have to invite Wu Sheng for acting in the future.

"I think it's a little unreasonable to write about the scene of me swimming ashore now that there is a scene of a shark."

"Then you think it's better to shoot?"

Wu Jing is quite satisfied with Wu Sheng's idea just now, and this statement is also very correct. The Gong Zheng played by Wu Sheng was already injured, so how could he be able to go ashore after the sharks chased him downstream.

"I think, I have to make a video of you picking me up, I passed out, and you picked it up to the shore in the end!"

"Okay, I feel good too!"

Wu Sheng is the screenwriter and Wu Jing is the director. Naturally, the two need to communicate more, and Wu Sheng is also well-known for his ability to write scripts, so Wu Jing also trusts Wu Sheng.

This scene is very simple, and it didn't take long to finish filming. Then Wu Sheng followed Wu Jing to the shore and filmed the scene where he was thrown to the shore. The acting skills of both of them are top-notch, so they are very The scene was easily filmed.

The next step is to wait for those special forces to go ashore. After this is over, Wu Sheng naturally came up with another bad idea, which is to let them run after the car.

Then they arrived at the first stop, and after that, it was desert off-road survival, finding their destination this time and so on. After Wu Sheng finished explaining, Wu Jing looked at Wu Sheng differently.

However, he still accepted Wu Sheng's idea. They came this time with the idea of ​​training these soldiers, so these things are necessary.

Following Wu Sheng's thinking, these shootings are as real as possible. Of course, those who can't persist can only be reduced to extras, and those who persist will show up.

Three days later, of the dozen or so special forces, only the last six remained, and the others couldn't hold on to fainting or anything, but they didn't have any complaints.

Because as long as someone can persevere, it means that their own skills are not good enough. If they can't be on TV, they can only continue to train here.

The last six people to arrive were Jiang Ying, Xu Zhou, Li Qiang, Ning Du, Wang Zizai, and Gong Zheng played by Wu Sheng. Of course, Wu Sheng followed these people.

Of course, he is the kind who walks the whole distance alone after he recovers from his injury, but he still walks the whole journey with everyone, which is the most shocking thing for others.

However, Jiang Ying was no stranger to this. To him, Wu Sheng was a monster-level person who could defeat him within a hundred moves. Even his best marksmanship was no match for Wu Sheng.

And Wu Sheng walked the entire distance, like a normal person, unlike them, who walked the entire distance, and all the people withered away, unable to speak a word, but Wu Sheng was like a normal person.

The base they used is nothing else. The former station of Jiang Xuan is now for them to live in. After Wujing and the others arrived here, they cleaned it up early.

After arriving, of course, I had a good night's sleep before continuing to film. These soldiers are not iron men, and the temperature difference between day and night in the desert is very large, so they basically didn't sleep for a few days.

So after everyone found the room, they fell asleep immediately, and Wu Sheng also chose the room he had before. Two people slept in it before, but now he is the only one.

This time, Wu Sheng also slept soundly, but the next step is not so simple. Wu Jing, the instructor, let a few people live a good life for a few days, and then he was going to give them some stimulation, such as killing the rebels. something happened.

Although the rebels in Syria have been wiped out a lot before, there are still a bunch of lawbreakers gathered, so this time they will also help a group of governments here to eradicate dissidents.

And it is also necessary to let their blades, which have never seen blood, be sharpened once and turn them into real sharp knives. Although it is only a peaceful era, no one can guarantee that a war will occur one day in the future.

Therefore, it is not enough for these soldiers to just hone their blades. They also need to let these blades see blood. Now is the time to see blood, so this time they are all equipped with real guns and live ammunition.

Of course, a camera is also required, as it will be the most realistic battlefield, and of course it needs to be photographed, and the scene of the death of the enemy requires some local extras.

On the car to play the battlefield, some people expressed excitement, some expressed concern, and some were very nervous, because this was their first time facing the most real battlefield, and it would also be their first time to kill an enemy.

"Brother, tell me the truth, have you ever killed anyone here?"

Wu Jing also looked at Wu Sheng quietly. He didn't know what it felt like to kill someone. He was not sure whether Wu Sheng had ever killed anyone.

"The number is not too many, nor is it good. There should be a hundred."

Wu Sheng naturally remembered how many people he killed here, because he was transferred to be a guard as soon as he killed a hundred.

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