At seven o'clock in the morning, Wu Sheng was woken up by Li Yao and Ye Xiaoling. They both woke up and began to dress up, but Wu Sheng didn't sleep well all night.

He couldn't feel the existence of both arms anymore, he didn't even have a trace of strength, and he couldn't even lift them up. After lying down for a while, he finally became conscious.

"Brother Sheng, did you numb you?"

Li Yao got up early, so she was the first one to wash up. She had a good sleep last night, and when she got up, she found that her saliva was dripping on Wu Sheng's arm.

"It's okay, it's nothing!"

Wu Sheng shook his arms, and now both arms have regained feeling. He got up and looked at the scenery outside the window, and found that it was still dark.

The sunshine time in Xuexiang in winter is relatively short, and it started to get dark at around 03:30 yesterday afternoon. Wu Sheng checked his phone and found that it was past seven o'clock.

But there was no trace of light in the sky. Wu Sheng put on his clothes and walked out of the house, and looked up at the sky. It was comparable to the galaxy in the dimensional space, and it was right in front of his eyes.

The exhaled breath also turned into white mist and floated into the sky. Wu Sheng couldn't help but took a photo of himself, of course it was a photo with the starry sky.

"The starry sky outside is pretty good!"

Wu Sheng walked into the room and told Li Yao and Ye Xiaoling about the beautiful scenery he had just seen.

"Xiao Shengzi, hurry up and wash up! It is said that there is also an observation deck, where the photos are more beautiful!"

Ye Xiaoling also came out of the bathroom after washing up.

"Should we go back!"

Within 5 minutes of leaving the house, Ye Xiaoling began to back down. Now the temperature in Xuexiang is more than minus 40 degrees. No matter how well a few people keep warm, they can't stand it.

"It's really a bit cold this day!"

Naturally, Li Yao couldn't stand it anymore, leaving the indoor temperature, now it feels like being in a freezer.

"Let's go back!"

Wu Sheng was also so cold that he couldn't bear it anymore. Both Li Yao and Ye Xiaoling were fully prepared to come. He himself wore a down jacket and a autumn jacket and a sweater.

He couldn't stand the cold for a long time, but neither of the two girls said it was cold. How could he be a boy? Fortunately, the two girls gave up first.

After the three of them returned to the house, they felt that they could not go out. The main reason was that it was too cold. When they entered the house, they found that their eyelashes were frozen. They all lay back on the kang, and then things got better.


Ye Xiaoling printed the mobile phone in front of Wu Sheng and Li Yao, and the person on the screen was the person who jumped repeatedly on the border yesterday.

"I was wrong! I dare not do it again!"

The person on the screen was very arrogant yesterday morning, but was caught in the afternoon, and now he is pitifully apologizing in front of the screen.

"I'm laughing to death! Let him be so arrogant yesterday, he will be arrested now!"

Ye Xiaoling also covered his stomach and laughed. Yesterday he jumped repeatedly on the border in front of them, and now the [-]-word letter of guarantee is also a big gift package for him.

At noon, when the sun came out, a few people were willing to get off the kang and go to Harbin. There were still three days left for Li Yao's vacation, and there were still many places to play in Harbin.

"Why don't we go to karaoke tonight!"

Ye Xiaoling expressed his thoughts all the time. He didn't bring it up because he cared about Wu Sheng, but now that Wu Sheng is well, he will naturally go to karaoke.


Li Yao also agreed, although she knew that Ye Xiaoling might overwhelm her, but she didn't want to lose to Ye Xiaoling just like this.

Seeing that both of them had ideas, Wu Sheng had no choice but to agree, and Sui Shaoyun didn't have any objections, opened a private room and ordered a lot of wine and snacks.

Wu Sheng felt a little uncomfortable seeing so much beer on the table. He remembered the way he vomited into the toilet that morning, but everyone raised their glasses, so he couldn't be cowardly.

He picked up a bottle of beer and drank it. Surprisingly, there was no adverse reaction this time. Only then did he remember that his liver had been strengthened by the boss before.

Thinking of this, Wu Sheng became a lot more courageous. Drinking alcohol is like drinking water. After drinking a bottle, it will naturally be a karaoke song. First, one song per person, which is more balanced.

Qiao Xue was the first to sing, and she sang well, Sui Shaoyun was clicking away frantically, and the second song was sung by Sui Shaoyun.


Wu Sheng vomited again into the toilet in the bathroom, this time it was not caused by alcoholism, but by Sui Shaoyun's singing.

If it was in the past, he would never have dreamed that Sui Shaoyun, who plays the piano so well, would sing so badly, and no one in the private room was spared, and they all vomited in the bathroom.

"Old Yun, you should stop singing in the future!"

Wu Sheng supported the wall and returned to the private room. His physique should be considered pretty good, and he could still stand out of the private room door.

"Oh, it seems that mortals really can't appreciate my singing voice!"

Sui Shaoyun sighed calmly. In fact, his dream was to become a singer, but in the end he had no choice but to embark on the path of a pianist.

"I forgot about you. I went to a singing competition and sent three judges to the hospital!"

The second one to come back was Qiao Xue, who was Sui Shaoyun's fiancée, so she naturally had a higher resistance to Sui Shaoyun.

At the age of 16, Sui Shaoyun went to participate in the singing competition. At that time, the Sui family had already spent money. It stands to reason that Sui Shaoyun must have been stable at that time, but no one thought of it.

Sui Shaoyun's singing voice is so "beautiful"!

At that time, three of the four judges were sent to the hospital, and one was directly sent to the mental hospital. The contestants in the same field were all killed and injured.

Fortunately, the Sui family's strong relationship suppressed this matter. Otherwise, Sui Shaoyun would have become famous when he was young, and later Sui Shaoyun was forbidden to continue singing.

The third song is "Hate in Difficulty" selected by Ye Xiaoling. She herself specializes in singing ancient songs, so naturally she sings them more beautifully.

I have no name,

I don’t have much anger,

I hate you so much,

knock on the door of my heart

call me Wen Tun,
As Ye Xiaoling sang, she looked at Wu Sheng affectionately. At first, she was really afraid that others would expose that she and Wu Sheng were just hype.

But in the process of her and Li Yao's jealousy, she has fallen in love with Wu Sheng, especially since Wu Sheng can speak again.

"It sounds good! It sounds good! It's really professional!"

Qiao Xue and the others naturally applauded, after all, Ye Xiaoling's voice was really hollow.

"Xiaoshengzi, how is my singing!"

After Ye Xiaoling's song ended, of course he wanted Wu Sheng's affirmation.


Wu Sheng gave Ye Xiaoling a thumbs up, even better than when he was on stage for the first time.

The fourth song came to Li Yao, which was naturally a contest between two rivals in love. Li Yaoye chose her best song "Ending", which is also a relatively ancient song.

I hate fleeting years the most,
In a hurry, it's like being swept away by a hurricane,
I only had a quick glance, and I didn’t have time to cherish your memory.
Those tragedies are staged, after all, it is said that the next life will end,
With absurd oaths left, at last into the long night,
After Li Yao finished singing, Ye Xiaoling was a little dumbfounded. Li Yao's singing was as good as hers.

You know she has received professional training!

But Li Yao's singing is not inferior to her at all, which should be impossible logically, but the fact is already in front of her eyes.

"Brother Sheng, how is my singing?"

Li Yao naturally wanted to get Wu Sheng's affirmation.

"Good to hear!"

Wu Sheng didn't expect that Li Yao's singing could be so beautiful, it was a little different from the girl he was shouting next door at night.

After receiving Wu Sheng's affirmation, Li Yao also smiled. After all, Ye Xiaoling's comment was "It sounds good!" and hers was "It sounds good!"

Although there was only a one-word difference, this simple one-word difference undoubtedly proved that she won the first round today.

After everyone else had finished singing, it was finally Wu Sheng's turn to play.

Wu Sheng was left at the finale for no other reason than to calm down and listen to Wu Sheng's song after everyone had finished singing.

In their opinion, Wu Sheng had only recently recovered his voice, and his singing shouldn't be very pleasant, so they left Wu Sheng at the end to avoid disturbing their own rhythm.

But what everyone didn't expect was that Sui Shaoyun's singing voice would be so "beautiful"!It made many people confused, but fortunately they all adjusted after vomiting.

Wu Sheng has listened to many songs, but there are only a few that he can really remember. He chose "Mountains and Trees"

May here, there are trees in the mountains Xiqing is interested,
Last night the stars were just like you,
Without wings, but with a little spirit in the heart,
May the world, spring and autumn, and heaven and earth,
There is only you in my eyes,

Bitterness, joy, sorrow, joy, gains and losses are fully expressed,

After Wu Sheng finished singing, everyone covered their mouths. They didn't expect Wu Sheng to sing so well.

Afterwards, several people began to perform their own performances. Of course, the microphone would not be in the hands of Sui Shaoyun. Everyone knew that if they wanted to live, they had to be optimistic about the microphone.

Ye Xiaoling and Li Yao also asked Wu Sheng to sing a love song duet. Wu Sheng originally wanted to refuse, after all, he could only talk for half an hour a day, but now he has spent 15 minutes.

But he was the only boy in the entire private room, and he couldn't find any other boy to replace him. It would be better to die if Sui Shaoyun came.

In the end, Wu Sheng had no choice but to sing a love song duet with Li Yao and Ye Xiaoling. Fortunately, because it was a duet of men and women, there were not many lyrics.

It only took Wu Sheng 5 minutes to finish the two songs, and he only had 10 minutes left to speak today, after which Li Yao, Qiao Xue and Ye Xiaoling sang.

And he raised a glass with Sui Shaoyun to invite Mingyue. There was a hundred bottles of Budweiser on the table. He and Sui Shaoyun were just like this. Since he was transformed into a liver, he can drink a lot.

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