Wu Sheng felt that he must teach David a few words of Chinese in the future. After all, their Chinese culture is extensive and profound, and those keyboard warriors scolded people without repeating them for half an hour.

"Can the car still drive?"

After Wu Sheng put on his body armor, he also asked David to try to knock on the truck so that they could quickly leave the battlefield.

It took less than 10 minutes from the moment they were sniped to when Wu Sheng counterattacked and killed Steve. Logically speaking, their reinforcements should be arriving soon, and they had to find some way to escape.

"Shit! The fuel tank was pierced by a bullet!"

David also roared angrily, and he knew what was going on when he saw the flashing red light on the dashboard.


Wu Sheng was also a little angry. He knew that it was not easy to live in Syria, but he did not expect such difficulties.

"BOSS, Steve died!"

After Kevin called Steve to no avail, he also chose to report to Razor. After all, Steve's sacrifice showed that there was a master on the opposite side.

"The gossip mercenary group is really not simple, even a small transporter has sent a master to press the car!"

Razor was sitting in the passenger seat of the Hummer with a cigar in his mouth. They had not originally expected to hijack the car from Steve's place.

Instead, they set the location two kilometers away. Unexpectedly, the unorganized team that suddenly appeared disrupted their rhythm, and they knew that Steve would force them to stop there first.

Originally, Steve's mission was just to conduct reconnaissance, but in the end it became to block the opponent. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be any big problem. After all, Steve is also one of the best snipers.

"Get ready for battle!"

When he arrived at the location, the razor also threw his cigar and loaded the bullet. He knew that there might be a fierce battle waiting, but their side still had the advantage in the war.

There were two registered team members and more than a dozen soldiers. This kind of firepower was enough to deal with the two of Wu Sheng.

"Pay attention to observation!"

After getting out of the car, Razor observed carefully. After all, the surrounding area was very quiet, and he didn't even see a single person, which meant that the other side must have made preparations.

"Those should be an unorganized army, damn it, if it weren't for this group of trash, Steve wouldn't have died!"

After Kevin saw the corpses of the anarchists on the ground, he started shooting directly. After all, the people making money here were dead brothers, so he hated these people a little.

"Okay, you have to make such preparations when you come out to hang out, no one knows what will happen in the next second!"

After Shao Shao's dissuasion, Kevin also stopped shooting. Wu Sheng was trembling now. He had already been hit by a bullet in his back from Kevin's previous shooting.

He is now hiding under one of the corpses of these unorganized teams, and has changed into their clothes. He thinks that he can't hide anyway, and it's okay if the other side can't find him.

But who would have thought that he would be hit in the back by Kevin the moment he arrived, but it wasn't serious, after all, there was someone in front of him helping him carry it, and the bullet just missed half of his body.

Under his strong self-healing power, the bullet has been eliminated from the body, but the severe pain still made Wu Sheng grit his teeth, and he didn't dare to make a sound. If he made a sound, he would be dead now.

"Be careful, it's only been 5 minutes, they can't run too far, they must be caught somewhere!"

Razor is also very experienced. His finger is always holding the trigger. As long as there is any movement, he can respond immediately. After all, he is also a person who has survived the battlefield.

"do not move!"

It was too late for Shao Shao to stop him, so the two fools opened the door at the back of the large truck.

"Bang bang bang!" The gunshots started to ring out immediately, and the person hiding inside was also called David. After all, he was too big to hide, so Wu Sheng locked him in the container.

After all, the container with the door closed usually makes people put down their guard, and now the effect is beginning to appear. David took a wave of shots at M249 and took away the two of them.

"Come out! Everyone is risking their lives to make money. If you come out now, we will let you go! Pay attention to your surroundings!"

After Razor fired at the container to no avail, he immediately began to persuade him to surrender and asked David to observe the surroundings. After all, it was impossible for both of them to be in the container.

If two people were inside the container, then who closed the door of the container, so there must be other people around, and he started to observe as a seasoned person.

"Everyone is here to mess around, don't think I don't know what you're thinking!"

Naturally, it is impossible for David to be so stupid as to go out. He must be shot into a hornet's nest when he goes out now. He has been here for so many years, and he still knows this.

"It's useless! This place is already surrounded by us, and you have no other choice but to surrender."

As Razor spoke, he waved his hand and signaled that several videos began to surround the container.

"Who said this is not necessarily the case!"

David knew that the other side was definitely going to make some move. What he had to do now was to waste time and wait until rescue from his side arrived, otherwise neither he nor Wu Sheng would be able to escape.


Razor gave an order, and the soldiers quickly began to rush towards the rear of the container, shooting as they rushed.

"Bang bang bang!"

Wu Sheng, who was hiding in the corpse, also rushed out quickly at this time, aiming at several people and shooting frantically at the beginning, but Kevin was also prepared to shoot Wu Sheng one after another.

After Wu Sheng quickly dealt with the two men, he also quickly hid behind the sentry box. He was hit, but of course it was not serious, but his right hand was injured.

It is a bit impossible to shoot now, and it takes time to heal, but right now is precisely the time when there is the least time.

"come on!"

David rushed out of the car with the M249 in his hand, and started shooting directly at the crowd. Under David's huge firepower, Razor and the others all found cover.

"Is that all you have? Go back and find your mother to drink milk!"

David taunted Razor and his party while shooting. He just sniped the sniper on the opposite side and he didn't have a chance to play. Now he finally got the chance. He wants to show himself in front of Wu Sheng.

Thanks to David's timely appearance, Wu Sheng was given time to recover. He stood up and m4 started shooting at these people crazily.



Wu Sheng and David shouted these two words almost at the same time. There was an extra grenade next to both of them, and they both had to shut up.

Wu Sheng was forced to run behind the Humvee of Razor and the others, but David was more pitiful, there was almost no place to hide.

"Huh! Huh!"

But at this moment, two consecutive silent bullets solved two ordinary soldiers.

"Fuck! Withdraw! Withdraw!"

These two bullets are undoubtedly the reinforcements from the gossip mercenary group. Razor knows that he can't entangle him any longer, otherwise he might have to confess here today.

This is not urban warfare, this is plain warfare. Snipers are undoubtedly a fatal crush for them. This is also an advantage that the opponent can have. It is meaningless for them to entangle.

Moreover, they had already killed one team member and could no longer kill other team members. Under Razor's order, everyone quickly began to retreat.

Of course, there were snipers shooting continuously during the retreat, which made them very uncomfortable, but in the end they managed to get into the car and started running.

After seeing Razor's group retreat, Wu Sheng also took a deep breath. This was only the second day he came to Syria, and he almost lost his life several times as a result. This also made him see the horror of war sex.

"David, are you okay?"

Wu Sheng picked up the gun and was still vigilant. He was afraid that Razor and the others would suddenly kill him again. He didn't even have a bulletproof vest, so as long as he was shot, it would be very dangerous.

The main reason was that this group of unorganized people didn't even have decent clothes, let alone bulletproof vests. Wu Sheng had no choice but to stop wearing bulletproof vests in order to blend in.


David was lying on the ground in a dazed state. He couldn't run as fast as Wu Sheng. He was still affected by the explosion, but luckily he was wearing a body armor.

It was just knocked down to the ground by the impact, and the whole person is still in a dazed state.

Wu Sheng briefly checked David's body, and after finding that there was no injury, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground.

In just half an hour, he experienced several deaths and killed several people. This person was more or less exhausted, that kind of mental exhaustion.

He now finally understands why the survival rate is so low. Delivering goods can be robbed, let alone other tasks, and this is only a small-scale battle.

"Are you a scholar?"

A Hummer came, and a blonde girl got out of the car, looked at Wu Sheng and David lying on the ground and said.

"Yes you are?"

Scholar is the code name he gave himself. After all, it is best not to reveal the real name here, otherwise if the enemy comes to the door, then everything will be over.

"Snow Fox, deputy head!"

Diana briefly introduced herself. She had just finished a mission when she heard Jiang Xuan's order to send someone to rescue her. She happened to be nearby and came over.

"Thank you for saving your life!"

Wu Sheng still expressed his gratitude. After all, if it weren't for the woman in front of him, he would probably be a corpse now.

"We are all from a mercenary group, so don't say these polite words, but you, a newcomer, are quite strong. You can actually survive in this situation without wearing a body armor."

Diana naturally also saw Wu Sheng's performance. There are very few people who don't wear body armor and confront so many people without getting hurt at all.

What's more, Wu Sheng's background is very clean, and he looks like an ancient scholar.

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