"Then why is it called the One Bag of Rice Project?"

Wu Sheng reluctantly accepted this job. Although being a security guard was not the purpose of his trip, it should be much easier than going to the battlefield.

"Have you never watched Naruto? Isn't this what Pain said in it? I'm tired of washing a bag of rice. It's cool and reasonable. The world is a bag of rice!"

Jiang Xuan said it over and over while imitating Payne's movements, leaving Wu Sheng a little speechless. He didn't expect that the person in front of him, who usually looked more serious, was actually a middle school boy.

"By the way, there are also your domestic information. I have had someone hide you. Now your existence is considered a secret. All your documents will not be used until you return to your country."

Jiang Xuan felt that since Wu Sheng had joined this mission, other countries could find out Wu Sheng's personal information through various materials, so he put Wu Sheng's file in the confidential file.

Wu Sheng thought it was good to do this. Otherwise, if his true identity was found out, his parents, sister and friends might be killed by terrorists.

Now that Jiang Xuan has reached this level, he really can no longer refuse, and he also agreed to join the "Bag of Rice" plan to clean up Syria.

"Hello scholar!"

"Hello there!"

Before Jiang Xuan could introduce him, Mo Du took the initiative to greet Wu Sheng, which surprised Wu Sheng. Mo Du didn't have the aura of other leaders, which made him feel very cordial.

"Then you don't need to introduce me. Scholar, you can just protect him with peace of mind. I will call you if there are other tasks."

When Jiang Xuan saw that the two people were getting close, he didn't say anything more. After briefly explaining to Wu Sheng, he was ready to leave. He still had to deal with the affairs of the Angel Mercenary Group.

Today is September 9th in China, which is Teacher's Day and the beginning of school for students. Wu Sheng misses Wu Ran a little. He has now officially assumed the important role of Modu's bodyguard.

Modu is an important internal minister in Syria, so not many people would choose to assassinate him. After all, these important internal ministers will play a big role after the war.

Wu Sheng was sleeping when suddenly all his hair stood up. He knew something was going to happen. After staying in Syria for a while, his alertness was much stronger than before.

Moreover, he also used the system to minimize his need for sleep. He only needed about two hours of sleep a day to get adequate rest.

Because the name of his novel "The Field Investigation of the Street Fighting Author" is very attractive, and the contents of his novels are basically adapted from real content, many people like to read it, and he is on the list for the first time.

No. 1 on the new book list, and this is the first time the entire site has placed his book at No. 10, so he naturally earns a lot of points.

Moreover, a certain person also discovered Wu Sheng's ability and directly chose to use the five-year price of 500 million to sign a contract with Xiaoshen. He wanted to sign Wu Sheng and only write books on their website.

Wu Sheng himself must have wanted to agree, but as Jiang Xuan said, his information was already confidential. Even if he entered his ID card, the person did not exist, so he had to leave it there first.

Wu Sheng sat up. This was already the third batch this month. He had easily solved the previous batches. Recently, more and more people came to assassinate Modu.

Most of them are foreigners, and there are basically no local personnel. This is why Modu was elected as the minister of internal affairs. Although there is another minister of internal affairs who suppresses him, Modu's reputation has obviously surpassed him.

The reason why so many people assassinate Modo is that Modo is pro-China and is very friendly to China, which makes those capitalist countries very unhappy.

He knew that if he continued to let Modu live, sooner or later he would come to power and his country would not get any benefits, so he could not let Modu live.

"You two, go kill Modu. I will stop this man!"

"Islander? Ninja?"

Wu Sheng was a little surprised when he heard the island's Mandarin. This place is far away from the island country. These ninjas can come all the way here, which also shows the importance of Modu.

"Boom!" Two gunshots rang out, and both ninjas were killed by Wu Sheng. Being a bodyguard was a bit boring these days, and Wu Sheng had upgraded all the combat skills he needed to high levels.

"Skinny! I want you to pay for both of them!"

"Don't you islanders update your technology? You still use such low-level weapons."

The black-clothed ninja threw a kunai directly at Wu Sheng. Wu Sheng looked at the kunai thrown with disdain. Cold weapons like kunai have long been eliminated by the times.

After Wu Sheng caught the kunai, he was about to break the kunai easily, but found something hanging behind it. When he saw what it was, he pushed the kunai back.

With a cry of "BOM!", the kunai exploded in the night sky.

"Good guy! You are just the right person, with a grenade behind the kunai!"

Cold sweat broke out on Wu Sheng's back, thanks to his quick reaction. If his reaction had been just a little slower, his life would have been lost by now.

He had just been mocking the ninja in front of him for his lack of innovation, but in the end he was given a grenade kunai.


The black-clothed ninja rushed over with a Japanese sword, and Wu Sheng quickly stood up and took out a military dagger to cover himself.

"Bang!" A shot rang out.

"You guys are really fucking underworld!"

Wu Sheng checked his waist. It was already bleeding, but he hadn't been hit yet. He just inserted it. He didn't expect that the ninja in front of him actually used his other hand to shoot while he was slashing.

"I originally wanted you to play with me for a while, but now it seems you should just die!"

Wu Sheng was as fast as lightning, and before the second shot of the black-clothed ninja fired, he slit his throat with a dagger.

Wu Sheng has been killing people a lot these days. When someone came to assassinate Mo Du for the first time, he was a little hesitant. After all, he was not a murderous person.

But he didn't expect that if he didn't kill people, they would kill him. Wu Sheng had no choice but to kill him. Later, Wu Sheng would attack these killers with his sword and not give them any chance.

"Is someone coming to assassinate me again?"

Mo Du looked at Wu Sheng who had just come down from the roof and asked anxiously. There had been three assassinations this month, if Wu Sheng hadn't been by his side.

So now that he has gone to the underworld like those killers, he doesn't even know why these people want to kill him.

"You sleep in your own bed, no one can hurt you while I'm here!"

Wu Sheng has been with Modu for some time, and he is quite satisfied with Modu. He cares about the hardworking people. He has to deal with a lot of tasks every day, and he also tries his best to make friends with other countries, hoping to gain some benefits. Military support from other countries.

"Thank you. The Chinese people are indeed as reliable as ever. Only you will help those weak countries. Those capitalists in the United States and Lao only want to annex our countries. This is the reason why I don't like them."

Modu has a big cheek, and when he talks about it, he is quite cute, and it doesn't make people think of the feeling of jealousy.

After being woken up, Wu Sheng didn't plan to sleep anymore. After all, his sleep time was almost enough, and now he could either play games or exercise his skills.

He touched the star pendant on his chest, entered the dimensional space, and wrote down what happened today. These were all adapted from his real events.

Wu Sheng frowned, and there was another movement on the roof. He guessed that it was another assassin. They came twice in one night. This was the first time Wu Sheng encountered them.

Fortunately, he didn't have much time to rest. Otherwise, after he let down his guard, if he did it again, Modu would probably be dead, and his own fate would probably be the same.

Wu Sheng ran to the roof again and found several more ninja-looking people. He had no intention of talking nonsense to these people and fired several shots in succession. However, this group of ninjas were stronger than the previous batch.

Wu Sheng fired four shots and knocked down a ninja. The other three ninjas all dodged. This cheered up Wu Sheng. The level of assassins in the past two days was not very good.

The strength of the three ninjas in front of him should not be weak, so he had to deal with them carefully. After the three ninjas exchanged glances, the two ninjas drew their swords and rushed towards Wu Sheng.

The other ninja turned over and turned downwards. Wu Sheng also knew that he wanted two ninjas to drag him, and then another person went to assassinate Modu, but the two ninjas in front of him could really stop Wu Sheng.

"A scholar?"

After an assassination, Modu couldn't sleep. He heard some movement outside and came out to take a look, preparing to continue sorting out government affairs.

He thought it was Wu Sheng who was moving around. When he turned on the light, he saw that it was a ninja. He was so frightened that he immediately ran back to his room. The ninja immediately prepared to assassinate the target when he saw it.

Mo Du locked the door, knowing that he had to buy some time for Wu Sheng. Wu Sheng couldn't take care of him because he was too busy. He just hoped that Wu Sheng could solve it quickly.

Wu Sheng held down the head of the ninja who was breaking down the door and pushed it down. The ninja's head was cut open and he could not move at all. He died completely.

The abilities of the four ninjas this time are only a little weaker than the wild wolf, but his strength is improving day by day, so beating them now is the same.

"It's over, Mordo!"

Wu Sheng cleaned up the ninja's body and knocked on Modu's door. This was the first time he killed someone without cleaning up the scene. After Modu heard the noise, he came out and saw the blood from the stumps, and he vomited one of them. Many hours.

Wu Sheng developed the habit of cleaning up the corpses by the way every time after finishing off the enemy, of course, he just threw them directly to the gatekeepers who surrounded Modu's mansion.

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