The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 326 This is Mrs. Gu

Seeing Gu's appearance, I felt very strange, "Did you say the wrong address? This is Gu."

Xie Jian pressed down the car window, "That's right, I just came here to have a look, I'm sorry to trouble you."

The driver immediately replied politely: Xie Jian, don't bother, I will send you off according to Mr. An's order, and bring you home safely. When you have seen enough, please give me your address. "

Xie Jian nodded, and she looked up at the office on the highest floor, where the lights were still bright.

Gu Mingchen was still working at this time, and Li Yixiang was by his side.

Why did Xie Jian feel a little reluctant to leave?
Bai Chen called, she lied to Bai Chen, saying that she was walking back, Bai Chen didn't have much doubts, just waited like this, and finally when it happened, the office light she had been staring at went out.

Is Gu Mingchen going downstairs to leave?After a while, she saw Gu Mingchen coming out of Gu's, a car parked in front of him, he was about to get into the car, but suddenly stopped, and looked at the car Xie Jian was sitting in.

Xie Jian was terrified, and immediately lowered his head, fearing that he would be discovered, and when he raised his head again, Gu Mingchen and the car had already driven away.

"Let's go back."
When she had just finished speaking the address to the driver, someone knocked on the window.

The driver pressed down the window and asked, "What's the matter, is there something wrong?"

"Our Mr. Gu asked Ms. Xie Jian to get in the car and sent her back."
These words made Xie Jian follow his line of sight. Gu Mingchen's car was parked on the opposite side, but she didn't notice it. She just looked in the original direction, so she thought that Gu Mingchen had already left.

"Boss An told me to send Miss Xie Jian back safely, so we can't let her get in the car."

The driver was also very stubborn. Since he could be called by his name, he must have known him. Why did he feel that Xie Jian was about to be kidnapped.

Then Xie Jian spoke to the driver, and the driver let Xie Jian get off the car after confirming the relationship between Xie Jian and Gu Mingchen.

Xie Jian wanted to see Gu Mingchen, and hated Gu Mingchen very much, but he wanted to see him even more. She didn't see the person who came to her, nor was it the assistant who had seen Gu Mingchen before, and said, "Have you seen me?"

"do not know."
No matter what Xie Jian asked, this person was rather indifferent, and he didn't want to answer too much. He walked to the car, opened the door and let Xie Jian get in the car.

Only Gu Mingchen was in the back seat, and when she got into the car, she took a special look at Li Yixiang, the co-pilot in front.

No way, so she can sit still?
Gu Mingchen didn't look at her all this time, and she didn't know why she sat on it like this, to embarrass her?Or want to see his still indifferent face?
"Mr. Gu, shall we go?"

"Let's go."
Then the man asked Xie Jian's address, and Xie Jian said it right away, with a hint of alcohol in his voice, anyone with a good nose would know that she had been drinking.

Gu Mingchen looked at Xie Jian, "Have you been drinking?"

Xie Jian bowed his head in response.

Gu Mingchen looked at her with an indescribable feeling in his heart. He really wanted to get close to her, but he was very disappointed in her!

"Successful events don't necessarily have to drink like this."

This sounds like accusing Xie Jian of being self-righteous, and it also has the meaning of educating Xie Jian to be self-righteous, but Xie Jian is not willing to listen to Gu Mingchen at all.

"I didn't come out because I drank alcohol successfully at this event."
"Then why?"

Xie Jian looked at Gu Mingchen seriously and said, "It's because of you."

Gu Mingchen's expression froze in an instant, it was too easy to speak out from Xie Jian's mouth like this.

"because I?"

Maybe he drank a little wine, and in the next second, Xie Jian counted the places where Gu Mingchen made him angry. After listing a few, Gu Mingchen couldn't help laughing.

"The point is, when I gave the commemorative money to others, they were very happy. Why do you look so indifferent? This is a public welfare program. Your face was recorded all the way. Do you have any objections to me? It was originally a happy thing. It was all messed up by that indifferent face of yours."

Unable to control it, Xie Jian clenched his fist angrily and smashed it. This small rage startled the front passenger who picked her up and asked, "What's wrong?"

Gu Mingchen replied lightly: "Nothing."

Xie Jian said bluntly to Gu Mingchen: "Anyone who says it's okay will be driven mad by you. I'm not that easy to mess with. If you dare to talk nonsense again, I'll beat you up!"

Gu Mingchen knew that Xie Jian was still drunk and couldn't communicate with her sensibly now, so he smiled at Xie Jian.

"Then I will give you a smile now, are you satisfied?"

Xie Jiancai didn't like Gu Mingchen's set, slapping a sweet date was a way to coax a little girl, so she wouldn't be fooled.

"Not satisfied! You smile so ugly."

After finishing speaking, Xie Jian took out his mobile phone and opened a video of comedians, handed it to Gu Mingchen, and said, "I'm satisfied if you smile like this, it's good-looking."

Gu Mingchen frowned, looking a bit embarrassed, Xie Jian was even more angry when he saw Gu Mingchen not cooperating, she hammered a few times, and excitedly removed the shoulder straps of the skirt.

She really shouldn't have gone too far, embarrassing herself so suddenly, Xie Jian raised his hand to pull up the shoulder strap, but was stopped by Gu Mingchen.

She looked at Gu Mingchen blankly, "What are you doing?"

"let me help you."
Gu Mingchen said with a smile.

Xie Jian declined, "No need."

But at this time, Gu Mingchen turned around, and Xie Jian turned his back to him.

"What are you going to do?"
Xie Jian was stunned!
"Won't it embarrass you if I watch you pull the shoulder straps up front?"
Having said that, it seemed that he was very thoughtful, and Gu Mingchen slowly helped Xie Jian put on the shoulder straps, tidying up.

But in the next second, he pulled Xie Jian's zipper down. This position would not embarrass the girl, but it was difficult for Xie Jian himself to pull it up.

"You're crazy! Why did you unzip my skirt?"

Xie Jian was very angry.

Gu Mingchen remained silent, and watched Xie Jian anxiously turning around in the next second, but this position was not easy to handle from top to bottom. He only regretted that he didn't have long enough hands, but it would be very embarrassing to go all the way like this.

Helpless, she turned to Gu Mingchen for help, and she said, "I won't punish you anymore, and you don't have to learn that kind of smile."

"Then... would you please zip me up?"
Xie Jian blushed when asked about this sentence. At that moment, Gu Mingchen felt unprecedented satisfaction, which seemed to have been confirmed, and her tone of voice was the same as before.

Gu Mingchen didn't answer, and stretched out his hand to hold Xie Jian's hand. He purposely zipped her up with the feeling of the past, and his fingertips touched her skin again, and this feeling didn't change at all.

Xie Jian's body temperature was a little hot, not as hot as usual, she felt...

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