It's hard for a defeated president to chase his wife

Chapter 24 The Rong family can't hide the scandal

Of course Lin Wanmian could hear Nalan's anxiety!She stretched out her hand to touch Nalan, followed Nalan's arm and held Nalan's hand, saying apologetically:

"I'm sorry, Nalan, I know that my waywardness has brought you a lot of trouble. But I really can't leave my mother behind to hide from the disaster. I also know that I may not be able to do anything useful if I stay. things, but at least I can be with my mother!"

As Lin Wanmian spoke, her eyes became hot.She suddenly wanted to cry, but she was afraid that the tears would drown herself. How could she have time to cry now?And crying will only make her mind more unclear, her blindness is already the biggest flaw.She can't let her mind lose its direction, and she can't let her heart indulge in self-sorrow.

Her depression caused Nalan to calm down her impetuous heart secretly. A faint smile appeared on her cold face, and she said:
"Mianmian, you are not self-willed, nor have you caused me any trouble. It's my fault. I shouldn't lose my temper with you. It's because I'm not confident enough. I'm afraid I won't be able to save my wife or protect you. That's why I'm cowardly I want to take you away, so at least you can be safe. But you are right, we can’t leave Madam selfishly, we should try our best to help Madam get out of trouble. As long as Madam can come out, our family is together, even if we are no longer rich It doesn't matter, the big deal is that I will make money, and we can live the lives of ordinary people."

Hearing what Nalan said, Lin Wanmian breathed a sigh of relief, she was thinking of what Nalan said.It doesn't matter if their Lin family is in decline, as long as they can be together as a family, she doesn't care if there is a rich life to live.

But to realize their wish of being together as a family, they must rescue her mother first!
With a soft breath, Lin Wanmian said to Nalan:

"It's good to live an ordinary life, but what we have to do now is to find a way to rescue my mother as soon as possible. Otherwise, if we wait any longer, even if there is a way, my mother may also be convicted."

"Well, we don't need to count on the Rong family, not to mention they are too busy to take care of themselves now, we can only think of other ways out." When mentioning the Rong family, Nalan showed a contemptuous expression.

"The Rong family can't take care of themselves? What does this mean?"

"Rong Shengzu's homosexuality spread maliciously overnight. And he used Liao Fan to seduce the women around him, and then fabricated his relationship with those women to cover up the fact that he didn't touch women. Now there are victims If a woman appears, Rong Shengzu may get into a lawsuit. He is the only son in the Rong family, and Rong Guanglong is probably helping his son put out the fire, so he can't care about our Lin family's affairs."

It was only after Nalan woke up early in the morning and saw the headlines that popped up on his mobile phone that he knew that many scandals about Rong Shengzu were spreading wildly on the Internet.

It's just, how could it be such a coincidence that they were almost treated obscenely by Rong Shengzu and Liao Fan yesterday, and today they will be punished.

The person who can send the Rong family directly to the cusp without fear of offending the Rong family overnight, Nalan thought of what happened yesterday, she said to Lin Wanmian:
"Mianmian, Rong Shengzu's scandal was exposed, could it be Murong Aoyang's instruction?"

Hearing the name Murong Aoyang, Lin Wanmian's hands trembled slightly.Almost immediately she remembered the reassuring feeling of being held in his arms yesterday when she was saved from insult.She still couldn't believe that he would appear like a god and save her when she needed help the most.

Speaking of which, when she was held in his arms yesterday, even though she was already dizzy at that time, she still seemed to vaguely hear what he said to Rong Shengzu...!
Turning her mind around, Lin Wanmian made a bet in her heart. She turned the quilt and got out of bed and said to Nalan:

"Nalan, let's go find Rong Guanglong now!"

"Mianmian, what do you want to do?"

Nalan subconsciously disagreed with Lin Wanmian's decision, she didn't think it was necessary for them to contact the Rong family.

"I'm going to gamble!"

"What are you gambling?"

"Gambling... he can't bear it!"

"He...?" Nalan was puzzled!
"Nalan, do you believe me?"

"I believe!"

"Then, next, both you and I may become bets, are you willing?"

Seeing Lin Wanmian's calm and composed face, Nalan suddenly didn't want to ask any more questions, Lin Wanmian wanted to bet, she just bet with her!

Accompanied by Nalan, Lin Wanmian came to Rong Shengzu's ward.

At present, the outside world does not know that Rong Shengzu is secretly living in the hospital with injuries all over his body.But his various well-organized scandals are still flying all over the sky, and Rong Guanglong has people suppressing those scandals again and again, but it still can't be completely suppressed.It is conceivable that those who spread the scandal of the Rong family also have a strong background to rely on.

Rong Guanglong had no intention of meeting Lin Wanmian, but Lin Wanmian proposed a deal that he was interested in.That's why he asked Lin Wanmian to come to the hospital to meet him.

It can be seen that Rong Guanglong frowned when he saw Lin Wanmian. His useless son somehow provoked Murong Aoyang, and Murong Aoyang sent someone to spread the word that Rong Shengzu was sent to the hospital by him.

Rong Guanglong was still baffled at the time, and when he saw Rong Shengzu who was lying half dead on the hospital bed with injuries all over his body, he was full of anger.

He knew who his son was, but Rong Guanglong was a respectable figure in high society anyway.In front of Murong Aoyang, he was also an elder, but Murong Aoyang beat his son's hands so hard that his son's hands were broken, and his whole body was injured everywhere.

It is said that beating a dog depends on the owner. No matter how good his son is, he is also Rong Guanglong's son. How could he tolerate others treating his only son like this.

Rong Guanglong knew about Rong Shengzu taking Lin Wanmian out yesterday, but before half a day passed, he received a call that Rong Shengzu had been sent to the hospital.Now seeing Lin Wanmian appearing with injuries all over his body, it was really an eyesore to him, and he asked angrily:
"What happened yesterday? Why did Murong Aoyang take you away and beat Sheng Zu like this?"

Because Rong Shengzu is still awake, Rong Guanglong can't ask the specific situation. He only learned from the hotel staff that Murong Aoyang went to Rong Shengzu's suite and took a woman away. Rong Shengzu, who was so painful that he passed out, fell to the ground.

Combining these circumstances, Rong Guanglong knows who the woman Murong Aoyang took away without even thinking about it.But what he couldn't understand was that now the whole world knew that Murong Aoyang was destroying the Lin family.Logically, no matter what happened to Lin Wanmian, it was impossible for Murong Aoyang to intervene.But why did Murong Aoyang take Lin Wanmian away from his son?
Of course, Lin Wanmian could hear what Rong Guanglong was asking. She had no fear, and calmly said:
"Chairman Rong, don't rush to ask me what's going on. But if you insist on knowing, then I can tell you that it's because your son despicably drugged me and committed misdeeds to me. As for why Murong Aoyang appeared I'll take it away, I don't know about this, so I can't answer you."

"Hmph! You said that Sheng Zu drugged you and wanted to do something wrong with you?"

Rong Guanglong didn't doubt that Rong Shengzu couldn't do that kind of thing, he despised Lin Wanmian's insulted attitude.

Lin Wanmian heard that Rong Guanglong didn't care much about what dirty things his son did, but she didn't care whether Rong Guanglong had sympathy and fairness, so she responded calmly:


"Even if it's true, so what? Anyway, you already have a verbal engagement, and it's perfectly normal for you to have a relationship with a man and a woman. Don't you think it's hypocritical to act like a victim in front of me?"

"Chairman Rong made a mistake. The "marriage contract" between Rong Shengzu and I is based on a consensus reached on the basis of a transaction. The transaction between me and your Rong family has not been completed, that is to say, the so-called marriage contract has not yet been established. In other words, if Rong Shengzu dares to be presumptuous to me, he is committing a crime!"

She, Lin Wanmian, can sacrifice herself desperately in exchange for what she wants to achieve.But she won't be so stupid as to catch up with herself before the transaction is completed. How can she not know what value for money is?

Rong Guanglong was slightly intimidated by the aura exuded by Lin Wanmian.He didn't expect that a helpless blind man should be pitifully begging for help from others, but at this moment she was full of arrogance like a queen who would not allow others to trample on her.

Maybe it's because he has such a guilty conscience about his son's nasty things, and Lin Wanmian's every sentence is reasonable, Rong Guanglong can't stand up to look at Lin Wanmian anymore.

After thinking about it, Rong Guanglong's calculating eyes flickered, and he said lightly:

"You're right, our Rong family and you are just a deal. But it's not fake that I and your deceased grandfather were old friends who met once. You marrying into our Rong family is also considered a family relationship marriage, as long as you and Sheng Zu I promise to do my best to help you with your mother’s marriage, so that the relationship between our two families is good, and whether it’s a transaction, it’s justified for us to help each other, and there’s no reason for outsiders to gossip, don’t you think?”

Rong Guanglong's mind has changed. In the beginning, Lin Wanmian is useless to him except as a tool for carrying on the family line.

But Lin Wanmian's performance just now made him secretly expect "worth the money".If Lin Wanmian is just a blind vase, he should just raise a tool that can serve as a shield and continue the Rong family's incense.

But if Lin Wanmian is a smart person with a blind eye and a bright heart, then she is completely capable of being the face of the young mistress of the Rong family. Is she behaving badly?That is to say, his son is not only for men... he can also be for women!
Rong Guanglong's eyes suddenly lit up. He stared at Lin Wanmian and looked him up and down. He had to say that Lin Wanmian was indeed a very beautiful woman.

As far as Lin Wanmian's beauty is concerned, let alone ordinary men, even if he is younger, maybe he will have evil thoughts about her.

But what he is thinking about now is the incense of the Rong family. If his son has a male and female feeling for Lin Wanmian, he naturally hopes that his son can form a normal family with Lin Wanmian.

In this way, not only can the scandals of the Rong family flying all over the sky be covered up, but in the future, his son might become a normal man because of Lin Wanmian.

A few years ago, when he accidentally found out that Rong Shengzu was hanging out with men, Rong Guanglong thought that Rong Shengzu was just living a debauched life.But he never thought that his son's hanging out with men was not because his life was corrupt, but because he was not interested in women, only men.

After confirming that Rong Shengzu was gay, Rong Guanglong felt like being hit by five thunderbolts. On the one hand, he was afraid that the Rong family's face would be ruined, and on the other hand, he was even more afraid that the Rong family would become extinct.

The father and son almost broke up because of this. Rong Guanglong even forcibly locked Rong Shengzu and different young women in the same room, but Rong Shengzu was not only indifferent, he would even vomit when he saw a naked woman, let alone let him go. touch those women.

After tossing for a while, not only did Rong Shengzu not change at all, he almost lost his life because of a hunger strike.

In the end, Rong Guanglong had no choice but to let Rong Shengzu live the life he wanted.

Over the years, he has carefully covered up a lot of broken things for Rong Shengzu.With the social background of the Rong family, Rong Shengzu played like a duck to water.

But that's because Rong Shengzu didn't meet a ruthless character. The reason why his scandal was quickly exposed this time is because the person who exposed his scandal is undoubtedly Murong Aoyang.That's why the Rong family was caught off guard and couldn't hide the scandal.

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