It's hard for a defeated president to chase his wife

Chapter 52 She Cries Like This Because of Him

Rong Shengzu is very aware of how bad his reputation is outside, and because he knows, he has long been used to ignoring other people's opinions, and he has lived a corrupt life more recklessly to fill his never-satisfied heart.

Regarding his rumors, although he quelled a lot of speculation with his engagement.But in fact, there are still many people who privately think that his engagement is nothing more than a smoke bomb.

Originally, he could confidently tell those people that the marriage he was engaged to was not a fake, and that his woman was his woman, a woman who would spend the rest of his life with him.

But now something is wrong, the woman he wants is right in front of him, but she has nothing to do with him.

He was not reconciled, and hated Lin Wanmian's trickery. He suddenly wanted to just take Lin Wanmian away forcibly.But his rationality told him that if he did this, not only would he not be able to get her, but he would also completely lose all chances of getting her.

The most effective way to get someone is to get her heart!Having that heart is more useful than all his means.

Lin Wanmian couldn't know what Rong Shengzu was thinking at this time, and she didn't know what he wanted to do.But from Rong Shengzu's reasonably rational conversation, she could at least feel that Rong Shengzu had no intention of hurting her.

As long as Rong Shengzu has no malice, although Lin Wanmian doesn't want to face him, she can't leave here on her own. It just so happens that she also has something to say clearly, so she replied:

"I don't know if Master Rong is a heinous person or not, and I don't care about it. That's your own business. However, I do have lingering fears about what you have done to me, so I don't have a good impression of you, and I don't want to be with you anymore. Do you have any dealings."

What Lin Wanmian expressed was not to settle accounts with Rong Shengzu Qiu Hou, but she just found that Rong Shengzu didn't seem to give up on her.But she didn't want to have anything to do with him, and she didn't want to be the object of Rong Shengzu's concern, which would make her very uncomfortable.

Of course Rong Shengzu could hear what Lin Wanmian was implying. He was angry, unwilling, and regretful in his heart!
What he regrets the most is that he shouldn't have tried to violate her against her wishes, and made her have an indelible image of a villain towards him.

But he had thought about it, coercion and threats could not be used on Lin Wanmian until the end.And he is no longer satisfied with just getting Lin Wanmian, if possible, he also wants to get her heart.

Therefore, he can no longer be self-righteous, he must reverse Lin Wanmian's disgust towards him.

In order to prevent Lin Wanmian from rejecting him even more, Rong Shengzu took a step back deliberately, and then said:

"Since you mentioned what happened last time, I should also formally apologize to you. I did something to you that shouldn't be done, but I hope you don't completely deny everything about me because of this."

Lin Wanmian froze for a moment, she was a little uncomfortable with such a calm Rong Shengzu for a while, she didn't expect him to say such words to her, so she didn't know how to answer.

"Why, you don't believe that I really want to apologize?" Rong Shengzu saw that she was not used to it.

"It doesn't matter whether I believe it or not. Whether your apology is true or not, it doesn't really mean much. After all, the matter has passed."

"At least I hope you don't hate me anymore. I didn't know what I wanted before, but now I think clearly, I am sincere to you...!"

"Master Rong, I don't hate you at all, but I don't deny that I can't face you with a normal heart. So, I don't hate you in the future, but that's all. As for the "marriage contract" between Nalan and you How to get rid of it, our Lin family said that we will leave the initiative to you, and please ask Master Rong to "handle" it reasonably, so that our two families will not owe each other at all."

Lin Wanmian didn't want to know Rong Shengzu's emotional change towards her, so she preemptively stated that she would not have any possibility with him, and she didn't even want to have a relationship with ordinary friends.

She couldn't see it, but her feeling told her that Rong Shengzu's heart was too impure.He may be sincere now, but you don't know when he can be sincere.

He didn't hesitate when he wanted to hurt her, if no one came to save her that time.She believed that Rong Shengzu would be cruel to the end, until he completely destroyed her!
Rong Shengzu heard Lin Wanmian's refusal, and there was a clear sense of alienation in her words.If it was the past, he would definitely be furious on the spot, but now he already understands the principle of haste makes waste.Therefore, he gritted his teeth and resisted the impulse. After settling for a while, he smiled wisely:

"Since you've said that, I think no matter what I say, it won't help, then..." Rong Shengzu hadn't finished speaking when it started to rain suddenly. He looked up, and then looked at Lin Lin. late cotton said:
"It's raining. If I have time, I'd like to help you find someone you trust to take care of you. But I'm afraid it's too late. If you don't mind, I'll take you indoors?"

Lin Wanmian also knew that it was raining. She stretched out her hand to feel the size of the raindrops, but the rain suddenly became heavier, making it impossible for her to refuse Rong Shengzu's help.

Rong Shengzu looked at the distance to the room. If he took Lin Wanmian along step by step, both of them would be ruined in the end.He stepped forward without hesitation, picked up Lin Wanmian and walked back.

Lin Wanmian didn't expect him to hug her suddenly, she subconsciously rejected it, but Rong Shengzu explained:

"It's a bit far away, I'm afraid you'll get wet if you walk slowly."

Feeling that the raindrops on her face were getting denser and denser, Lin Wanmian had nothing to say, so she could only let Rong Shengzu carry her away.

Rong Shengzu looked at the silent Lin Wanmian, although he didn't expect it, but he was very grateful for the rain.It's just that the road was too short, and he carried Lin Wanmian to a place out of the rain within two steps.

After Lin Wanmian couldn't feel the rain, she immediately said:

"Thank you, please put me down, I can walk the rest of the way by myself."

Rong Shengzu didn't put her down immediately, but looked at her face covered with raindrops for a while before saying:

"Just let me hold you like this and keep walking...can't you?"

Lin Wanmian was taken aback, and then she felt Rong Shengzu's face approaching hers, she turned her face sideways and warned seriously:
"If you pass over, I will reject you even more!"

Rong Shengzu's almost lost desire suddenly returned to reality. He just looked at her moist and soft lips, and he couldn't help but want to kiss her.If Lin Wanmian hadn't avoided his approach and warned him loudly, he would probably have lost control.

But Lin Wanmian's warning not only didn't make him feel angry, but also felt very pleasant to his ears. He asked with some joy:
"You mean you don't hate me that much anymore?"

"Put me down!" Lin Wanmian emphasized her needs in a cold voice!
Rong Shengzu put her down according to her wishes and told her to stand upright. He was about to ask her again, but was startled by a person standing not far behind Lin Wanmian.

Lin Wanmian didn't know there was someone behind her, she touched the dress skirt with her hands as soon as she stood up, she was worried that something wrong with herself would make a fool of herself.

Rong Shengzu didn't look at her at this time, because he and the person in front were looking at each other.

In the end, the other party's eyes told him that if he didn't take the initiative to leave, he might not end well.Before he turned and left, he glanced at Lin Wanmian, said "goodbye" to her, and left.

Lin Wan was confused, she didn't know where she was, no matter how much she didn't like him, she still needed his help to guide her back to the crowd.

Now there is no one to help her, because she has to wear a dress, and she doesn't have her mobile phone with her, what should she do?Should she find her way back by herself?
She really wanted to ask loudly if there was anyone around, but the pride in her heart prevented her from shouting out. She didn't want to be seen by strangers in a mess.

She took a deep breath, and she listened carefully to the sounds around her. She could vaguely hear some conversations, and by the frequency, she could be sure that it was the place where the reception was held indoors, which meant that she was not very far from the inside.

When there was no one to help, she could only stretch out her hands to explore in the direction of the voice, and tried to take a step forward with her feet... She walked very slowly, very carefully, she didn't want to let herself fall !
However, she still couldn't help stepping on the air: "Ah...!"

She fell, and her hands were forced to the ground, and her knees fell to her knees.She could have gotten up immediately, but she just lay on her stomach like that, with no intention of getting up at all!
fall!She hates falling!Once she fell down, she couldn't help feeling inferior.She hates things that everyone can easily do, but it is especially difficult for her.She hated always telling herself secretly, trying to adapt to her own incompleteness.She hates that she has to work harder than others to get something!
Why is it only her?Why is she the only one who can't have an ordinary life as she pleases?Why is she the only one who needs help from others wherever she goes...?
How strange!She fell down in the past, and she complained too!But why was she especially sad when she fell today?She was so sad that her eye sockets ached and became hot uncontrollably, and finally her tears fell to the ground drop by drop.

If it wasn't for the sound of rain, she thought, she would probably be able to hear the ticking of her own tears falling!
There was a sound, but it wasn't raindrops, it was a man's footsteps.

He stopped in front of her, and he was squatting down slowly. With the fluctuation of the air, she smelled that unique natural fragrance!
Lin Wanmian slowly raised her head, two teardrops also slid two clear water marks on her somewhat pale face.

She allowed that man to gently wipe away her tears with his thumb, but her tears turned into teardrops, and he couldn't wipe them off no matter how hard he tried.

"Why do you have to let me see your tears every time?" Does she know how annoying her tears are?

Lin Wanmian cried even harder!It was this voice, this person, she cried like this because of him~ Murong Aoyang!
She finally knew why she felt so sad when she fell today, it was all because of this hateful man.

Why did he want her to fall in love with him?Because she fell in love with him, she hated her own incompleteness like never before. She never felt that she was miserable, and she never felt that she was ashamed.But he made her feel humbled.

The first time she saw him, she deeply felt what it means to be humble.She came here today to have the opportunity to meet him, but at this moment he is in front of her, but she feels so sad!

He had appeared a long time ago, and he saw Rong Shengzu hugging her.The reason why Rong Shengzu left her first was not intentionally leaving her alone, but because Murong Aoyang appeared.

But does he have to look at her like a headless fly bumping around, seeing her ridiculous appearance of falling down in a mess?
Lin Wanmian couldn't describe her current mood. She didn't know whether she should be happy that he was still willing to approach her, or hate him for deliberately watching her jokes!

Murong Aoyang couldn't wipe away her tears, he simply didn't, but he pulled her up and checked her palm for any injuries.

Fortunately, the skin was scratched a little, and there was no bleeding, it was just a little dirty.

Murong Aoyang took out a handkerchief to help her wipe her palms, his movements were very light, as if he was really afraid of hurting her!

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