Cold-faced Young Master Mu's Little Warm Wife

Chapter 178 Walking the Marriage Bridge

"Walking marriage is actually a marriage system of the Mosuo people. The Mosuo people are a matrilineal society. It is said that during the day, men and women seldom get along alone. They only express their hearts to their loved ones by singing and dancing at parties." Si Yuan He said to everyone with a smile.

"Si Yuan, how do you know this?" Maomao asked loudly.

"I actually read these in some books. I found them interesting, so I checked them online." Si Yuan said truthfully.

Hadara asked loudly: "Then they all meet at night?"

Si Yuan stood up, shook himself up, and continued: "It is said that if a man falls in love with a woman, he will go to the woman's 'flower house' in the middle of the night after making an appointment with her during the day."

"What is Hualou?" Afuzel asked with wide-eyed eyes like a curious baby.

"The flower building is the room of Mosuo adult women, independent of the grandmother's house. Traditionally, they will ride a horse to go there, but they can't enter the flower building through the main entrance, but have to climb the window."

"They will hang representative items such as hats outside the door, indicating that the two are dating, which means that everyone should not disturb them."

Speaking of this, everyone can't help covering their mouths and laughing secretly.

Si Yuan also smiled awkwardly, and said: "Then, you have to leave before dawn, but you can leave by the main gate at this time, if you leave after dawn, or after the woman's parents get up, then It will be considered rude, this is the so-called walking marriage."

"Then do they still have walking marriages now? Is this kind of irresponsible? Then who owns the children they have?" Lu Min also asked curiously.

"If you become pregnant, the child belongs to the woman's family, and the girl's family will be responsible for raising the child." Si Yuan took a sip of water while talking.

"Wow, that man must really yearn for the life there, he doesn't even need a person in charge." Mao Mao said sourly.

Si Yuan coughed dryly twice, and said, "Well, I can't generalize, Si Yuan, I still volunteer to be a responsible man."

As soon as he finished speaking these few words, Avzel looked at him shyly, his heart stopped beating for no reason, thinking to himself, his every move is so charming.

Everyone was chatting all the way, and unknowingly, the journey was over halfway. Si Yuan cleared his throat and shouted: "Dear sisters, we still have about two hours' journey, why don't you take a nap for a while? We are all up today. Good morning, thank you all."

"Okay, Si Yuan talked halfway for us, your mouth is dry, and you should take a break soon." Rainbow, as the eldest sister, said with concern.

Everyone closed their eyes and rested, and it was more than an hour later when they were woken up again.

"Dear sisters, we need to wake up, we are coming soon, here, as we all know, ethnic minorities have some unique customs, here Si Yuan will talk about it a little bit, don't think I'm annoying. He clapped his hands with a smile and said to everyone.

Hearing what he said, everyone became sober and energetic, so they all applauded and encouraged.

"First of all, out of respect for the local Mosuo people, it is not appropriate for us to ask about their unique customs rashly. In particular, there are some legends we have heard. After all, they are just legends, and the authenticity cannot be guaranteed. You must not ask them for proof at will." Si Yuan said with a serious face.

Avrel raised his hand and asked, "It means we can't inquire about the walkaway marriage, right?"

"Yes, out of curiosity, some people will ask whether walking marriages are random marriages? Why do men here have no status? There are also some people who ask whether the children know who the father is? Similar to these strange questions, everyone is curious. Yes, but ah, we all need to respect other people's customs."

Si Yuan changed his stance and said with a smile: "Of course, we beautiful sisters will definitely not ask these questions as soon as we go to the local Mosuo family."

"Si Yuan, are we going to their home?"

"Yes, let's go to a local Mosuo family as a guest today to experience the local characteristics."

Finally, the car came to a steady stop slowly, and Si Yuan clapped his hands and said: "Okay, sisters, we have arrived at our destination, let us go to lightly lift the veil of this ancient and mysterious "Daughter Country" together."

After they got out of the car, there was already a beautiful local girl waiting there. I saw that girl was wearing flower accessories, a red blouse, a white pleated skirt, and a flower belt around her waist. She just stood there. , just like a landscape.

Seeing everyone, the girl greeted everyone with a smile, and introduced: "My name is Zhuoma, and I will take everyone to my house now."

What everyone didn't expect was that this girl spoke very standard Mandarin. After she introduced her, she was similar to a "tourist receptionist" in the local area, so everyone followed her footsteps with curiosity.

Dolma led everyone forward while introducing, and after a while, she came to a small bridge, she stopped, and introduced to everyone with a smile.

"This bridge is called "Walking Marriage Bridge". There is an ancient legend about this bridge, that is, a long time ago, there was a man and a woman who loved each other very much. In the evening, that man would row the pig trough boat to the opposite bank to meet his beloved woman, and before dawn the next day, he would row the pig trough boat back to his home."

"Whether it's windy or rainy, or hot and cold, he never stopped. The woman felt very distressed when she saw her beloved go back and forth between the shores of Caohai every day, and then she thought, how can I do this?" Make it easier for men."

"Finally, she thought that if there was a bridge here, it would be much easier, so she told the man about this idea, and after the two discussed it, they started to build a wooden bridge on the grass sea. As for the name, it was given by later generations.”

"This walking marriage bridge spans the Caohai Sea and connects the villages of Miangan, which facilitates the dating of men and women. Therefore, it is also known as the 'No. [-] Magpie Bridge in the World'."

Listening to her vivid description, everyone became more curious about this mysterious nation.

Ma Jiali touched Li Sinuo and said: "The people here are quite kind and righteous."

"Yes, the people here are also very hospitable." Li Sinuo said with a smile.

Everyone walked forward, and after a while, they came to Mosuo Village. At a glance, these houses were all wooden houses that seemed to be old.

When Zhuoma led them into the courtyard and looked at the old house, although it looked very old, it was not difficult to see that their family was considered wealthy in the local area.

She pointed to the main hall and said that it was where her grandmother lived.

Li Sinuo whispered in Ma Jiali's ear: "In the Mosuo family, grandma is a symbol of power."

When the old grandmother saw the group of them, Dolma introduced them. Although the language was barrier, the grandmother also had a smile on her face to show her welcome, and then she dragged them into the house together.

Once inside, the lunch was ready. Looking at the delicious food on the table, Zhuoma introduced: "This is our own domestic chicken, and this is pork fat, our specialty here."

I saw Zhuoma pick up the bowl and said to everyone: "This is our homemade Sulima wine. You must try it. The alcohol content is not high. If someone can drink it with a higher alcohol alcohol content, we still have a bangdang wine here." Wine, the alcohol content is higher, about 30 degrees."

Everyone laughed and said, this is all right.

Ma Jiali pursed her lips in embarrassment, so as not to be seen by others, and she didn't want to refute the host's wish.

Li Sinuo looked at her worriedly, and seeing her smiling at him and shaking her head, she was slightly relieved, and took a sip of her own bowl.

Si Yuan stood up and took the initiative to drink a bowl to thank the host on behalf of everyone.

Everyone was very satisfied after eating the authentic Mosuo farm food.

After lunch, everyone came to Caohaihai, and saw several pig trough boats moored on the shore, and there were two horses on the green grass. The horses were grazing with their heads down. Everything looked so leisurely and comfortable. .

When I came to Lover's Beach, I looked at the star-like flowers floating on the lake, which seemed to be the stars in the sky all over the sky.

Li Sinuo stretched his waist, took a deep breath, sighed at the beautiful scenery at this moment, couldn't help thinking of Mu Kaiyan, thinking, if he could stand beside him and watch it with him Looking at this scene, how wonderful it should be.

Si Yuan and the others came to the side of Lugu Lake, Rainbow took Hadara's hand and said excitedly: "Look at the water, it's too clean."

"Yeah, look, look, there's a fish over there, oh, it's swimming over, it's the first time I've seen such clear water."

Dolma smiled and said to everyone: "If you want to try it, you can drink it with your hands. This water has a little bit of sweetness in it."

As a result, Afuzel was the first to squat down and took a sip of some water, and immediately turned to look at Dolma after drinking it, and asked, "I'm sure I'm pregnant after drinking this water?"

At this question, everyone burst into laughter.

Si Yuan also used his fingers to cover his smile slightly, and when he turned around and saw a mountain in front of him, he said to Li Sinuo beside him, "That is the Lion Mountain, which is the Goddess Gemu Mountain we mentioned before."

The reflection projected on the lake is simply too beautiful, Si Yuan said to her: "Let me take a picture of your door."

Ma Jiali immediately voted for it, so the pictures were taken in twos and threes by the lake.

At this time Maomao shouted: "Dolma, please sing us a song, I really want to hear it."

Upon hearing this, everyone agreed.

Dolma sang generously.

"Girls in Lugu Lake are beautiful
so beautiful

clear eyes can speak
It's so touching to sing

The lake and mountains are beautiful
beauty number one
The beauty of the girl in Lugu Lake

Black eyebrows and white teeth

The willow by the lake is in good shape
It's so moving to dance

The lake and mountains are beautiful
beauty number one
aha blah blah
aha blah blah
rub it light
rub it light
The lake and mountains are beautiful
beauty number one
Ahhhhhhh Madami
Oh Nazonam


rub it light
Early rubbing ratio

Ahhhhhhh Madami
oh la tamuzuo

time you Jiajiaer

rub the ancient left rub yo

Ahhhhhhh Madami

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