A Guide to Deadly Heroines

Chapter 12: Practical Exercises

Chapter 12
Yawen was teaching in his own classroom, when he saw Arthur running over in a panic, followed by a group of male students chasing after him.

"I didn't expect him to be so popular among his classmates! Then I can rest assured!" Yawen said with a smile.

She was also wearing the dress turned into a pink jellyfish demon, which looked so beautiful that the female students in the class were envious, and even secretly asked where they could buy such a dress.

Bestrett was inattentive, not listening to the teacher's lecture, but thinking about what gift should be given to Yawen so as to continue to please her.

"As for the clothes... I can't seem to find anything more beautiful than her. What about delicious snacks? Girls seem to like it, but what should I give? Or...beautiful jewelry, but it seems that I have never seen her take the initiative Wear jewelry?" Just as Bestrett was muttering to himself, Hakiss had already walked in front of him without a sound.

"If you think about how to pick up girls every day, why not answer my question, what are the three elements of magic?" Hakiss said with a very cold expression.

Bestrett trembled in fright. He had had enough of this lunatic head teacher. He hurriedly stood up, opened his mouth, and thought quickly about the three elements of magic, but he couldn't think of it.

"Teacher, can you give me some hints..." Bestret asked bitterly.

Hakiss pulled out a solid steel rod from her waist, weighed it in her hand, and looked sideways at her student. Bestreet was trembling with fright, her face turned pale. Both are the lightest.

"Yawen, can you answer?" Hakiss asked.

"It's magic power, spiritual power and magic spell!" Yawen said very calmly.

"Well, yes, sit down! You, go to the corner and stand for me!" Hakiss gave Bestrett a cold look.

Bestrett heaved a sigh of relief, luckily he didn't need to be beaten.

In short, Hakiss was very dissatisfied with her as a student, so she said leisurely: "I told you when I was in the first class, the fastest way to increase your strength is actual combat, non-stop actual combat, So I spent a lot of time applying for this actual combat exercise for you."

Upon hearing the news, the students had different expressions.

Ailian and Yawen's faces were full of bitterness.

"This time you are not fighting humans, but a monster. It's just that the intelligence of this monster is very low. It only knows how to rampage and kill people. I have already asked the principal for three death indicators. If it dies... don't blame it. The teacher is ruthless!" Hakiss casually said extremely terrifying words.

These thirteen or fourteen-year-old students turned pale with fright. Are you sure you are our head teacher?Not for revenge?
How can a teacher be so cruel to students?
Bestrett felt that his calf was twisting. After going to school, he didn't grow at all. The biggest growth was that he already knew how low his magic level was. Such a silly thing.

"Teacher, can I ask for sick leave?" Bestret stretched out his hand tremblingly.

"Running a hundred laps around the playground or completing this actual combat exercise, you choose!" Hai Qi said mercilessly.

Bestrett was about to cry, what a deal!

And most of the students were very excited. After learning magic for so long, it was finally useful.

Hatches brought her students to the playground, and she could see that a barrier had been set up here long ago. Inside the barrier was a monster about the size of a dog. It was pitch-black and bared its teeth. A foul-smelling liquid dripped continuously on the ground. And keep hitting the enchantment.

"The name of this kind of monster is Black Dog, and it is the lowest level of monster. Your goal today is to kill it. If so, we will have dog meat hot pot for lunch!" Hakiss said, licking her lips.

Yawen complained silently, it's just that you simply want to eat dog meat hot pot!

"Remember, in battle, the most taboo thing is to be afraid of death. People who are more afraid of death are more likely to die in battle. The goal I set for you this semester is to defeat a black dog by yourself." Hai Qi silk road.

In this case, the cooperation between students is particularly important.

Twenty students came to the barrier one after another, feeling very nervous. What they were facing was a ferocious monster, and they didn't know how to show mercy.

"Get ready, start!!!" Hakiss undid the bondage of the monster, and the black dog roared and rushed towards the students.

The students who were full of confidence ran away in fright. They didn't look like magicians at all. Some boys even used their wands as crutches to hit the black dog.

"Boys stand up to me, girls hurry up and prepare magic!" Bestret huddled at the back and shouted.

Because the students have different levels of magic, and the time to prepare magic is completely different, Yawen took out his wand and began to draw a magic circle on the ground.

This is also one of the shortcomings of demon summoning. Every time it is cast, a magic circle must be drawn on the ground to successfully summon the demon.

And Salette's lips trembled quickly, and strong magic waves were already emitting from her side.

Suddenly, there was a scream from the crowd of boys. It turned out that the black dog bit a boy's calf, and the blood was dripping.

The boy was only 14 years old, crying out in pain, and kept hitting the black dog's head with the wand in his hand, but the black dog bit his leg tightly, as if he would never stop until it bit off the leg.

Now, these students finally know why the goal set by the teacher for them is to defeat the black dog alone in the final exam. There is no time to chant spells when facing the monster alone. It is really too much to defeat the black dog. Difficult!
Yawen yelled, "Slap it on the waist!"

A bold boy hit Heigou's waist with a magic wand in his hand. Heigou felt his waist ache, and instinctively let go of his mouth. Creatures of this size have copper heads, iron bones and tofu waists.

All of this happened too quickly, within a dozen seconds, and within this time, Salette's magic was ready.

"Ice blast!"

One day, the ice mist exploded directly on Heigou's body. Heigou screamed, flew more than ten meters away, and smashed heavily on the barrier.

Only then did the students breathe a sigh of relief. However, the black dog was hit head-on by the magic. It didn't seem to be injured. It just shivered from the cold and stood up slowly, staring viciously at Salette.

At this time, other people's magic is almost ready.

"Damn beast, turn me into a dog meat hot pot! Fireball!"

"Fire rays!"

"Chains of Fire!"

"Ice pick!"

"Water bomb!"

"Corrosive slime!"

"Lightning technique!"

A mess of magic flew towards the black dog, but Yawen's magic circle had just been drawn halfway, and he was sweating profusely!

Although there are many magic spells, their accuracy and power are really not very good. Most of them are avoided by the black dog, and a few magic spells hit the black dog to no avail.

Hakiss knocked on the barrier angrily: "A group of idiots, do you understand what is echelon blocking? Who told you to throw all the magic at once?"

After a wave of bombing, the black dog was uninjured and stared fiercely at the crowd. The students' calves began to twist.

The black dog seemed to be laughing, and rushed towards the students. These students were so frightened that they cried like ghosts, and some even forgot the magic spell.

As soon as the crowd dispersed, Yawen and Bestret at the back were instantly exposed to the sight of the black dog, and Salet's pupils shrank, and he yelled, "Yawen, be careful!"

But it was too late, the black dog bit down on Yawen's leg.

However, the pink jellyfish demon worn by Yawen felt the danger, and directly erected his stinger.

These poisonous thorns are so small that they are almost invisible to the naked eye, protecting Yawen from all directions.

The black dog rushed halfway, and there was a sudden sense of extreme danger ahead. The beast's intuition told it that it must not go any further.

Then he slammed on the brakes, almost sparking from under his feet!

Hakis, who was outside the barrier, was ready to make a move, but when she suddenly saw the monster in such a posture, she couldn't help being taken aback, and a little bit at a loss.

Why did the black dog stop suddenly?
The black dog circled around, staring at Yawen cautiously, not understanding why this sweet-looking female human was so dangerous?
Bestrett was so frightened that the snot flowed out of his nose and he didn't even wipe it, and the hand holding the wand was about to cramp.

Only Sarette continued to prepare magic.

At this time, Yawen had already thought that what he was wearing was a low-level demon, a creature with the same level of god and demon attributes, and its combat power far exceeded that of other races.

At this time, Yawen's magic circle was finally finished.

She wiped the sweat from her forehead, and spit out obscure incantations from her small mouth. I don't know if it was an illusion, but the other students only felt that the temperature in the barrier dropped several degrees.

The black dog sensed a more terrifying aura, stepped back cautiously, and fixed its eyes on Yawen.

Bursts of black light appeared from the magic circle on the ground, as if something terrible was wriggling. The black dog suddenly realized what it was, and let out an extremely frightened cry, trying to rush out like crazy, but there was an enchantment blocking it, Scratching the wall of the enchantment with his claws, he roared loudly, almost going crazy!
At this time, groups of black tentacles sprang out from the magic circle, and at the end of each tentacle was a mouth full of blood-red sharp teeth.

In an instant, the tentacle demon rushed towards the black dog, and in an instant it tore the black dog to pieces, blood spurting everywhere!
The students screamed again, shivering in the corner of the barrier, afraid that the tentacle demon would eat them as snacks!

However, these demons were still very well-behaved in front of Yawen. They gently rubbed their heads against Yawen's cheeks, and then returned to the magic circle and disappeared!
Hakiss face was serious, and she also knew that the Rose Duchess was the strongest summoner in the empire, but the things summoned could always be traced, but the things Yawen summoned just now.
It doesn't look like a creature of this world at all.

horror, twisted, evil, chaos
Bestrett laughed loudly: "My family's Yawen is indeed the most powerful."

"Ice blast!"

Bestret's joy gave birth to sorrow, and he was directly sent flying by Sarete!
Yawen is not your family!
Hatches stared at Yawen for a few seconds, then suddenly reached out and patted Yawen's head lightly: "Look at you, the dog meat hot pot for lunch today is gone!"

Yawen stuck out his tongue, indicating that it was not his fault!

Putting on a padded jacket, Bestrite came to Yawen with a smile: "Yawen, what do you want to eat for lunch today, tell me, how about I prepare it for you?"

Yawen is powerless to complain, I advise you to quickly change into a pair of pants!Just now a dog scared you to the point of peeing your pants!
However, Bestrett didn't realize this at all, and still stuck to Yawen's side with a smile on his face.

"Okay, kids, get out of class is over! Prepare your own lunch! We have a holiday in the afternoon, so don't be late tomorrow!" Hakiss said slowly.

Yawen complained: "Teacher, we still have wounded here! Aren't you going to deal with it?"

Hatches pointed to Ailian next to her: "Aren't there professionals there?"

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