A Guide to Deadly Heroines

Chapter 142: Dark Abyss

Chapter 142

This can no longer be described by the word "weird". Yawen keeps backing away. For some reason, these hairs seem to be able to find his position very accurately.

Liuli summoned the devil's hand and tore off a large number of hairs, but there were still a large number of hairs emerging from the bottomless tunnel.

"Master, get out of here! I don't think these hairs should be too far away from the water." Diana said.

These hairs like water, but they are very afraid of fire. When they encounter fire, they will naturally shrink back. Diana directly made a barrier with magma, no matter what it is, it can't get through.

Yawen was still in shock, and kept backing away, under the cover of the three demons, and finally after three or four miles away, he couldn't see the shadows of these hairs at all.

Although Yawen was curious about where this thing came from, she was not an explorer, she was just passing by. There are too many secrets in this world, and if they were solved one by one, decades might not be enough.

"Master, if my guess is correct, there should be a bigger lake under that lake. I wonder how it's possible to form such a large lake with so much ice and snow melting and seeping into the ground every year. A small lake?" said Diana.

In other words, this underground corridor is just the tip of the iceberg of the entire underground world, and there is even more space beneath it.

"I'm not an adventurer, and I don't want to go to such a dangerous place. I just want to find a place to rest in peace!" Yawen only felt exhausted physically and mentally. Counting back and forth, he only slept for two hours time.

There is no perfect choice in this world. People always have to learn to give up so that they can grow.

It's like Yawen chose this road from the ground, but now he can't sleep peacefully, but if Yawen chooses the ice and snow above, he will face the threat of severe cold all the time.

When Yawen was a child, he heard old people say that the weather was very cold. A man walked outside with his head bare, and when he came back, his ears froze when he touched him lightly!
Yawen always thought it was a story made up by the old people, but if it is in the extreme north, it is definitely not a joke.

No way, Yawen could only drag his extremely tired body to continue walking, but Yawen soon realized that something was wrong, because the road under his feet turned out to be downhill, that is to say, if he kept going downhill, he might reach center of earth.
"Am I really going to go further now?" Yawen said almost collapsed. The reason why people have to bask in the sun is not only good for the body, but also good for people's psychology. It has been four or five days since Yawen has been In this dim environment, not to mention the sun, she couldn't even see the moonlight at all. If this continued, she didn't know if she would have mental problems, and now her sense of time was completely messed up.

I don't know if it's dark or day outside, whether it's snowing or sunny, but it's pretty bad.

Sometimes the human spirit is not as strong as one imagines.

Now Yawen didn't care how dirty the ground was, so he just sat down and looked at the endless abyss ahead.

What people fear most is not difficulties, but hopelessness, just like Yawen doesn't know whether he can reach the orc tribe if he continues to move forward.

"Master, this is the only way left now! Come on!" Diana kept encouraging Yawen.

Tina reached out her hand to cover Yawen's eyes, and whispered softly in Yawen's ear: "Don't be afraid, don't be anxious, sleep peacefully, and leave the rest to me!"

Yawen took a deep breath to calm down her heart that was about to collapse. What she needs most now is rest. Under Tina's comfort, Yawen closed her eyes and slowly fell into a deep sleep, because the underground environment is very hot and humid. So Yawen prefers to hug Tina when sleeping.

The surroundings were dark, without any sound, and occasionally the sound of water dripping down the rocks could be heard, which seemed to have the effect of accelerating sleep.

Yawen's tense nerves were finally relaxed, and he didn't know how long he had slept in. When he woke up, he found that Tina was looking at him with very gentle eyes: "Welcome back, master!"

Yawen held Tina's cheek and kissed lightly, then stood up, feeling much better: "It turns out that I was wrong all along. I was always careful not to mess with the things in the underground corridor, but why don't we think differently?" So? Let all creatures dare not mess with us!"

Yawen drew a huge summoning magic circle on the ground, and a lot of demon plant seeds appeared in Yawen's hands: "Devil fly, hold me and sprinkle one seed every 20 meters. I want to make this underground corridor my Home! I don't believe that no matter how powerful the creatures here are, they can be stronger than demons!" 
Diana patted her master on the shoulder: "I should have done this a long time ago. In terms of weirdness, I don't believe that any creature in this world can be more weird than the creatures in our demon world!"

Looking at the dark corridor, Yawen directly let the devil flies fly to the depths of the corridor, and sprinkled a seed of the devil plant at intervals.

After more than ten minutes, these demonic flies came back one after another. They had filled all the corners within hundreds of meters with the seeds of demonic plants, and the underground corridor had become the back garden of the demonic world.

All kinds of exotic plants appear out of thin air, and from a certain point of view, they are destroying the ecological environment here, but now Yawen can't care about so much.

When he set off again, his confidence was different. Thinking that he was surrounded by his little brothers, Yawen showed a very arrogant smile.

The following road continued downwards, and the steepest part even formed an angle of [-] degrees with the ground. Tina could only walk forward slowly with Yawen on her back, but Yawen felt something was wrong, that is The lower you go, the more humid the environment becomes.

Sure enough, because the temperature in the extreme north is too low, there is no way to form a water cycle with the continental environment. Therefore, under the action of underground volcanoes, the melted ice and snow seeped into the ground and became lakes.

And these lakes together form a huge body of water that looks like an underground ocean.

After walking for a long time, Yawen found a small stagnant water spot. After inspection, he found that the water here was fine and drinkable.

Then there are all kinds of creatures in the water, but there is another unreasonable thing, that is, the further down you go, the brighter the light.

In other words, the density of the luminous stone embedded in the mountain is getting higher and higher. Yawen asked Diana to knock a piece off and examine it carefully in her hand, but she didn't see any clues.

According to Yawen's calculations, they have now reached a distance of about 50 meters underground. It can even be said that from now on, Yawen will really enter the gate of the underground world. Some small creatures are scurrying around, not afraid of people at all. Hold the fan turned from a black ball, no matter what it is, as long as it threatens you, first slap it with the fan, and then burn it.

According to the previous speculation, it would take at least ten days for Yawen to walk out of this underground corridor.

As a result, one day later, Yawen encountered something that almost collapsed, that is, there was no way, yes, there was no way!
The front turned out to be an unfathomable water area, which was different from the underground lake I encountered before. Compared with this place, the underground lake was just a small bubble.

Although it is underground, the end of this water area cannot be seen at a glance. Their previous guesses came true. Because of the reaction of underground volcanoes and ice and snow, a large amount of water seeped into the ground. After millions of years of accumulation, it has A bottomless abyss formed.

"Master, the most important thing about this place is not its size, but its depth!" Tina said.

"I have two questions. Under this water area, will there be any monsters that suddenly jump up and bite me?" Yawen asked.

Tina gave her an accurate answer: "There must be! And there are more than one."

"Shu Ling, are there any demons that can move underwater?" Yawen asked. There are too many devils that can move underwater, and Shu Ling gave Yawen the best choice.

"The devil piranha, a demonic piranha that lives underwater, is extremely aggressive and will often eat up all other creatures in its territory! It is most suitable for the current situation!" Shu Ling said, if this is the case, Yawen directly summoned the devil mermaid.

Originally, Yawen thought that the devil mermaids were very cruel predators, but he never expected that these demons are too good-looking!
All of them have fair skin, long blond hair, plump bodies, and angelic faces. The lower body is a fish, and the only clothes on the upper body are two shells to block the important part.

"Is this any different from the legendary mermaid?" Yawen asked in a low voice.

"Mermaids can only be their food!" Shu Ling gave a very reasonable explanation.

"Then how do I cross this water?" Yawen asked again.

Shu Ling gave another very suitable choice: "Devil Shark, a carnivorous demon that is more aggressive than the devil mermaid, eats everything wherever it goes, the ceiling of the lower water attribute demon! You deserve it! "

Then I'm not hypocritical, it's you!
Yawen summoned the devil shark. The devil shark is more than 15 meters long, with a black body, three layers of sharp teeth, and can use powerful water attribute magic. Unless you encounter a demon higher than yourself, otherwise, see Everyone is eating.

"I didn't expect that I would be able to ride a shark one day! It's great!" Yawen touched the devil shark's head, and the devil shark rubbed Yawen's face with its nose, but it was too big. Be careful when rubbing, for fear of hurting your master.

In this way, a huge devil shark and twenty devil mermaids started a happy life in the underground sea.

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