A Guide to Deadly Heroines

Chapter 7: A good teacher who is not afraid of the rich and powerful

"The impact is extremely bad!" The deputy dean "slapped" and he slapped the table, almost jumping up angrily: "On the first day of class, hangover, laziness, and let the students in the magic class go for a long-distance run? What do you think? ? Are you a teacher on the first day? Do you know that His Majesty the Emperor came directly to kill me, and I almost lost my head!!!”

Hakiss stood in the vice president's office, her eyes wandering around.

"Sister, you are my own sister. I know you also find this bastard distasteful, but can we bear it? Without his father, where can we get so much money to pay you? All the teachers and students in our school will starve to death! So elder sister, dear sister, please do me a favor and let me live?" the vice president said through gritted teeth.

After Bestret passed out, he was discovered soon after, and he was reported directly to His Majesty the King. After all, he was the future Crown Prince.

Seeing his precious son being tortured like this, the king, who was rumored to have a good temper, lost his temper on the spot. He came to the academy himself, pointed at the vice president's nose and scolded him.

As the vice president of the college, for the sake of the overall situation, I can only endure it!What can I do?
Hatches coughed lightly: "I didn't expect him to be so weak?"

"Then you know now! If something goes wrong again, Your Highness, you don't need to submit any resignation letter, prepare your suicide note!" The vice president flicked his sleeve and snorted coldly.

Hatches scratched her messy head, if it wasn't for the research funding, she wouldn't be a teacher!

"Okay, okay, I get it, it's really troublesome!" Hakiss kicked open the door of the vice president's office, and returned to her room swaggeringly.

"My door!!! There is a very precious magic circle engraved on it... The maintenance fee will be deducted from your monthly salary!" the vice president wailed.

This dead girl is lawless. When she was in school, she was a thorn in the head. Now she is a teacher. If she is still like this, isn't she killing herself?

Bestrett woke up from the warm blanket, only feeling sore all over his body, but still holding a bottle of water tightly in his hand.

He remembered that it was Yawen's familiar who brought him water.

"Sure enough, Yawen still likes me very much!" Bestret said happily, regardless of the pain in his body.

Little do they know that there is a feeling in this world called sympathy.

Sitting next to him was his teacher, an old man who looked to be 90 years old.


The old man didn't say anything, his hands exuded a lustrous luster, and he gently pressed Bestret's sore legs, and all the pain disappeared in just a few breaths.

"Although this girl is doing too much, but your body is too weak. If you really marry that girl in the future, I am afraid that you will die in the belly of a woman! Give me a good exercise from tomorrow! The body is everything Capital!" The old man said coldly without raising his head.

Bestrett's whole body trembled, no way!
However, Bestrett would never go against the old man's decision.

The next day, Best came to school as usual. As soon as he entered the door, he saw his homeroom teacher looking at him with the eyes of a wolf looking at a cub!
"Old... Hello, teacher!" Bestrett's body stiffened in an instant, and this woman had already left a psychological shadow in his heart.

Yawen and Saret laughed secretly in the corner.

As soon as he saw the girl he likes in front of him, Bestrett acted like a gentleman again, trying to win Yawen's favor.

"Today, let's continue the actual combat! Everyone come to the playground!" Hakiss said coldly.

These children could only come to the playground obediently. It just so happened that members of the first squad of fighters also came to the playground. Besides Arthur, there were several acquaintances.

Elaine's brother, William.

That mysterious Mo Ying is an important character in the future.

"Bestritt, get out!" Hakiss said.

Bestrett's whole body turned cold, although he knew that this woman would not do anything to him, but...

"I know that your status is special, the future emperor, but do you know what is the most important thing as a future existence above ten thousand people?" Hakiss suddenly asked a very strange question.

Bestrett also didn't expect that this crazy woman would ask herself this question.

"Ability?" Bestret said uncertainly.

Hatches' eyes were full of contempt: "Is there anyone to answer this question for him?"

Yawen obediently raised his hand: "Teacher, I think the most important thing for a country's ruler is reputation. As the saying goes, you have no jokes, you must do what you say!"

"Yes! Correct answer! You are a majestic crown prince, but you don't know as much as a little girl!" Hakiss pinched Bestrett's face as she spoke, and said maliciously: "If I were you, I would hit you head-on. Die! So as not to harm the country and the people in the future!"

Bestrett lowered his head and dared not speak.

"Since we're talking about reputation, someone said yesterday that he would run five laps, is it two laps short? You're going to lie about such a trivial matter, haha!" Hatches sneered.

Bestrett almost cried out, so he was waiting for me here?

"However, so as not to say that I abused you, I will run with you today. Although you are not as old as me, it is normal for a boy of this age to have stronger physical strength and strength than me. Can't run... Please drop out of school!" Hakiss said with disgust.



The vice president directly crushed the telescope in his hand.

"You bastard, don't find fault with me. Believe it or not, I'll resign you now!" The vice president felt that his head was about to lose.

However, at this moment, an old voice said: "Children have their own way of playing, what are you going to do?"

The deputy dean looked back, and his distraught face suddenly collapsed.

This old man is none other than Bestrett's teacher and the chief great magician of the empire, and his seniority is even higher than him.

"You...you old man..."

"I'm here this time not only for Best, but also for something more important." The old man slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes, which were originally calm, were instantly filled with murderous intent: "My best The student, Su, was killed a few days ago, I heard that her child also came to this school? I want to meet this child!"

"Su Yatou? She's not... How is it possible? With her strength, how could someone kill her?" The vice president was terrified.

"To die is to die. All forces are involved. I don't want any accidents for this child. Do you understand me?" the old man said slowly.

The deputy dean didn't speak, and the development of the matter seemed to have exceeded his expectations.


On the playground, Hakiss was running with Bestrett, but what was surprising was that Hakiss face was not red, she was not panting, and she didn't seem to be struggling at all. On the other hand, Bestrett was tired after a lap. It's like a dead dog.

Only Yawen and Hakis know the truth. As a magician, Hakis's physical strength is of course not so good. However, two years ago, when Hakiss was excavating the ruins, she found the method of practicing melee magic in ancient times , you can strengthen your body with magic power.
So, it's people and ghosts who are all on the show, and only Bei Cui was spoofed.

However, after two laps finally came down, Bestrett felt that he was about to ascend to heaven, laying motionless on the ground, every muscle was aching!

But no one sympathized with this prince, no matter it was the display board or the magic class. After all, I didn't have the strength and talent, but I wanted to be among the geniuses, I asked for it!
Just when one percent of the anger in Hatches' heart was gone, the vice-principal followed an old man. The expression on the vice-principal's face was as ugly as if his own father had died. Beside Qisi, he hit Hakis on the head with his own fist!

"Ahh!" Hakiss screamed, covering her head.

"Teacher" Bestrett was very happy when he saw his teacher go straight to the warrior class and come straight to Arthur.

Arthur was taken aback, and looked at the old man in front of him in surprise.

"That's him!" the old man asked.

The vice president nodded.

"You son of a bitch, come with me!" The old man stretched out his hand and grabbed Arthur by the ear, as if he was dragging his own cub, and pulled him to the nearby small jungle.

"Grandpa you"
The old man laid down the barrier casually, and said slowly: "My name is Behemoth, an ordinary old man, your mother, Su, is my best student, I have something to tell you!"

Arthur's whole body was shocked. He didn't expect that the old man in front of him turned out to be his mother's teacher!

"Su died, and I'm also very sad. That girl Lilith found me the first time and told me the sad news!" Bechymos' tone was tinged with sadness.

"Master! Have you found anything?" Arthur asked hastily. The death of his parents was a thorn in his heart. If he couldn't find the real culprit, he would die with regret.

Bechymos gave him a very strange look, and then said: "You must not get involved in this matter, be obedient, this is not a child's business, when the truth comes out, I will tell you everything, now Just be a student and go to school well, understand?"
Arthur didn't expect that Bechymos would say that, it seemed to be deeply involved, and everyone didn't want Arthur to intervene.

But the more these people have this attitude, the stronger Arthur's curiosity becomes.

"Okay, that's all I have to say. If you have any difficulties, you can come to me at any time." Bechymos said old-fashioned.

Arthur returned to the playground with a heavy heart, only to find that Bestrett was talking to the three girls beside him, beaming with joy.

When Yawen saw Arthur, he rushed over and grabbed his arm: "Today, a very famous circus is coming to the capital to perform. How about we go see it together tonight?"

Originally, Arthur was not in this mood, but seeing Yawen's happy smile, he was really embarrassed to refuse.

"Then... that's fine!" Arthur looked at the two girls next to him, Saret and Ailian.

Ailian was the youngest, her face blushed slightly when she looked at Arthur, and she shrank behind Yawen.

Bechymos in the forest looked at the depressed Arthur, and he could only sigh. He didn't expect that the things that had ended decades ago would appear again. 
"It's not that I don't want to tell you, it's just that this matter...is beyond description. If possible, I don't want Su's child to be involved in this matter." Bechymos muttered to himself.

Bestrett on the playground patted his chest, saying that he would bear all the expenses tonight, and at the same time, his eyes drifted to Yawen involuntarily.

These children were all around thirteen or fourteen years old, and they didn't have any twists and turns between adults, and they didn't think too much about it. A total of five people made an appointment to meet at night.

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