A Guide to Deadly Heroines

Chapter 90: Depths of the Castle

At this time, the sky was already bright, and I could barely see the specific layout of the castle. Facing it was a huge black castle, about 15 meters high, in the shape of a pyramid, with a total of five floors. The castle In front of it is a huge pool, but now the water has dried up. In the middle of the pool is a fountain-like decoration, which looks like a large holy grail from a distance.

But there are nine skulls engraved nearby, and nine human-shaped stone carvings around the holy grail. Kneeling in front of the holy grail looks very strange.

There are one-story warehouses on both sides, ten on the left and one on each side, and each house has a big iron chain on the door. This should only be half of the entire castle. I don’t know what it looks like behind.

The height of the city wall is about ten meters, and the whole body is pitch black. I don’t know what material it is made of. If you only count the labor, it will definitely not be possible to build such a majestic castle in a few decades. I didn’t know it at the time. how much time it took.

Diana raised a fire, and Yawen leaned against the fire to warm up. From time to time, he could see Mind Eaters flying over the sky, but for some unknown reason, he dared not land in this ancient castle.

"Stay here anyway, let's take a look together, what's going on here, how about it?" Diana had regained her vitality.

"I still think we should wait for rescue! This is safer!" Tina said. She has a steady personality and will not take risks unless it is absolutely necessary.

In the end, the two set their sights on Yawen, waiting for their master to make a decision.

"It seems that no one has been here for a long time, so there should be no danger! Otherwise, go in and have a look, it's too cold here!" Yawen said in a low voice. In fact, she also knew that there might be problems here, but here With the cold wind blowing, it is better to go in and take shelter.

Seeing that the master had already made a decision, Tina didn't hesitate, and took Yawen to go to the castle to see what was there. Anyway, with the two of them, it was impossible for some messy little ghosts to harm the master.

A few people walked slowly to the front of the castle. Yawen also looked very curiously at the holy grail-shaped fountain and the nine statues, each of which was lifelike, as if they were alive.

It was only then that Yawen discovered that there was a flower bed in front of the warehouse, but no one took care of it for too long, and the flowers inside had all withered, and it was hard to tell what kind of flower was planted at the beginning?
Before finally arriving at the castle, the gate is also black. On the left gate is engraved a legendary fallen angel with angel wings and a beautiful figure, but the wings are black. The gate on the right is engraved with a demon with claws and teeth. , very scary.

Anyway, none of them are good things, Yawen whispered in his heart.

On both sides of the gate are two black stone sculptures, which should also look like some kind of demon, with bat wings, goat's head, eagle claws, human body, and cow's hooves.

"It is a kind of inferior demon in the demon world, called the black sheep beast. Because it looks very ugly, it is used to look at the gate. It is very powerful in combat!" Diana said. The demon is very familiar.

Yawen stretched out his hand and gently touched the stone statue of the black sheep beast, and asked suddenly: "Do you think this thing is real, or is it a decoration?"

Tina and Diana looked at each other without saying a word. If this thing is true, then the two of them might not be rivals at all.

As I said before, the duty of the two of them among the demons is to be a maid. How could a maid beat the guard?Combat power is not at the same level!

Yawen walked slowly in front of the stone carving of the black sheep beast, and found that the two things were not moving at all, so he lifted them lightly with his toes, but they were still not moving at all.

"Still motionless, it must be fake! If it's true, then the owner here is really too rich. I can't bear to use a real demon to see the door!" Yawen said, walking around the stone carving of the black sheep beast two laps.

Diana went to push the door, but found that the door was not locked at all, and it opened with a slight push. I don’t know how long no one has lived here. The whole castle has a musty smell. The first floor should be the living room, which is very well decorated. Gorgeous, but the style is mostly dark, such as the skeleton seat, skeleton cane and so on.

"The owner here can't be a psychopath!" Yawen whispered, otherwise why are there such things?Isn't the sun a little bad?

However, apart from these weird decorations, there is nothing special about it, it just looks like a very absurd old castle.

"It seems to be nothing special! Go up and have a look!" Yawen brought two maids to the second floor. The second floor is the bedroom, which is full of geographic rooms, and there is nothing special about it.

Because the mask is a bit like a pyramid, it gets smaller as you go up. When you get to the third floor, it should be a kitchen from the structural point of view, and there are many kitchen knives.

Up to the fourth floor, it is obviously a utility room. There is nothing very important, so it goes all the way up. The fifth floor has nothing, like a spire, purely for viewing the scenery.

"There was nothing in the end. What are those Heart Eaters afraid of? It can't be because they are afraid of us!" Yawen whispered.

From the highest level of the castle, they could clearly see Heart Eaters flying over their heads from time to time, but these Heart Eaters didn't dare to land at all, and flew away in great panic.

This made people feel even more surprised. Yawen pinched his chin. At this time, there should be clues, for example, some notes from the master, but unfortunately, there was nothing.

At this time, the sun has fully risen and the sun is shining, which makes people feel safe.

Several people came to the first floor, just left and walked out of the gate, Tina suddenly said: "Something is wrong, look, the stone sculptures of the two black goats are gone!"

Yawen turned his head to look, sure enough, the two stone sculptures were gone, no, are these really stone sculptures?It can't be a genuine black sheep beast!
If it was carved from stone, it would cost at least a few thousand catties, and it is impossible to be blown away by the wind. So, what is the situation?
A layer of white sweat broke out on Yawen's back. Sure enough, those mind eaters were afraid of this place for a reason.

The courtyard of Nuoda stretched as far as the eye could see, and it was impossible to see where the two stone sculptures went. Diana stretched out her hand and said, "Master, don't worry about what's here, I'll burn it up with a fire, and everything will be gone." It doesn't matter!"

Of course, Yawen can't just watch Diana messing around. He hasn't broken his face yet. If Diana sets the fire on fire and directly enrages the owner here, he will be in big trouble!

"Master, go and see what's in the warehouses on both sides!" Tina was still very calm at this moment, and when she walked to the door of a warehouse, Yawen looked in through the iron window, and she was frightened instantly. Trembling, took a few steps back before standing still.

In the meantime, there were all dead people from the warehouse, and they had rotted into bones. They were piled up on the ground, and the pile was full. I don't know that there were hundreds of dead people.

Yawen didn't want to stay in such a ghostly place for a minute longer!

Tina was the most careful, and directly turned the ice into the shape of a key to open a warehouse, scaring Yawen back a few steps.

"Master, since there are no clues, let's find clues ourselves!" Tina lowered her head and began to check whether there were any injuries on these people. If it was a massacre, there must be traces of weapons on the bones.

Unfortunately, there is nothing.

This is even more strange, that is to say, these people died of natural causes?

"If the old man died of illness, what about the children's bones?" Tina asked only pointing at the bones of a child.

Diana curled her lips. Anyway, they are at the end of their ropes. Knowing how these people died, so what can they do?
Yawen found that there were many scratches on the wall, which should have been scratched out by these people before they died, that is to say, these people were still alive when they were trapped here.

This makes people feel chills down their backs, what the hell is going on?

Originally, it was very strange that an old castle suddenly appeared in the deep mountains, but this old castle itself was even more weird, with the stone carvings that suddenly disappeared, thousands of dead people, and weird scratches on the walls.

The three of them looked at it one by one. There were a total of twenty large warehouses on the left and right, and they were all filled with dead people, which made people feel dizzy.

Suddenly, Tina shouted: "I found it again, come and have a look!"

She found writing on a wall that a dying man had scratched out with his fingernails.

"Lude, you must die!"

Rude!It was a person's name, and it sounded like a man's name. Could it be that the deaths of these people were related to this person.

Soon, Diana found a tattered notebook in the hands of a dead man.

"I just said, how can such a place lack such things?" Yawen said a little proudly.

This is the note of a teenager, his name is Vincent, who was born in a refugee camp.

The life there was very poor, and he could only eat one meal a day. It was normal for people to starve to death. His parents were both thieves. Later, his mother's hand was broken. The family income was cut in half, and life became even more difficult.

Living in refugee camps, the most important thing is not the lack of material, but the people there have no hope at all, and can only repeat the miserable life day after day.

Until he was 14 years old, a very gorgeously dressed man suddenly came to the refugee camp that day. His name was Rude.

He told the people that he needed a lot of workers to work for him to get them out of this miserable life.

In an instant, the people in the refugee slum were all boiling. No one wanted to live their whole life in a muddle, and finally turned into a puddle of mud, and no one would know when they died.

Rude took two hundred people the first time, saying that if these people worked hard, he would be back again soon.

After about fifteen days, the man did come back. This time, Wen Sen was the one who was chosen to leave.

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