Her head was dizzy and a little swollen. She didn't drink very well, but she wasn't so bad. She got drunk after drinking a little red wine. The only explanation was that someone had tampered with that glass of wine.And the person who did the tricks must be Tang Shaoqing.

Her body seemed to be shaking all the time, she opened her eyes slightly, and a pair of big black round eyes jumped into her eyes.

"Mom, why did you wake up?" Xu Ruo rested his chin on his hands and looked at Xu Le'an expectantly.

"Guoguo..." Xu Le'an didn't expect that the first person he saw when he opened his eyes was his son.

Looking at the environment, he was actually in a car.The car has stopped, and the person sitting in the cab is Tang Shaoqing.

"Where are you taking me?" Xu Le'an asked warily.

The other party didn't answer, Xu Ruo happily said: "Mom, Dad said he would take us out to play."

Take them out to play?Xu Le'an looked out the window, a plane flew overhead, flying very low, is this the airport?
She suddenly remembered that Tang Shaoqing said last night that she was going to take her abroad, and she couldn't help becoming vigilant.

"I don't want to go out, take us back." She didn't want to quarrel with him in front of her son.

Tang Shaoqing got out of the car and took out the luggage from the trunk, opened the door and picked up Xu Ruo and put it on the suitcase, without looking at Xu Le'an the whole time.As long as Xu Ruo is there, Xu Le'an will definitely follow.

Xu Le'an habitually touched the phone, but there was no trace of the phone.She asked the police on patrol at the airport for help, and Tang Shaoqing came over with a smile on her face, saying that there was a little conflict between the husband and wife, and the disagreement caused trouble for the police.

The police were dubious and asked him to show his ID. Tang Shaoqing politely handed over his and Xu Le'an's IDs.

"Mom, hurry up, let's go out to play with Dad." Xu Ruo couldn't wait to hear about going out to play.

Tang Shaoqing smiled at the policeman, who returned the document to her and advised her not to be too capricious, and that the couple should discuss things carefully.

Xu Le'an couldn't argue, and was educated by the police, and watched the police leave helplessly.

"Baby, don't play with these little tricks, you can't play with me." Tang Shaoqing whispered in her ear, her voice was like Satan in hell.

Xu Le'an clenched his fists, looked at him angrily, and asked in a low voice, "Tang Shaoqing, what exactly do you want?"

Tang Shaoqing didn't speak, just smiled, held her hand tightly in the palm of his hand, and said affectionately: "The plane will take off in one hour, and our family of three can be together."

"You lunatic." Xu Le'an pushed him away and walked out of the airport.

"Le'an, I really know I was wrong, let's start over." Jealousy drives people crazy, and Tang Shaoqing has lost his composure.

He wants to take her away, just leave here, find a place where no one knows them, and start a new life.After settling down abroad, he came back to sell his shares and real estate. The money he had saved over the years was enough for them to wear fine clothes for a lifetime and live comfortably.

"Tang Shaoqing, wake up, we're done." Unmoved, Xu Le'an struggled to leave.

When the two were entangled, no one noticed that Xu Ruo was attracted by a clown outside, and ran over happily...

A piercing sound of sudden braking disturbed many people, and everyone looked sideways at the middle of the road.

Someone yelled, "Whose child was hit by a car."

Xu Le'an grabbed it violently, wondering if there was any sign of his son in the hall.

She shook Tang Shaoqing away vigorously, and ran out like crazy.

There was a piercing whistle, and a child was lying in a pool of blood not far away. The driver's legs were so frightened that his legs went limp, and he kept telling the police, "Don't blame me, he jumped out suddenly."

The wheel ran over the child's head, and the brain and blood were mixed together, and the face could no longer be distinguished.The little neck was still wearing the safety charm from the previous trip, and the child who was alive and kicking just now lost his breath in a blink of an eye.

"Guoguo, don't scare mom." She stumbled and ran over, knelt on the ground, and hugged the child's small body in her arms.The crimson blood stained her white shirt red.

By the time the ambulance arrived, the child had long since lost any physical characteristics.The sudden accident, Tang Shaoqing didn't expect it, his body softened, his face turned pale, and he knelt heavily on the concrete floor.

The child's body was covered with a white cloth, the bare skin was frighteningly white, and the chubby little hands were cold and hard when held.Just as the white cloth was covered with a sound, Xu Le'an lifted it off again.

The autopsy report is very simple, but written clearly, Xu Ruo, male, four years old, died in a car accident at the intersection in front of the airport at [-]:[-] in the morning.

"Because it's a big truck, the child jumped out suddenly, and there was no time to slow down, so..." The police hesitated to speak.

Xu Le'an looked dumbfounded at his son's body, forgetting to cry.His heart seemed to be pierced by a knife, there were no tears in his eyes, and there was no sound in his throat.

"Mom, I'm going out to play." She seemed to hear her son talking to her.

Tang Shaoqing sat on a chair beside him, holding his head, and fell into endless remorse and self-blame.

Xu Le'an's throat tightened, and he gulped out gastric juice.Tang Shaoqing hurried over to help her.

"I'll go with you, I'll go with you now, you give me back my son." The long-suppressed emotions suddenly broke out, she cried, her fists and slaps landed on him.

Tang Shaoqing stood there blankly, and did not back away, letting her hit her.It was an accident, and no one thought about it. If it would make her feel better, he hoped that she would hit her a few more times.

The policeman pulled her, "Miss Xu, we understand how you feel now, please calm down."

"How can I calm down, my son is gone." All the women lost their emotions like shrews.

A mother who lost her child can no longer be described as out of control, she has gone crazy, her eyes are scarlet, like an angry female beast.

She strangled Tang Shaoqing's neck tightly, killed him, and paid for Guoguo's life, with only one thought in her mind.

The strength was astonishing, and it took the two doctors a lot of effort to pull her away.Xu Ruo'an's body was sent to the morgue, and Xu Le'an followed closely behind.

After receiving the call, Han Chen rushed over panting. Xu Le'an held onto the stretcher and refused to let go. There was no trace of blood on his pale face, and tears blurred his vision.

Han Chen stepped forward and slowly lifted the white cloth. His unrecognizable son was cold and lifeless.The son is gone, and I haven't heard him call my father, so he is gone. He is only four years old, so young, so obedient.

A tear slipped from the corner of his eye and dripped on the back of his hand.He wiped away his tears, took a deep breath, and pulled Xu Le'an up from the ground.

"Achen, my son is gone, our son is gone." She choked up, and her words were vague.

"I know, I know." Han Chen held her in his arms and kept comforting her.

The heart seemed to be cut open by someone, and a dagger dipped in salt was inserted/into it, stirring vigorously, heart-piercing, beyond words.Only parents can understand this kind of heart-wrenching pain.

His sadness is no less than that of Xu Le'an, but he is a man, and he can only hide his grief in his heart. The two of them can't collapse together, and someone has to deal with the follow-up matters.

A family that has lost a child has no vitality and is lifeless.In the living room, there are still children's toys, a Go board, used cars, and leftover snacks.

Xu Shiheng and his wife, Han's father and Han's mother were also sighing at home. A grandson who was so old would be gone if he said nothing.The white-haired man sent the black-haired man, and several old people couldn't bear the blow and suddenly fell ill.

Xu Le'an locked himself in his son's bedroom, staring at his son's photo without eating or drinking.His face was sallow, his eyes were sunken, and his lips were dry, like a bunch of shriveled and withered flowers.

"Le'an, would you like something to eat?" Fang Ziyu knocked lightly on the door.

Although she didn't experience the pain of bereavement, she didn't come out for a long time when her brother died.Her parents turned gray overnight, so she understood Xu Le'an.

"Burger, potato chips, French fries, Coke," she murmured.

Fang Ziyu thought she wanted to eat, so she went out to buy it immediately.

Xu Le'an, who looked haggard and ashen, saw the food, his eyes shone brightly, and he put the things in front of the photo of his son.

"Son, these are what you like to eat. There are so many, come and eat them!" She looked at the photo of her son, with a fawning smile on her bloodless face.

Xu Ruo in the posthumous photo can only laugh. She didn't allow her son to eat these foods before, but now she wants him to eat, but she can't eat them.

"Guoguo, eat, eat quickly." Xu Le'an was not discouraged.

Fang Ziyu on the side turned away his face and wiped away his tears.

Put your hands on her shoulders, "Le'an, don't forget, we have one more thing to do."

Xu Le'an seemed to have heard it, and became more sober.


There was tension in the air, Fu Jingchuan and Chen Beitang nervously looked at the elder brother with a gloomy expression.

Tang Shaoqing stood there with her head drooped, looking rather haggard, and her dense stubble looked very decadent.

Han Chen punched him, but Tang Shaoqing didn't dodge.

"Brother, calm down." Fu Jingchuan hurriedly stepped forward and hugged Han Chen's waist.

Chen Beitang wanted to take Tang Shaoqing away.

"Let go." Han Chen shook off Fu Jingchuan and held a baseball bat in his hand.

"Second brother, let's go." Seeing that Han Chen was going to kill him, Chen Beitang hurriedly urged Tang Shaoqing to leave.

Tang Shaoqing pushed him away, but he was able to come, so he must have been mentally prepared.He indirectly killed Han Chen's son, and Han Chen must say this.

The baseball bat fell on Tang Shaoqing's body like raindrops. He frowned, but he didn't cry out that he was in pain, and he didn't fight back.Chen Beitang and Fu Jingchuan couldn't persuade them at all, and Han Chen didn't stop until the baseball bat broke, and was pulled away by Chen Beitang.

Tang Shaoqing gritted his teeth and endured the pain in his body. He lay on the ground, panting heavily, with blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

"We are no longer brothers." Han Chen threw away a broken baseball bat and walked away.

"Second Brother, Second Brother, are you alright?" Chen Beitang and Fu Jingchuan saw that Tang Shaoqing couldn't get up, so they hurriedly called an ambulance.

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