Lord Zhan, your cute wife is not human

Chapter 197 What kind of species

Zhan Hanjue listened carefully to every word Stina said. He hadn't doubted it before. When she suddenly woke up, her ignorant state made him suspicious.

It's just that at the time they mistakenly thought that she had lost her memory due to injury, so she didn't doubt it anymore.

But this time, hearing Stina herself say this, it seems that the two of them are really very different, one is careless, careless, and the other is a dog man.

A gentle and considerate man, like a lady of every family, who speaks and behaves decently, who has never called him a dog, and even faced with Gong Xiao's arrogance, she can laugh it off.

Isn't she really that crazy woman who called him a dog man?

Then why are these two exactly the same except for their different personalities?

"I don't know why I lost my memory for half a year, but I remember things from a long time ago, and I don't know why she left?"

Stina held her head and continued, her eyes were full of disappointment, because the man she fell in love with at last almost killed her with his own hands.

Therefore, apart from pain and despair, she is lonely and heartbroken.

"Nana, who do you think you are? And why did that Nana leave? How did you come to the Zhan family?"

Zhan Hanyang suddenly came up to Stina, looking at her painful expression, he could feel that she was so afraid of Zhan Hanjue that he didn't dare to look directly at Zhan Hanjue.

"I was originally a princess living in the ocean..."

"That's enough, don't say any more, I agree with you if you want a divorce, don't make up some stories to trick me just for divorce, I, Zhan Hanjue, won't accept your tricks.

Stina, you said you were not her last time when you were drunk, not the woman I love Zhan Hanjue, this time you are not drunk but you still say that, it only makes me think that you just want to escape from Zhanjia and me, That being the case, then I, Zhan Hanjue, will fulfill you..."

In the blink of an eye, Zhan Hanjue came straight over, pinched Stina's jaw fiercely, stared at Stina with burning eyes and roared like thunder.

Then he shook his hand angrily, and before leaving, he said angrily: "Tomorrow, I will ask Shuofeng to personally bring you what you want."

Stina caressed her heartbroken heart, and looked at Zhan Hanjue who left domineeringly with tears in her eyes.

Why every time she plucked up the courage to tell Zhan Hanjue that she was the mermaid princess living in the ocean...but every time she was interrupted by Zhan Hanjue, she never had a chance to explain to him.

Tears were suppressed in her eyes like this, she sniffed, turned her head to look at Luo Wanxin, "Thank you Wanxin, I think I'm fine, thank you for your hard work."

When she wanted to thank Zhan Hanyang, but Zhan Hanyang had long since disappeared.

Luo Wanxin looked at Stina's blue tears, and really wanted to ask her, if it's not a human being, then what is it?

In this vast world, there are all kinds of species, but I just don't know which species Stina belongs to.

She was always full of curiosity about Stina, but she couldn't ask if Stina didn't tell her. She believed that sooner or later the truth would be revealed.


Because Zhan Hanjue left in a fit of anger, Zhan Hanyang didn't care so much anymore. She thought that Stina was accompanied by Luo Wanxin, so she chased her out with confidence.

When Zhan Hanjue was about to walk out of the hotel door, Zhan Hanyang grabbed his brother's sleeve.

"Brother, wait for me."

Zhan Hanjue was held tightly by Zhan Hanyang and couldn't move forward. He pulled his tie with one hand on his hip angrily, "What's the matter? You didn't accompany Stina, why did you come out and chase me?"

"Brother, I was afraid that you would be overwhelmed, so I followed here worriedly."

"I can't think about it? I can't think about it because of a lie, because of a woman who wants to leave me?

Zhan Hanyang, are you still my biological sister?Do you and I look like that kind of person?You look down on me too much, like I'm so invincible in battle, will I be played around by a woman?
Since she wants a divorce, I agree. To be honest, I have played enough of this game. Do I need to fall to such a low level for a woman?joke……"

Zhan Hanjue was so angry that his veins twitched violently, he just felt a little more comfortable after saying so much in one breath.

Zhan Hanyang looked at Zhan Hanjue distressedly, listening to him say so much, it was actually all angry words.

She knew Zhan Hanjue best. Even though he traveled all over the oceans these years, he never fell in love with any woman.

He even rejected the woman who pursued him, but until Stina's sudden appearance, it seemed that her brother's rhythm of life had been completely disrupted.

Zhan Hanjue became interested in this sudden woman, so he wanted to restrain her with an agreed marriage and tie her to his side.

Because of her, he didn't hesitate to turn against his brother who had played well in the past, and even almost killed her several times out of jealousy.

Zhan Hanjue, who has always been ruthless, will change a lot for her, becoming more and more charming and gentle.

It's just that these changes, presumably none of the parties involved know about it?Only bystanders know.

"Brother, do you dare to say that you have never been tempted? What if she is the one you have been looking for? Then if you treat her like this, will your conscience hurt?

You have been looking for the person who saved you back then, have you never thought that person might be by your side after so long?
Last time I heard Nana say that she saved someone in the sea, although she didn't go into details, but I think the person she saved must be you..."

After hearing what Zhan Hanyang said, Zhan Hanjue, who should have been angry, gradually calmed down a little.

He looked at Zhan Hanyang in disbelief, those beautiful and clear eyes were pure and kind, and there was no trace of deception in his eyes.

"Are you telling the truth? Did she really say that she saved a man in the sea?"


Zhan Hanyang replied resolutely, and then said: "I think she must have some difficulties, and I can see that she loves you."

Zhan Hanjue didn't say anything, but regardless of whether this woman is the Nana he knew well, he wanted to divorce her.

I will never trust a woman who has no truth in her mouth.

After Zhan Hanjue left domineeringly, Zhan Hanyang was also very worried, wondering if her brother took her words to heart.

Hey, don't worry, let's find Nana first!See if you can learn the whole story from her mouth.

Zhan Hanyang shook his head and turned back to room 740.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Stina sleeping quietly in Luo Wan's arms.

She made a silent gesture and said in a low voice: "Wanxin, it's so late, why don't you go back first! I'm here, so you can rest assured!"

Hearing what Zhan Hanyang said, she remembered that that smelly man Shuofeng was still in her room, and she couldn't stay like this anymore.

So, she gently put Stina's head on the sofa, then got up and smiled at Zhan Hanyang:
"Then I'll go back first, and Nana will trouble you. After going through these things, I think she needs your company even more."

"Okay, don't worry! She is my sister-in-law, and I will do my best to take good care of her."

Zhan Hanyang made an OK gesture, then watched Luo Wanxin leave the room.

"Nana, stop pretending, get up!"

After Luo Wanxin left, Zhan Hanyang walked around to Stina's feet and patted her leg lightly.

"How do you know I'm not asleep?"

Stina sat up straight, staring at Zhan Hanyang with a pair of clear and bright blue eyes in astonishment.

"You, I still don't understand? Can you still sleep when something like this happened tonight? Quickly continue talking about the topic you didn't finish just now, and I'll listen."

Zhan Hanyang picked up a white pillow and hugged it in his arms, seeing Stina's neck being tortured by her crazy brother made people feel distressed.

He looked at Stina expectantly, wondering what she was interrupted by Zhan Hanjue just now.

Stina also hugged the pillow with a puzzled expression, pursed her lips and said with a smile: "It's nothing! Isn't this over already!"

"Don't give me a sloppy eye, I know you are not that Nana, but what I want to know is, who are you? Where are you from?"

Facing Zhan Hanyang's deep curiosity, Stina knew that she was doomed. If she didn't answer truthfully, what happened tonight might happen again.

So, she thought about it for a while, and felt that she had to make an agreement with Zhan Hanyang before she could tell her about her life experience.

"Are you curious about my actions these days? Are you curious about my unique identity? If you want to know, then you and I have three chapters, okay?"

When Zhan Hanyang heard that Stina was willing to meet her frankly, he threw off the pillow happily, and swore to the sky with his right hand:
"Don't talk about three chapters, I am willing to make three hundred chapters. Don't worry, I will never say a word, otherwise I will not..."

Just as Zhan Hanyang wanted to swear to the sky that if he violated the oath, he would suffer a terrible death, but before he could say anything, Stina blocked his mouth.

"It's not that serious, in fact, Chapter 1 just hopes that you can filter it out after hearing it, don't take it seriously.

This Chapter 2 is to hope that you will keep a secret for me after hearing it, and not let the third person know, especially your devil brother.

And this Chapter 3!I just hope that after you know, you can help me find the me who first met your brother for more than half a year, is that okay? "

Zhan Hanyang was dumbfounded listening to Stina's three chapters of the contract, which seemed to be nothing scary, she nodded sharply.

"OK, no problem! I will definitely cooperate with you, and I won't tell my brother. I just found the previous Nana. Where can I find it?"

"Wait for the time, she will definitely appear." Stina had a premonition that the previous she was about to appear.

"OK, I promise you! Can you tell now? I can't wait to know your identity."

Looking at Zhan Hanyang's innocent appearance, Stina's urgent expression is very cute.

But, does Gong Tingyu really like Zhan Hanyang?Want to marry her?Why do I feel that the one who is loved by the court is still the person who looks similar to me.

Although I don't know why that person has such great magic power, it can make the two Pian Pian sons love her so much, and they are willing to sacrifice everything for her.

However, she is so capable, more attractive than her mermaid princess, there is no doubt about it.

Still, she wanted to see this other herself for herself.

"Nana, what are you doing? Tell me quickly! I really want to know your life experience, and I am ready to listen to your story."

Zhan Hanyang saw that Stina was out of her mind and reluctant to tell the story for a long time, and urged her heart itchingly.

Stina looked at Zhan Hanyang quietly for three seconds, then she coughed and said slowly:

"There is a mysterious palace at the bottom of Beiyang, and there are three mermaid princesses with unique skills living in this palace...

Because the youngest mermaid princess has reached the time when she can rise to the surface to breathe the fresh air of humans...

Unexpectedly, a luxury cruise ship crashed into the sea..."

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