"You know that person..." Teacher Tom paused after speaking, "No, it should be said that he is a person you are very familiar with."

"Who are you talking about?" Lin Shengsheng asked curiously.

Tom said with a smile, "It's Mengmeng's father."

"Leng Gongchen?" Lin Shengsheng was extremely surprised.

She remembered the incident when Leng Gongchen left the teacher's house that morning.

"Did he come here that day to discuss investment with you!" Lin Shengsheng asked.

"Yes." Tom explained with a smile: "The reason why I didn't tell you about this in the morning is only because he came to talk about this proposal verbally in the morning.

But today he has sent someone over to sign a contract with me. This time the news should be accurate, and he probably won't be able to escape.

By the way, this project is invested in your name, so this contract needs your signature. " Tom said to Lin Shengsheng.

"Invest in my name?" Lin Shengsheng couldn't help frowning.

She was very troubled.

"He has you in his heart, and he treats you very well." Tom said with a smile, "Will you go with him to sign the contract tomorrow?"

Lin Shengsheng hesitated for a moment.

She and Leng Gongchen can't tell what the relationship is now, anyway, they keep cutting and straightening out.

It seems that she needs to take time out to tidy up.

"But teacher, my current relationship with him may not be suitable...or you can tell him to let him invest in his own name?"

Lin Shengsheng looked at Teacher Tom tentatively.

Teacher Tom shook his head and sighed: "You should know that I don't know him well.

The reason why he is willing to invest this money is because of you, I make this request, do you think he will agree?
If you don't agree to sign with him, we probably won't get the money. "

Teacher Tom looked at her haggardly and vicissitudes: "I beg you, okay?"

"Teacher, please don't say that." Lin Shengsheng felt a little sorry on his face: "I promise you, why don't you?"

At this time, Alpha suddenly moved.

Lin Shengsheng hurriedly said: "Teacher, we seem to be disturbing him, let him rest well, let's go first."

after they leave.

Tom looked at the sleeping person on the bed: "Stop pretending."

Alpha opened his eyes and looked at Tom: "Daddy, we shouldn't do this. This is doing something bad. How can this be done?"

"Didn't I warn you? Tell you not to say such things." Tom's face was a little ugly.

"But these are what Ming taught me. You have always asked me to be an upright person, not to do such sneaky things, and not to deceive others.

But how can you now join forces with your students to deceive people? "Alpha couldn't understand why his father would do this.

The education he has received in the past ten years is to behave in an upright manner.

But what he did today subverted all his outlook on life, even though his father had told him many times.

But he just couldn't accept it, and always felt that the test in his heart was difficult to pass.


Tom suddenly gave him a slap without warning.

Alpha covered his face, but his face was full of grievances, and he didn't speak.

"Can you control so much now? Your mother's life is in the hands of others. Are your principles of life more important than your mother's life?"

Tom growled.

"Daddy." Alfa wiped away the tears: "Don't be angry, I just said this because I feel sorry, and I feel more comfortable when I say this.

Of course, my mommy's life is more important, otherwise I wouldn't do as you arranged. "

Tom sighed. In fact, he didn't blame the child in his heart, but he was blocked and couldn't vent it.

I couldn't help but slap him just now.

Seeing his appearance now, I feel a little distressed: "Is it very painful?"

"I don't hurt, it's just that you woke me up, Daddy." Alpha said sensiblely.

"Take a good rest. I'm afraid you haven't rested recently. Take advantage of the opportunity when you come back to take good care of your body." Tom said distressedly.

"Okay." Alpha pulled the quilt and was about to lie down.

Tom suddenly said: "Don't sleep with me here, you'd better sleep in the next room, I'm a patient, you can't sleep well here."

"Dad, your disease is not contagious, so I'm not afraid." Alpha still wanted to sleep.

"No, you have to go," insisted Tom.

"That's fine..." Alpha could only agree.

Because this father has always been very serious, he has always been afraid of the kind of father who revered and respected him since he was a child, and he has been like this until now.

He walked out and closed the door behind him.

Tom took out his phone and dialed a familiar number.

Then he put on his coat and raincoat, and went out in the rain, not knowing what to do.


The next day, in a luxurious hotel.

The private room was filled with a table full of dishes, but there were only three people sitting beside it.

Before talking about cooperation, of course, you have to have a meal first. This is the rule.

Tom looked at Leng Gongchen and said:

"Mr. Leng, I heard that you are keen on international trade with remote and developing countries recently, and have invested a lot of money in purchasing goods.

But even so, I really don't know how to thank you for the fact that you can still use this money to invest in my research project. "

"What Mr. Tom wants to protect is the long-standing culture of our country, and I should also make some contributions, because it is my mother country after all." Leng Gongchen smiled slightly:
"Culture is the spiritual embodiment of a country, so it can be passed on to future generations, and let the whole world know about our country's cultural heritage.

Now that the quality and economy of the whole people have improved, we need more spiritual things.

When I cooperate with Mr. Tom, we must do a good job in this project, which not only protects the historical culture we need to protect, but also can make money in the future. "

"Of course, Mr. Leng's eyes are really vicious. People who stand tall can see far." Tom looked at him approvingly.

Then I was a little confused: "But didn't you decide to give the authorship right to Shengsheng?

At that time, if you want to get involved with this project, I am afraid that you will have the same starting point as other people. Why do you want to do this? "

"I have my own considerations. And Mr. Tom, don't treat me as a businessman today. We can be friends or partners."

Leng Gongchen said with a smile.

"Okay!" Tom laughed heartily.

He was calm and composed, with a touch of kindness.

Lin Shengsheng didn't interrupt the whole meal.

She feels like a superfluous person, neither of these nagging needs her to communicate

"Teacher... I want to go to the bathroom." Lin Shengsheng packed up and walked out.

Once outside, she sent a message to Leng Gongchen: "Come out, I have something to ask you."

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