Lin Shengsheng looked at the back of the hurried away.

But my heart could not be calm for a long time.

That face just now...that face has changed beyond recognition, but that it Chen Junkai?

She felt that she had seen those eyes correctly.

Maybe a hallucination?
Didn't Chen Junkai die in a plane crash when he was escorted back to China?

There is no wreckage of the plane, how could the crashed people survive?
Is it a ghost?
Thinking of this, Lin Shengsheng's heart skipped a beat.

She is usually a firm materialist thinker, but it still feels scary to think about it.

But speaking of it, Chen Junkai is the friend who has been with her for the longest time.

She shook her head and advised herself, it's better not to think about it, how could such a thing happen?
She lay on the hospital bed and closed her eyes, and fell asleep after an unknown period of time.

When I opened my eyes the next day, it was actually sunny outside.


Leng Gongchen looked at the recent company report, frowning tightly.

Someone is playing tricks behind your back!
He changed the parts abroad, and the matter of the manufacturer was exposed.

And it's a big v on Weibo.

This big V has never had anything to do with him, and someone behind him apparently instructed him to do this.

The public's attention is always focused on entertainment stars and top people on major social platforms.

Therefore, if you want the news to spread as quickly as possible, you must target these people. This is the most sensible choice.

And what people want to see after busy work every day is these gossips.

Regardless of the truth of the matter, they just want to feast on such melons.

The sales volume of the product is actually not a problem. Every time a product comes out, it can be sold out immediately.

This is because Leng Gongchen did not launch all the products all at once.

Hunger marketing is still very effective. The new products produced recently have not had any negative problems due to parts replacement manufacturers.

But now that someone has brought up this matter, the public is still paying attention.

And the people who clamor on the Internet are basically people who can't afford the product.

Because real buyers and people who have really used it will not easily slander what they believe in.

But these remarks can affect those who have not bought it.

Some new products themselves will have some flaws, which is inevitable.

So with such news, they will concentrate all the problems on this part, and they will think that there is something wrong with the part, which leads to these reasons.

"Let the planning department release the fact that we are building a new parts factory.

Then let the public know that we want to complete every step and every link in our own hands, and will deliver the best and most perfect products to users. "

The site for the new factory has been found and rented.

Because time is too tight, there is no time to build a new factory, so it can only be leased.

However, Leng Gongchen also made two-handed preparations.

He has already bought a piece of land for use, and will build the factory within a year, and then the factory can be moved directly to the new factory.

After all, he has been developing high-end electronic products all these years, and it will take some time to enter the parts industry at this time.

In fact, high-end products and basic components also complement each other and are inseparable.

Although those low-end products do not have any special requirements, if there is a problem, it will also affect the quality and performance of high-end products.

While he was meditating, the person in charge of the factory called:
"Master, we found a very strange person who has been wandering around the construction site.

We've seen him twice today, but we still haven't been able to catch him because he's running so fast. "

"Did the surveillance leave anything behind?" Leng Gongchen asked coldly.

The person in charge said: "The monitoring did capture it, but it was useless because only a few backs were captured.

His anti-reconnaissance ability is very good, our monitoring has been avoided by him, and he also destroyed several of our monitoring equipment.

Moreover, he happened to avoid the angle of the surveillance, and the few surveillance shots he took were not from the front, but from the back, alas! "

"Okay, I see, you can send me the picture of the back view."

Leng Gongchen hung up the phone.

The other party quickly sent the photo over.

Leng Gongchen recognized this person's back at a glance, very much like Huang Shunli.

Although he was wearing a thick military overcoat and a mask on his face, Leng Gongchen didn't just look at people's faces.

The posture of this person is very similar to that of Huang Shunli.

Recently, this Huang Shunli frequently appeared beside Lin Shengsheng, and Leng Gongchen had already started to notice this person.

This person has a very obvious feature, that is, high and low shoulders.

After thinking about it, Leng Gongchen turned off the computer and went directly to the hospital.

in the hospital.

Huang Shunli's ward.

Because he had a broken hand, his arm was pinned down on his neck.

There is a book in front of him, and he is reading it.

"Where have you been today?" Leng Gongchen walked over and asked.

The moment Huang Shunli saw him, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, and then he hurriedly lowered his head:

"Too boring, go out for a walk."

"It's raining so much outside, and you were injured again, what's there to see outside?" Leng Gongchen asked again.

Huang Shunli snorted coldly: "What? Where am I going, do I still have to report to you?"

Leng Gongchen looked down at his shoes.

Some black dirt stuck to his shoes.

This kind of soil is not available in the urban area, and it is rare to see soil in the urban area, only in the suburbs.

In other words, Huang Shunli went to the suburbs today.

And the person who monitored and took pictures happened to be very similar to him.

Leng Gongchen never believed in coincidences.

There may be coincidences, but most coincidences are open to question.

"That's not necessary, I just heard that you went out, so I came here to take care of you.

But I think the injury on your hand doesn't seem to have much impact on you, and your ability to move is relatively fast. "

Leng Gongchen said with puns.

Then he put the chicken soup in his hand on the table.

Lin Shengsheng rushed in at this moment.

When she heard that Leng Gongchen was coming, she was afraid that he would treat Huang Shunli badly and that the two of them would have a dispute, so she rushed over immediately.

But when she got closer, she realized that the atmosphere in the ward was quite harmonious. There was no conflict between the two of them, but it was like old friends chatting.

"Shengsheng, why are you here? I'm here to deliver chicken soup." Leng Gongchen explained with a smile.

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