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Chapter 118 We Must Be Together!

Lin Jiajia was anxiously waiting outside, and Wen Po kept shouting, "Inhale and exhale vigorously, alas, that's right, that's it, okay..."

Yan Hui looked at the door, but couldn't help but said, "I don't know if Mu Minglai will come back today."

Mu Simo was not sure either.

It feels very hanging, because I just left.

And it seems to be a long way to go.

Lin Jiajia gave birth from 09:30 in the morning to 20:[-] in the afternoon, and everyone suffered so much that they exploded.

It's a pity that Mu Minglai did not come back.

Granny Mu hugged the child and said with a smile: "It's a boy, yes, Jiajia, eat more food, there won't be so much to eat in the future."

Lin Jiajia also understood, but first looked at the child, and when he saw him, he burst into tears immediately. Lin Jiajia looked at him like that, and her heart swelled, this is her child.

After eating a big meal, Lin Jiajia was so tired that she fell asleep.

Yan Hui also looked at the child, glowing red: "It's so small."

"Kids are like that."

Grandma Mu weighed the child: "It weighs about six catties, which is not bad."

"Oh~" Yan Hui looked at this and that curiously, Grandma Mu laughed at her: "In the future, you and Xiaoyuan will have a baby too."

"We're still here for a long time." Yan Hui blushed a little, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

She was unable to have children in her previous life.

Is it okay in this life?

In her previous life, she had no children, and Mu Yuan never left her. She knew that Mu Yuan didn't care that much about it.

But elders always want children.

On Saturday, with the excuse of sending a letter, Yan Hui went to the hospital in the town to see how his physical condition was. If it was not good but could be adjusted, he would adjust it in time, and if he could not.

She wanted to make it clear with Mu Yuan and Grandpa Mu, otherwise it would be unfair to them.

She didn't say what happens to girls who don't have children, but maybe it's always a pity for her.

"Boss, do you think that is sister-in-law?"

Muming's car encountered robbers, got into a fight with others, broke his hand, and just came for a plaster cast.

Mu Yuan looked in the direction he pointed, asked Mu Ming to stay and see what was going on, and when he came to her, he found that she was holding the list tightly, as if she was enduring great torment, her heart skipped a beat, and she directly Ask her: "What's wrong with you?"

Yan Hui was almost frightened out of his wits by his voice: "You you...why are you here?"

"Mu Ming came with a broken bone. I accompanied him. What's the matter with you? Why don't you feel uncomfortable?" Mu Yuan looked carefully.

"Yan Hui!" The doctor shouted.

"Here we come." Yan Hui got up to see a doctor, and Mu Yuan followed naturally. When he entered the door, he found the doctor gave her a strange look and asked Yan Hui, "Is this your partner?"

"Ah." Yan Hui was a little embarrassed.

The doctor looked at Mu Yuan: "You took precautions quite early."

The yin and yang are weird, and Mu Yuan doesn't understand what she means.

The doctor explained Yan Hui's situation and said: "Your foundation is really poor, but it is still possible to take good care of it. You are so young, you take it too seriously. The most important thing in life is yourself. Besides, you are so beautiful. If he doesn't like you, change him."

Yan Hui was shocked.

The doctor's thinking is so avant-garde.

Mu Yuan was also shocked, why did he not like Yan Hui, just change him, when did he say that?
"I'll prescribe some medicine for you. You need to take a good supplement. Don't put too much pressure on it. Now it's Xinhua State. If he oppresses you, you can go to the Revolutionary Committee." The doctor couldn't help but said.

Yan Hui laughed awkwardly.

Mu Yuan was really confused.

He oppressed Yan Hui, what a joke!
When Yan Hui came out with the prescription, Mu Yuan couldn't help but ask, "Since when did I treat you badly? What are you looking at? What is the discomfort?"

"That's... that... let's go out and talk about it." There are still quite a lot of people in the hospital.

Mu Yuan followed her to the tree in the hospital, and Yan Hui said embarrassingly: "I was abused all the time when I was a child. Sometimes I couldn't take a hot bath in winter, and then I couldn't eat enough and didn't wear warm clothes. It might cause my body to lose weight." It's not that good, I'm just suddenly afraid, if we two get married, what if we don't have children?"

Mu Yuan's heart ached, feeling that the family had really punished him lightly, but his tone was not kind: "What are you thinking? Do you want to play with me in an impossible scene without children?"

Yan Hui pushed the hair behind his ears in embarrassment, and lowered his head a little helplessly.

Mu Yuan was furious: "Children are the icing on the cake. You are not responsible for giving birth to children. Wouldn't it be quiet without children? If you really like it, we can just adopt one."

"The elder..."

"It's not like we lived with our elders all our lives. It's just the two of us. It's not the most important thing that we two feel suitable. If I only wanted to find someone to have children, I would have been married a long time ago." Mu Yuan looked at her helplessly, and couldn't help it. He hugged her distressedly: "The child is not that important, we live the life."

He was a maverick.

It's not that unexpected.

Being able to have Yan Hui is already a great fortune for him, as for other things, just follow the fate.

Yan Hui wanted to cry.

Unexpectedly, Mu Yuan suddenly said: "But if you want to have a baby, I will work harder in the future."

Yan Hui: "You! Shut up! Mouth!"

Mu Yuan hugged her and laughed out loud.

After a while, Mu Yuan took her hand back to the hospital, and Mu Ming came to ask concerned: "Yan Zhiqing, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay, how are you doing now, can you go home?"

"It should be slow."

He was afraid that Lin Jiajia would be a little excited looking at this appearance.

Yan Hui looked puzzled: "Is your fracture the kind where you can't move?"

"No, it's just not convenient for me to eat." Because the right hand was broken.

"Jia Jia has given birth to a baby, you can go back if you can." His vacation time is short, so he can't spend time with his mother who just gave birth.

Mu Ming was stunned!

"Yes, a very cute boy was born." Yan Hui laughed when he thought of the little meat dumpling.

Mu Minglai immediately regained his energy, and went back with Muyuan Yanhui. When he saw Lin Jiajia holding the child, his eyes turned red and he burst into tears. Holding Lin Jiajia's hand, he couldn't help but say, "Jiajia, thank you for your hard work." .”

"Okay, what happened to your hand?"

"Hey, it's okay. You know our truck is relatively tall. I just didn't pay attention when I got off the truck. I fell and broke a bone." Mu Ming came to explain.

Lin Jiajia was a little suspicious but didn't ask any more questions.

Mu Ming came to look at the child, and couldn't help showing a smirk on his face: "Our son is so pretty."

Now the baby has shed its skin, is white and tender, and its eyes are opened, very cute! ! !
If it wasn't for holding the child with one hand, Mu Minglai would be a little scared, and really wanted to hug his own child.

Seeing their tenderness, Yan Hui and Mu Yuan didn't bother her, Mu Yuan pinched her cheek angrily, and warned: "Don't think too much, you have to think that we must be together, you know?"

"As ordered!"

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