Back to 70s busy husband

Chapter 266 Divorce

Tick-tock drops of water fell from the man's rain-stained clothes, and his hair was still wet. Annoyed, he grabbed the broken hair on his forehead, revealing a cold and sharp face, slightly long eyes with a smile, gently rubbing Rubbing the woman's hair, "I'm fine, take care of yourself, call me if you need anything."

The man's voice became slightly hoarse because he kept shouting with the trumpet during this period of time, but he still couldn't hide his pampering.

Staring at him, Yan Hui's heart ached, but his lips curved into a beautiful smile, "Yeah."


Mu Yuan was originally in a happy mood, but when he walked into the rain curtain, all he could see were depressed people.

A large amount of dirty water was poured from the dark sky, and it kept falling. The almost pure black and the muddy yellow on the ground intertwined, making everyone feel heavy.

Mu Jianxin came to him and said, "Captain, we have run out of food, we can last for three days at most, and many people still have fever."

After all, being in the rain all day.

As long as the resistance is slightly weaker, it will be infected, and these are basically children and the elderly.

A few old people came to Mu Yuan and said, "Yuan boy, don't worry about us old people, just think of a way to keep the little one alive."

They are not necessarily unafraid of death.

But from ancient times to the present, if there is a disaster, the oldest elders will stand up and leave, so as not to add a greater burden to the children.

"Not to that point."

Mu Yuan frowned, "You guys wait here, I'll see how the boat is doing, Gu Linran."

"Yes." Gu Linran said hastily.

"Follow Mu Jianxin to harvest everyone's grain. If you don't agree, just leave." Mu Yuan ordered lightly and went to see how the shipbuilding team was doing.

Gu Linran and Mu Jianxin looked at each other.

Knowing that Mu Yuan was definitely not joking, the two went to harvest all edible things. Many people were unwilling at first, so Gu Linran said indifferently: "I will write down the name for my brother Yuan later. He said, don't hand it in." Just get out, the food in the cafeteria can last for three days, think about it yourself."

That's what Gu Linran said.

Basically handed in.

Even if the family members are not happy, such as the former team leader Lin Chunyan, she has just milled rice, and she has a hundred catties of rice, how can she hand it in.

Mu Jiaye has a good view of the overall situation, so he directly handed it to Gu Linran, "Take the count."

"Don't you dare, Mu Jiaye, if we have this bag of grain, how long can we last? The house is gone, and the property must be ruined. Now we don't even have the last grain. Do you want me to live!!!"

"shut up."

Mu Jiaye looked at her impatiently and asked Gu Linran to leave quickly with his things. Lin Chunyan stopped Gu Linran and stared at him, "I warn you, if you dare to touch my rice, I will show you to death."

Mu Jiaye glanced at Lin Chunyan, who was insane, and said to Gu Linran: "Let her die, you take it, and I will be responsible for what happened."

"Shepherd's business!!!"

Lin Chunyan looked at him in disbelief, and sneered, "Do you just miss your sister-in-law? She is better than me, and she will never forget her when she was young. Now that her man is gone and she is working under your hands, do you just miss me?" If she dies, let her take over..."


Mu Jiaye was furious.

Gu Linran subconsciously took a step back.

Lin Chunyan covered her cheeks with red eyes, and yelled hysterically: "Mu Jiaye, you dare to hit me, you are not human, I have had children for your Mu family, and I have worked hard for most of my life, you bastard, how dare you hit me?" Do it!!!"

"Can you be quiet?"

The palms behind him trembled slightly, Mu Jiaye was really angry, the middle-aged man bent his back slightly, his eyes were red, "Look at what happened to the family, do you still want me to be expelled from the family tree?" Peace of mind!"

"What do I mean by what I have done to my family? Tell me, tell me, who killed my daughter, who is it? If it weren't for you, you would have caused my daughter to be inferior to her son-in-law. You are the only one who is righteous. You are so powerful." , You stabbed your brother in both sides, and as a result, you caused your daughter to divorce, and you have two sons. Do you treat my son as your child? The eldest son doesn't care much, and doesn't plan for the future at all.

Little son, you can beat him.

What good things have you done as a father? You caused this family to fall apart. How dare you say me, are you qualified? Let me tell you, either this bag of rice stays here today, or the two of us perish together! ! ! "

Lin Chunyan spoke firmly.

Mu Jiaye directly took the knife in Mu Jianxin's waist, "Come on, let's die together, anyway, I don't want to live with you."

"Mom and Dad—"

Mu Xiaodong looked at them in disbelief.

It is directly among them.

I don't know why, a couple who once respected each other would come to this point.

Mu Xiaodong's brother and sister-in-law also hurriedly persuaded him.

Seeing that they were still protecting Lin Chunyan, Mu Jiaye felt a deep sense of despair. He is really famous in his life, but he didn't take good care of his family. "Listen to me, you two brothers. I can't live with your mother anymore, either we will die together now, or we will go to divorce after the disaster, it's useless to stop, I just put the words here, I would rather die than live with this woman."

The two were once in love with each other.

He respects her too.

But he doesn't understand that interests are really more important than everything, and he can sacrifice so much.

"Dad, Mom, she is..."

"Ah, ah, Mu Jiaye, I'm going to fight with you." Lin Chunyan, who has a big frame, was caught off guard, and directly knocked off her two sons, threw Mu Jiaye down, scratched her hands and feet, and cursed hoarsely : "You bastard, do you just want to be with your sister-in-law? Do you still miss her..."

She kept yelling.

Mu Jiaye didn't respond in the slightest.

The heavy rain kept falling, making his face hurt and his eyes blurred. He still remembered how shy she was when she married her back then.

For so many years, he has also worked hard for this family. He admits that for his younger brother, he picked up his daughter. It is something that he will never forgive himself in his life, and he knows that he is sorry for her.

Therefore, when she was obsessed with ghosts and wanted to spend the people's hard-earned money to get promoted, even though he was extremely disappointed in his heart, he did not give up on her.

But since the last year.

Cursing every day, cursing my sister-in-law, I started cursing my daughter-in-law, my little granddaughter, and then Mu Yuan, Yan Hui, and their two children.

She could do some work before.

He thought she didn't dare to see people, but gradually got better, but in fact, she cheated him of money, went to the people in the commune, and asked how she could drag Mu Yuan into trouble.

He is really tired.

The whole home was destroyed.

"Pull it off, why are you standing there!"

I don’t know who yelled this sentence, from pulling away Lin Chunyan who was falling into madness, and also persuading Mu Jiaye to live a good life, everyone even said, don’t want his bag of rice, just discuss it with Mu Yuan, don’t be an old couple Get divorced.

There are no divorces in the whole town.

Mu Jiaye firmly shook his head.

He is the most hesitant person to treat his relatives, but now, it has been a year, enough, enough.

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