The son-in-law of the stunning president

Chapter 1020 Dionysus, God of Dionysus

The streets of Rome, a famous historical and cultural city, are extremely lively today.

In this historic city, today, countless media and onlookers are walking along with a person who is dressed very strangely and in a very ancient Greek style.

And their destination, or that person's destination is obviously Fan Digang, the smallest country in the world located in the city of Rome.

This young man was amazing, not only was he handsome and dressed in a strange way, but he went directly to several open supermarkets in Rome as soon as he appeared.

After entering, he went straight to the wine on the shelf, without anyone's permission, this buddy just reached out and picked it up.

He didn't see him using any tools, and with a light tap of his hand, a bottle of wine was opened, and he started to taste it directly.

Such behavior will naturally cause the surrounding supermarket staff to stop it.

It's just that when they came to this young man, they all froze.

Like ah, it is too similar!
The appearance of this young man was so similar to the sun god who appeared in the Triipaya event they had just seen.

It's not that their facial features are so similar, at best they are very handsome.

The main reason for saying they resemble each other is that this young man is also like the revered Sun God, with flawless skin and amazingly perfect muscle contours.

Can't pick out any flaws at all, just like people who shouldn't exist in this world.

This appearance instantly made people aware of his extraordinaryness, and at the same time reminded him of the gods of ancient Greece.

No way, with his outfit, it's strange that he can't think of the ancient Greek gods.

"Oh? What are you watching me do? Do you want to drink too much? Very good, very good, then let's have fun together, it's a good thing to get drunk together."

As the young man said, as soon as he waved his hand, the surrounding area was filled with wine-red bubbles of all sizes.

Everyone in the venue obviously didn't drink a drop of wine, but they felt as if they had drunk a rare fine wine, not only their mouths were fragrant, but their heads were still smoky.

To have the wonderful feeling of being drunk without being muddled, well, amazing!

As soon as this young man made such a move, the people around him immediately understood that this person is definitely not an ordinary person!

Looking at his dressing and acting style, he pointed to a name, Bacchus!Bacchus!
Of course, Bacchus is only his Roman name, but his real name should be: Dionysus, one of the twelve main gods of Olympus in Greece, the god of wine!

My dear, first came the dazzling sun god Apollo, and now even Dionysus, the god of wine, came out?
Immediately, the crowd exploded. Some knelt down and worshiped directly, and some excitedly rushed to Dionysus incoherently.

For a while, the entire Italian media was boiling, and countless reporters came rushing in, aiming at Dionysus with long guns and short guns, and it was a shot.

The scene was instant chaos.

Naturally, the Roman police couldn't just watch, they tried to negotiate with this suspected Dionysus guy.

However, before they could speak, Dionysus waved his hands lightly, and the group of policemen immediately began to feel half-drunk and half-awake, singing and dancing all the way behind Dionysus, as if doing something to the gods. The band in the background is average.

Warm and romantic Italians never disappoint on an occasion like this.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for a large group of guys with musical instruments to follow Dionysus. Under the effect of his wine-red bubbles, people seemed intoxicated and sober, and all kinds of music sounded for a while.

The surrounding atmosphere became more and more enthusiastic, like a carnival.

And there are more and more people following Dionysus. Under the magical power of the gods, they laughed, danced, danced and sang, just like the grandest festival.

This scene was instantly spread across the world through countless news media, leaving audiences in other countries dumbfounded.

And later, this day was indeed designated as Dionysus Festival by the Italian government. Every year on this day, people would drink a lot, and then walk drunk on the street to laugh and laugh.

But of course, we must also follow Dionysus’ warning, that wine is an elf that brings joy, not a poison that creates conflicts.

So it's okay to get drunk, but you must never fight because of drunkenness, let alone robbery and other bad behaviors because of drunkenness on this day.

This tradition was later well followed by the Italians, so the Dionysian Festival has become a world-renowned festival, representing the pure joy of being drunk but very harmonious.

Of course, these are things to follow.

The current Italian government is completely panicked!

Dionysus appears!Another ancient Greek god appeared, and it appeared directly in front of them.

That's not to mention, looking at the direction of the Lord Dionysus, he actually went straight to Fan Digang!

What is this for?

One idea can pop up in almost everyone's head: Religious War!

Yes, the wars of religion.

Let’s not talk about other places in Italy, but the city of Rome is the ancient Rome in the past. They also believed in Greek gods before.

At most it's just a name change.

But now?Italy is basically a situation where Christianity dominates the world, and Christians are definitely the majority.

So after the Greek god appeared, he went straight to Fan Digang again. Could it be that he had some good intentions?Obviously they came to fight.

This is going to be bad!
However, it was bad enough, but they had no way to stop it, whether it was the police or the special police, or even the special agents with extraordinary skills, including warriors.

One counts as one, as long as they get close to Dionysus, they all start to giggle as if they were drunk, and then happily follow Dionysus's buttocks, singing and dancing for him as the background.

Is this the power of God?

The Italian prime minister really had no choice but to look at the screen and smile wryly. Forget it. Since it can't be stopped, it's not bad to just watch the excitement.

Maybe he can take the opportunity to force out the supernatural power of the Holy See?

Everyone has gone to the door, and if your people don't come out, then it will be unreasonable, right?
The head of Italy thought so, but the pope was about to collapse.

Hit, hit the door?This, this is blasphemy!This is hostility!This is not peaceful and harmonious!Damn, can anyone help us?For God's sake, oh, for our God's sake.

Unfortunately, the miracle did not happen. Under the camera of the drone, Dionysus led a group of drunken, laughing and stupid people to Fan Digang...

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