The son-in-law of the stunning president

Chapter 1023 Harmonious Gods

The performance of Mikael and Dionysus is very intriguing.

There was no smell of gunpowder erupting between them, nor did any sparks ignite, both sides were very calm, just talking so indifferently like old friends.

Ah... this is embarrassing, isn't it?

For so many years, how many humans have attacked each other in the name of gods?Talking about the extermination of heretics is actually just an excuse for their own looting behavior.

To put it bluntly, it is still profit, it is still robbery, it is robbery.

This is actually the sorrow and shame of human beings, respect for God?Glory to God?Yeah?really?
No, no, in the final analysis, human beings only respect themselves and their interests.

Now look at the two real gods standing together and chatting in harmony. Does this look like a sworn enemy?

It's ridiculous that they thought that Dionysus would come to Fan Digang to make trouble. Now it seems that Dionysus is here to visit.

Just like old friends, drop by, chat, and then say what you need to help.

And Mikael didn't show any anger or hostility at all, instead he kept smiling.

"You still need our help? Where's your god-king Zeus?" Mikael looked at Dionysus and asked.

Dionysus shrugged his shoulders: "Hey, you don't think that after the great eruption of heaven and earth spirit energy, only this one seal was loosened? There are many more, the hundred-headed giant ladder seal, and the sea snake Xu Dela are ready to move , we are really short of manpower, even if Apollo can sit in Triipaya.”

Mikael asked strangely: "What about you?"

Dionysus said helplessly: "I still want to run around the world. That place, um... what is it called now? Oh yes, Tianzhuyang, the sea snake on the Tianzhuyang side is about to break through the seal, and only Athens Na is guarding there alone, I still need to go to Tianzhu to find their supernatural existence, oh, it may not be easy to find, after all, the gods of Tianzhu have traveled too far, it is really impossible, I will go to China to ask Wan for help Jianzong is safe and immortal."

"You asked for help from the Huaxia Immortal?" Mikael seemed taken aback: "Is it so serious? Do you need to alarm them? Those guys are very powerful, and we may not be their opponents together. Go to the door for help, or you will hit a snag."


Chinese netizens are boiling over, look, our Chinese immortals are the most awesome, Mikael and Dionysus both said so.

Audiences from other countries had mixed reactions.

Some people think it is very reasonable: "Well, that is, the population of Huaxia is there, and it is normal for their immortals to be powerful and large."

There are also those who feel very unwilling: "Hey, tell me, can the supernatural powers of our other civilizations combine to compete with the immortals of China?"

Immediately there was a retort: ​​"Do you have a bag on your head? Still contending? They are supernatural existences, extraordinary and refined. Can they intervene in such a mess in our secular world? Still contending? Don't use the secular world's point of view to judge other gods, Didn't you see that Camille and Dionysus were chatting happily?"

"Hey, that's it."

There was also a discordant voice: "You have all been deceived. In fact, the immortals are not from Huaxia at all, but from South Korea..."

Of course, there are also worried ones, such as Tianzhu netizens.

"It's broken, did we fight too hard with Huaxia a while ago? Can the immortals still take care of us now?"

"What are you afraid of? There are countless gods in Tianzhu."

"But haven't you heard that the God of Tianzhu has gone too far? I guess he won't be able to come back in half the time."

Regardless of how the melon-eaters are arguing, the three views of the pope and his old man have completely collapsed to the ground, and they can't even be cleaned up.

Could it be that I have really done something wrong with Christianity over the years?The gods they believe in and worship do not exclude other gods at all?
However, no matter how broken his three views are, the two great gods have already reached an agreement.

Dionysus nodded at last: "Well, if this is the case, I will trouble you to go."

"Don't worry, with Apollo and I here, we can't let the matter of Kronos happen. That Kronos is too cruel, and I won't sit idly by and watch the serious damage to the world."

After receiving Mikael's affirmative answer, Dionysus turned around with a smile and walked towards the outside of the cathedral, waving at the drone that was shooting.

But soon, there was no movement of Dionysus, as if he had walked into a door invisible to others, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Seeing that Dionysus was gone, the Pope tremblingly approached Sir Seraph, with his head lowered and his expression filled with fear.

"My lord, um, you..."

Mikael didn't seem to want to say anything more to him, but just glanced at an old man standing in the most inconspicuous corner among the clergy.

Then nodded slightly.

His movements were really not obvious, but under the watchful eyes of countless people, under the high-definition camera lens of the drone, it was too obvious.

The pope was also surprised.

The person Seraph-sama looked at was none other than one of the members of the mysterious Pitup faction.

really!The interior of the Holy See is really not simple. This Pitpu faction must be able to communicate with the real gods.

"After everything is over, I have to ask a good question!"

The Pope thought so, but just as soon as he changed his mind, he saw Mikael's eyes that seemed to penetrate everything, and his heart trembled.

"As the person in charge of the god's dojo in the world, you should not do unnecessary things." Mikael said lightly.

There was a sudden thunder in the pope's heart!Warning, this is Chi Guoguo's warning.

He immediately prostrated himself on the ground, and said devoutly: "Yes, follow the oracle!"

Well, even if you lend him eight guts, he won't dare to move a finger of Pitup sent again.

Not only did he not dare to move, but he also had to pay homage to him.

And the old man of the Pitup faction was also extremely dumbfounded.

I don't know Archangel Mikael. It's hard, it's hard to say, is there really someone in my sect who can directly communicate with the gods?

Some time ago, the Holy See was suspicious of their Pitup faction, and he was not a fool, so he could naturally see it.

But at the same time, he himself knows best that the Pitpus say they are ancient, but they really don't have any supernatural powers.

The reason why he acted so ambiguously in front of the Pope before, deliberately not speaking clearly, neither denying nor acknowledging, is actually just a means to improve the status of the Pitup faction...

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